To Be So Lonely (Styles Tripl...

By louisssmolbean

393K 11.6K 5.3K

Louis is an insecure omega who wishes he had someone to care for him. The Styles triplets go to the same scho... More

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Thank you
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e i g h t

13.8K 426 466
By louisssmolbean

(A/N: I'm sorry in advance)

Louis was ecstatic it had been a while since he had gone to a party and he couldn't wait to show off his body in an outfit that he was sure the triplets would love. People often confused Louis for a girl, not only because of his feminine body and curves, but also because of the way he dressed. It was very soft and not masculine at all.

At the beginning the triplets weren't really fazed by the party since they went to one almost every weekend, but seeing small omega jump around and be all giddy they couldn't help but await what would come on Friday.


Soon enough Friday came around and Niall was over at Louis's house preparing an outfit. "I'm so excited Nini we are going to look amazing" Louis laughed to himself, "What is it weirdo" asked Niall looking amused "Or should I said amaiZAYN" Louis and Niall laughed grabbing their stomachs before Niall said "I think being with Harry is affecting your brain" that only caused the duo to laugh even more.

After about half an hour of Louis rummaging in his closet for an outfit and Niall stood up and said "That's it I'm choosing the damn outfit!" He walked in leaving a pouty Louis to sit on the bed. When Niall finally found the outfit that he wanted he mumbled 'perfect' to himself.

It wasn't weird for Louis to wear such cropped t-shirts and such tight jeans but he felt so insecure when he remember the triplets were going to be at the party as well. "Don't argue and put it on you will look hot as fuck" ordered Niall and who was Louis to disobey this Irish lad?

They arrived to the party almost half an hour late cause Louis was scared and didn't want to leave a car. As soon as they stepped into the house the party was in they were greeted by the triplets, Liam and Zayn. While Liam and Zayn were showering Niall and kisses and roaming their hands all around their beautiful omega's body, the triplets were speechless looking at Louis and be honest the blue-eyed Omega couldnt seem to form a sentence. They looked so hot.




"Oh baby you look so good" Edward said while looking at Louis like he was gonna eat him. And of course he giggled, the alphas loved that sound. The boy noticed Marcel took his glasses off and he looked so much like Harry it was weird. Louis was blushing a deep red when the alphas took turns to hug him.

Louis had realized that each Alpha hugged differently, like Edward's hugs were loose but he would always nuzzle his face deep into the boy's neck, Marcel's hugs were very personal, he would always lift Louis off the floor so they would be face to face while they were hugging and the omega loved Harry's hugs more than any other, you see he would hug so tight that his shoulders would go up and they would just smush their faces together .

Before Harry could pull away from the hug Louis leaned into him and whispered "Who wears a Hawaiian shirt to a party you dork" he booped the alphas nose before pecking his check.

"Heyy i want a kiss too" whined Marcel from the side. Louis rolled his eyes but nonetheless pecked the man-child. When he turned to kiss Edward's cheek the alpha quickly turned his face and stole a kiss. The other brothers growled and Louis just stood there, red as a tomato.

As the party went on Louis decided to stick by the triplets. When it was time for dancing every triplet asked in a different occasion if he could take Louis out. First it was Harry for just a casual dance, then it was Marcel for a semi slow dance and when Edward took Louis out the boy was halfway drunk (you see he drank in between songs cause why not), and just then everyone started grinding on each other.

Half drunk Louis was very confident so he started grinding on Edward, and believe me he was not complaining. He was hard, but he didn't want to jeopardize his relationship with Louis so he just continued like he was fine.

Niall was full on dry humping his alphas and for once he was glad Louis dragged him to the party. Soon all three brothers were dirty dancing with Louis when somebody suddenly grabbed the omega, "Mind if i steal him for a sec?" Fucking Nick. "Yes, yes please Hazzy?" Louis pleaded and the alpha nodded too quickly and instantly regretted his decision. Seconds later Louis was grinding on to Nick and vice versa, all three triplets were devastated and very, very jealous.

After a while the three alphas decided to go outside to calm themselves down before they kill somebody. There were alphas, betas and omegas making out outside and the boys recognized one very annoying one making out with a footie teammate. Ugh Taylor. She detached from the beta and walk to the triplets. She was wearing such short shorts that she looked like in underwear. "Hi big boys, want a taste?"...

Meanwhile in the house Nick took a now drunk Louis upstairs. "Oh little Louis how stubborn you are, tonight i make you mine" the omega puked on the stairs before gaining consciousness and realizing what was going on. "Nick let me go please" he said annoyed, Nick always played stupid games. But tonight he seemed serious that worried Louis. "Oh no little omega you heard me, first we'll make out and then you blow me" said Nick with eyes dark with lust.

"Cut the crap and let me go you arsehole!" Louis struggled in the alpha's strong grip. Then Nick pressed his lips against the omega's. Lou didn't respond the kiss. "Kiss me back slut, you always look for me i know you want it" the poor boy was gonna puke. "Fine if you won't kiss me i'll just have to skip that step. Now the fun part doll" to say he was scared was an understatement.

Back on the lawn the Styles were bored with Taylor's bitchy tone "Go away Taylor you had us and you lost us, anyway we found someone way better" said Harry with a bitter tone. Harry was always kind but Taylor broke his heart. "Oh you mean that slut Louis" laughed the blonde "Don't you dare talk about him like that!" said Edward in his alpha voice making everyone around him cower. "If he isn't a slut why is he up there making out with Nick, huh?" all the boys turned to the house to see the feathery haired omega pressed up against the window with Nick devouring his face. They left Taylor screaming after them as they walked up the stairs of the house.

They were about ready to yell at Louis for giving false hope before they walked in to see something they never ever wanted to. Louis was on his knees on the floor crying, while Nick tried to force his dick into the boy's mouth. Without second thought Edward landed a punch on to the alphas nose, definitely breaking it. Marcel bent down and picked up the crying boy.

He held him close as his brothers beat the shit out of Nick. When he was on the ground Louis got off Marcel and hugged the other triplet closest to him, it was Harry who stopped punching the scum on the floor to look at Louis.

When he felt he had Harry's attention he moved to Edward who was still kicking Nick in the ribs "Eddy stop" he didn't "Eddy please" he didn't stop and Louis was trying his best not to break down again "Eddy im hurt, come be with me he doesn't deserve your energy" that finally got the man to stop, he spat on Nick before engulfing the omega in a hug. Louis put his feet around Edward's waist and his arms around the alpha's neck.

Before they could walk out they heard Nick scream for all the people at the house to hear "TOMMO THE FUCKING TEASE LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, SHIT AT EVERYTHING ESPECIALLY BEING AN OMEGA" the music stopped, everyone was staring at Louis. And then Nick started "You're a shit omega no wonder Stanley left you for the other one, she was actually fucking good as his ome-" he was stopped by a swift kick to the jaw, it was Marcel. He broke it.

Louis couldn't hold it in any longer, he broke down in Edwards arms. He was having a panic attack, he couldn't breathe and everyone was looking at him, judging him he felt like he was going to die. Marcel caressed his back while Edward held him close "Breathe baby please" the alpha pleaded. "THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS" Harry yelled at everyone before Louis passed out.


(1520 words)

I'm sorry but it has to be done. I won't be alerting smut from now on so beware. No hate to Nick and Stanley it's fiction. Taylor tho is kinda a b.

Anyways see you later, stay safe lovelies

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