"I'd Probably Still Adore You...

By EuphoricTendencies

17.3K 335 256

Creepypasta fanfiction Toby x Masky/Tim Rated R for mature content (Sensative subjects, violent scenes, psych... More

Untitled Part 2

Chapter One

12.1K 197 184
By EuphoricTendencies

The morning had been a cold one in the woods. But there was one person who couldn't feel it. Toby had a rather interesting condition out of the very many that he had. He couldn't feel, due to a rare disease attacking his nervous system. He had never had the pain in whatever injuries he sustained. He could lose a limb without feeling it at all. One of the many glories of being him.

It was hard to recall what had happened before three days ago. He couldn't remember a thing of his past life of what it had been like. All he could remember was waking up in a room he had never been in before with Slenderman. The tall creature that looked like a very tall pale man wearing a suit. The intriguing thing about Slenderman, was he had no face. Yet there was something about him that felt like he staring at you. A hypnotic sort of stare that you couldn't take your eyes away from. It was impossible.

Either way, here Toby was, walking through the woods. Carrying two hatchets to which he couldn't remember where he'd gotten them from. One was new with a sharpened blade and the other was old with a blunt blade. He was in a rather happy and chipper mood at the moment. But of course with Toby, that could change like the flick of a switch. Though depending on who he was talking to, what he was doing or what was going on. It all came down to that as to depending on what Toby's moods were. Some would even find it annoying. But it seemed that Toby wouldn't even know he was doing it.

///The forest was a place Tim had known for a long time. He always got lost in them, because they seemed to move, but he always managed to find where he was, and which direction to go in to get out. It was an instincloot of sorts, and it never failed him. He was in it today, but fairly close to his home, which was a one-story house on the edge of the woods in a very secluded neighborhood. He didn't mind how far away it was from the town, but sometimes he missed civilization.

Tim had coughed, one of his habits. He had always been coughing, along with other various health problems from birth, which later dominated his own life and the life of another. After that fatal day, he changed, and stayed by himself all the time. He never spoke to anyone unless absolutely necessary, or tried to engage in activities that involved others. He was alone, and was convinced that it suited him better.

Tim was a unique individual, who had an alternate side. When he changed, he would cough and go into a seizure, blacking out completely only to resurface as another person. He never remembered anything that happened while he was the other person, but It often led him to trouble. He took his pills that suppressed this like clockwork, and never did anything that would make his heart speed up.

On this day, he took a leisurely walk and smoked. Smoking was a bad habit, he knew, but he did it anyways. He felt a sense of calm maturity when he smoked, but he knew that in truth, he had picked it up in highschool and never quit. The sky had been overcast and seemed like it would rain any minute, but he paid no attention to what might give him a cold.

//It seemed like hours as Toby walked, his thoughts seemed blank for the time being. It felt like ages since he'd last seen anyone at all. He wasn't sure whether he was walking aimlessly or going some place in the woods. It was all a little confusing at the moment. It felt like his whole life had only just started three days ago since he couldn't remember anything before then.

It seemed after what felt like forever, he came to a stop. But not for no reason. Someone was here, it was no animal either. Someone was coming closer from a distance it seemed as Toby turned around to see who it was. Watching as the other got closer, something felt familiar about him. But Toby couldn't put a finger on what it was exactly. Maybe it was just a stupid coincidence that he thought that. Twitching, he cracked his neck as he hid himself behind a tree. Wondering why the hell this person felt familiar. It didn't look like the other had seen him. Or at least just yet.

As the other got closer, Toby had the urge to cause a little trouble. He simply couldn't help himself but to trip the other to the ground for fun. Waiting to see what he would do as he began to chuckle. The weather didn't hold out for very long as it began to rain. It wasn't heavy, but by the looks of the sky covering with heavier gray cloud. It was definitely going to get heavier. When ever it was going to begin to pour wasn't too clear. But it would be sooner rather than later by the looks of it. Watching the other through yellow/orange tinted goggles, a smile formed under the mouth mask he wore. Both hatchets in his grip.

///Tim looked up at the sky, He could smell the oncoming rain. He didn't particularly like rain, or dislike rain. His head was completely blank like he was in some sort of meditative state and didn't care about anything or anyone, he just was himself like he was the only person in the world. It wasn't like he felt anything, the only emotion he did have was nothingness, and he felt like he didn't really exist at all. When he thought this, He started to question himself and conjure irrational thoughts. He wondered if he really did exist, or I'd he didn't. He thought about the meaning of the word exist, and concluded that without another person there to acknowledge him, He doesn't really exist. If someone doesn't think about him, or know he's alive, then he's not real. That made him a little sad, and he took a long drag of his cigarette while walking. When he exhaled, it was slow, and the smoke swirled around his head. He watched it with his dark, dull, sunken eyes and felt a feeling of complete desolation and darkness. His whole life had been darkness, and the only light he found had gotten extinguished because of him.

///It seemed the person Toby had tripped didn't take being tripped very well. As push came to shove, Toby ended up tackling the other to the ground and losing himself in punching and hacking at the other. Till they didn't move or fight back any longer. Toby slowly came to realizing what he had done and looked around. Taking the dead other's arms and dragging them so he could hide the body. Though he came to a pause once he had taken care of the body. Turning around to see another person. He looked around to make sure he'd hidden the evidence. Though it seemed he hadn't gotten rid of all of the evidence. There was blood on the hatchets he had and blood stains on his clothes. When Tim got closer, Toby really didn't have the time to hide. Twitching, his neck cracking in response. He couldn't help it. It was part of his condition.

Smiling once again, his moods having changed again. Watching him through yellowish orange tinted goggles. He was half wondering if he would see him at all. He kind of looked like he was in a world of his own. Which made Toby wonder if he could play a trick on him easily. So, he began to approach him. Keeping a safe distance for a while. Till he decided to move in on Tim and tripped him over. Toby was obviously bored and had nothing better to do.

///Tim suddenly tripped and fell on the ground in front of him. His hands and elbows caught him, and prevented his face from hitting the dirt. He had been in a state of enchantment before, but that jolt sent his body into a state of alertness. Over the years, and the struggling, he had been trained to pick these things up, and leaving that skill behind never fully happened. He felt the others presence and rolled over to face him, brushing the dirt from his scratched hands. Tim was bleeding, but it wasn't anything bad. A mere scratch, compared to the slashes and bone crushing he had been through, seemed so insignificant that it didn't even register on his mind. He looked at the curious boy that had decided to purposely trip him, and instantly caught onto him. He noted the strange taste in clothing that seemed all too familiar, the blood splatters, and the goggles. Tim could tell a person's true strength at a glance, and his was pretty high. He also noticed the constant twitch that appeared on different spots on his body. At first, He didn't say anything at all. He simply stared at this strange, new other life form, unmoving. He learned never to make the first move, because the first move is the first mistake.

///Watching as Tim fell to the ground, he really wasn't sure what he expected. The reaction he got certainly wasn't alarming by any measures. He didn't fight back or even say anything at all. Unlike the other he had killed just moments ago. Toby seemed so un-phased by what he'd just done. That it would make anyone who knew; question his memory. What happened next was completely in the hands of Toby's mood. At the moment he didn't really seem much of any particular one emotion. But rather stood there, waiting for a reaction from Tim. When he got none, it was hard to tell what he was planning on doing next.

"Y-you're awful familiar..." The brunette said at last with a twitch and uncontrolled crack of his neck. He wasn't sure where he had seen this person. But they just felt strangely familiar. Like he should know who they were but he couldn't remember or had no clue. Putting the hatchets in their holders on his belt. He held his gloved hand out to Tim to help him up. It seemed his mood had snapped and he was happy again. He really was a loose canon. Like his moods changed like the flick of a switch. His hand was half twitching as he held it out, he really couldn't help it. If he could, he would gladly stop it.

///Tim listened to his voice, and blinked. He had thought that either this person was either weird and dangerous, or he had been someone like Tim used to be, but the fact that he spoke changed his mind. He wasn't like Tim, and was his own person, he listened to his words, watched his neck crack, and figured it was a condition of sorts. When the brunette placed the bloodied ratchets back in his holster, that's when he became a little confused. He questioned whether he was friend or foe, but the fact that he offered to help him up was a little startling. At first, He just stared at the hand, not quite believing that he could touch it, and then said in a lower, quiet tone that seemed kind of gruff, "You speak." He didn't quite know what to make of this, and decided it would be best to be cautious. Normally he wouldn't say anything at all, but this person was peculiar, interesting even, and anything or anyone interesting to Tim is incredibly rare.

///Lifting an eyebrow in confusion when the other stared at his hand like that. You'd think he'd never seen another person before. "O-of course I talk..." Toby replied sarcastically, ignoring his twitching. Huffing, he ended up helping Tim up whether he liked it or not. As if he'd never tripped him. Toby was awfully confusing, it was best not that anyone tried to understand him. Gazing back at Tim, he smiled at him. Even though he had a mouth mask on and goggles. You could still tell he was smiling. Odd for someone to smile while stained with blood and after doing the things that he had done. "So, w-what were you doing all t-the way out here?" The brunette asked and twitched. "I'm Toby by the way" he added, seeming as friendly as hell for someone who did what they had just done. There was obviously something wrong with him. Anyone could tell.

///When Tim felt the other pull him up, he had his thoughts running a mile a minute. This mysterious person had helped him up, and he was even talking. Everything seemed foreign to him. Tim looked at his hand, which now had the blood from the person Toby had just dealt with, all over it. It was a little thick, he thought. Tim stayed in a cloudish state and looked up at Toby. He could tell the boy was smiling, through that weird mask. Masks. Just like him. He listened to his words and the friendly tone in them, but something, some kind of instinct told him to be cautious. There was something unusual about the way he felt about the other. Some kind of security and conflict of interest. "...I live nearby." He replied. He thought it strange that he would tell a complete stranger covered in blood such a vital piece of information.

///Watching the way the other went about observing everything. He could tell he was trying to figure him out. Yet it seemed it wasn't working for the other. As it was for everyone else who tried to figure him out. "Oh, s-so you just came out here f-for a walk?" Toby asked with a smile. "I could w-walk you home. You don't look well, you know?" Toby went on saying. He was obviously a lot more talkative than Tim was. Looking up as the rain began to drizzle down. It really was one of those days were most people would stay indoors and not risk getting soaked. Coming to look back at Tim, he kind of wondered what it was that he was thinking about right now.

///He was thinking about everything. Thinking about Toby, thinking about the offer, thinking about the risk, thinking about the rain, but ended up saying to himself in a whisper, "I exist." He indeed existed, and was something to someone else right now. He looked at Toby as the rain began to soak his clothing and hair, dripping down his temple to his jaw. It was like he felt each drop, but that was impossible. "........" He was drawing too many conclusions at once to form a sentence, but finally came up with, "Sure."

///"Hm?..."Toby remarked when Tim whispered to himself. But he shrugged it off and didn't bother asking again. Toby certainly couldn't feel the rain, but he'd noticed droplets falling before him, which had grabbed his attention momentarily. Tim was his main focus for the time being. "You r-really don't like talking do you?" Toby frowned a bit. But was happy enough to smile again and begin to walk in the direction of the start of the woods. Not seeming bothered by the rain at all. But he had to take his goggles off and rest them on top of his head. Since they were fogging up a little more than he would have liked. He eventually didn't bother with the mouth mask and pulled it down so it rested around his neck. Looking back at Tim, he lifted an eyebrow again. "You're kind of supposed to be l-leading" Toby stated as he continued to twitch.

///Tim snapped to reality, and looked at Toby. He took in the boys features, his pale flesh, slender physique, green eyes.... it was a little appalling to Tim, because he realized he hadn't actually properly looked at another person in a very long time. He nodded at the push of command to move, and began to walk leisurely through the forest. He could feel the world slow around him, like he could stop time in his mind, but it kept turning. He memorized the boys features in his mind. Who was he? Why was he here? Why was he covered in blood, or talking to him, and why the the hell was he leading him to his own house? He thought about if maybe he was going to be murdered, but the thought dropped from his mind. No, He did not believe that this boy was going to kill him. Still, If he did, it would be the first significant thing that would happen to him in a long time.

///Toby kept walking, totally unphased by the fact that his new 'friend' wasn't talking. It was a little quiet along the way besides the common crunch of twigs or leaves under their shoes. It was unclear if Toby would make any attempts to harm or kill Tim. But it didn't really look like it. He was acting so normal in an un-normal way. How could anyone walk around with blood stained clothes and be fine with it? Or even ignore it? Surely he knew there was blood on him. He glanced at Tim every now and then to check he was still even there. He was so quiet, it was rather amusing that Tim had be surprised about Toby speaking. Toby was rather bent on the idea that maybe he should have been surprised that Tim spoke.

///Tim couldn't help his silent nature anymore. Over time, His footsteps got quieter and quieter until they were almost inaudible and silent. He sometimes wondered if he was even walking, but of course, his mind made him look down at his feet.

He felt the wind pass through the tree's and onto his body, and the rain combination made that rather cold. Tim didn't think he would get a cold, so he didn't really care or even try to warm himself up. No, He let his fingers chill, and hurt every now and again from the icy wind that passed through his clothing. There was a time when he looked back at Toby, just to look, and their eyes met. His walking slowed only a little and he held eye contact for a long time before turning back to the way he was going. He wondered if Toby had been watching him this whole Time, and found that he didn't mind if he was. Strange.

///The moment when Toby held eye contact with Tim was only because he half thought he was going to say something. But when he didn't get anything, he looked away, back at where they were headed. About ten minutes later, he sighed heavily and looked at Tim. "So you're not even going to tell me what your name is?" The brunette asked, crossing his arms over his chest. He'd finally come to the conclusion that this new 'friend' of his was stuck up. Which wasn't the case at all. He was just quieter. It appeared by now, the rain had soaked the both of them to the bone. The difference was that Toby couldn't feel it. Not at all. But he did seem to twitch a little more. Probably in reflex to his muscles tensing from the weather regardless. Staring hard at Tim for a long pause from behind his soaked brunette hair. Toby's moods had changed yet again by the looks of it. He wasn't quite as happy as just a while ago.

///Tim had been slipping back into his dazed state of consciousness while walking through the forest, and that seemed to almost shatter when Toby talked to him. Oh, he had forgotten to say his own name, how rude. He realized this, and felt the compelling urge to fix it. "Sorry. My name is Tim." He said, slowing down to a stop and giving Toby eye contact with his body half turned. He felt a little bad that he had forgotten, and a little concerned that he had to think about it. He stared into the others green eyes like there was something particularly interesting inside them, and he found himself not getting tired of looking at them like he had with other people. That thought gave him a good feeling, and also a feeling that he could only describe as 'Tim-what-the-hell-are-you-doing?'.

///Finally, he had gotten a name out of this friend of his. Though, there was something telling him that Tim wasn't so comfortable about telling him his own name. Just by the way he was looking at him and also his body language. Not to mention the fact that they had came to a complete stop in their tracks. Which got Toby confused as to what was going on with Tim. They couldn't really go any place else until Tim decided to walk again, since Tim was really the one leading the way. So Toby waited, gazing back at Tim with his green eyes. Wondering what all this staring was about. Unfolding his arms from in front of his chest, standing there neutrally. "So, what's the staring for?" He asked and paced himself closer to Tim. But giving him space also. Twitching and cracking his neck as he waited for a response from his new friend.

///Tim also pondered this question. Yes, what WAS the staring for? He couldn't quite place his finger on it. He watched as the other approached him, and he was close to figuring it out, as if staring into those big green eyes would help. "........Sorry." He turned back and began to walk again. What the hell? What was that? He felt something. It was weird, like getting hit with a hammer on his chest, except of emotion. He hadn't had anything like that in so long, That he couldn't recognize it. He decided not to place too much thought into it, and continued walking. The rain suddenly got worse and he felt like a mood or atmosphere was being created between the two.

///Lifting an eyebrow in confusion to Tim acting so odd and apologizing before continuing to walk. Toby watched as he stood there. Wondering what the hell was going on with Tim. At first he was staring at him and now he was walking again. Thinking about it wouldn't do any good. So he began to walk after Tim and eventually caught up with him once more. Ignoring the fact that the rain was pouring down harder now. Not that he felt it or anything of the sorts. Out of no where, Toby grabbed Tim by the arm. "Tell me why you were staring..." Toby demanded, the thought was getting too much for him to just ignore. Even though Tim was basically a stranger, he still felt the gutting need to know what all this staring at him was for. People just didn't stare at one another like that for no reason. It looked like Toby wasn't going to let the subject go either. A firm grip still grasping Tim's arm as he stared back into Tim's eyes. Awaiting a truthful answer from him. Or god knows what he would do.

///Tim didn't expect this sudden action by the other. He wondered if the staring truely bothered him, and he felt a little bad. He didn't mean any harm by it, or anything bad, He just unconsciously stared. He looked down at the others hand that clamped around his arm, and then back into Toby's eyes. How would he word this properly? After thinking, He felt he couldn't do it justice, but would have to do his best, "...I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I was staring into your eyes. For some reason, I find myself compelled to look at them. They never seem to grow dull, and I stared into them to try and figure out why. I apologize." He said it calmly, and smooth. It had been an unusual mouthful, and the most Tim had said in about a year, but with this stranger, he felt as if talking was no burden.

///Listening to Tim's explanation for staring at him. He was a little taken back. This was the most his friend had spoken to him so far, at all. Not to mention the fact that no one had ever said anything like that to him before. Eventually, Toby's grip on Tim's arm loosened and he let go of him. "That's the weirdest thing I've ever heard..." Toby eventually said as he twitched. But shrugged it off, not really minding his odd friend. It wasn't like he could point fingers. He himself was odd as all hell. "No o-one has ever said anything like that about my eyes before" The brunette replied, not exactly sure on what to say either. It wasn't something people talked about. Or was it? He couldn't remember.

///He nodded and said, "we're here." His voice was quieter now, almost a whisper. He kept looking at Toby, but beyond him was a small, brown, one-story house. There wasn't any garage, or any kind of paths, just a house in the middle of the forest. It didn't look shabby, but it didn't look fancy either. Tim spoke up. "Shall we go inside?" He asked, knowing what the answer would be. He wasn't sure if inviting him inside was such a good idea, but something made him want to. Something made him curious about this character, and why he felt something at all. He remembered the staring thing, and looked away. "...." He began to walk towards the house, and felt some mud squish under his shoes. It was a little slippery, so he made sure to be careful.

///Paying a little more attention now that they had finally arrived. It felt like forever that they had walked in the rain, blinking in surprise to Tim asking if they should go inside. Toby had just planned on walking Tim here was all. He hadn't thought Tim wanted him to go inside his house. Staring at Tim for a moment and glancing back at the woods. Toby was skeptical as to what to do. But shrugged it off and twitched as he followed Tim inside. Making sure to leave his shoes outside. They were pretty filthy to tell the truth. "Its a nice place that you have" the brunette smiled, having gone back to his happy and bubbly self again. Whereas a few moments ago he'd been an awful different emotion all together. There really was no saying what Toby would be, mood wise. Though he was still questioning himself as to why Tim would let him into his house at all. They were strangers. But he didn't decline the offer either. Maybe they'd become friends? Toby couldn't remember having any friends now, or even before.

///Tim did the same with his shoes, leaving them outside. When he unlocked the door, he let the other go in first before himself, and closed it. They had walked into a foyer, which was connected to a living room. To the right was an open archway that led into a kitchen, and to the left was a hallway. Three doors were on the left side, The first door was the bedroom, the second was the bathroom, The third was the guest room, and the last door was on the right was the locked door. He didn't explain this, but would left Toby find out himself. He walked into the living room and looked around, making sure everything was the same. There have been times when he would come home, and it would be different.

The house wasn't anything special, and held no real interest, except the various pill bottles that littered the house, and maybe the ash tray that needed to be cleaned out. Tim never cared enough to clean it, but he really should have. He slicked back his wet black hair, but it only fell back in his face.

///He walked inside since Tim had unlocked the door and let him go in. Toby glanced around to get his bearings before watching Tim and wondering what was on his mind. He was so quiet, so assumed he must be thinking about a lot, though the house wasn't of a real interest. Toby was a little curious of all the pill bottles littered in various places. Quietly, he followed Tim as he walked into the living room. Toby frowned a little and tilted his head slightly and twitched. "What are you looking for? Anything I can help with?" The brunette asked with a smile, wondering what was up with Tim. Staring back at the soaked other for a bit, he picked up one of the pill bottles in his gloved hand. He lifted an eyebrow and glancing at Tim, wondering what he needed all of these for. Surely he hadn't taken all of them. They were littered everywhere, it was a wonder why he didn't clean up a little. But who was Toby to judge. This wasn't his place. Placing the pill bottle down, losing interest in it. He was more interested in Tim if anything.

///He almost blanked out. ".......I need to change." He said. He didn't see Toby pick up the pills bottle, but he heard it. He shivered, his body finally registering the coldness of the rain that soaked him. He took a left and walked into the first door, leaving it slightly ajar because he couldn't find himself going back to close it.

His room was incredibly plain, he had a mahogany nightstand on the left of the bed, an alarm clock, a box-spring and mattress in the middle of the floor, pressed against the back wall, and clothes littered around. It wasn't dirty, only a few shirts here and there. Tim opened up the closet with white shutter doors that was built in on the left of the room, and began to look through it. He didn't have any particular style, stuck to mostly dark colors and grays. He rifled through it, his mind swirling with weird and incoherent thoughts.

///Toby shrugged in response, not really minding seeing Tim shiver, he let him go get changed. Toby quietly sat himself down, he would just need to air dry. He had the wonderful luck of not having that horrible feeling of wearing cold damp clothing. Simply because he couldn't feel a thing. Boredly waiting for Tim to come back, he glanced around the place. Nothing really caught his eye in the way of interest, he was pretty much happy to sit there for the time being. It was a change from being outside in the woods. That was for sure. Sighing softly, he took the yellowish orange tinted goggles off, which had been resting on top of his head. Fiddling about with those to keep himself preoccupied. He wasn't even sure where he had gotten them from. They had been one of the items he had woken up with three days ago. Before that time, everything was blank. Nothing before that time existed in Toby's mind. He couldn't remember. Looking up after a while, he wondered when Tim would be joining him again. Maybe he could get him to talk a little more, even if that meant letting him stare at his eyes. Toby was curious of Tim and his behavior, his character was awful quiet.

///Tim returned a minute later, walking through the door into the living room. He had gotten on a dark gray shirt and a navy zip-up hoodie that seemed a little too big on him, and some fresh jeans that seemed like they were old. He got fresh socks too. The clothes were soft, which Tim found himself liking, and he pulled on the sleeve of the hoodie. The hoodie itself wasn't zipped up, so his shirt was visible. As far as stature goes, Tim wasn't that tall, but he was a little built. He hadn't eaten a proper meal in about a year, so he had almost no body fat, and was skinnier than he might have liked. He didn't mind it though. He looked at Toby, and asked him, "...I have more... clothes. If you want to take a shower or something." He looked at the males clothing, "Maybe get the blood off." He wasn't sure why he even offered, but one thing was for sure, he wanted to keep interacting with him.

///When Tim returned, Toby welcomed him with a grin. Still in his happy mood by the looks of it. Though he looked down at his clothing when Tim asked about getting the blood out. "I wonder how that happened" replied and shrugged, twitching and cracking his neck and joints. Getting to his feet, he guessed a shower would certainly help. "Yeah, s-sure. A shower sounds good". The brunette replied with a smile, being awful friendly to Tim. But that was a good sign, it was better than him hating Tim. Taking his gloves off, blinking to noticing his scarred fingers. He hadn't noticed that before. Not that he really cared, they didn't hurt like they might hurt for someone else without his condition. Brushing it off, he ignored it and came to look back at Tim. "Tim? You're really pale..." Toby stated out of the blue, using Tim's name for the first time since meeting.

///He was happy that he agreed to shower, but concerned that he didn't know where the blood came from, and ended up not having an expression at all. When he saw the others hands, It reminded him of his own scars, and that was not a happy thought. He watched Toby as he stood, and realized that he was slightly taller than Tim. "...." He didn't know what to think about that. When Toby mentioned him, He looked at him and said, "really?" And reached a hand up to lightly touch his face, as if that would give him some kind of visual image as to what Toby had described. It was only after that that Tim registered his name being said.

///"Really..." Toby replied to confirm Tim's question about being pale. "We can talk s-some more after I take a shower" the brunette added with a smile and went off to go find the shower. Half getting undressed as he went, not seeming to have too much of a care about it. "Found it ~" Toby called in a cheerful tone of voice. Shutting the door behind him mostly before going on ahead and taking a shower once all his clothes were removed. Tim had certainly found himself a rather odd yet funny friend. Or at least Toby thought they were friends now. He'd basically made up his mind about Tim. He trusted him almost entirely from what he had seen so far. Regardless of him being quiet, Toby found himself liking being able to talk to Tim and so forth. Getting himself cleaned up, he was still a little curious as to how his fingers got scarred like that. It was obvious that this was just one of the many things he didn't remember. Once clean, he found a spare towel and dried off, wrapping it around his waist for the mean time.

///Tim eventually dropped his hand and watched Toby undress himself, until he found the bathroom. It was a little unusual, but Tim didn't mind. He bent down to pick up the clothing He had dropped and made a small pile. As he was setting one piece of clothing down, he looked at it. There were blood stains, but no tearing in the fabric, so it wasn't his. He set the cloth down and took a few steps back, leaning against the wall. He thought about Toby, and his strangeness, and the attraction of that strangeness. Maybe Tim was wrong, but he didn't see any harm coming from Toby that would be directed at him. Tim bit his thumb, a small habit he picked up when he was thinking, and dazed off again. He didn't come back until the sound of the shower turning off alerted him.

///Staring at his reflection for a bit, Toby hadn't eaten in a while. But he didn't really feel hungry either. Looking at his eyes, he kind of wondered what Tim had been on about earlier about them. They weren't anything special. Turning away from the mirror, he opened the door and poked his head out to see where Tim was at. "Hey Tim? I think I might borrow t-those clothes you talked about?" The brunette said. Hoping it wasn't a bother. Though, he couldn't wait till he talking with Tim again. He had hopes of making him talk a little more and open up. Even for a while. Tim just caught Toby's interest was all. Leaning against the doorway of the bathroom, his hair half sticking to his face after washing it.

///Tim opened his mouth to speak, "Yes. Come with me." And he went into his room and to the closet, which he hadn't even closed. He thought about the other, and his hair. It was long. He made no real interesting thoughts about Toby at that time, but instead though of his clothes, how many he had, how old they were, when he needed to get new ones. He sighed and looked at the hangers of clothes, thinking How he didn't want to buy new ones.

///Hearing Tim's reply, he pulled himself away from the bathroom door way and followed Tim to his room. His first thought when he entered the room was that it was messy. But he didn't comment on it. He was a little preoccupied on watching Tim. "So, y-you live alone?" Toby asked at random and twitched, cracking his neck yet again. Just wanting to make conversation. He didn't quite have any bright ideas on what to ask Tim as such. Or maybe not just yet. He would think of something to get him talking eventually. "Do you forget things? Like how things happened or just..." He trailed off and glanced around before looking back at Tim, as if something had distracted him for a split second just now. But it was hard to tell if he was going to finish what he was just saying or if he'd left it at that.

///Tim looked at him and realized his room was messy. He never paid attention to it before, "yeah.... I live alone.." He said in a sort of quiet voice. He always was alone. It was rare that he wasn't alone, and even in situations like these, which never happened, He felt alone. It was something that defined him, shaped him. When Toby asked that last question, He actually showed a little conflict on his face, "...yes... I forget things......" Tim's eyebrows drew together only slightly, and his bottom lip retracted under the gentle bite of his teeth. He was curious as to how Toby knew that, and took a step closer unconsciously. It wasn't an intimidating action, it was just him, intrigued.

///Blinking in surprise to the fact of Tim's answer and the way he took a step closer towards him. Some how he felt like it wasn't a good question to go asking. Though he was surprised that Tim forgot things to. Folding his arms over his chest, still wrapped in a towel and nothing more. Taking none too much notice of his scarred right arm. "Are you feeling o-okay?" The brunette asked, staring back at Tim. It seemed Toby had dropped the subject quickly. But why? Glancing away from Tim after a moment or two, actually going quiet for a change. This was the quietest he'd been since the moment they'd met.

///"......" Tim blinked, and took a step back. "......sorry.... I'll... leave the room..." his eyes were downcast, and he felt as if he had said too much. He didn't really want to get Toby involved with his problems, but the other side of him did. He moved around Toby slowly and headed for the door, not sure what to make of their conversation. He had a mental pause for a moment to think if maybe Toby also lost his memory, or if it even mattered at all

///Toby didn't answer when Tim spoke to him. He kept his eyes averted away from Tim till he had left the room. From that moment, Toby grabbed out the first things he saw in the way of clothing and put them on. It wasn't long before he joined Tim again after hanging his towel up to. Rolling up the sleeves of the shirt he'd borrowed from Tim, since they were a tad short. "Thanks for letting me borrow y-your clothes" the brunette smiled, seeming happy again. As if he'd ignored their whole conversation just before on forgetting things in the lines of memory wise. "So, what now?" He asked, glancing around. Looking a bit distracted than before. Going to the living room, he went and sat down. Leaving Tim to either join him or other wise. Though he did hope Tim would join him. It would be boring without anyone to talk to.  He'd had enough of it.

///Tim did join him, and thought about how the male looked in his clothing. He had been having a lot of weird thoughts lately. He didn't know what Toby was thinking, but when he sat down, Tim felt like he wanted to too. "...Toby..." He called out his name softly, and made eye contact before sitting down in the singular easy chair. He leaned back in the chair and looked down at it. Since when did he become smaller than the chair? Was he always smaller? No... no he didn't think he was. He rubbed a hand against the arm of the chair while thinking, and then looked back up at Toby.

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