If We Could Only Turn Back Ti...

By SeducingZouis

5.3K 30 19

What would you do when the love of your life leaves to chase his dreams? What would you do if he completely f... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Twenty

130 1 0
By SeducingZouis

Your eyes flickered as the sun peeked through the curtains. You couldn't help but crack a smile at hearing light snoring coming from Harry on the other side of the bed. You yawned as you sat up, removing the blankets from overtop of you. You pulled up your hair as you exited the room and headed for the lounge.

The sound of sunday morning football flooded the room as you entered. You looked up to see Niall and Louis contently yelling at the screen. You let a little laugh out as you walked into the kitchen. Louis turned around, "Oh morning Cheyenne". You giggled, "Morning boys". Louis got up, walking towards the kitchen, "I went out and got donuts and Milkshake City milkshakes for breakfast. Eat as much as you like". You raised an eyebrow, "Milkshakes for breakfast?". Louis raised his arms in surrender, "Hey it wasn't my idea. Ask the leprechaun over there, he wanted them". Niall stood up in protest, "Hey, you didn't refuse Mr. Teddy Bear". Louis rolled his eyes, "It's Boobear and you insisted Nialler". Niall walked up to the counter, shoving a donut into his mouth, "I prefer Niallinator. Watch it or you'll be my first victim". You couldn't help but laugh at them for bickering. You sat down and grabbed a donut out of the box. Louis joined you, "Sorry about not having our guest room set up yet, although I thought Harry was going to sleep on the sofa last night". You nodded, "He was, but I made him sleep with me last night. I felt bad". Louis raised an eyebrow with a devilish smirk on his face, "Oh really?". You pushed Louis' shoulder, "Stop thinking like that. We're just really close friends right now". You saw Louis' eyes flicker above you. Suddenly, two arms wrapped around you, "For now..". You looked up to see Harry smirking at you before leaning in to kiss your cheek. He leaned over you and grabbed a donut, then taking a seat next to you, "So Lou, What's with the milkshakes for breakfast?". Louis facepalmed himself. Niall threw his arms up in defeat, "Oh come on!!!". Harry looked up, "Oh hey Nialler. Didn't notice you were over". Niall got up and stomped over to the counter, taking another donut from the box and stomping out of the flat. Harry looked over to Louis, "Did I say something wrong?". Louis just shook his head, "Is there ever a normal day here?". Harry laughed, "I guess not".

Suddenly the flat door shot open, with Niall holding  squirt gun in his hands, "Prepare to taste the wrath of the Niallinator, Mwuahahaha". You shielded yourself from the spraying water, "NIALLL!!!!". Louis quickly turned around to Niall, "Niall James Horan you better clean this mess you made up". Niall slammed the door shut, then reopening it to answer, "NEVER!". Niall shut the door closed for good. Louis turned back to you and Harry, "I'd like to know what goes through his mind sometimes". Harry just chuckled, "Same".

You slid yourself out of the seat and walked towards the door, "I'm going to my flat to change and stuff. I'll be back in a little bit". The boys nodded as they watched you leave. You shut the door closed and heard faint laughing. You turned around to have water squirting in your face, "NIALLL. GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!". You wiped off your face as you saw Niall run into his flat.

Harry's P.O.V

Louis and I laughed at the sound of Cheyenne screaming at Niall, "Lou do you think he got her?". Louis just nodded, laughing, "Man down". I cracked a smile at the thought. Louis looked up at me, "So mate, what are you going to do about Cheyenne? What's going to happen between you two?". I fiddled with my fingers, not sure how to answer, "I'm not really sure. I may have acted like a jerk lately to her, but I think it's just because I don't want to lose her. I know how that felt before, and I don't want it to happen again". Louis nodded, "Zayn got a little bit ticked off last night". I sarcastically laughed, "Wel he was an ass to me. I thought we were all just going to talk". Louis shrugged, "Well, he didn't want to lose her either". I just laughed, "What was so important that he wanted to have everybody over anyway?". Louis fiddled with his fingers, "Well...ummm...He wanted to propose to her. Infront of everybody cause he knew that'd make her happy". My eyes shot open, "He was going to what?!?!?!". Louis just looked at me without answering. Niall walked back through the flat door, sitting down next to Louis, "Ewwwww, the floor is wet". Louis looked down at Niall's feet, "Why aren't you wearing shoes Niall?". Niall glared at Louis, "Why are you, is more of the question". Me and Louis rolled our eyes as we watched Niall eat, yet another donut.

I got up and marched back to my room to change. As I walked back out to the lounge, I hung my sunglasses from the collar of my shirt. Louis looked at me confused, "Where are you going?". I stopped in my tracks, "Out. With Cheyenne".

Your P.O.V

You wrapped a towel around yourself as you heard a knock on the door. You walked out to the lounge opening the door. Harry grinned at you cheekily, "Well hello there". You rolled your eyes, "I said I'd be back in a little bit Haz". He pushed past you, kissing your cheek on the way, "I couldn't wait. I have a surprise for you today. I came here to ask you a question". You raised an eyebrow at him as you closed the door behind you, "What is it?". Harry sprawled himself over your sofa, "How long will it take you to get ready?". You rolled your eyes at the question, "A half an hour to forty-five minutes. Why?". Harry sat up, "Good cause I have to run somewhere quick". You shrugged as you watched Harry exit your flat, "Okay....".

You sat waiting on your sofa for Harry. You had been done getting ready over forty-five minutes ago, just like you told Harry. You let out an aggrevated sigh. Suddenly, your phone began to ring next to you. You pick it up and notice it's finally Harry so you answer, "Hello? Harry? Where have you been? I've been waiting for almost an hour". "Oh, shit. I'm sorry, I lost track of time. Come outfront I have one surprise for you". You squinted, "One surprise? There's more?". "Shhhh, just shut up and come out here". You hung up the phone and grabbed your wallet off the side table by the door.

You walked out of the complex, confused, as there is a strange car you haven't seen before parked outfront. You see Harry leaning against it in his usual attire (Black jean, white converse, and his ramones t-shirt) at the back of the car, "Harry what's this?". Harry looked up at you smiling, "This my friend caught my eye while I was out running my errand, the one that you'll find out about later..". The car was one of those new Lazer Blue Lotus Elise S2's that just came out on the market. You rolled your eyes, "Okay I get that you have a newfound car obsession, but why did you get it?". Harry just smirked at you, dangeling the keys infront of you, "It's for you. I suppose you're going to need to get places when me and the boys aren't around". Your eyes widened, "Oh Harry I can't, these are too expensive. I can't". Harry sighed, wrapping the keys in your hands, "I got it for you, plus I think it'll look quite fit next to my car". You laughed, "Thank you Harry. Now what other surprise did you have for me that this car sidetracked you from?". Harry leaned in and kissed your cheek, "You'll find that out later, after another surprise I have planned. Do I use the word surprise too much?". You nodded, giggling to yourself. Harry shook his head, "But still, it'll be worth it. Now give me those keys and let's go before the fans notice I got a new car". You rolled your eyes, handing Harry the keys to the car.

Harry drove out of the complex lot, taking you out for lunch. After lunch, it seemed like Harry was driving forever, "Haz? How much longer?". Harry glanced over at you, quickly grabbing your hand and lacing it with his, "Soon. I promise". You looked down at your hand and out the window, "We're in the middle of nowhere Harry. It's going to start to get dark soon". Harry looked out at the sky, "..Perfect". You let out a sigh, "Harry it's going to be really late when we get back to the complex tonight". Harry smirked, "We're not..". You raised an eyebrow at him, "What do you mean 'we're not getting back to the complex tonight' Harry? What are we doing out here? We didn't bring extra clothes to stay anywhere". Harry didn't make a move, just smirked to himself, "It's a surprise...I told you that. Now shh, don't worry about anything".

Harry drove a few more minutes before pulling into a driveway that looked like a rainforest surrounding it. You squinted at the approaching sign off the side of the road, Thornbury Castle, "Harry? You're taking me to a castle?". A smile plastered over his face, "Mhmm". The trees began to disperse as the castle came into sight. Your eyes widened at the sight of it, "Oh god Haz, it's beautiful". Harry stayed silent as he pulled into the parking lot. He walked around the car, opening the door for you, "Welcome to Thornbury Castle, love. This will be our home for the night, we can go to the town that's a few miles up the road tomorrow. Are you hungry?". You nodded. Harry held out his hand, waiting for you to grab ahold of it, "Good, let's check in and go eat".

The attendants helped you and Harry check in, leading you to your room. You walked into the room, totally mesmerized, "Harry what the hell? What is this all for?". Harry smiled closing the door behind him and wrapping his arms around you, "It's all for you, love. I actually rented out this entire wing of the castle just for us". You looked into his eyes, "You shouldn't have". Harry led you over to the lounge, where he picked up a package, "Here.. Go in the bathroom and change into this". You took the package and went into the bathroom and Harry leaving to change into his. The box held a new dress, heels, and a small note inside. You picked up the piece of paper 'Two things will be matching these tonight, Can't wait to show you'. You smiled as you set the note down and changed into the attire, making sure you had Harry's bracelet on your wrist. You walked out to an already finished Harry. Harry smirked at you, "Come on, let's go eat".

The dinning hall was beautiful. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, roses covered the table, and fresh champagne filled the glasses. The waitress sat you and Harry down at a window table. You looked up at Harry, "How did you make these reservations so fast?". Harry shrugged, "I guess being a popstar and having people do these things for you helps".

After you and Harry finished dinner, he led you out of the castle and onto a walkway. Harry squeezed your hand a bit tighter, "Do you like it here?". You looked up into his green eyes, "Like it? No.....I love it". Harry turned his face forward, stopping the both of you infront of the giant water fountian. The sun was setting and the lights of the fountain glowed bright. Harry turned around facing you and grabbed your hands, "So... I guess your wondering what one of your surprises I've been keeping from you are". You nodded. Harry let go one of your hands to pull out a small jewelry box. You looked up into his eyes before reaching down and lifting the lid of the box, revealing a diamond necklace, "Harry....it's beautiful". Harry let go of your other hand to take the necklace out of the box. He walked behind you, pushing your hair out of the way and clasping the necklace around your neck. You adjusted the necklace and turned to Harry, "Thank you Harry. I don't think anything could top this". Harry raised an eyebrow, "We'll see about that". You watch as Harry grabbed onto your hand, tightly gripping it. He reached in his pocket again, this time not taking his eyes off of you, "Cheyenne...". You looked up into his eyes, "Yes Harry?". He let out a deep breath, "I know I've acted like a jerk a lot to you, but I guess it's because I don't want to lose you like when I left for XFactor. I may have not seemed like I cared, but I did, and I missed you, wether you'd like to believe it or not. I know we've made some bad mistakes, but I want to look past those now. I care about you, and I want to make you happy and give you everything you've ever wanted. I love you Cheyenne". Harry looked down as he pulled another box, tinier than before, out of his pocket. He let go of your hand to open the box, displaying a silver promise ring with a single diamond on it, "Cheyenne... If I promise never to let you go, will you promise me I'll never lose you again?".

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