A Taste of Sweet Ecstasy

By nesslafond

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(NEEDS TO BE BULLDOZED AND EDITED THE HELL OUT) In other words, read at your own risk because I was 16 and wr... More

Chapter 1: Spawn of Satan currently making out with a cardboard cut-out
Chapter 2: Your melons are screaming motor boat me bitches
Chapter 3: To all ma kitty's out there
Chapter 4: A disheveled hooker who got her brains screwed out in a dumpster
Chapter 5: Hey cool, I'm cool, you're cool, let's be cool together? Cool
Chapter 6: Kim K's ass and Scooby-Doo smoking pot what more could you ask for?
Chapter 7: In which they both need a cold shower
Chapter 8: Mexican thugs and blonde waitresses - can someone say fun?
Chapter 9: Hey Bradley, Tom, Dick and Harry
Chapter 10: Regina's telling me no, but my Tinkerbell's telling me yes
Chapter 11: Damn SpongeBob, you work that G string so well guurl
Chapter 12: June, Summer, April, Winter and fucking Autumn
Chapter 13: Put another dime in the jukebox baby
Chapter 14: Cheers to the freakin' weekend, I drink to that yeah yeah
Chapter 15: I promise to make you chocolate chip pancakes everyday
Chapter 16: Mr. and Mrs. Mason
Chapter 17: There's a bun in the oven
Chapter 18: I have sand in places where sand shouldn't be
Chapter 19: Show me your watermelons Mrs. Mason
Chapter 20: River stole my panties
Chapter 21: Swimming all in your Hayley
Chapter 22: Are you a boxers or briefs kind of guy?
Chapter 23: Oh baby spoon me all night
Chapter 24: You look banging baby girl
Chapter 25: Hey homer, want a donut?
Chapter 26: Aren't you a naughty little birdy?
Chapter 27: Are your man boobs hurting?
Chapter 28: Damn you Mary Poppins
Chapter 29: Stop sexting me princess
Chapter 30: She likes it Commando
Chapter 31: I got a date with Mr. Bubbles
Chapter 32: Mommy what's a boner?
Chapter 33: 2AM Rendezvous
Chapter 34: Walmart you cheeky bastard
Chapter 35: Oh for the love of Valentino
Chapter 36: Surprise bitch
Chapter 37: Oh won't you stay with me
Chapter 38: R.I.P flappy bird
Chapter 39: New beginnings, new rings

Chapter 40: Twerk team

5.1K 191 43
By nesslafond


A/N: *Warning this is very heart felt and long but please read because it's important*

Well guys, this is it - the last chapter for A Taste of Sweet Ecstasy :'( - apart from the epilogue ofcourse. Omg it took me forever to write this, mainly because i was so sad about this story ending and i knew that Archie and Adrian's story would be over so i kept delaying writing it. 

First i'd like to say a HUGE thank you to all my followers and readers espcially! You guys are literally my rocks - without you i wouldn't have that push to update every week and deliever an exciting new chapter for you all. To my family reading - yes i know what you're thinking oh shit how can her family read this and be okay with all the swearing and bullshit - my family is actually really supportive of my writing and enjoy reading my updates! To my friends reading - thank you for nagging me every week to hurry up and update and i'm also forever grateful for your support.

So thank you to EVERYONE who has believed in me from the start and to you 123,000 readers i love you so much and i hope that when this story does finish that it continues to grow.

Ugh this is so depressing and i will be (hopefully) start a completely different story these holidays and finish it before school starts back up. 

Anyways enjoy this chapter, i think it would have to be the best one yet - i'm really proud of it and the song of the chapter is linked up the top ^ hopefully it works and also if you slide to side where the song is there's a photo attached as well of Adrianna's dress and all that stuff.

*Warning* VERY VERY heated towards the end. Since it's the last chapter i thought i'd go all out and not care if it gets put on private. It's very explicit so read at your own risk.

Chapter 40: Twerk team

My heart was stammering in my chest as I paced up and down the room. My hands were shaking on their own account and my breathing was erratic. I could feel sweat forming on my skin as I contemplated jumping out of a window or not. Was it too late to make an escape? No, no escaping.

I took a deep breath in, closing my eyes and stopped pacing for a second, relax everything will be fine, he loves you – you love him. I love him but when I see him I’m going to strangle his stupid little neck.  I can’t believe he did this to me, especially on a day like this! Anger cursed through me as I remembered Belle storming in and telling me the news. Not my finest moment I’ll admit, but I reacted in the only way I knew how – chuck a tantrum and call for my daddy – just kidding, I just threw the stupid champagne bottle out of the window. I looked at the window and cringed as I looked at the shattered glass on the ground. I’ll just charge it to the bastard’s credit card.

A knock at the door pulled me from my murderous thoughts on how I was going to kill my fiancé.

“Come in,” I wiped the tear that had sneakily escaped my eye. Lately I had been so emotional I don’t even know why, it was just at random times I would feel like punching someone and then the next I was crying a river.

I turned towards the door when I heard it open and watched my best friend step in with my 1 year old niece in her arms. Belle was smiling when she walked in but when she saw my face she frowned.

“Crying again Adri? This is like what, the fourth time today?” I ignored the look she was sending me and reached for my beautiful god child. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Belle gave birth the same night a certain someone sprung a tornado on me. Baby Jessica Mia Winters was born a year ago and just recently had her first birthday. She was a splitting image of my beautiful best friend. She had Belle’s piercing blue eyes and Clay’s brown mop of a hair.

Oh and I think it’s safe to say that Archie was not too happy about losing the bet.

“Hey blue eyes,” I tickled Jess in my arms and she squirmed around, “your uncle is in very big trouble and it’s only because of you that I’m not going to kill him today.”

“Adrianna! You can’t say that to her, she’ll grow up thinking her Aunt is a crazy bitch.”

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow and snorted when her eyes widened at the realisation of what she said, “Jesus I’m the worst mother ever.”

I rolled my eyes, handing Jess back over to her, “Don’t worry, I’ll probably be worse.”

Her eyes narrowed in on me, “Speaking of babies…are you…you know…?”

I choked on air and stared at her wide eyed, “No what the hell!? We’re not, I’m not – I mean why would you say that?”

“Well because you’ve been very emotional lately and I’ve just picked up on the signs you know…and you Archie aren’t exactly virgins so I thought there might be a possibility.”

I looked down at my stomach, “Do I look fat? Oh my god I look fat don’t I!”

Her eyes widened as she saw the tears forming in my eyes, “Adrianna!” she choked on a laugh, “See you’re doing it again and no, you don’t look fat. Here just take the damn test; I brought it just in case.”

I looked at her outstretched hand that was filled with packets of tests and I narrowed my eyes at them, I had nothing to hide – I wasn’t pregnant and if a simple test was what I had to do to prove It then I would take it to shut her up. Grumbling I looked at the clock to make sure I had enough time and then snatched the tests out of Belle’s hand, ignoring the triumph look on her face as I stomped my way to the small bathroom.


“You look beautiful Addy; he’s going to be blown away.” Belle sniffed next to me, as we both stared at my reflection in the mirror.

And for once I completely agreed with her, the white material that covered my body till it reached the ground was mesmerizing and I couldn’t take my eyes off the beautiful lace. My back showed my tanned skin as it was left backless with just a thin line of lace flowers travelling up shoulder blades and down to my front were a sweet-heart neckline rested above my breasts. The white material was fitted until it came to my hips and it loosened, flowing out to the ground.

My hair – that my best friend insisted she do, was up in an elegant little bun and a few strands of hair just rested loosely on my face. My make-up was done professionally as was Belle’s, Mercedes and my mothers.  It was my first – well second, and only wedding and I decided that I was going to go all out.

“And sugar, if he aint’ blown away then I’ll happily take him for myself!” Mercedes called out from the little mini bar behind the mirror. I stifled a laugh at the thought of Archie and Mercedes being together, he would have a field day and to be honest, I don’t think he would be able to handle her.  I thought, as I watched the said girl shove a donut into her mouth then gulp down her glass of champagne.

A knock at the door all startled us, “I don’t why you’re marrying my son sweetie, but it must because of his good looks because lord knows it’s not because of his brains. The idiot doesn’t have any.” Katerina Mason walked in shaking her head with a frustrated look on her face.

“Don’t worry he won’t be getting off easily for this, I guarantee you.” I grinned at my future mother in law.

She smiled at me and then scanned over my dress, her lips pulling up into a big grin before running over to me and giving me a big watery hug, “He’s finally here beautiful girl, time to go start your new life with my stupid boy,” she whispered.


If I were nervous before, I don’t know how to explain how I was feeling right now. My stomach feels like it’s about to fall out of my ass and my heart was literally thumping in my chest. Earlier events played through my head like a broken record and I quickly pushed them to the side as I heard the music start playing and I watched Mercedes take the first step down the aisle. Belle followed with a grinning Jess in her arms.

Next to walk was the pageboy. I giggled as I watched handsome Jax strut his stuff down the aisle with a cheeky grin on his face that matched his fathers. I internally rolled my eyes as I saw him send a wink to one of the younger girls in the row as he passed. Like father like son. I felt my heart swell as his no longer pale skin, was a healthy golden colour and he looked full of life.

Miracles do happen, I thought to myself as the music changed.

“You ready sweet-heart? It’s not too late to back out now you know? I could organise a car or something,” My dad smirked at my nervous face and trembling hands.

I rolled my eyes at him; on the inside I was terrified but also insanely excited, “I’m ready daddy.”

He looked at me his eyes glassy, “I’m so proud of you Adrianna,” he moved the veil so that It was covering my face now.

I squeezed his hand and smiled before looking towards the long aisle that I had to overcome.

With each step I took, I felt my whole body tremble with more excitement than fear as I got further down the aisle. My eyes scanned over all my family and friends smiling brightly at me as the beautiful music played through the church.  

It still doesn’t feel real that I was actually getting married for real and considering I was about seconds away from it, that’s not necessarily a good thing

My biggest fear for the past few months since the moment he asked me to marry him again was tripping in front of all these people while walking down the aisle. So far so good, I thought.

All murderous thoughts from earlier had vanished the moment I laid eyes on my beautiful man switching from foot to foot nervously as he looked up at me. He looked dangerously sexy in his black Armani suit and I’m 100% sure if he wasn’t the groom then every girl’s panties – excluding his sister and our mothers – panties would have dropped the moment they laid eyes on him. Hell, my own were about to drop. His silky hair was styled messily as always but I didn’t mind – it added to the whole bad boy effect that I originally fell deeply in love with.

I tried to walk as calmly as I could but it was a bit hard to when the stupid – but gorgeous – heels I was wearing were already making blisters form on my poor feet.  

Archie had picked Axel as his best man and Clay as his groomsmen.  He had wanted to pick more groomsmen but I didn’t let him because I only had two girls – not that I was complaining or anything though. Belle and Mercedes drove me crazy already; I didn’t need to add to the headache.

The way Archie was staring at me though had the breath knocked out of me and all pain from my feet was forgotten about. His eyes glazed over my body as if I were the most beautiful woman in world even though he couldn’t see my face yet. Hll he made me feel like I was the most beautiful woman in the world.

Shit, I just said hell in a church. Oh yep and I just swore again.

Soon enough I had reached him and I watched my dad give Archie a pat on the back and then he turned to kiss me on the cheek, “No matter what Adrianna, remember that your mother and I will always love you and you will forever be my little girl.”

I blinked back the tears, “I love you too daddy.”

I took a step towards my future husband and of course my luck was clearly running dry because the next thing I know my stupid heel gave out causing my ankle to twist to the side making me head for the ground but strong hands gripped me and prevented me from falling. I looked up at Archie and glared as he smirked down at me as if he was already expecting me to fall.

Thanks to the man up there, he must be enjoying the fucking show, sitting on a cloud and eating marshmallows or whatever they eat up there.

“My knight and shining armour,” I rolled my eyes as he grinned a boyish grin, straightening me up so I was now facing him and standing up right on the alter.

The church echoed with faint laughter but there was one that out raised the rest of them and I I looked over Archie’s shoulder to glare at the culprit already knowing who it was. My eyes zeroed in on Axel and he completely sobered up when he caught my glare.

I felt my veil being lifted off my face and then I heard a sharp intake of breath.

“Y-you look absolutely breath taking Adrianna,” Archie’s husky voice whispered and I crumbled a little as I stared deep into his eyes. The intensity of his words hit me like a truck and I had to blink back the tears yet once again today.

“As do you,” I whispered back, my lips aching to feel his. He seemed to be thinking the same thing because his eyes lowered to my lips but before we could anything, a throat cleared – making us spring apart.

I flushed in embarrassment as I looked up to see the priest giving us a knowing look, “It’s not time for that just yet. Shall we begin?”

Archie grunted, rolling his eyes clearly annoyed that we had gotten interrupted while I just sent our impatient priest an apologetic smile.

“We’re gathered here today to share with Archie Mason and Adrianna Winters an important moment in their lives. Their time together, they have seen their love and understanding of each other grow and blossom and now they have decided to live out the rest of their lives as one...”

The priest’s voice drowned out unconsciously and I found myself grinning at my husband to be. He was staring back at me with a similar grin as if he knew that I wasn’t paying attention to what the priest was saying. The bow tie around his neck caught my attention and I had to stifle a giggle in as I noticed it wasn’t tied properly. My eyes moved to his jaw where a spot of hair rested, he must’ve missed a spot when rushing to shave this morning because he woke up so late.

Why you ask? Well let’s just say my fiancé had a bit too much fun last night for his last night as a free man and forgot to set his alarm. The memory had me fuming again but I reminded myself that now wasn’t the time to get pissed at him – I don’t think the priest nor would the guests appreciate me stabbing my future husband to death.

“Love is the reason we are here. In marriage we not only say, ‘I love you today’, but also, ‘I promise to love you for all our tomorrows.’”

Archie rolled his eyes and tapped his foot impatiently, “Can we just maybe like skip this bullshit and just exchange rings so I can kiss her already?”

My eyes just about popped out of my head at what he said, “Archie,” I hissed, nudging him.

He had the nerve to smirk at me, “What princess? Everyone in this room knows that we love each other and technically we’re already married – let’s just skip the boring stuff because I’m falling asleep with my eyes open and…” I narrowed my eyes at him trying to be serious, but I had to bite my lip from laughing, “Don’t give me that look babe, I know you are too.”

I looked at the priest with a guilty smile on my face and shrugged at his agape mouth, “You heard the man.”

The poor priest blinked a few times before clearing his throat and looking around then back at us with a look of disbelief before starting, “Right well…”

“Do you Archie take this woman Adrianna to be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you continue to cherish her friendship and love her today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust–”

“I do.” Archie rudely cut in.

I stepped on his foot purposely hard, making him let out a curse as he looked up at me, “Zip it or guess who’s not getting any tonight.”

His face visibly paled and then he straightened up and sent the exasperated priest a smile, “sorry, please continue.”

The priest sent him a pointed look before continuing, “Will you trust and honour her, laugh and cry with her? Will you be faithful through the good times and bad, in sickness in health as long as you both shall live?”

Archie looked deep into my eyes, “I do.”

My breath hitched and I felt the tears forming in my eyes, why do weddings have to be so emotional?

“Adrianna, do you take this man Archie to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you continue to cherish his friendship and love him today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honour him, laugh with him and cry with him? Will you be faithful through the food times and the bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?”

I didn’t have to think about that a second more, “Yes, I do.”

“The ring, an unbroken, never-ending circle, is a symbol of committed, unending love. May I have the rings?” Jax straightened up when he heard the rings being mentioned. His eyes were wide and full of excitement as he walked over to us and hand over the rings.

I smiled as Archie took my hand in his, I was trying to be as calm as I could but my hand wouldn’t stop shaking in his.

The priest uttered the words that Archie had to repeat and I wondered how I was going to remember that much of a sentence. Why are weddings such hard work?

“This ring, a gift for you, symbolizes my desire that you be my wife from this day forward. As this ring has no end – neither shall my love for you.” My heart cried as I listened to the emotion that filled his voice as he slid the white gold ring onto my finger.  It was a beautiful white gold band with 4 little diamonds wrapping around it. It sat perfectly against my gorgeous engagement ring with a big princess cut diamond in the middle and the rest of the ring plain.

“Adrianna, as you place this ring on Archie’s finger, repeat these words after me…”

“This ring, a gift for you, symbolizes my desire that you be my husband from this day forward. As this ring has no end – neither shall my love you.” I slid the almost identical white gold band – not including diamonds of course – onto Archie’s finger.

Excitement bubbled through me as I knew what was coming next…

“Archie and Adrianna, you have consented together in holy matrimony before God, have pledged your vows to each other, and have exchanged rings as tokens of your love and commitment to each other. In accordance with the laws of the state of California, with the authority of God’s word, and with great joy, I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

“You may now seal your vows with a–”

I didn’t hear the end of what he said because all thoughts flew out of my head when I was pulled forward and lips crashed against mine in a mind-blowing and knee buckling kiss. I heard the church erupt into cheers and I kissed him back with all my might and moaned when I felt his tongue meet mine.

I don’t think we would’ve stopped ourselves from going further if it hadn’t been for all the hoots and cat calling that came from our guests. I pulled back, breathless and flustered as reality came crashing down and I realised where we were.  Oops.

Archie looked down at me and grinned boyishly, “Do you think there’s any chance we can skip the reception and start our honeymoon early?”

I bit my lip, although it did sound appealing…the 3 weeks of celibacy we put on ourselves until tonight was becoming harder and harder to resist.

“In your dreams Husband,” I wrapped my arms around his neck.

God it felt good saying that, husband, husband, husband – mine.

He groaned, “Mmm, I love the way you say that, Wife.”


I know technically we had already been married for a year before today but it honestly didn’t feel real before, it was just a title and our signatures on the marriage certificate. It didn’t mean anything and we were sort of entitled to call each other husband and wife. Now though, it’s completely different and it’s a good different.

After the church, we were rushed off to take our photos with our families and then some personal shots that turned out to be amazing. Being married honestly didn’t feel any different to him being my boyfriend it’s just now I had a leash on him – his ring – just kidding.

I found my seat at the empty bridal table and sat my ass down for the first time tonight. Our wedding was everything I imagined it to be and more – although I didn’t imagine it to be this tiring.

From the moment we stepped into the room, I was pulled and thrown around the whole room with my friends and family firing questions at me and fawning over my dress.  I was overwhelmed at first at the all the attention but as the night passed on, I got used to it. It was good to see all my friends from school again and even Archie’s friends had made it.

It was sort of like one big school reunion and because Archie was like the king back in school, he knew a lot of people. I got questions like why I was getting married so young and if this wedding was a shotgun wedding. I rolled my eyes at both questions because no one knew the real story behind our love story. I cringed at my thoughts, love story? How cheesy Adrian.

My eyes locked on a gorgeous looking blue eyed man walking across the dance floor towards where I was sitting at the bridal table, I noticed he had two champagne glasses in his hand, “A drink for my beautiful wife?”

I hesitated, “No thanks, I had some before.”

Archie rolled his eyes, “Since when do you turn down alcohol? C’mon Adri, it’s our wedding night.”

I opened my mouth to say something but was cut off by Trey – our DJ who was also one of the boy’s friends and I let out a sigh of relief.

“And now ladies and gentlemen – oh wait can we please find the bride and groom…” he looked around the room and when his eyes rested on us he smirked, “there you two are I was afraid you guys had sneaked off somewhere to–ouch Cecilia what the hell!” Cecilia a fiery red head also known as his girlfriend of two years smacked him over the head and took the microphone off him.

“Excuse this idiot,” she muttered dryly then smiled at everyone, “If you could all please gather around to witness the first dance as a married couple – ladies and gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. Mason.”

Archie groaned looking at me, “Do we have to?”

I giggled and stood up grabbing his hand, “Oh shut up you big oaf.”

He raised an eyebrow and let me lead him to the dance floor, “Big oaf? That’s a new one.”

I shrugged as we got into place, “It was the first thing that came to mind.”

The sound of the song we both picked out together strummed through the speakers and I wrapped my arms around Archie’s neck and sighed in content as our bodies perfectly fit together as we moved slowly in sync to Thank god I found you by Mariah Carey.

Mariah’s sweet soft voice floated through the air as we danced. Our families and friend all standing around their tables, watching with faces of adoration. My cheeks heated up at all the attention once again and I found myself burying my face into Archie’s neck. His arms tightened around my waist.

“My every wish and every dream somehow became reality…” Archie sang softly in my ear and I smiled, I loved his voice.

I would give you everything, there’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do, to ensure your happiness, I’d cherish every part of you…

Emotions were running through me so fast and I couldn’t control them. The intensity of my love for Archie was so strong that I felt like crying. I never believed in the whole soul mates thing until I met him. This all seems so surreal, like any moment now I’ll wake up and realise this was all a dream.

Thank god I found you…I was lost, lost without you

Archie swiftly moved me so he could twirl me around and I giggled in pure happiness as my eyes blurred with colours as I spun around.

If you’re keeping me warm each and every night, I’ll be alright…cause I need you in my life

His strong hands pulled me forward again so our bodies collided and we were just staring deep into each other’s eyes as we swayed. It was just us in that room, everyone else disappeared in that moment. All the memories from when we were children, through to teens and now young adults flashed through both our eyes as we heard the next line of lyrics.

Looking back, I guess it shows that we were destined to shine…after the rain, to appreciate and care for what we have…

Mr wondering hands, jumping castle, beach, Vegas, handcuffs, our first date, jail, Jackson…to him proposing to me made me realise how much we’ve actually been through and that things happen for a reason.

…And I’d go through it all over again, to be able to feel this way!

As the song was coming to end, I had tears in my eyes as Archie whispered the last line of the song so lovingly to me.

“So overwhelmed with gratitude,” he leant in so our lips were touching and he mumbled against them making me crumble into a pool of heaven.

“My baby, I’m so thankful I found…you.”

We found each other in a passionate kiss once again in front of everyone, ignoring the catcalls and cheering we continued to kiss as if we were just the only two in the room. I would never get sick of kissing this man, his lips were so soft almost like heaven and his taste good god – he was like my favourite ice-cream. I felt a warm hand on my face, wiping away my tears as we continued to kiss.

When we pulled back Archie was looking at me with a worried look, “Why are you crying baby?”

I smiled through the tears, “I’m just so happy. I love you so much Archie.”

He looked relieved that I wasn’t upset but still had a small frown set as he wiped my eyes, “And I love you more Princess, but no more tears tonight okay, promise?”

I nodded and brought his palm to my lips, leaving a kiss there, “Promise.”

“Okay good now let’s go eat because I’m starving.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the bridal table where the caterers were starting to serve everyone’s meals.

I was hungry as well but little did he know I was hungry for two people…


The rest of the night went so fast, everyone was having a blast including myself. My feet were killing me at one point so I eventually had enough and ditched the heels. Archie and I danced together, with our friends, our families I even danced with Jax. Everyone took advantage of the open bar – especially my parents.

We cut the cake and I avoided every single person that asked me if I wanted some champagne. The speeches were hilarious; Axel and Clay made threats to kill Archie if anything happened to me and Belle brought up the first time we met – when I sprayed him with hose because I thought he smelled.

 When it was time to take my garter off, in front of everyone – including all my family – Archie sat me down on a chair and got on his knees and shoved his face up my dress. When I felt his teeth bite my inner thigh I had to keep in the moan that threatened to fall out, he was teasing me and I could’ve kicked him in the dick when he pressed his lips over my white lace panties then quickly pulled his dead out dragging the lace garter down my thigh with his teeth.

Out of all the single men, Parker caught my garter when Archie threw it and Jax jumped up and down happily.

When I threw my bouquet of flowers, Mercedes caught it and I wiggled my eyebrows at both Parker and Mercedes. They shared eye contact and blushed. Who knows, they’re an odd mix but opposites do attract…

I was in the middle of having a very uncomfortable conversation about how to keep things interesting in married life with one of my husband’s aunts from Australia when I felt arms wrap around me. I could’ve screamed in relief but I didn’t want to be rude, especially when she was speaking so seriously about handcuffs and whips…

Handcuffs we’ve already tried and that wasn’t a pleasant experience – sorry Aunt Jane.

“What are you two beautiful ladies talking about? Me, I hope.” Archie kissed down my neck and I shuddered as my libido awakened.

Aunt Jane opened her mouth, “Oh I was just giving your wife some useful tips for the future, dear. Anyways, you two enjoy the rest of your night and Adrianna, don’t forget – the fluffy ones are the best.”

I choked on a laugh as she winked at me, what a cheeky old lady.

“Do I even want to know what that was about?” Archie spun me around and I shook my head with a grin. He’d probably be terrified.

He kissed me lightly, “Are you having a good night my Princess?”

“Yes it’s amazing, thank you for all of this Archie, I love it.”

Before we could say anything more, two people on the dance floor caught our attention and my eyes widened at the scene before me.

“I think things are about to get a little more interesting…”

“I got chillssssss, they’re multiplying and I’m loooosing control, cause the power, you’re supplying – it’s eelectrifyingggggg!” Theodore Winters, shirtless with his tie loose around his neck, hair sticking up in every direction – luckily he still had pants on – belted the first line of you’re the one that I want from the Grease soundtrack.

Oh and it gets better – drum roll please

Alivia Winters in all her Spanish glory was giving my father a lap dance of some sort as she sang Olivia Newton Johns line, “You better shape up, cause I neeeed a man and my heart is set on yooou! You better shape up, you better uuuuunderstand, to my heart I must be true!”

I watched her pull my father tie around his neck in what I think she thought was a seductive way but I couldn’t really tell because of all the shouting coming from her mouth. I cringed as everyone else hooted and cheered for more. My parents really knew had to steal away the spotlight from my wedding.

My parents were also very, very drunk – if you hadn’t guessed already.

If I thought I was embarrassed now, hell things just got about 10x worse.

My anaconda don’t–my anaconda don’t–my anaconda don’t want none unless you got buns hun!

“Oh my fucking god, nooooo way,” Axel groaned out loud and I buried my face into Archie’s chest. His body rumbled with laughter probably at the sight of my parents getting into character for the song.

“Fuck my in-laws are amazing!” he shouted and I jabbed his side making him wink at me mischievously.  I lifted my head from his chest and turned around, smiling as his arms wrapped around me.

Maybe it won’t be so bad…

My eyes widened at scene before me and the smile had washed off my face, oh dear god is she? How is she even that flexible?

Oh my gosh, look at her butt, oh my gosh, look at her butt…

“Woooo go Mrs Winters! Shake that booty!” Belle screamed and Clay covered Jess’s eyes and shook his head.

I think that no child ever should go through what we’re going through right now. No child should ever see their mum attempt to twerk to a Nicki Minaj song…EVER. I will forever have that image in my head.

Although it was disturbing I couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled within me as I watched her twerk.  It was good to see both my parents having a good time for once, I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen them so relaxed and carefree in months since the incident.

“Look Adrianna, I’m doing the butt thing!” She shouted over at me and I bit my lip from laughing at her, I just smiled and cheered for her along with everyone else.


“Archie put me down!” I squealed loudly, holding onto his neck tightly as he carried me up some steps. My eyes were blindfolded because apparently I wasn’t allowed to see anything – my surprise.  I was still in my dress so it was hard for me to make a move to escape. All different kinds of scenarios passed through my mind as I thought about where he was taking me. The cold air nipped at my skin and I shivered, snuggling closer into Archie’s chest.

We stopped and I heard him searching through his pockets then the sound of keys jingled through my ears. I perked up as I heard him open the door with the keys. Are we back at home? I frowned as disappointment flooded through me, we just got married and instead of going to the airport – he takes us back to his parents’ house.

Once he carried me bridal style through the door, he set me down on the ground and I frowned as my bare feet touched cold tiles. I heard movement behind me and then a flick – I assumed he turned the light on.

“Are you ready for your surprise?” his sweet voice whispered in my ear and I stepped back, colliding with his chest. I nodded and he kissed my cheek before untying the blindfold.

I blinked a few times, my eyes taking time to adjust to the light that illuminated the room. The first thing I noticed was that this was neither mine nor Archie’s house. This house was too beautiful to be mine and good lord it looked too expensive for me to be just standing in it.

The floor was covered in white shiny ceramic tiles and the walls were a rich cream colour. My eyes moved up and I gasped at the tall twin staircase staring back at me on either side of each other. A beautiful but simple chandelier rested in the middle of the stair case and well I’d be lying if I didn’t have the urge to swing on it. I followed Archie into the kitchen and gasped at the shiny new cabinets and appliances that filled the room. Everything was so modern and new – I actually envied the person who owned it because this was practically my dream house.

“Archie what… are we spending our honey moon here?” I asked confused, as I stared at the beautiful marble bench – my fingers aching to run over it.

“Yeah, something like that. Do you like it?” He walked over to me and the next thing I knew I was being thrown over his shoulder. I let out a squeak of surprise and rolled my eyes. This thing was getting old fast.

“You do know I have legs of my own right? Just because we’re married doesn’t mean you can just man-handle me whenever you want.” I growled lowly.

He chuckled deeply, “Baby I will man-handle you whenever I please,” he climbed up the stairs,

“Anyways you didn’t answer my question, do you like the house?”

I rolled my eyes and let out a huff, “Yes I love it but I don’t get why we’re here instead of on a plane to Greece.”

I felt him shrug as he walked down the hall way passing some closed bedroom doors, “Because it’s ours.”

I prepared myself for a sarcastic comment so I mimicked him childishly then froze when I realised what he said, “Wait–what the hell did you just say?”

He didn’t answer me; instead he just opened a door and walked inside.


He set me down and closed the door, before turning back around and smirking at me, “You heard me, this is our house as in yours and mine.”

My heart was pumping rapidly out of my chest, “You’re joking.” I stated.

He smirked even wider, “I’m being dead serious sweet-heart – take a look around.”

And I did, still in a daze and not believing his words until my eyes rested on the candle lit room. An intoxicating smell lingered through the air. The California king bed was made to perfection in white sheets and on top it was covered in red rose petals. On the bedside table, I noticed chocolate fondue and strawberries. Tears welled up in my eyes as I took in how much effort Archie had gone to make this night special and holy fuck, I turned around to view him

“Archie this house…it’s too much, I can’t – I can’t just let you buy us a house, it’s not fair.”

In an instant he as up close and silencing me with a knee buckling kiss, luckily his arms came around me to prevent me from falling on my ass.

I pulled back to protest, “No wait. Archie,” I moaned as he kissed along my jaw roughly and down my neck. All my fight flew out the window as he stirred up a fire within me from just a few kisses.

Things turned  from sweet to desperate fast and in no time we were fighting to get each other’s clothes off fast, all the pent up 3 weeks of sexual tension was coming out was I ripped his expensive white dress shirt apart, the buttons flying off as I did so. I groaned as I ran my fingers down his chiselled golden chest. I took a second to admire his beautiful abs for a second and apparently to Archie that was too long because my impatient man started working on getting me out of my white gown.

He spun me around and kissed down my bare back, stopping at my lower back where the zip was and in a fluid action he had my dress off and I was left in my white lace underwear and bare breasts. The dress didn’t require me to wear a bra and when Archie discovered this, his eyes lit up.

Somehow we got ourselves onto the bed and I was now straddling him, licking over his delicious abs. I felt his hard length pressed underneath my core and I bit my lip – restraining myself from grinding onto him. I unzipped his pants and practically through them off him. I heard him hiss as I peppered light kisses over his boxer clad member.

Archie, having enough of my teasing flipped us so that he was in between my legs now and I gasped as his hot mouth travelled down my neck between my breasts, giving my nipples a little attention before continuing down my stomach. I clenched my thighs together in anticipation and nearly cried out as he made it down to my navel. This was pure torture.

“Archie,” I breathed looking down at him as he kissed up and down my inner thighs. He nipped the skin and I arched my back.

He looked up at me as his mouth latched onto my mound, I moaned loudly as he licked, sucked and made love to my core.

“I will never get over how amazing you taste Princess.”

 I cried out as he shoved two fingers inside my warmth and finger fucked me until I was crying out his name as he brought me to another level.

When I came down from my high he captured my lips into a messy kiss and I moaned, loving the way I tasted on his lips while our tongues fought each other for dominance.

His lips travelled down to my stomach again and he just peppered kisses over it, I smiled at the sight as he looked up at me and grinned devilishly.

“I want you to get off the pill,” he whispered in to the candlelit room and my eyes widened.

I froze in shock, “What?” I choked on air.

His eyes twinkled, “I know we’re still young but I can’t wait till we start a family of our own.”

Relief flooded me, “Well about that…” I flushed in embarrassment.

He lifted his head up, full alert now with a hurt look plastered on his face, “What? You don’t want kids with me?

My heart twisted and I hated seeing that pained look on his face. I cradled his face with my hands, “Baby, god no, it’s just that…I did a test today, well multiple tests and it makes sense from of all the crying I’ve been doing and my emotions have just been all over the place. One minute I want to punch you and the next I want to suck you off – what I’m trying to say is that…” I huffed looking up into his blue orbs,

“You got me pregnant you stupid dick.”

He was frozen; his eyes wide as sauces as he stared back at me. I cocked my head to the side and studied him. There was no need to panic just yet – he just said he wanted to start our own little family so he couldn’t want a divorce already right? Right…

All of a sudden I was pulled into a bone crushing hug, arms wrapped around my stomach and kisses were being planted all over my body – paying special attention to my stomach. When I looked down at him, my heart melted as I saw tears running down his face.

His face stained with tears as he looked up at me, “I’m going to be a daddy?”

I smiled warmly and nodded, my own tears beginning to form.

I’ve never once see Archie cry – not even the time he broke his arm from falling out of a tree when we were 10 because I accidently pushed him. This was a first and my god it was such a beautiful sight to see him get so emotional over our unborn baby.

“Hey little guy, this is your daddy speaking – I want to let you know that you are very special even though you’re not even born yet, I already know that I love you and I promise to take care of you and your mommy forever.” He whispered to my stomach and I giggled.

“You know he or she can’t hear you right?” I cut in.

He looked up and glared at me “Don’t interrupt father-bonding time,” then he looked back at my stomach, “Now please excuse what daddy and mommy are about to do because it’s been a very long, long 3 weeks buddy and I’m not about to have you cock-blocking me from now.”

I gasped at his words but before I could scold him, his mouth was on mine and I was thrown into a world of fire and pleasure. His lips were intoxicating and I wanted more. My body was on fire and I felt like I was about to die from heat even though I was completely naked. That’s how hot he made me feel. I felt the stir in my stomach and the liquid pooling between my thighs. God I wanted him so badly.

I pushed him over so that I was straddling him, kissed down his neck and nibbled on his skin while grinding my hot core onto his hard member. I felt him twitch underneath me and he groaned gripping my hips with his fingers and his nails into my skin.

“Adrian if you keep doing that I’m not going to last long.”

I smirked as he hissed in another breath as I teased the head of cock with wet folds. My body was screaming out for him.

My eyes locked with his, I lifted my hips up and lowered my dripping core onto him. Moaning as his entire length filled me up completely. His nails dug dipper into my hips and I breathed in deeply as I got comfortable and started to go up and down loving the way his cock pulsed inside me.

I watch his eyes rolled to the back of his head as I kept riding him, rotating my hips a little and grinding myself onto him.

“Fuck,” he hissed, “you look so hot up there Adrianna, I could cum from just the sight of you bouncing on me,” he growled, his eyes filled with lust and love.

I moaned loudly his filthy words were only making me wetter and I picked up the pace, “Yeah that’s it baby, right there fuck me faster.”

Loving the way he gave me full control, I did as I was told and rode him faster and harder loving the grunts and moans he was making. Men who moaned during sex made it 100% times better.

 I felt that familiar stirring in my stomach and I bit down on my lip so hard that I could taste blood.

“Archie oh my god, you feel so fucking good!” I cried out, the feeling becoming too much. He growled and took that opportunity to flip me over and pound into me harder. Sliding in and out, you could hear the sounds of our sex slapping against each other.

“I’m so close baby,” he sucked on my nipple and I arched my back as he slapped my ass, “cum now with me gorgeous.”

And like the good wife I was, I felt the bubble rising through me as he went faster making me scream his name as my walls clenched around his thick dick.

“I fucking love you so much Mrs. Mason,” he growled into my mouth as he stiffened and with a final thrust we both climaxed together, his mouth latched onto mine, our tongues massaged one another as I felt him his seed filling me completely.

When we both collapsed against the sheets, the only sound that was heard was our erratic breathing filling the room as we tried to catch our breaths from that intense round of love making. When I could form a coherent sentence, I turned to him and smiled cheekily as his eyes darkened again.

“I love you too Mr. Mason.” His fingers trailed down my thigh and in a swift moment he curled my leg around his torso. My core was heating up again as his fingers continued trailing over my body.

I smirked, my hand wrapping around his half hard length, “Round 2?”

He sent me his trademark bad boy smirk, “More like, round–I’m going to make love to your sweet body all night and morning until you can’t fucking walk baby girl.”

With that he slid into me and that’s how we spent the rest of our wedding night in our new home – him fulfilling his promise of making my legs numb.

And to think that none of this would have happened if Archie didn’t convince me to take that stupid ecstasy pill that got us hitched in Vegas in the first place…you know what they say, you haven’t lived until you’ve had A Sweet Taste of Ecstasy and tonight I also had a taste of something else…

I had A Sweet Taste of Archie in every room of our house including the kitchen bench.

The End


Well shit, thats my first ever book done and dusted - just kidding i'm working on the epilogue and it'll be up soon lovely people.

Last chapter comment anything you'd like, even if it is just to say hi :)

for those of you who couldn't see the photos when u first started reading  - refresh because i just posted it oops!

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