Don't let go

By WarriorDragon215

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Izuku always wondered where he went wrong in his life. He wondered what he did wrong to deserve everything he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Meeting Them.
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 8

2.2K 33 8
By WarriorDragon215


The love of Izuku's life. His Queen.

Before she met him. All was not well for her. It all started when she was born.

Her mother being on the bed giving birth. The nurses encourage her to push. Momo coming out a second later. When they see the small baby. They all already knew. This baby was gonna be beautiful. Which was true.

Her beauty was unexplainable. Her parents locked her into the house. Not letting the world see the girl. Buying private tudors for her. So she can study at home. Homeschooling was fine. She didn't care for a while.

Until she turned ten years old. Wondering why she couldn't leave. Why she had to stay in the house. This question wasn't answered until later on. Her parents always claimed that it was for her protection. Yet she knew she was being locked away. Never being seen from society. She was trapped.

She had no friends. She couldn't make any cause of the fact. Yet for some reason she had bullies still. Causing the pain inside her to grow. She felt lonely and trapped. Her only sense of relief was the blade in pocket. She used all the time. Her parents not even noticing until one night.

"Momo sweetheart." He mother calls before opening the door. Gasping in shock as she saw her daughter marking her beautiful skin. Before she grabbed her daughter by the hair. Throwing her to the ground she yells in anger.

"You ungrateful bitch!!"

Packing some stuff up she throws it at Momo. Before she yelled at her to get. Saying that they didn't want a daughter like her. Momo gets up and smiles sadly. Before she walked out of the house. Heading into town.

Yet while she walked past and alley way. She was suddenly pulled in. Four men surrounding her laughing. This was the night she met the love of her life. She met him. That's the night everything changed for her. Her whole life changed. Yet most importantly that night she changed.

She never felt anything like she did that night. His voice, his looks and his personality. He was perfect. She wanted him and no one would take him away from her. She didn't even realise that he felt the same. Until that night in the treehouse. How over joyed she felt when he said those words.

"Your mine."

She was ecstatic. Then she learned that he wanted to become a hero. She knew that where ever he was she would follow. So she trained for those months. Trying to get into the same school as him. U.A high the number one hero school. She knew that he would make it in. Question was, would she?

-The real story-

Its been a week since the incident in the treehouse. The two people they killed were all over the news. No one knew where they were. Well except Izuku and Momo of course. Their relationship has grown over the week. The two of them being stuck together like glue.

Momo learning everything about Izuku. Izuku learning everything about Momo. Nothing has changed between them. Everytime someone would talk to one of them. Their jealousy getting the best of them. Since the week four more people went missing. Yet they haven't gone onto the news yet. The news not even knowing who the killer is. Today the two of them stayed in the treehouse.

"Izuku? What do you want to do? In life I mean. What's your dream school?" Momo asked him as she looked up. She was on his lap relaxing. Izuku looks down at her and smiles.

"I want to become a hero. I want to join U.A." He says to her.

She nods her head in understanding. Before getting up determined. She pumps her fist in the air excited. Making Izuku chuckle a bit at her. Before she turns around determination shining in her eyes. Grabbing his shoulders he sweatdrops. Before she squealed in delight.

"Then I will do the same. I will train super hard. Then I will join you in U.A. We'll both become heroes! Wouldn't that be fun Izu!?" She yells and stands up straight. Jumping up and down excited.

He smiles at her softly. Before getting up and grabbing her. Kissing her softly on the forehead. He nods his head as she beamed happily.

"How did I get so lucky?" He whispers under his breath as he held her. She giggles when she heard him. Before she held onto him.

"I was gonna ask you that." She says.

After a few moments they let go of each other. Izuku starts grabbing a bag. Putting some stuff in it. Momo looks at him confused. Until her turned around and gave her a smile.

"You said you wanted to train hard. So lets go. We are both joining U.A. Neither of us gonna be left behind. You don't get in then I'm not joining." Izuku says making Momo tear up. Before she latched onto him crying.

"That's not fair. I would feel bad if you don't get in because of me." She says crying. Izuku laughs and hugs her.

"Well you shouldn't cause we are getting in." He says to her and lets go. She nods sadly and pumps herself up.

"Let's do this!!" She yells and trows her hands in the air. Making Izuku laugh at her enthusiasm.

Before they walked out of their treehouse. Walking to their training area. Which was near a waterfall in the woods. Not that far from the treehouse. Yet not to close that it would destroy anything. This was where Izuku would train most of the time. Momo would usually sit in the treehouse and watch him. Yet now she is up close and joining him. This made her slightly happier.

Izuku takes off his shirt and looks at her. Seeing the blush that littered her cheeks. Making him turn around and laugh. At his point of view she looked adorable. Momo takes off her sweatshirt making Izuku stare. Which caused her to be even more embarrassed. Izuku laughs and rubs the back of his neck. As Momo threw her sweatshirt at him.

"Okay, okay. Lets just get started then. I want you to take 20 laps around the forest. With these weights on. Afterwards I want you to do 100 sit ups, pull ups, jump jacks and so on. Then you will come to me to do your training." He tells her before he started walking away. She looks at him in surprise.

"Wait a minute this is just a warm up!?" She yells causing him to laugh. She growls under breath before getting to work. Cursing everytime she finished a lap. Knowing that she had more laps to go.

After finishing all her laps she fell to the floor exhausted. Groaning when Izuku yells at her to finish her exercises. Getting up she starts the exercises. Doing the pull ups first. Since she thought they would be easier. Big mistake on her part. Since she struggled in the beginning to the very end. Her arms feeling like jello after wards. It took her several hours to finish it. Making her tired and hungry.

She takes a small break then moves onto the rest. These being not too bad. Except the sit ups and crunches. Her abs and whole body felt like it was a huge boulder. Making it hard for her to move. She somehow manages to get up. Walking slowly over to Izuku. Which made him smile. Kissing her he tells her the next step.

"Since you haven't fully trained ever. I will start you off easy. We will do quirk training for today. Other days will be hand to hand combat. Flexibility train and strength training. Weapon training and more. So don't worry. It will split up for you." Izuku says and Momo sighs in relief. Before he said the next part.

"Yet you will always start with this warm up. I might add more for you to do later on. Let's get to your quirk training shall we?" Izuku smirks at her. Making her shiver in fear. He really is enjoying this.

Momo sighs and starts to train. Izuku telling her to constantly use her quirk. Making her food and bringing it to her. As she constantly made items. Making smaller stuff and bigger stuff. Trying to improve herself and her quirk. Then towards the end of the training my session. Izuku tells her to make the weapons for the training sessions for next time.

Which she ends up doing before passing out. Her training continuing no stop for three months. Until the next thing they know. It was the day of the exams. Coming as a huge surprise for them. Since they were so into their training.

Yet they couldn't wait.

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