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This is the story of a french writer that studies archeology in Montpellier,she lives with her brother and gr... More

⚬1: ANKH🌸


12 0 0

⚪KA: a person's spirit or soul.


      ⚬10:45 PM

GOD PTAH: God Khepri your mission is to find the best reincarnation of Godesse Seshat and I chose you because she was your lover..

GOD KHEPRI: God Ptah, I'll do my best even if it'll take me 2000 and 2000 of years to find her..

GOD PTAH: God Khepri here take this ring it was Godesse Seshats ring..

"I opened my eyes and looked at the clock it was almost 11pm"

RHEA: omg omg omg I'm soo freaking late..

"I put my heels back and rushed to my car and drove back"

    ⚬Monday 7AM

"Sunday went out pretty normal so I woke up the next day fresh and took a nice bath with a strawberry sent bath bomb and different roses"

RHEA: aaah I needed this soo bad..

"I then went back to my room and changed into this"

"Today is the day that we're going to discuss encient egypt so I gathered my books except for the Book of the dead and went downstairs to the kitchen"

⚬8:02 AM

RHEA: Bonjour mami! (Good morning mami!)

ROSIE: Bonjour ma chérie! *she kissed me on the cheek* (good morning my baby)

RHEA: what's for breakfast?

ROSIE: a picnic since your brother is in his friend's house.

RHEA: oooh great!

ROSIE: so you guys are going to discuss that subject today right?

RHEA: yup!

ROSIE: are you stressed or anything?

RHEA: no not at all I'm actually very excited!

ROSIE: well go now you're going to be late!

RHEA: oh right! Bisouuu *I kissed her and went*

"Quickly rushed to my class and I almost fell but I didn't and I started looking at the ring"

RHEA: ya'll this thing is giving me luck!I hope it stays that way for the entire day..

TEACHER: okey so guys have you done any researches about encient egypt and pharons?

"They all quit talking and looked down"

TEACHER: seriously anyone?

"I raised my hand slowly"

TEACHER: oh finally someone yes Mademoiselle Pochard?

RHEA: bah j'ai lu quelque livre que j'ai acheté il y a trois jours rien de plus.. (well I read some books that I bought 3 days ago nothing else..)

TEACHER: oui donc dit nous ce que tu as retenu.. (yes so tell us what you've learned)

RHEA: I read about some Gods and Godesses and stuff..

TEACHER: Which ones?

RHEA: Godess Seshat, God Ptah and God Khepri..

TEACHER: that's very interesting then!good job!

"I smiled at myself, the court went out pretty well and I got more and more informations when"

TEACHER: the scarab..which is the most sacred insect in encient egypt and he's highly related to the sun God Khepri you must know that Rhea?

"He drew it on the paper and showed it to us"

RHEA: oh yeah of course..*I looked away*

TEACHER: here's an object that was found by one of the most famous egypt related archeologists here in France..

RHEA: that's soo pretty....*I held my hand so he can give it to me*

TEACHER: oh what is this strange ring that you're wearing Mademoiselle Pochard?

RHEA: shooot...It's nothing it's just a gift from my grandma since she was an egypt related archeologist too so

TEACHER: could you show it to me please?

RHEA: Ummm...hmm...okey..*i handed it to him*

TEACHER: very interesting...

"I was sweating at this point"

RHEA: that's it?

TEACHER: well tomorrow we'll have a professional symbol decoder with us could you please bring this ring tomorrow?

RHEA: umm...yeah sure..

     ⚬11:11 AM

"I went out with my classmates and sat down on the ground and started talking..they asked me a bunch of questions tho, we were talking and laughing when I noticed him..."

RHEA:..It's the guy from the theatre...

MY CLASSMATE: wot? Whom?

RHEA: it's nothing..

"He was in the same university as I was and I never noticed him...he was laughing with his friends until he turned and looked straight at me"

"I smiled at him so I wouldn't look awkward so he smiled back and looked away"

RHEA: damn...I didn't notice how hot he was last time..

MY CLASSMATE: you're gonna tell me who's that already?

RHEA: well okey don't be obvious but he's that hot blonde guy behind you..

MY CLASSMATE: oh where is he? Where is he?

"She did the most obvious turn ever I was praying that he wouldn't noticed but he did and it was obvious tho she was literally dancing I mean who wouldn't notice her so I quickly looked down on my phone so he wouldn't notice and when I looked back up he was looking at me while smiling.."


MY CLASSMATE: jeez jeez okey relax..

     ⚬11:45 AM (library)

"I went to the library because our teacher told us to search for the books that are related to Pharaohs for tomorrow so I walked down the hall and searched for them"

RHEA: pharons..pharons...pharons oh here!

???: you need help?

RHEA: no thank you..*I turned to see who it was and looked back when*

"Hold the f*ck up I quickly looked back and he giggled"

VINCENT: Ravie de te revoir Rhea.. *he smiled* (nice to meet you again Rhea)

RHEA: oh uhmm ravie de te revoir aussi.. (Oh uhmm nice to meet you again too)

VINCENT: you're searching for the pharons related books right?

RHEA: yup and I finally found them after hours of walking..

VINCENT: you mean minutes cause you just entered the library..

RHEA: oh well..let me over exagerate pfft...*I rolled my eyes and he giggled*

VINCENT: you look in a better mood than the last time..

RHEA: oh right..

VINCENT: well I gotta go see ya..

RHEA: wait!..I mean I need to borrow a lot of books for tomorrow would you like to help me out?if you have time of course?

VINCENT: oh yea of course..

"We started searching together and talking at the same time"

VINCENT: so you're into archeology class right?

RHEA: yup what about you?

VINCENT: I study acting and producing..

RHEA: that's very interesting..

VINCENT: What made you want to be an archeologist?

RHEA: well I'm firstly a writer and I never thought writing is going to be a job for me and since my grandparents were archeologist and I was always passionate about discovering old stuff you know I was like why not?

VINCENT: oh that's great you write too...What about your parents?oh sorry I forgot the last time you did-

RHEA: it's alright I'll tell you about them when we father all the books..

VINCENT: alright..

     ⚬12:05 PM

"We sat down and started reading the books"

VINCENT: soo your parents?

RHEA: oh right....

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