Learning How to Distinguish...

By bobthestrawberry

43 2 0

Louis loves Harry - how could you not? And Harry loves Louis too- just not in that way- or so Louis thinks. B... More

Learning How to Distinguish. (Larry Stylinson)

Chapter Two

19 1 0
By bobthestrawberry

Two hours later, the guys were all round and dinner had been served. Harry cooked -- obviously -- and we were just sitting around chatting about nothing.

"We should watch a movie!" Niall suggested loudly, and I agreed quickly, shooting Harry a glance, but he was preoccupied, tapping like mad at his phone. I frowned. We usually had a 'no phones allowed' rule when the five of us were together. Smirking, I pulled out my own phone, and quickly opened Twitter.

"@Harry_Styles, get off your phone, we want to watch a movie"

Almost as soon as I posted it, my interactions were going crazy with RT's and mentions. I heard him laugh before I recieved a reply: "@Louis_Tomlinson as long as I get to sit beside you;)"

My heart fluttered and I smirked as I typed out my reply: "@Harry_Styles If you get off your phone now then maybe"

Almost instantly he was up, grabbing me by the wrist and pulling me into the sitting room, shouting "Let's go watch a movie!". I laughed, and the other lads followed, smiles on their faces, Niall's the most evident. I rolled my eyes at him -- I would have regretted telling him about my little 'crush', if not for the fact that he was completely discrete about it. Well, until Haz did something like this.

Harry sat down on the couch, pulling me with him. He put an arm around my shoulder and I rested my head on his chest. I looked up at him, to see him ginning down at me. He looked away as the other lads sat down. I studied his face, the perfection that was my best friend. His jaw that had the smallest bit of stubble, the green eyes always so full of life and happiness, the dimples that were just-


I tore my eyes away from Haz, and looked at Zayn, trying to keep the blush from creeping onto my face.


He had a knowing look in his eyes, but just smiled and asked, "What movie?"

"I don't mind- just not anything too sad, please."

I could feel the laughter from Harry rather than see it- his chest was shaking. "Ha! Remember that time when we watched The Notebook and Lou started sobbing at the end?"

I huffed, but there was a smile on my face. "Haz, that was a really sad movie! And besides, you couldn't stop crying during My Sister's Keeper."

"Yeah but-"

He was cut off by Liam, who had a huge grin on his face, saying: "Could you two please stop acting like an old married couple? And we'll watch Click, okay?"

My face began to heat up at the mention of Harry and I married. Sneaking a glance, I noticed his face as red as mine. Niall was just staring at us as if we were the best thing since sliced bread, causing my face to heat up a bit more. Subtly, I coughed, and he looked away, seemingly concentrating on the telly, a small smirk on his face. But I caught him sneaking us little looks when he thought we weren't looking.

As the movie went on, I grew bored, having had watched the same film a few nights ago. I started playing with Harry's curls, wrapping them around my finger then letting them twist back around. He had a small smile on his face, and his dimples were showing. I poked one, and he leaned over to whisper in my ear, "I'm trying to watch the movie, stop distracting me."

I smiled at his comment- distracting, huh? I stole another glance at his face when he'd turned back to the TV and touched his arm delicately with one finger. He squirmed, but made no effort to move away. Taking this as a good thing, I ran my finger up and down his arm, holding in the laughter as he wriggled in his place.

I continued for another couple of minutes, until Zayn piped up: "Lou, as much as we know you love Harry, could you please control it while the rest of us are here?"

He sent me a wink, and I rolled my eyes, jokingly exclaiming, "Of course I can't control it! For Harry is more beautiful than any other I have ever seen, more so than a-"

A hand covered my mouth before I could finish, and I looked up to see Haz frowning down at me.

"What?" I asked, my voice muffled because of his hand. His warm, soft ha- No, Louis!

"Shut up." He laughed, "You sound like a fan."

I rolled my eyes, and he took his hand away from my mouth.

He just smirked, and turned his attention back to the movie. And, as much as I tried to focus, I couldn't. So I pulled out my phone, opening Twitter up.

"Movie night with the lads :) How you lot spending your Fridays? x"

As my interactions exploded, I thought back to when none of this had even happened, to when I was just Louis Tomlinson. To before I met the guys. To before I met Harry...

I remembered the auditions, and seeing him there. God, I didn't even need to hear him sing to know that he was going through. He had the look. And I remembered Hannah telling me to go up to him, to say 'Hi', to wish him luck. I remembered the very first hug, that first day at the auditions.

I smiled, thinking about how completly different life was now. Imagine telling my eighteen year old self that morning of the audition that, two years from then, I'd be singing in the most popular British boyband in the world, with the love of my life.

Because I think it was finally time to admit it to myself- I loved Harry Styles more than anything else in the world.


"Boo? Boobear come on, you have to wake up, you won't sleep later."

I mumbled something unintelligible, and snuggled closer into the warm wall, trying to ignore the laughter and voices around me.

Suddenly, the wall moved and I fell in a slump onto the couch. I opened one eye lazily to see the boys staring down at me, huge grins on their faces.

"What?" I muttered, sitting up.

Niall looked over at Harry, almost as if to ask permission. Haz nodded, a smirk covering his face, making his left dimple show up.

"Well, you fell asleep half way through the film and then you started talking on about something and we couldn't really hear you, so we ignored you, but then you just said really loudly, 'I love you' and then a name, but we didn't catch it," Niall said in a rush. My face turned tomato red, and I looked away, knowing exactly who I said it to; Harry.

And, from the growing grin on his face, he had heard it.

Well, shit.


It was after one when the guys went back to their own apartments, leaving me and Harry alone. After they woke me up, I tried my best to avoid the subject, even though I knew Harry would bring it up the second they left.

And, true to form, the minute the door closed behind them, Haz was saying: "So you love me, is that right Lou?"

My face instantly reddened, and I struggled to come up with a good lie. "O-of course- of course I do! You're my best mate, Haz!"

And maybe, if I hadn't turned away at that moment, I would have seen his face drop in disappointment.


"Soo... who were you talking to earlier?"

It was late. Harry had, like most nights, snuck into my room just as I was dropping off. And now we were lying curled together, me tucked into his side. I liked his height sometimes. It made me feel protected, safe. Loved. And I loved when he came up behind me to help me reach something I was too short to get. He was the only person that I didn't mind being taller than me.


He was tracing patterns on my arm, and I closed my eyes, imagining that it was real; that Harry Styles was my boyfriend, and that we were really in love.

"Before we watched the movie. You were on your phone..." I trailed off, unsure if I really wanted to hear it.

"Oh, just Gem. She wants to know if we have any time off to visit. Mum's apparently 'missing me like crazy'." He chuckled, rolling his eyes, "And you're obviously welcome to come too, if you want."

I grinned, and turned around so that we were just inches apart. If I just inclined my head a little-

I stopped myself before I could finish the thought. I seriously needed to stop. I loved Harry, but I loved the other guys too. If Harry and I ever did end up... dating, the rest of the band might end up suffering if things ended badly between us, or if we had an argument. Well, that's what I kept telling myself, anyway.

"That'd be great, Harry. Can't wait to see Anne again!"

He laughed, and rested his head against mine. I wondered if he could feel my heart hammering. "Good. What day do you want to head? I think we're free until the fifteenth."

It was February, and we were in a quiet patch. There were little interviews, no tours, and the CD had been out a few months already. It was always weird to hear myself singing on the radio- and even more so to hear people singing along. Never in my wildest dreams did I allow myself to hope for this much. It was surreal. And having four of the best friends always with me helped too, of course. We kept each other grounded, never allowing the fame to get to our heads.

"Whenever. Can we visit my mum on the way home? I miss the girls." It was true; I hadn't seen my little sisters in ages, whereas I used to see them constantly. It was odd living away from them. But that didn't mean I would ever move away from Harry. Not as long as I had a say.

"Of course Boo," he whispered, a yawn punctuating his sentence, and I smiled.

"Go to sleep Haz, we'll discuss it more in the morning."


And then his breath evened out and he was dead to the world. I pressed a small kiss to his cheek before snuggling closer into the safety of his arms, and it wasn't long before I too, had surrendered myself to sleep.


Idk I think the first bit was part of the last chapter too oops. but um yeah tell me if you liked it if you want.

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