Connoravirus (A Lyk x Lyk fan...

By lykanthh

28 2 1

the story of hot sexy man falling for himself. his friends are so proud of him because they know he doesn't f... More


27 2 1
By lykanthh

connor was in the middle of curbstomping a creeper. "stupid idiot it's going to die it's so stupid it's green," connor grumbled in-between curbstomping.

connor wiped the sweat from his forehead once the creeper died. "can you believe this guy? decided to invade our base and didn't even try to hide. it's like alex, except it can only die once." he growled.

in front of him was lykanth, who had arms around lykanth. "at least it didn't blow up the slave camp" he huffed, before lykanth giggled quietly. "wow ur so right and hot"

connor nearly threw up. "okay i'm gonna get lunchable pizza because i am hungry and poor" and he left.

"shut up connor ur a slur" said sleepy behind them.

"shut up schlannie ur schlorny now get out of my land" lyk said, unsheathing his sword. "no lick, i am no schlannie and ur gay for urself"

lyk gasped. "shut up ur just small child i will literally call schlatt on ur"

"i haven't seen schlatt in 27 years he's probably dead he hasn't streamed since 5"

"shut up schlannie" lyk stabbed sleepy.

sam stepped in and also stabbed sleepy. "wow can u believe that schlannie was there so stupid"

"yeah anyways i'm gonna go make out with lyk" lyk said, disappearing with lyk.

reed was too busy flailing their arms at vin, before screaming in lesbian. fran walked up to sam and sat down beside him. sam patted fran's head.

connor returned with his lunchable pizza, which reed sensed instantaneously and rolled over toward him. "connor ur are stupid why would you eat pizza!!!" she yelled, before connor coughed on her. "oh my god u gave me connora i can't blieve u did that!!!!!!!!!!!!!" reed cried. connor laughed and consumed the sauce.

lyk returned with lyk, before reed coughed on the two. "reed did you just cough on us"

"i'm sorry lyk connor gave me connora" reed cried

"reed wtf u stupid florida liver i'm harvesting ur kidney" lyk said, grabbing reed's kidney. vin watched from a corner with max.

"lyk i can't believe u just took my kidney without even asking" reed huffed.

"i can't believe you just gave me connora without even asking" lyk responded, then coughed.

connor died

fran slowly began absorbing sam into their body.

vin and max began running away from fran. they were not fast enough, as fran absorbed the two as well.

reed cried to death and lyk laid next to lyk.

lyk coughed. lyk grabbed lyk's hand, sniffling. "dude did you just hold my hand?" lyk said, before dying. lyk cried and then died.
the end

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