Will You Stop The Wedding?

By TheHarleyVance

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[Completed] Book 1: Will you stop the wedding? Harley has to marry Lylia so their families can join forces... More

Chapter 1: Realization
Chapter 2: My weird companion
Chapter 3: Confrontations
Chapter 4: Is there another way?
Chapter 6: This is my enemy
Chapter 7: Downhill
Chapter 8: Confessions
Chapter 9: New feelings
Chapter 10: What to choose?

Chapter 5: Just say yes!

574 26 42
By TheHarleyVance

Harley - (smiles and turns around) They sure are... Harith!!!

Harith - (agitated) Where were you???? You missed school!?!?!

Harley - (nervously) I... I... Harith I can explain.

Harith - Yeah!? Well, start!

Harley - Well, yester... Wait! (angrily) I don't need to explain myself to you. How did you even know I was going to be here?

Harith - (tense) Umm... I was worried! (crossing arms) You know what, whatever.

Harley - (notices) Are those new clothes? You look... [hot] great!

Harith - (blushes) [he noticed] Yeah, I know. I wanted to ask you something.

Harley - Hmm? You need to look better to ask me something? (raises an eyebrow)

Harith - Better? (smirks and gets near him) Well, I need to look presentable.

Harley - (nervously) Why?

Harith - (blushes) Do you... (notices that Harley is sad) want to talk about something? Maybe, why you are here?

Harley - (looks at Harith) [umm... I think it doesn't hurt anyone if I tell him what happened] Sure, shall we sit? (sits looking towards the lake)

Harith - (sits beside Harley) Why were you here in the first place?

Harley - (sighs) Lylia and Cyclops flee to a better living.

Harith - (Shocked) WHAT?! When?

Harley - Just a couple hours ago I stayed to look at the view and, I helped them escaped. I must have looked pathetic when I told her to stay and to practically marry me even if she stayed in another bedroom with Cyclops. (tears falling)

Harith - (pats Harley's back) Hey, don't worry. At least they will be happy and it's all thanks to you. (smiles)

Harley - That's not the problem... I'm so thrilled for them, she deserves to be happy, but she was my only friend. I have always been a loner... it is very hard to make friends, at least for me. Also, when her parents and my parents find out she is nowhere to be found... I'm going to be in so much trouble.

Harith - Hey! I am your friend! I will always be with you... if you want, and they don't need to know that you helped them. So, don't say anything and you will be alright. Harley! (kneels in front of Harley and grabs his shoulders) You just escaped from a wedding you didn't want to have.

Harley - (cleans tears) You are right...! I just need to stop being myself with this topic. I think I can pull it out.

Harith - (sits closer to Harley)

Harley - (sits rigid and blushes) Harith... (looks at his face) [(gasp) wow, I never noticed those magnificent, hazel eyes] uhm...

Harith - I need to ask you now before I coward out. (chuckles)

Harley - (snaps out of it) Huh?!

Harith - Harley, will you... go out... with me sometime?

Harley - (hyperventilating and faints)

Harith - HARLEY!!!


(Harith's P.O.V)

I don't know what happened to Harley, I don't know what I have done, I just asked him a question... Does he hate me that much that he had to faint just to not answer me?! Nah! (worried) I know right now my dad is angrily screaming at me, but I just can't hear him (focuses on Granger) ...

Granger - (waving arms up and down while walking side to side in front of Harith) and why in the world were you in a forest with him!?!? Do you know the temperatures it can get near the lake? This is outrageous! Are you aware that Rafaela can't come here every time something happens?! You are as stubborn as your father, and don't let me start on...

(back to my mind) Oh, what will Harley explain to Granger when he wakes up? What if... Harley DOESN'T WAKE UP!?!? (gasps)

Harith - OMG! (puts hands on his head)

Granger - (dead stare) You dare interrupt me?!

Harith - (terrified) No, sir! I was just having a bad thought that maybe Harley wasn't going to wake up.

Granger - (sad) Don't worry, Rafaela will take good care of him. (pats Harith's head) Please, for a next time... just let me know where you are... you have a phone after all. That is why we are paying it, communication. A single text would've been fine. Got it?

Harith - Yes... (hugs Granger and he hugs him back)

Rafaela - (levitating downstairs) The Vance kid will be alright; he just needs to rest a little. Better call his parents and let them know he must stay here for the night.

Granger - Thank you, Rafaela. Oh, one more thing (goes to the kitchen and returns with 2 lunch cases) this is for you and for Alucard. I know it has been a long night. (hands her the lunch cases)

Rafaela - (grabs) Oh, thank you for being so kind (smiles). Alucard has been such a good help, never thought of him as the medical type. (giggles)

Granger - Ha! He can be any type of person, trust me (chuckles) Let me accompany you to the door. (looks at Harith) Harith you may go to sleep now; I will call the Vance family in a bit. (walks to the door with Rafaela)

Harith - Yes, good night. (goes upstairs and into Harley's stay room) Oh, Harley, what happened? (sits on the bed and watches Harley sleep until he falls asleep next to him without noticing)


Granger - (gets phone and the directory to find the Vance resident's number, dials) Yes, hi. This is Granger speaking, father of Harith, a friend of Harley Vance. I just wanted to let you know that your son is sleeping here for the night because...

Harley's mother - (abruptly interrupts) Oh, yes, we already know. He told us that he was going to sleep at a friend's house. Wow, he has a new friend, we thought it was Lylia, his childhood friend. Good to know that he befriends a new boy. Thank you for informing us. Have a good night, sir Granger.

Granger - Good night? (hangs up) Uhm... Harith didn't tell me Harley was going to sleep here tonight. What are they up to? (goes to the living room and watches television)

***Next Morning***

(Harley's P.O.V.)

(groans) Everything looks blurry (looks at his clothes) Uhm? I didn't change yesterday. (moves sideways and looks at Harith) Oh, wow. These images are looking way too real now (smiles) He does looks so cute when sleeping. (closes eyes) [sleeping?] (opens eyes rapidly, sits and starts screaming)

Harith - (frighten) OMG! What the hell?!?! (screams)

Harley - What are you doing in my house?!?!

Harith - This is my house!

Alucard - (opens door abruptly) What is happening here?! Why so many screams Harith!? (looks at Harley and screams)

Harley - (looks at Alucard and starts screaming)

Granger - (groans) Will everyone stop screaming!? (everyone stops) Alu, I forgot to tell you because I fall asleep waiting for you, that Harley was staying here for the night. (dead stares at Harith) What are you doing sleeping here?

Harith - (nervously) I also fell asleep while... taking care of Harley!

Alucard - (realizes and with sparkles on his eyes) OH! This is the boy you wanted to ask...

Harith - (abruptly interrupts) DAD! He is a (emphasizes) friend!

Granger - (chuckles)

Harith - DAD! (facepalm)

Harley - Okay... Umm... Harith?!

Granger - Alucard, let's go downstairs. Kids we are going to get ready and start making breakfast. Do the same and join us fast, you only have one hour and some minutes for school to start, I'll drive you to it. (Harley and Harith nod)

Harith - Hey, do you remember anything from last night?

Harley - NO!

Harith - You fainted... and my house is closer than your house. Rafaela took care of you last night, but you couldn't be woken up. She said you needed rest.

Harley - (blushes) Oh, I remember now. Sorry for the inconvenience. (notices) OH! Right, my parents think that I am in my friend's house... this is okay then. Thank you, but I don't have any clothes with me, I was planning on returning home after, you know.

Harith - Oh, it's okay. I can lend you some clothes. You look like my size.

Harith and Harley took turns going to the bathroom and getting ready. They went downstairs and ate breakfast with Alucard and Granger. After they were ready to go Granger drove them to school.

Granger - (waves) Goodbye, kids. Have a nice day... oh! (hands over lunch boxes) Hope you like them Harley.

Harley - (grabs) Thank you, sir. For everything...

Harith - (grabs) Bye, dad! Thank you!

(No one's P.O.V.)

For all that Harith knew it was going to be an awkward day for both. Harley had already grief Lylia's farewell but fainting in the middle of answering Harith such a delicate question was his rock bottom. Harley was being extremely quiet in the first 3 periods but Harith insisted on having lunch with Harley, and so they did. Harith tried cheering him up, but nothing was working until Harith had an amazing idea.

Harith - I know what will cheer you up, Harley. Follow me, we still have time for the next class. (smiles and grabs Harley's hand)

Harley - (blushes) Sure... (follows Harith without having choice)

Harith - (opens door) Here we are!!!

Harley - (raises and eyebrow) The roof? I'm leaving, you idiot.

Harith - (grabs Harley's arm) Aww, come on! Give it a chance. This could be our spot. You can be vulnerable here without anyone judging. Come, let's go sit over there.

Harley - (sits with Harith and ges at the view) Wow... This is breathtaking... Harith.

Harith - (plays with hands) Harley, are you ok? I mean for me to ask you something without you fainting.

Harley - I believe so...

Harith - Good... Harley Vance...

Harley - (looks at Harith blushing)

Harith - (leans closer) Will you... go out with me?

Harley - (with his face red as a tomato) I just don't feel that way towards you... (looks away)

Harith - (holding sadness) Are you sure? (leans forward to Harley) Why are you so red?

Harley - (stuttering) I... I... (shocks)

Harith - (leans to give him a kiss)

Harley - (blushes and leans to give him a kiss)

Harith - (opens eyes and backs off before kissing) Ha. So, you don't have feelings for me?

Harley - HEY! (blushes) It was just the moment!!!

Harith - (chuckles and smirks) Just the moment? HA! Now, if you want to kiss me you are going to have to do it first.

Harley - (hits Harith's head) YOU STUPID STRAY CAT! I'M LEAVING! (angrily gets up and while leaving slams the door)

Harith - (laughs) Oh, that boy sure is feisty.

To be continue.

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