Like He Never Left

Oleh blondeinjeans

15.7K 357 118

"Listen, son. You've got a great girl waiting for you. Do her a favor and don't mess it up this time." I star... Lebih Banyak

better blurb
character aesthetics
Chapter 1: The Asshole Returns
Chapter 2: Don't Be Ridiculous
Chapter 3: Consider Me a Dumbass
Chapter 4: The Truth
Chapter 5: Chicken
Chapter 6: Bone to Pick
Chapter 7: Snap Dragons
Chapter 8: Distance
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
New Announcements!
The End

chapter 22

313 6 1
Oleh blondeinjeans

Hi guys. I would like to formally apologize for taking forever to update, but with the 'rona going on, my work schedule has been tripled, and on top of that, I'm a full-time college student. Thanks for understanding! Without further adieu, here's chapter 22. 


Josie's POV

Johnny is adorable, and I'm determined on getting him and Jake together. He's amazing with the children, just like my Johnny and my Jake, just like any good boy, and nostalgia floods through me as I watch him trot around the house. 

What hasn't been very nostalgic is watching Colt and Brooke. I'll admit I was worried about how tonight was going to go down, but it's going better than I could ever have anticipated. Sure, it's been awkward, but nobody's started any shit, so I call that a win in my book. I haven't spoken directly to Brooke since my arrival, but I don't think either of us is too mad about it. 

Brooke is beautiful. She's kind and quiet, but not the good kind. It's like she's waiting for us to eat her or something. As the night goes on I notice that when she looks at Colt, it's full of nerves and anxiety, which I would understand because she's meeting his family for the very first time, but this isn't that. Normally when you're nervous or anxious, you look to your boyfriend, happy he's there with her to share some of the burden. She looks like he's going to leave her at any second, too. It's deeply rooted within her, and it's disturbing to watch her facade work so well on the others, especially with how Colt is so oblivious to it.

I guess I only see through it because I was her only a few months ago. 

I blink and refocus myself, shaking my head of my thoughts. 

I squeeze James's hand to get his attention. "I'm going to get a refill. Are you okay?"

He glances at his cup and nods. "I'm all good, thank you though."

I stand up from the couch and cross into the kitchen, dodging kids and balloons on my way. 

No one else is in the kitchen, and I let out a deep, relieving sigh.

I pour myself some cola and lean against the sink with one of my arms across my waist as I sip the drink. 

Sensing someone else, I look up to Brooke standing in the doorway. She looks like she's trying not to crumble in on herself. 

"Are you okay?" I ask, genuinely concerned. I set my drink down and cross the kitchen to her. As I approach her, she forces herself to stand up straighter and meet my eye. 

"Yeah," she answers, "I'm fine, thank you. I just wanted to talk to you, just us two."

My eyebrows raise in surprise, but also apprehension. Is this the part where she tells me to stay away from Colt, I think sardonically, because oh, my god, how cliche. 

Taking a few steps back from her, I settle against my original spot and grab my drink. "I hope your night is going well. Everyone is excited to meet you, and I've never seen Lizzie so enamored with someone so new," I start, keeping the conversation light.

She breathes and glances down before looking at me again. "I wanted to apologize."

So much for keeping the topic light. I resist the snort that's threatening to bubble out of me. "For what?"

"I know that you and Colt have a... rich history, and I'm totally fine with that." My eyebrows raise as I try to figure out where she's going with this. "I wanted to just say that had I known that you were still married to Colt when we started... when we started dating, I wouldn't have agreed. I wouldn't have done that to you. I understand if you don't like me, or don't want me here, but I had to let you know, and I had to apologize for what Colt and I did to you."

I nod, taking in her response as she talks.  

"Thank you for the apology, but you didn't do anything wrong," I emphasize, hoping she gets my drift. I take a sip of my drink before continuing. "I don't not like you, Brooke. You're very sweet and polite. You're going to be a part of Colt's family soon, so even if your words were true, I still wouldn't be able to tell you how to live your life with him or tell you that you can't be here."

I'm proud of my answer because it's nothing but the truth. It's not her fault that she was dragged into mine and Colt's affairs, and I couldn't be mad at her for loving him. 

"Thank you," she replies, and she stands a little taller. 

"Uh, no problem," I say awkwardly.

I'm relieved when I see June's head appear behind Brooke's. She looks weirdly between Brooke and me before she makes herself known.

"Whatcha need, June?" I ask. I subtly shake my head at her when Brooke turns her head to address her, letting her know we're fine. 

"We're about to do presents and getting ready for cake. Would you mind letting Colt, Tommy, and James know? They're out front." She turns her head to Brooke and puts on a dazzling smile. "Would you mind helping me with the cake?"

My eyebrows furrow, and I tune out of their conversation as they bustle around the kitchen. What's James doing out front with Tommy and Colt?

I make my way to the front door, ruffling Alan's head as I pass him sitting in his mother's lap. He smiles up at me as I do so, and my heart swells. I love that kid.

The screen door creaks open softly as I push through it, my eyes landing on the small huddle that is Tommy, James, and Colt. Johnny is laying on the ground, chewing a stick at Colt's feet. It looks like Tommy's talking, and James isn't liking what he's saying. I can't see Colt's face, but I know that stance. Shoulders back, feet apart, arms most likely crossed. He's on the defensive. But why?

I creep closer, dropping behind the trash cans. Johnny looks up at me, ears perked, but the men pay him no mind. I let out a breath of relief, the fear of being outed passing. 

"No, I'm not aware of what happened, and I don't care what happened because it's in the past," James grumbles, "Josie will tell me when she's ready."

"It's none of your business anyway," Colt jumps in.

"Don't be a hypocrite, Colt," Tommy scolds darkly, shooting a glare at Colt before relaxing his fists and sighing. "The truth is, it's not about you because she doesn't need you—" He points to Colt. "—or you—" He points to James. "Because she especially doesn't need you. James, I respect you because of how great you've been to her, and Colt, you've always been my best friend, and you're always going to be. But you need to take your pride out of this and drop whatever vendetta you have against James. And James, until they figure out how to resolve... their situation, I don't know what to tell you. This isn't an easy thing to figure out especially with all that went down a few months ago. None of this shit is healthy. You need to be patient ."

"I do respect their relationship, past, present, and future, whatever the hell it's become but this dude is ridiculous," James comments.

"Yeah," Tommy snorts, "We know."

"Hey," Colt warns, "I'm standing right here."

Tommy and James ignore his statement and James continues. "I don't know the details, but I do know something big happened because she's not the type of girl to so quickly lose her confidence. Josie is kind and hardworking, and she'll bite you in half if you screw with her. I would know. But she's still coming to terms with herself, and she can't do that with Colt weighing on her mind." My stomach squeezes as he looks at Colt straight on. "You two need to talk. I'll admit that I have purely selfish intentions because I want to be with her and I want her to be able to focus on me a little more, but I don't like the fact that she's still distracted by it."

I lean a little closer, trying to gauge Colt's reaction and to ease my nose of the horrible odor of the trash. 

"Trust me James, she's come leaps and bounds. Leaps and bounds," Tommy adds, though subtly changing the topic. "Colt certainly seemed to think so."


Colt tenses, tightening his arms, and James cocks a hip and looks at him skeptically. "Oh yeah?"


The levels of testosterone are suffocating, and I decide to make myself present. I stand up from behind the trashcans, playing stupid. Knocking on them, I grab their attention. 

"It's time for cake and presents, so if y'all are done..." I point back to the house over my shoulder with my thumb, waiting for one of them to respond. 

"Uh, yeah, we're done." Tommy coughs and rubs the back of his arm.

Colt smirks knowingly at me, and I roll my eyes. 

Tommy excuses himself, and James walks up to me, hands in his pockets. He gestures an "after you" with a shoulder, but I shake my head. 

"I'll be just a moment," I tell him unconsciously narrowing my stance.

James briefly looks at Colt, who's standing on the front porch.

"Okay. Holler if you need me," he concedes. 

I nod in agreement, and he walks into the house, sparing a glimpse at Colt.

I blow out a breath, tucking my hands into my pockets. I amble up the steps and end up right next to Colt. I pull my sweatshirt a little tighter around me, repressing a shiver. 

"You always did suck at playing ninja," he snickers softly, and I bump my shoulder against his side. 

"We've always known subtlety has never been a strong suit of mine."

"So how long?"

"Long enough. Came in right where James said something about me telling him what happened when I'm ready to, or something like that."

 Colt snorts quietly. 

"Colt," I whisper seriously. He turns his head, those blue eyes gazing down at me. "Tommy was right. You can't be a hypocrite about this."

His eyes close, frustration clouding his features before visibly relaxing and refocusing on me. "I know." A few seconds go by before either of us speaks again. "Tommy was right about another thing, among many others."

"And what's that?" I question.

"You do look happy."

I ignore the flutter of my stomach.

"You don't need James or me to stay that way either."

"I know."

He stares right through me, picking me apart like only he can do.


I feel the incessant need to tell him about the conversation between Brooke and me, but I'm late for cake.

I gesture to the door, breaking eye contact. "We should probably go in now. Carrie Ann won't be happy if we miss presents, and I'm not missing cake."

Blinking, he nods and crosses the porch to hold the door open. "After you."


I'm sorry. So short after so long. I sorta like this chapter, but it could be better. I apologize.

You guys know the routine, but imma say it anyway. 

Comment and vote if you liked it.

Til next time.

XX Blondie XX

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