Turning Page

By Vanilla_Specs

265 17 1

Prompto and Ignis are fae-folk, taken away from their homes and forced to live with humans and other fae pris... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter seven

Chapter six

33 2 0
By Vanilla_Specs

If Ignis knew anything for certain, it was that it had been a mistake running from his home. Fleeing from village to village only to end up in the clutches of the enemy anyways. Had he not been such a curious child, perhaps he wouldn't have noticed the smoke from afar, nor mentioned it to his father. He'd have perished along with the rest of his family, as he should have done.

That being said, he'd have never met Prompto. The energetic little pixie that dug him out of the dark recesses of his mind more than once, or Noctis, whom became something of a brother despite being the prince of the nation that destroys the remains of his childhood. Even Gladio had become an integral part of his life, albeit by being oddly persistent and friendly, nevertheless, his perseverance paid off and Ignis allowed him through one of many walls. Ignis had lost a great many things far too early in his life and yet, deep down, he holds the hope that he might find something new. A fresh start after all of this. With any luck he'd live long enough to see the world change, for fae and man alike to live in peace again.

For now though, all thoughts of peace remains a faerie tale.

In the gardens, away from prying eyes, Ignis sat deep in thought and only stirred at the sound of heavy, uneven footsteps that could only belong to one person. "I thought you wouldn't be returning until the summer." He said, tilting his head towards the source of noise.

"What can I say? Dad weren't happy about my attitude," Gladio replied, settling down beside the elf with a grunt. "'sides, you gotta admit you missed me."

"The day I admit that will be the day Noctis- willingly- eats his vegetables, I don't wish to bolster your ego any further."

Gladio gasped in feigned offense and lightly punched Ignis' arm, earning him little more than a bemused glance. A comfortable silence fell upon them, simply staring off towards the forest, as if the world wasn't falling apart at the seams around them, slowly but surely. Thankfully Prompto kept Noctis occupied from time to time which gave Gladio and Ignis a brief respite. Time to just... Think, without distraction.

Winter was just giving way to spring and with it, both Prompto's and Ignis' spirits rose, every year without fail, they'd perk up at the newly bloomed flowers and spurts of greenery peeking through the mud and leaves. Gladio noticed Ignis' change in mood by the way his too-bright eyes lit up more than he thought possible, a sight he could hardly tear his gaze from no matter how hard he tried. He settled for thinking it was 'a fae thing', no humans he'd ever known were so chipper at seeing a flower or a blade of grass. It was endearing.

In recent months, Gladio had come to realise that perhaps there was more to this friendship than meets the eye. However, it mustn't be clear enough for Ignis couldn't see it or didn't care to acknowledge it. There were the lingering stares, touches that lasted a moment longer than necessary, jokes that often left one or the other flustered- not that they showed it of course. Whatever it was, was left unspoken and appeared to be staying that way. Gladio of course had other obligations that required his attention, ones that he'd rather not think of given his feelings on the matter. Ignis on the other hand, would deny it until his dying breath, even if it hit him square in the face.

"Hey- D'you ever think about what your life mighta been like if things had happened differently?" Gladio asked, twiddling his thumbs in his lap.

Ignis was silent for the moment, either reluctant or hesitant. Maybe both or neither. Until he finally spoke up, never looking away from the forest, "Once or twice. I often wonder what would have happened had I not looked out of the window that day, in a way, there's only one outcome. And what of you?"

"Dunno, the only big choice I made for myself was makin' friends with you and Prompto." He laughed, though saddened to think of what may have been had he not been a curious lad. "If- If you'd not looked outta the window... You wouldn't be here would you? Neither would Prompto." Gladio watched as Ignis clenched his jaw but relaxed after a brief moment, clearly he'd hit a sore spot.

"Come now, this is a dreary topic of conversation, what brings you out here then? I assume you had some agenda that didn't involve sitting with me and conversing about what could have been." Ignis remarked, levelling Gladio with that soul-piercing stare.

Sheepishly he grinned and shrugged, "Actually, I ain't got any other reason for being here. Do I need a reason to hang out with my friend?" As Ignis shook his head, Gladio laughed again, leaning back against the wall. "But... I did have something I wanted to tell you."

"Oh? Do tell."

Gladio reconsidered sharing his discovery but thought the better of it, it's something everyone should know but apparently ignorance is bliss among mankind. "Well, I did some digging in the library and found something... Interesting."

Ignis crossed his arms and stared him down, "Out with it, Gladio." He said impatiently.

"I guess I found out why you're not allowed to use magic, y'know that humans lost that power right?"

"But of course. Every child is aware of it, at least, the fae children are, I can't speak for your education. Humans abused their gift and so it was taken away, as it should have been. Many other races followed but some retained it, namely my kind. Where is this going?"

Huffing Gladio leaned forward again, elbows on his knees and turned his gaze to the forest. "Someone told me something a while back that got me thinking, I didn't think it was possible but it makes sense... You're not allowed to use magic 'cause someone is afraid of waking the dormant magic in the royal family."

For a long time, Ignis was silent. The only noise was the sound of the trees creaking, leaves rustling and the birds chirping. It had taken a long time for Gladio to accept such a thing, even though it was printed clear as day in front of him. At first he thought it an elaborate joke or mere myth but after spending some time away and really thinking about it, it became clear that it was the truth. Someone had made out that magic was to be feared and locked away, in turn forcing humans to renounce their claim on the gift.

"That doesn't make sense. If humans were stripped of such a thing, why would they be wary of waking it? It doesn't exist for you." Ignis finally said, frowning at the wristbands as if they were taunting him. "Then again, someone here must be able to wield it, otherwise you and yours would have had no hope in sealing mine. Or oppressing my kind."

The elf forced himself to look at Gladio and upon seeing that expectant look on his face, he had no choice but to continue. "Guess the faerie tales are just that, well, this time anyway. I'd heard tales I can now claim are true because of you and Prompto. D'you remember how Cor actually did it?"

"No. Truthfully I don't believe it was he who did it. If what you say is true though, then why not just kill me in the first place? Prompto can't use magic save his ability to fly."

"Dunno, guess they didn't realise what you were capable of until dad tested you," Gladio replied, sighing before continuing, "not gonna lie, I thought all elves couldn't use magic anymore, until I met you. I also thought pixies were supposed to be little shits but Prompto ain't that bad. Most of the time."

This time when silence fell, it was empty and strained. Too many things were uncertain and demanded answers. If someone really was afraid of reawakening the magic of the royal family, then why allow a fae capable of using it close to the crown prince? There had been plenty of opportunities for said person to rid themselves of Ignis and any fears that came with him living here. Unless Ignis was merely a pawn in their game, a piece to be played when his time came, perhaps they all were. Assets to be used in someone's sick game.

Gladio clapped his hands and startled Ignis out of his thoughts, standing up with a grin and a glint in his eye. "Get your lanky ass up, we're going for a walk. Meet me at the gate in ten, got it?"

Ignis opened his mouth to reply but no words came out, he settled for nodding in assent but couldn't help wonder what Gladio was up to. He didn't mention whether Noct and Prompto would be coming either. The two of them had become near inseparable, it was good in a way, that they were good friends. Noctis needed someone outside of Ignis and Gladio, Prompto, too, needed someone else.

It then occurred to him, Gladio never specified which gate. Jumping to his feet, Ignis sped down to the main gate- the most likely place Gladio meant, and waited. He briefly considered grabbing his coat but the weather isn't cold enough to be intolerable, nor is it raining. Sure enough, not five minutes later Gladio appeared with a blanket under his arm and a grin on his face.

Ignis eyed him suspiciously and Gladio slung his arm over his shoulders. "C'mon, I know a place better than the gardens and it's nearly sundown." He said, confused when Ignis suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"I'm not allowed outside the walls."

Resilient, Gladio grabbed his wrist and pulled him anyways, nodding at the guards as they left. "I don't think they'll mind since you're with me. Besides, if you were gonna run you woulda done it by now. I trust you." Apparently Gladio read Ignis' mind and he turned to face him, a reassuring smile replaced the grin as he said, "Don't worry, Iris is gonna cover for me and Noct is with Prompto, if you don't see it by know; I don't think of you as the enemy or a prisoner, you're my friend."

Stunned into silence, Ignis bowed his head and allowed Gladio to lead him away. The entire way he hardly registered his surroundings, too caught up in Gladio's words to care. Despite Clarus' attempts at breaking their friendship at its very foundation, his efforts have been wasted. Be it Gladio's sheer willpower or Ignis' stubbornness that made it impossible but, with their shared resolve for change came dire consequences, usually in the form of a training session gone too far with one of their elders. Thankfully their injuries weren't severe but little more than sprains and bruising, the odd cut here and there depending on the type of weapons. Nothing can stop them trying for some semblance of peace nor snuff out the flame of rebellion.

Somewhere there are fae-folk risking their lives to save their homes and their people, while Ignis doesn't wish the shed blood, he also doesn't want to sit around at a humans beck and call. He loves Noctis like a brother but being cooped up and having to serve the very people that stole everything, it takes it toll after a while. In fact, more than once, he'd considered just running away. Wrist cuffs be damned. But then that means he'd be leaving behind that which he'd fought to build as well as his makeshift family and friends.

What would Gladio say if he knew Ignis was considering it? Would he be disappointed? Annoyed, angry or even rat him out? Or maybe he'd ask if he could go with him, along with Prompto and Noct. Wishful thinking. They may be friends but Gladio has far too many responsibilities to just up and leave with a fae, Noctis also has too many obligations to his people.

Even so, he can't help but wish for the freedom to use magic again, to be able to go where he pleases and do whatever he wants. To play music again and wander through the forest, sit among the fireflies during the night and savour the tranquility of the river that ran through a clearing near his home. Such a thing is too far out of his reach and seems as though it will remain that way.

"Hey, you've been awful quiet, you alright?" Gladio asked, breaking the silence between them and wrenching Ignis from his pitiful thoughts of freedom. "You glare at the floor any harder and it's gonna crack."

Ignis yelped when Gladio flicked his ear, turning that glare on the brute who had the audacity to look innocent. "I'm fine. Where are we?" He said, surveying his surroundings at last.

They were in a clearing, the dim lighting left much to the imagination but the setting sun casts an orange hue over everything it's light could reach. Reflecting off the water of a small pond near a break in the trees, the grass was long and healthy here, unusual for the end of winter but certainly not unwelcome. In fact, the entire clearing was alive, a mass of greens and browns. There were flowers, too, small buds that would someday bloom into beautiful flowers and add to the scene.

"Keep your voice down and c'mere." Gladio whispered, gesturing to a fallen tree where he'd laid the blanket. He kneeled down and patted the spot beside him, shuffling over to give Ignis enough room.

All they could hear were the gentle rustling of leaves, the occasional frog croaking of leaping into the pond, a cricket singing every now and again. Other than that, it was quiet and alluring. Just as Ignis was going to question what they were waiting for, numerous bright lights appeared, whizzing around and stopping at the flower buds. Gladio watched Ignis' eyes light up upon realising what they were, not fireflies but faeries. Upon seeing the elf's stern expression soften to the point he actually looked his age, lips parted a little in awe, Gladio couldn't help but smile fondly.

One of the faeries suddenly flew up to his face, mere inches away from him and just stared for a few seconds. "This one knows the big one but does not know pointy one, you are big ones friend, yes?" It asked, glancing from Ignis to Gladio and back again.

"Asiza! Pointy one is fae, even this one isn't so blind. Look at pointy ones eyes and ears, big one is man, yes but pointy one is elf." Another squeaked, their wings fluttering madly.

"If pointy one is elf then why does big one look at him like that? Big one must really be friend of fae if pointy one like him. Big one always visits these ones but never with friend before."

Then the most unexpected thing happened and Gladio stopped breathing. Ignis laughed. Real, genuine laughter and it lit up his entire face, here Gladio was think he'd never live to see a smile let alone laughter.

One of the faeries pinched Gladio cheek and giggled, "If big one doesn't close his mouth he'll attract flies, this one thinks big one likes pointy one." They whispered in his ear. Gladio was going to deny it but he'd be lying to himself. "This one knows. This one can see how big one looks at pointy one, so why is big one sad?"

"Dain! You mustn't ask big one such a thing! Especially not with pointy one around to hear it!"

"But big one is always talking about a friend he likes, pointy one fits big ones description! This one just wants to know why big one seems to sad inside if pointy one is here!"

"Alright! Don't you guys have flowers to play with?" Gladio grumbled, trying to ignore the knowing look Ignis was giving him.

"Hmph! Big one doesn't need to be rude to these ones! This one was only trying to help! Pointy one knows what big one is hiding anyway!"

Gladio groaned and hid his face behind his hands, hearing Ignis chuckle at his turmoil almost made up for the eternal embarrassment. Almost. "While I'm glad to have met such fine faeries, I believe Gladio and I must be on our way." Ignis said, hiding his smile behind his hand.

"But these ones want to know more about pointy one! These ones already know big one... Pointy one must promise to come and visit these ones again, yes?" Dain demanded.

"Of course, I'd be honoured to visit again. I assume Gladio is still welcome, too?"

After a moment of consideration Asiza grinned and pinched Ignis' cheeks, Gladio sniggered at the mortification on his face that replaced the smile. "This one thinks big one will want pointy one to always come with him now, pointy one must bring big one with him, these ones will have lots of fun and maybe this one can help pointy one with the bad magic." Asiza tapped her foot on one of the wristbands with a wink.

"Good to know you ain't kicking me out for Ignis, next time we'll bring some berries or something, yeah?" Gladio clarified.

"Yes! These ones love the red berries! And sweets too! Big one said pointy one makes the best sweets so pointy one brings some next time and big one brings red berries!"

"I believe that can be arranged. Shall we then Gladio?" Ignis enquired, rising to his feet and brushing off his knees. He extended a hand to Gladio and when his offer was accepted he hauled the other to his feet. With some difficulty mind you.

"Big one must take care of pointy one, dark things are coming. Safe travels! These ones will be waiting!"

Knowing better than to question the little creatures, Gladio lightly nudged Ignis towards the alcove they came through. It was considerably darker than when they initially came out and Gladio was suddenly grateful Clarus was away, even if it wasn't for long, a shield can't rightly defend his king if he's not present.

Once the pair of them were a little ways from the gate, Ignis grabbed Gladio's wrist and stopped. "A moment, if I may." He said, taking a moment to think about things. "I just- I want to say thank you."

"Don't need to thank me, I finally got to see you smile." Gladio replied, ruffling Ignis' hair, the memory making him grin. This time, the elf didn't look mortified or embarrassed, instead he let slip a shy smile of his own, the tips of his ears a little red and a faint pink tinting his cheeks.

"You never mentioned you knew faeries, I'm surprised they took a liking to you to be honest, how did you come across them?"

Gladio chuckled and scratched the back of his neck, leaning back against a tree. "Yeah, funny story actually. I was kinda mad at you one day so I came out here to cool off, just kept walkin' until I hit that clearing and trampled the flowers. Gotta say, they're scary when they're mad."

Ignis scoffed and shook his head. "Indeed, faeries in particular are protective over their territory, you're lucky. What exactly did they do? I'm quite curious."

"Well they kinda assaulted me with water bombs, petals and ivy, hilarious now that I look back on it. Seemed to calm down when they found the berries in my pocket though." He said, that day he'd gone home soaked and covered in petals but couldn't bring himself to care. "By the way... About what they were saying-"

"You don't have to explain yourself, some things are better left unsaid and so I'll respect your privacy." Ignis interrupted, "However, that being said, I have something to tell you but I'm not sure how to approach the subject just yet."

"Don't worry, I ain't gonna pry, tell me when you're ready. C'mon, Iris wanted to see you before dad comes home."

Gladio slung one arm over Ignis' shoulders, the blanket draped over the other and they continued back in comfortable silence, simply enjoying each others company. Yet, the fact Ignis was all too aware of what Gladio strived to keep hidden sent his heart and mind into overdrive. He didn't seem angry or disgusted at all, perhaps in the future whatever lingers between them could be addressed. Ever since he spent the night with Ignis a while back, he's known that it wasn't only friendship he felt for the elf, ridiculous as it may sound or as unbelievable as it may be. He loved him and every little thing about him, the smile and laughter he bore witness to earlier only served to solidify what was already there. 

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