Falling For The Twins

By CaminahChoni97

328 12 11

Caminah (Camila & Dinah) Laurina (Lauren & Celina) Camila & Celina are twins (Celina Sharma) Lauren &Dinah... More

Ch. 4
Chapter 5


59 2 0
By CaminahChoni97

Fast forward to the first day of school

Camila's pov
Finally we start high school my driver and I pick up the girls in the all black Rolls Royce with black tinted windows. Once we get there it was sooo awkward because all eyes were on us so I just told Matthew the driver that I'll call him to pick us up, he left and we entered the school this guy whistled our way, and he was kinda cute, he had curly hair, greenish eyes, and he was taller than me he smiled and I smiled back as my sister hooked our arms and we headed to the office to pick up our schedule, turns out I only had about 3 classes with Mani, Ally, Ari, and Cel, "Well at least we have homeroom all together" I said smiling they nodded. As we headed to our class this girl bumped into my sister and didn't even care to say sorry, "Hey you!" I yelled at her she turned and looked at me with bored eyes "What" she said and walked towards me "Can't you see, you bumped into my sister?" I said trying to calm myself down "Mila, leave it" Ally said trying to pull me away "No she made my sister almost fall, if it wasn't for you, she would've had fallen" I said looking at Ally, "Whats your name?" I asked the girl she just looked me up and down "Lauren, what bout you?" "Camia, we will talk later, Lauren and next time watch out were your going" I said and turned to walk away with my friends to our homeroom. "Mila it was all ok, I didn't get hurt" Celi said "Yeah but what if you did?" "But I didn't" "Class listen up, am Ms. Swift and am going to be your English teacher."

After class we went our separate ways and I went to my next class which was gym it sucks because I have it in the morning and afternoon and I didn't want to be all sweaty in the morning and I also didn't have any of the girls till the afternoon. "Hello girls, am your coach, Coach Nicole and I want to see what you all got, soo go change and start running" I love running, I've always been faster then Celina soo we would always run, when she told us to go change I changed into some black booty shorts and a grey tank top, by the time we stopped I had ran 8 laps around the soccer field, she then put us to start dribbling so we did, It acctually was pretty fun until she made us start passing the basketball to eachother, that when I passed it to this girl she looked away and when I called her the ball made contact with her face, I ran to her side "Omg, are you okay?, I thought you were looking, I'm so sorry" I said she started chuckling, "I didn't think you would care so much for someone" her raspy voice that sounded familiar said "Lauren?" I said she nodded and I punched her shoulder "Bitch" i said and went back to my spot, ughh I hate her. We continued to pass the ball until it was time for the showers, thank god we get to shower, I am sweaty af. As I opened my new locker Lauren leaned on the one next to mine, "Are you really going to shower?" She looked at me up and down, "Duhh, I dont want to be smelly and sweaty for the rest of the day" I said and headed to the showers while she followed me "Mind if I join you" she asked cockily "Ummm, I really dont care what you do, but no thanks I just want to shower" I said and got in the shower and locked the door in case her crazy head decided yo get in with me.

As I got out in some new pair of black set of bra and panties, I put the towel on my hair while I opened my locker to get out a fresh new pair of clothes, black skinny jeans and a white crop top and slipped on my white air forces and got my brush and brushed the tangles out of my hair "Your finally out princess" I rolled my eyes and looked at her, she took off her leather jacket and put it on me "It looks good on you" she said and I agreed so I borrowed her jacket for the rest of the day.

It was finally time for lunch "Hey girls I said siting with my friends, they all greated me nicely "Um Milz whose jacket it that?" Celi asked "Lauren's she said it matched my outfit better and I have a to  agree, cuz it kinda does" I said honestly as I drank water they nodded and then the Cafeteria doors opened and in came Lauren "Talking of the devil, here she comes" Mani said "Hey Camz mind if my sister and I join You girls" she said I just nodded not being mean and scutted closer to Ally as her sister sat beside me she was gorgeous, her tall tanned posture looked good in the black joggers, black red and white jordans, red shirt, and to top it of a black snapback calming down her dirty blonde hair and her scent was some type of great cologne "Whats your name?" I said staring at her beautiful brown eyes "Dinah Jane Hansen, and you?" "Camila, Camila Cabello" I said and smiled she smiled back at me, I felt Ally nudge my rib, making me glare at her "What?" I said "Hows your day been, Mila" i shrugged "Pretty good, u girls?" I asked looking at my friends & sister they all nodded "Their is this really cute guy in my Art class, his name is Troye and yeah" Ally said "Aww little Allycat is growing up" I said poking her side "Shut up, I saw the look you and the curly head were giving eachother" she said wiggling her eyebrows at me "I mean he is cute but I don't know him that well" I said like it was no big deal "You Cel?" "Well there is a cute brunette with blue tips in my math class" we all ooouued "Whats he's or her name" Mani asked "Its a girl and her name is Demi" "Oh I know her, she is hot" I said smirking and looked at Mani "In gym I have a cute boy named Arin" Mani said "Awww thats a cute name" Cel said we nodded and we turned to Ari "Well umm idk theirs a cute girl I guess, her name is Liz" we all just chickled "so are you all straight except for them two" Lauren said pointing at my sister and Ari we all laughed like she said the funniest thing "Nooooo, we're all Bi, its pretty nasty if we would only like boys"I said chuckling she nodded "So where are you from, you have a British accent but their is many places with that accent" She said "We are from New Zealand" i said while Cel said "New Zealand Baby!!" And put her hands up she nodded and laughed then we went to class since lunch was over


It was the last period and I had Dinah, Celi, Ari, and Mani we were all talking and laughing until the bell rang signaling for us to go home so as I walked out I crashed into a muscular body "Am sorry, babe" a deep soft voice said holding me so I wouldn't fall I looked up and was met with a guy with curly brown hair, brown eyes, light skin, and a soft smile "Its ok" I said smiling at him "Will I see you around?" I nodded and he waved bye and I just smiled... "What was that?" Dinah said with a wierd tone "tbh am not sure" "He's cute" Celi said "Kinda" I said looking at Dinah she just tighten her jaw "Well am going to catch up with the girls I'll call you later" Celi said pointing at the girls infront I nodded and now it was just Dinah and I

Ik its a wack chapter so I'm sorry

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