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Bởi Vanilla_Specs

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Prompto and Ignis are fae-folk, taken away from their homes and forced to live with humans and other fae pris... Xem Thêm

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter six
Chapter seven

Chapter five

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Bởi Vanilla_Specs

Weeks flew by and Gladio's newest mission hadn't progressed at all. The weeks slowly turned into months, bleeding into years and the efforts proved futile. Not only that, but with each new year came more responsibilities and problems. Clarus had kept Gladio as busy as possible without overworking him. By association, it also meant Ignis' workload increased with both his own and Noct's. The council members begrudgingly allowed the elf to sit in on meetings to take notes in the Prince's absence, he was not to interrupt or participate, merely sit, listen and write. The kid was younger and inhuman but still had more responsibilities than Gladio, which in itself was a blow to his steadily growing ego.

Nevertheless, Gladio felt they had a decent... Acquaintanceship, whereas he and Prompto had become fast friends. In fact, Prompto was just a friendly kid, even Noct was interested but hides behind his mask of indifference whenever the kid is around. Surprisingly, the pixie landed himself a job at the local tavern, he was only a busboy but it was something and the owner seemed nice enough, especially if he was willing to let a fae work at his place. Honest work for honest pay. Though it may not be the best job in the world, it gave Prompto money of his own so he could buy his own clothes and food.

The young shield was almost seventeen now, close to becoming a part of the crownsguard but still feeling conflicted. He isn't sure he actually wants to join the guard, knowing what it entails but if his father has any say, it'll happen. He still trained with Noct, Ignis and Prompto, some more than others of course but was also given guard duty as part of his responsibilities.

Gladio often felt older than he really was, physically and mentally. He was young but looked and acted like a middle-aged adult, well, maybe looked a mere year or two older. Through his excessive training he'd bulked up considerably, it'd look odd if he wasn't tall enough to match it, standing at a grand six foot so far. He practically towered over Noct and Prompto, a good six or seven inches taller for now, Ignis wasn't far behind him in height however. The elf stood at five foot ten, still lanky but sparring with Gladio had forced him to develop. The shield had actually walked in on him doing gymnastics at one point, both terrified and amazed.

More often than not these days, the pair of them would spar as stress relief. While Gladio may not have as much piled into his day, he had family duties to fulfil and Clarus had been pestering him about settling down in the next few years. Iris jumped on the bandwagon and asked if he actually had a girlfriend. Which he did not. He'd been too busy stealing the cakes Ignis would bake to notice anyone.

Right now, he was squashed into a cupboard, a plate of fresh tarts on his lap as he hid from the irritated elf. Noct had mentioned something he'd had tried a while back and Ignis made it his personal mission to recreate it, partly for Noct and partly for a distraction. The two of them had grown quite close over the years, and though he'd never admit it, Gladio was kinda jealous.

"Gladiolus, I swear to the Six, get out of the cupboard." Ignis demanded. He stood with his arms crossed, tapping his foot on the floor impatiently, waiting for the brute to reveal himself.

For a brief moment, Gladio considered it. "Nah. I kinda like it here, it's cosy." He called back, stifling his laughter at hearing Ignis' exasperated groan. "How 'bout we make a deal? I come out without touching the tarts; you don't kick my ass and make me some."

"No." Came the sharp reply. "If this is another misguided attempt at trying to make me smile, you're doing a very poor job of it, perhaps worse than the last time."

"Hey! I thought it was funny! Not my fault you can't take a joke..."

"Be that as it may, I have places to be and you-" Ignis started, startling Gladio when he pulled the door open. "- have a lesson with Clarus, if I'm not mistaken."

Even though Ignis was glaring and wore a stern expression, Gladio still thought he was pretty but then he'd never seen an elf that wasn't. Again, he'd never admit to saying that- thinking it even. Grumbling and huffing, he shimmied out of the cupboard, cursing himself for trying to squeeze into such a small space and placing the plate into Ignis' waiting hand.

"Thank you. Do take care, we're due to take Noctis into the city later, he insists on visiting the new bakery."

Gladio grimaced at the thought of chaperoning Noct around town again. The kid doesn't stop running off and wanting to go in every single store they pass, meaning they're later than they should be getting back so he and Ignis take the fall for it. "Can I take one for the road then?" He asked, reaching for a tart only to have Ignis bat his hand away. "C'mon Ignis, please...? Pretty please? I can't face Noct all afternoon without sugar, please...?"

Ignis remained stoic. Watching Gladio all but beg with mild amusement. Alas, his resolve crumbled. "Fine. The next time I catch you stealing, I'll find a way to remove these accursed binds and seal your mouth shut." He threatened, dropping one of the treats into Gladio's hand. He probably should mention that Gladio's already late for his lesson but... Where's the fun in that?

"Wait- What time is it? Shit!" Gladio scoffed the treat, regretfully. He wanted to savour it but time waits for no man. Mutely waving to Ignis with a mouth full of pastry must have been a real sight to see. But he couldn't dwell on that now, his father was going to go mad. Or be as cold as Ignis. Both were equally as bad.

As he all but sprinted down to the training hall, many people frowned and scolded him for being careless, he narrowly missed colliding with someone turning a corner, too. Clarus glanced over at him, panting for breath as he dragged himself towards the center, ready to accept whatever punishment awaited him.

"You're late."

"'M sorry, got caught up."

Clarus scoffed in disbelief, muttering something about carelessness. He turned away from Gladio, seemingly inspecting the weapons rack. "I've told you countless times to stay away from that boy. Why is it you refuse to listen to me?"

Momentarily caught off guard, Gladio scowled at the floor. It's true, Clarus had repeatedly reprimanded him for talking to Ignis but the young shield couldn't bring himself to stop or care. He had to think carefully about his next words, but, as usual he threw caution to the wind.

"'Cause I don't see why I can't talk to him. He's a kid too, Noct gets to hang around with him so why can't I?" Gladio countered.

"The boy serves the Prince, there is no other option than to allow it. You on the other hand, should know better than to befriend the enemy. I do not dictate Prince Noctis' life or his relations, King Regis will do as he deems fit for him, I am responsible for you and making sure you're prepared." Clarus replied and Gladio flinched at the venom in his voice.

Inwardly cursing his recklessness and apparent death wish, Gladio squared his shoulders and stared directly at his father. "Well- putting Ignis into Noct's service means I have to talk to him, I work with him! If he's gonna be there when Noct's king then we gotta get along. Dad-"


"No! Listen to me!" Gladio interjected, wincing at the enraged look on Clarus' face. "I don't see why we have to be enemies! Ignis and Prompto- I heard what happened to the pixie village and it was horrible... We're the ones causing so much pain, not them. Damnit, y'know there's more than one type of fae? There's dark fae, too. They're the ones we should be fighting!"

"Enough, Gladiolus! I won't tolerate such foolish behaviour and childish thoughts. Did it ever occur to you that they may have lied?"

It hadn't actually. Gladio was inclined to believe Prompto's story from the get-go, but something told him it wasn't a lie, that it was the absolute truth. After all, what reason did he have to lie about such a thing? He wouldn't serve to gain from misleading Gladio, quite the opposite, the pair of them would be outcast from everyone including the one person willing to change.

Clarus inhaled deeply, as if bracing himself for something. "Gladiolus. I never told you how your mother died. She was killed by them and I will not stand by while you make the same mistakes as she did. She thought she could enforce peace but she was wrong. You cannot trust them."

"But you're willing to entrust Noct to an elf, huh? Y'know Ignis treats Noct like a brother, he doesn't have to but he does and Prompto helps out at the tavern 'cause he wants to. We destroyed their lives Dad. Then we forced them to fight back all 'cause we can't tell the difference between what's right and wrong." Gladio spat. For once, he didn't regret speaking his mind on the matter, it had to be said. He had to try making a point, his father bringing his mother into this just added insult to injury and stoked the fire as it were.

"Should something happen it's your duty to protect Noctis. I'm well aware of the progress they have made in training, the elf may not rival you now but if he weren't hindered by the binds... I know the danger I have brought by allowing them to live and I'm content to put an end to it if I must, whatever the reason may be."

Gladio couldn't believe what he'd just heard. That his father was perfectly willing to kill two, innocent children, just to get his way.

"We're going to a dwarven village in the fall. You're coming along and you will do as you're told." Clarus ordered. Leaving no room for discussion as he strode past Gladio to the door, stopping for a moment. "In the meantime, I forbid you to engage with the fae and focus on both your marital prospects and your training for heaven's sake, you're an Amicitia so start acting like one and take your duties seriously."

The silence became deafening.

Gladio didn't hate his father, he merely disagreed with his methods and attitudes but this time, he came very close to resenting him. He didn't remember much of his mother and the little he did was tainted by his father's vendetta against the fae. Clarus often brought her up and used her as some sort of martyr, a way to steer Gladio back on the path laid out for him. The exact route the young shield is trying to stay far away from.

Clarus hadn't always been this way, he used to smile and laugh. Used to play house with Gladio and Iris whenever they called for him, that was when their mother was alive. It seems a part of him died with her. He's thrown himself into his work and forcing Gladio to do the same, inadvertently causing him to stray farther and rebel. What child like being told who to be friends with? Certainly not Gladio. In the end there was very little that could sway Clarus into actually listening, even the King had a hard time getting through to him.

In the midst of Gladio's inner argument, he hadn't noticed someone slip into the room. "My wasn't that a fiasco? Dear old daddy told you off again, hm?"

The voice was oddly familiar yet... Not, at the same time. Accented but not in the way Ignis' was, nor the King's for that matter, it was disturbing in a weird way. Never before had Gladio seen someone with a dress sense so bad that it suits them, until this guy.

"And who're you? The King get a new jester?" Gladio remarked, eyeing the man as he idly paced around the room.

"Ah ignorance is bliss. My name matters not at present, I simply want to know what you hope to achieve befriending such creatures." He asked, a cheshire like grin on his face.

Something told Gladio this wasn't the last time he'd be seeing this guy, not even close. There was just something... Off about him. "Did you know the royal family is still tainted by the blood of the fae? I bet your books didn't tell you that. It'd be a shame if it were true now wouldn't it? Or if someone found out what you think of your pointy-eared friend, what would your father do?"

"I dunno what you're talking about and I don't really care. What d'you want?"

"Friendly conversation that I'm clearly not getting from you. It's a wonder you managed to befriend the enemy, then again, you are merely children... Rest assured, I know what deep desires you hide and I won't hesitate to use them against you, you're playing a dangerous game you didn't even know you were a part of."

Thankfully, Gladio didn't have to dignify that with an answer because Ignis poked his head round the door, waving him over. He scowled at the flamboyant man while Gladio wandered over, untrusting and suspicious to a fault.

"I owe you. Saved me from some creep." Gladio said, finally able to breathe.

"Yes well, I didn't come bearing good news. I've been ordered to remain here. You're to take Noctis out alone..."

All relief Gladio had felt quickly fled down the drain, never to be seen again. "You gotta be kidding me. For real?"

Ignis' silence was all the confirmation he needed, that and the guilty look on the elf's face.

"Something tells me you already know why I've been told to stay. Dare I ask? Or perhaps it's better I don't know." Ignis fiddled with the pendant around his neck, resting between his collarbones. A little something Noct gave him as thanks. "It'll be dark soon, you had best go before we're both reprimanded. Again. Oh- I should also mention I've heard tell of a girl out to steal your heart."

Gladio groaned and scrubbed a hand over his face, knowing exactly who Ignis was referring to. "Trust me. If I can help it, she ain't coming near me."

"Oh? There's a story to this, do tell." Ignis said, his voice held the amusement his face refused.

"The day you smile is the day I'll tell you, but, looks like we'll be dead before then. Anyway, catch you later? I need someone to listen to me ranting about Princess."

"Touche, though, I'd appreciate the entertainment." Gladio thought he was going to actually witness a smile, even a hint of one but Ignis' face remained indifferent while his eyes expressed his bemusement.


By nightfall Gladio had successfully herded Noct back to his room and the gods must be smiling on him because he wasn't caught. Clarus, or even Cor, would have his hide if they were to catch him only just getting the Prince home. Noct wouldn't budge from his spot just inside his door however.

"Go and get patched up." He demanded.

Gladio pursed his lips and held in the insult that threatened to spring free. "Yeah yeah, I will. Go to bed before your stubborn ass gets us in trouble."

"Fine. If you aren't stitched up properly by tomorrow morning, I'm going to punch you in the face."

"In your dreams Princess. Good night!" He laughed, only half-heartedly mind you, Noct would try and make good on that. But there was a problem: the doctor is asleep.

Grumbling to himself, Gladio crept down the hall, his house wasn't too far away and he wouldn't bleed out any time soon. Hopefully. That's when it clicked, the doctor may be asleep... But Ignis might not be. Oddly enough, Gladio could almost feel his heart leap at thinking about the elf, it hadn't happened before or- well it had but... It only happens when Ignis pops in his head. Or when they're sparing. That one could be explained well enough, he was exercising, of course his heartbeat was going to go nuts.

Shaking his head and immediately regretting it, the young shield snuck down to Ignis' room, it wasn't far from Noct's for the sake of convenience so thankfully he didn't need to go far. The patrol must have just passed for it to be so quiet. Channeling his stealth, he quickly opened the door and ducked inside, silently thanking whoever was watching over him. One thing Gladio didn't exactly think of, was that Ignis slept too. Not often but he did and this just happened to be one of those times.

Under the bundle of sheets, Gladio could just make out the point of an ear and a mess of blond hair. Seems like Ignis isn't so graceful all the time, curled up under the sheets and vulnerable. That wasn't a word Gladio would use to describe the fae but right now it was sadly appropriate. He shifted closer, curious more than anything. Seeing the witty, cold and calculating Ignis looking so young and peaceful sent a wave of heat over him.

Ignis mumbled something and rolled over, bleary eyes staring right at Gladio but not actually seeing him. For the moment. The next second the elf was sat up and clutching the blankets to him, glaring daggers at Gladio accusingly and... Is that what embarrassment looks like on him? "What on Eos are you doing?!" Ignis yelped. For Gladio, tonight is a night of firsts... And quite possibly lasts.

"Didn't know you talked in your sleep." He joked, narrowly dodging the boot that flew towards his head. "Alright! There was an accident and I was gonna see if you could help me out."

The elf narrowed his eyes at him, his other boot ready for launch. "What sort of accident? Is Noctis alright, I swear to Bahumat himself, if you played a trick and it went wrong I'm not getting involved."

"No! Nothing like that, Noct's fine, he's in bed." Gladio assured, hands up in surrender so Ignis lowered his weapon. "Got a needle and thread on you?"

With an exasperated huff, Ignis gestured for him to turn around. Gladio could hear the rustling of cloth so he can safely assume Ignis wasn't decent, or whatever his definition of decent is. At the strike of a match, the room was illuminated in a deep orange glow and whatever Ignis deemed decent for sleepwear didn't include a shirt. "Let me see and pray you haven't bled over my sheets."

It was amazing what a simple light could do, it certainly did wonders to show off Ignis' features. Gladio winced as cold fingers lightly prodded at the skin around his wound but, at the same time, he couldn't help but lean into it, just a little. The elf had surprisingly soft hands.

"So what's the damage, doc?" He asked, breaking the silence and grinning when he caught Ignis' eye.

A flick to his nose and Ignis had moved away to the draw beside his bed, rummaging through it until he hummed in approval, revealing a curved needle and a length of black thread. "You're lucky. The blade narrowly missed your eye, I can't do much but help it heal I'm afraid. You're going to have a scar that's for certain."

Gladio watched, captivated as Ignis prepared the needle, heating it over the candle flame and shooting him an apologetic look. "I'm not going to lie to you, this may hurt so try and think of something else."

For a second, he was going to brush it off and boast about how he could handle it. Until actually pierced his skin. Gladio resorted to biting down on the sleeve of his shirt, definitely not staring at Ignis' lips, the sharp line of his jaw or defined collarbones. Is this what that creepy guy meant? I know what deep desires you hide and I won't hesitate to use them against you.

Guilty, Gladio forced himself to tear his gaze away, look at anything but the fae, there was literally nothing else in front of him except Ignis. Sharp eyes focused on his task and nimble fingers working with practiced ease. Once or twice, Ignis had to stitch up someone's clothes, namely Noct or Gladio's as well as wounds from intense practice. Speaking of intense practice, the young shield squinted as he tried to clarify what he was seeing. On the side of Ignis face, the side enveloped in shadows, was the making of a bruise and a nasty shiner by the looks of it, but he couldn't really tell in the dark.

He then asked. "So... Why'd you have to stay here?" Gladio didn't miss the twitch of Ignis' fingers.

"Apparently our higher ups thought I needed to be taught a lesson. It's nothing for you to concern yourself with at any rate, all things considered." Ignis spoke quietly and Gladio knew there was more to what he was saying. So he waited. "Gladio... I don't know how much longer I can endure this. Being constantly frowned upon no matter what I do, there's only so much ridicule one can handle."

The young shield fell silent, knowing there's nothing he could possibly say to soothe the others mind. So the veil of silence fell over them once again, Ignis quietly finishing his work on Gladio's wound, only moving again to grab a wet cloth. All Gladio could do was stare at him. He'd have frowned if it didn't threaten to ruin Ignis' hard work, the bruise on his face came into view when he rinsed off the cloth and Gladio could practically feel his blood boil.

Gingerly, he reached out and grabbed Ignis' wrists, ignoring the pointed stare of bewilderment and mortification. Gladio unclipped the wristbands, uncovering the magical binds and that very same feeling ran through his veins at seeing them, still as bright as they were six years ago. Still as taunting.

Clearing his throat, Gladio released Ignis' wrists only to grab him in a bear hug. If it weren't such a serious moment he may have laughed at the way the elf all but turned to stone. "You mind if I stay here with you? Don't really wanna go home and face dad right now."

Ignis didn't answer, rather he wiggled free of Gladio's vice-like hold and crawled back under the covers, hesitating before patting the empty side of the bed. It'd be a tight squeeze for the two of them but if Ignis had an issue with it he didn't make a fuss. Gladio certainly doesn't have an issue with it. Besides, if anything it's an opportunity so test whether it really is Ignis sending his heart aflutter or if it's something else, his imagination perhaps or someone else causing it.

Mindful of his wound, Gladio laid on his 'good side'. Ignis too, laid on his side, staring Gladio straight in the eyes. Behind that apathetic exterior, Gladio could see there was something hidden, what it was he could say but nevertheless it was progress. Maybe, just maybe, he's making some headway in melting Ignis' barriers.

"I'm not beyond kicking you out of bed if you attempt to cuddle me. You've been warned." Ignis said, rolling over to face away from him.

Gladio snorted, sliding his hand towards the other just to see his reaction. He got as far as brushing his fingertips against Ignis' back before his hand was slapped away, a scolding glare sent over his shoulder as Gladio's last warning. "Okay, I'm sorry. Night, Iggy."

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