Malicious Romance

Od Ekphrastic

40.4K 1K 261

Sometimes, not every love story can be as idyllic as it should be. Dean Winchester, bred and raised in the ma... Více

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109 END

Chapter 6

991 30 12
Od Ekphrastic

A smile brightened up Dr. Aldo's face. Aldo made his way around the table to come and give him a tight hug. "You've grown up so much, Dean." The old man's eyes started to get teary as he broke the hug. "I am so happy for you, my boy." Dean giggled as the old man pushed the chair for Dean to sit. "I cannot express how much I miss you. Every day, I pray for you." The old man started to cry as old childhood memories of Dean flashed up in his mind. "You went through a lot, didn't you?"

Dean's eyes started to warm up as he saw the old man broke down crying in front of him. Dean gulped and blinked a few time to hold his tear back before he nodded and replied at the same time, "It was a bit of a struggle." He bit his lip as he told a lie.

Everything started out from a man named Bowen Winchester. He married a woman in LA, which was Aaron's mother, a woman named Amy Winchester. Without knowing that his wife got pregnant, Bowen Winchester had to fly over to China for a business meeting oversea. In China, he saved a woman named Tian Wu from a thief who was trying to rob her while she was walking at night on the street. Bowen didn't stop there, he continued on seeing Tian Wu even though she told him countless times that she already had someone she liked which was Richard Chu.

Richard Chu and Tian Wu promised to marry each other after graduating from college. Unexpectedly, Richard Chu got forced to go live in America by his family in order to separate him from Tian Wu. Though Bowen Winchester knew the feeling that Tian Wu had for Richard Chu, he still didn't give up on trying to pursue Tian Wu's heart. Until one night, Tian Wu lost herself to Bowen Winchester who she thought he would be a better loyal man than Richard Chu. That was when an incident turned into a life mistake and brought an unwanted child into the world, Dean. Soon after that one nightstand, Bowen got notified that his wife in LA was carrying his first child. The butterfly feeling formed in his heart with excitement. He couldn't help but returned back to LA, leaving Tian Wu alone.

A few years have passed, the news of Dean carrying the Winchester's blood got out. Bowen wasted no time to fly back to China. His one and only goal was to get his kid back. He knew how dangerous his kid's life could've fallen into. With the fact that he was the boss of a Cobra mafia clan, enemies were always ready to cut off of all the ties that related to the bloodline of Winchester.

Bowen Winchester, a half Chinese and Canadian mafia who lived in LA soon came to take Dean away from his mother in China. Dean's life has changed ever since that moment. Even his last name that used to be Wu from his mother was also got stripped away from him. Since the day Dean was born, his mother never once treated him like he was her son. "You should've never been born!" That sentence scarred Dean's heart forever. As a kid, Dean was always wondered about the reason why his mom always hated him. He tried to make himself perfect, but he was never able to become one. Being the top student in the class, and in the school was still not enough to make his mother loves him. He saw his friends' parents hugged and kissed their kids while his mother was never once done any of those. As a young kid, he wondered again and again, 'how come everyone has a father and I don't?'. The question was repeatedly being asked from the young boy even though there was no answer to be found.

At the age of eight, a man appeared at Dean's mother's house, declaring that he was Dean's father. On that day, Dean still could never forget the image of his mom heartlessly giving him away to his father. 'How could she leave me with a stranger?' A young boy wondered while he was crying and sobbing uncontrollably. 'Am I still not good enough to be qualified to be your son?' The young boy asked himself as he got forced to get in the car with a strange man who smelled of cigarettes. The young boy looked out the window, but he found no trace of his mother. She wasn't even there to say her last goodbye to her only son. Dean cried in agony, wishing he could perhaps see his mother for one last time. Unfortunately, wishes were meant to never come true just like that of the dreams and nightmares.

Coming to America, living in a strange place with strangers who speak another whole different language, Dean had never felt so lost and isolated until that moment. Living in a big house with wealth yet little Dean could still not be able to find happiness. The little boy cried every night, demanded to see his mother or he would rather starve. One night, Bowen Winchester came to see his son was sitting in the corner of the dark bedroom. His anger rose before he gave the order to his men in black to take his son out and tied him up against a tree until he surrenders and listens to him.

"How could he be so stubborn?" Bowen groaned in annoyance before he said, "Nobody is allowed to come near him until I say so!" Bowen hissed in anger then returned back into the mansion. Everyone left the little Dean alone. Until two nights later, Dean no longer had the strength to cry neither keeping himself awake. His father who was always glared through the window from his workroom to watch his son decided to come out of the house and gave the order to release Dean. "Call a family doctor,"

A week later, Dean gained his conscience back to found himself inside that same big bedroom. "Mom," The little boy's voice began following by tears running down through his eyes. A few weeks later, Dean's father forced his son to go to school. Dean's stubbornness argued and never listen to his father's words.

Two years later, Bowen Winchester killed a man in front of his own son. "Did you see that?" He asked a boy who was crying hard while he struggled in the grip of a man behind him. Bowen's hand grabbed Dean's arm and swung him forward the corpse of an old man in front of him. "Let me teach you a life lesson, Dean. In this cruel world, you do what you can to survive." Bowen pats Dean's head gently with a smirk and continued, "Only those with a lot of power will live. Being a coward and weak like you will not last long in this type of world. You are my son, you ought to be strong like me, not a weakling like your mother. Your name is Dean Winchester and never a Dean Wu." Ever since that day, his father always took Dean with him to witnessed countless deaths, and brutal abuses on people.

As the news got out that Dean was actually Bowen Winchester's son, Dean's life fell in danger. One day, while Dean was in the hospital getting mentally and physically treated, an anonymous man showed up in his room disguised as a doctor pulled out a knife and wanted to kill the ten years old boy. Dean screamed for help, but the men in black who were guiding the door outside the room ignored while they thought that Dean was just scared of the doctor. Dean was panicking at the same time when his father's words recalled in his mind, "I will hide the gun underneath your pillow just in case anyone wants to hurt you when I am not here. Don't be scare that you'll hurt them. If you are scared, they'll be the ones to hurt you."

Dean pushed the disguised doctor with full strength. Throwing his pillow at the doctor, he grabbed the gun to aim at the doctor that was about to run back to grab him. The man in front of Dean paused and chuckled, "Little boy, you won't dare to shoot. Put it down and-" Dean's small finger pulled the trigger just like how he saw his father did. The bullet flew out of the gun and pierced the disguised doctor right in the neck. The sound of the gun echoed the hospital causing the two men in front of the room to rushed in. Their eyes widened at the scene of Dean was holding a gun while a man in front of Dean lied flat on the floor in a pool of blood. Dean turned to glare deadly at the two men who were rushing in to check up on the doctor's body then looked at Dean with a horror expression.

Back to the present, after Dean finished up the meeting with Dr. Aldo, he smiled and said, "This is nothing compared to what you've done for me Doc. If you need any helps or facing any struggles again, just shoot me an email. I will have Leo send you the money by tomorrow." Aldo thanked Dean again and again as he walked Dean downstairs to the main entrance.

Giselle who was walking the patient out of the room to the main entrance made eye contact with Dean's. She ignored as she said farewell to the patient. She saw the hospital owner was with her kidnapper before she pretended to not see and spun around quickly.

Dean noticed her reaction before he smirked then asked the doctor, "Is that a new nurse? I've never seen her until today."

Doctor Aldo turned his head to look at Giselle before he smiled, "No, she is not a nurse here. We requested help from the big hospital in the city, and they were kind enough to send us some nurses and doctors to help people here. Do you happen to know her?" Aldo turned his head then shifted his eyes up to look at Dean who was spacing out while staring at the young lady. The old man raised his brows then smirked after seeing Dean's eyes were on the young nurse without a blink. "She is beautiful, isn't she?"

The corner of Dean's lips curved into a smile uncontrollably as he replied, "Very beautiful," Realizing what he just said, Dean blinked a few times at the same time he cleared his throat. "Anyway, I think I have to get going because there are several things that I have to do tonight." Nodding his head a few time, Doctor Aldo watched Dean leaves the hospital with Leo as a car drove by Ivan approached the front of the main entrance.

Later that night, Dean headed to the most stand out place in the countryside which was a nightclub. The luxurious nightclub was big and filled up with people. Some were dancing while others were drinking on the bar stool. Walking into the nightclub with both Ivan and Leo following behind, Dean got stopped by a security man. "Sir, may I see your license?"

Ivan walked up and showed the security man The Cobra Casino's card, "We're here to talk to your boss." The security man took the card and threw it away carelessly while he stood there blocking the way. "What does this suppose to mean?" Ivan asked in annoyance.

The security man pushed Ivan backward aggressively as he responded sarcastically, "If you guys are The Cobras by just showing me this card then everyone here must've belonged to The Cobras also."

Ivan was about to walk up and punch the security man when Dean stopped him in time. Dean handed the security his license before they got let in. The smells of the cigarettes and the alcohols were so strong the moment they stepped into the nightclub. It was nothing new to Dean and his two men since the casino was much worse. The three walked in and went to sit at the table that was located at the corner.

Leo grinned widely as he asked Dean for permission, "Boss, can we get some cocktail?" Sighing out loud, Dean gave a nod before Leo hurried to the bar to make the order.

Ivan shook his head then leaned in to talk to Dean, "Boss, don't mind him. He has always been like this."

Raising his brows, Dean Winchester turned to look at Ivan. "Aren't you two the same person?" Dean chuckled before he smacked Ivan in the head. "Don't forget the reason why we are here." Ivan patted his own head before he nodded in agreement with his boss.

Leo came back with three drinks in his hands. "You look like a waiter," Ivan said jokingly as he grabbed a glass of cocktail from Leo. Leo sat down then took a sip.

Dean held a drink in his hand while his eyes were staring at the stool bar people and the dancers. A few minutes later, he spotted his target at another table across the room. A young woman dressed in revealing clothes sat on the old man's lap.

It's him.

Dean thought then placed his drinks down before he said to both Ivan and Leo, "The target is here."

Without hesitation, Dean stood up and made his way towards the old man's table. The old man was the owner of the nightclub. His bodyguards suddenly came to block Dean's way, "Young man, what do you think-" One of the bodyguards said while he tried to grab Dean's collar before he got punched by Dean and threw aside.

Pulling out a gun that was tucked in the back of his pants, Dean aimed the gun at the old man's head causing the young woman to hop off the old man's lap and screamed as she ran away. Ivan and Leo pulled out their gun and pointed at the bodyguards that were about to come and attack Dean. Everything started to become chaotic as people started to panic and run out of the nightclub. Dean Winchester glared deadly at the man in front of him and asked, "Was it you?"

The old man raised both of his hands in surrender as he stood up, "What did I ever do to you? I don't know what you are talking about." Dean pulled the trigger and shot the wine glass on the table causing the man to jumped in horror. "Spare me, please." The man begged.

Furrowing his brows in anger, Dean tilted his head and asked, "Spare you? How about when you sent people to hurt me three months ago?"

The man shook his head and kept on blabbering, "Who are you? Dean Winchester? It was your father who came to destroy my club first-" Dean pulled the trigger caused the bullet to fly out and pierced the head of the old man to killed him on the spot. Turning around, he walked out as if nothing happened. Ivan and Leo followed Dean quickly as they left the club. The old man's bodyguards were left in shock as they ran to check up on their boss.

Giselle who just witnessed the horror scene behind the bar counter started to panic. Though she couldn't see the face of the man who just shot the old man earlier, she could hear some part of the conversations that they had. She held Luna Ma's hands tightly before they hurried got up and ran out of the building through the back door quietly. Both girls cried when they thought they wouldn't going to make it out of that nightclub alive if get caught by that guy who's name was Dean Winchester.


Thank you for reading!
I hope everyone is enjoying it :)
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