KHR : The Rainbow Seal

By chinfernluvzzz

87.5K 2.9K 174

Some said that it was just a legend. Some said that that blood has died. Yet, they are still some that seek t... More

Chapter 1: Rainbow seal's direction
chapter 2: Suspicion
chapter 3: peaceful? not yet
chapter 4: More killed
chapter 5: Deal made
chapter 6 : First day of school
chapter 7 : PE lesson
chapter 8 : Shitoro... gone...
chapter 9: farewell in Yukiko' way
Chapter 10: Mission impossible
chapter 11: That old man
chapter 12: Here Dino comes!
chapter 13: Small discovery of things
chapter 14: Mafia background
chapter 15: One by one. Down
chapter 16: Guardians gathering. Fight intended.
Chapter 17: Visitation
chapter 18: Back to square one
chapter 19: Fireworks
chapter 20: Knowing identity
chapter 21: Development of Coco
chapter 23: Reconnection
chapter 24: Family gained
chapter 25 : Bye, Hibari san
chapter 26: Goodbye Japan
chapter 27: museum
Chapter 28: Jake Gordon
chapter 29: Confusion
chapter 30: Seeing things again
Chapter 31: Back strong
chapter 32: training, training
chapter 33: sun and thunder
chapter 34: Snatch away
Chapter 35: the misty rain( part 1)
chapter 36: the misty rain (part 2)
chapter 37: machine's energy
chapter 38: Sky battle
Chapter 39: Changed
chapter 40: Outbreak
chapter 41: Interlinked
chapter 42: All gathered to save
Chapter 43: Black and colourful
Chapter 44: The beginning
Chapter 45: Back to back
Chapter 46: Instantly vanished
Chapter 47: Lodging
Chapter 48: House rule
Chapter 49: Arrival of first sign
Chapter 50: The Flame
Chapter 51: Funfair error
Chapter 52: Preparation
Chapter 53: what a performance
Chapter 54: Hibari's realisation
Chapter 55: Last trial
Chapter 56: 7th of July(part 1)
Chapter 57: 7th of July (part 2)
Chapter 58: Mihasa's diary
Chapter 59: Tell Hibari
Chapter 60: Claim back
Author's note

chapter 22: Testing out

1.2K 47 1
By chinfernluvzzz

Hello!! Now it is 22! This story is moving along the line with the actual KHR but since I don't own KHR, the story will be different. It is about Rainbow seal after Yukiko is on the move again. What will she face this time?

Yukiko POV

I feel so glad that today is the beginning of break. Here I am already in the forest to look for the transforming plants by myself. I didn't know that Namimori has so many useful herbs around. Thanks to that old man's teaching. Speaking of that, I start to recall what happen back then.

* 3 months passed in Yukiko's past*

" Yukiko!! You are not helping!" Mihasa yelled at me for disturbing the sheep instead of gathering them.

" Let them have some fun!" I laughed.

Three month has passed. For Mihasa to recover, to live the days without Shitoro and to be under that nag old man. At least we are saved, fed and happy. But I don't ever want to wish that it will last forever. Because the last time I did, people die. And I cannot afford to lose anyone anymore. "Where is the mad dog, Karl?" I asked it is weird not to see the sheep dog chasing after me as what the old man will call physical training. " Don't you know that Karl's wife is pregnant? He is probably looking after her now," she replies as she continues to gather the sheep.

 " What!? That mad dog has a wife and she is pregnant! Wow!" I yelled as I run towards the well that is not too far away to get buckets of water for the sheep. After when we are done of feeding the sheep, it is time to feed us. Even the old man is a hard core fan of nagging, he is very knowledgeable and skilful. He is the one that complains that he is lazy to cook but he is also the one that taught me how. And now as Mihasa is clearing the place, he is teaching me.

Oh well, I have to admit that these three months I learn alot from him. Be it cooking, herbs, healing and knowing how to read all the medical books in his little hut. Thanks to that old man, I grow. Everyday I am growing together with Mihasa. Could these days be longer?

~ Back to current~

" Yukiko!" someone yell causing me to snap out of my memory train. I turn around to see Gokudera san waving at me. I got up and go his way to find out that he has found the transforming plants! " Is this the one?" I ask. He nods and shows me the picture that Dr Shamal passes to him the other day. " Thank you so much Gokudera san!!" I shakes his hands violently. Now with this, Coco can finally change! He smiles and gives me a thumb up. We hurry pack up and are about to go to Dr Shamal's place when I heard a growl.

 From both of our stomach. I look at him and laughs, " Thanks for the herbs and shall we go for breakfast?" he smiles and nod in agreement. We go to the cafe nearby Yamamoto's shop and we eat. While we are eating, we are talking about Tsuna san. Gokudera san is really loyal to Tsuna san and I wonder I begin to ask him about how he is and Tsuna san become friends. We are talking normally like friends. But deep in my heart, I know that I cant be friends with Gokudera san..because he will get hurt. Then we move on to the topic of Bachina Tomaru. He told me what I already found out but the strange thing is that Gokudera san asks me to test out that if I am really belongs to Tomaru's bloodline. I have never thought of that before. 

Maybe because what happened to me and how similar I am to her in terms of looks and maybe even power, I have never thought of a blood test. But how? I have never heard that there is anyone related to Bachina Tomaru or something. When I tell Gokudera san all these, he says something interesting. Since Bachina Tomaru lived in Italy before, there might be something information about her. Maybe if I save up enough, I will be able to go.

With a few more talks, we decide it is time to pay Dr Shamal a visit. After we have show him the transforming plants, I need to so called design how I would like Coco to look like. Coco reminds me of someone whom I dearly miss. Shitoro. They have almost identical character. Being overprotective of me, being there for me always and always know what I want before I even say. They share very similar traits. Maybe these are the very reason I choose to keep Coco by my side all these time.

 " You need to give me a drawing so I know what to add to mix." Dr Shamal smiles at me cheeky. " I cant draw.." I frown. So near yet so far..I thought we could almost make Coco transforms but I need a drawing.

 " I will help." Gokudera san take up pencil and paper. I smiled at him, he has no idea how relief I feel! Closing my eyes, I imagine the Shitoro I remembered. And slowly imagining him to be two year older than me. His face will be more mature width solid features. His hair was already chestnut brown with spikes. A dimple. Yup, he had that when he was young. I describe all that I see in my vision to Gokudera san. When he is done, he shows to me. And I must really give him some credit, he is good at it! He really looks like what Shitoro would look like if he is still alive. Yes, if he is still alive but he is not. Not anymore. Oh well, there is information saying that Bachina Tomaru was already to communicate and command animals to obey. 

So if I really belong to her bloodline, I will be able to call Coco here to see if he likes how he looks in human form right?  In my mind, I call him. First time, no answer. Second time, no answer. The third time I try, I am able to see him clearly what he is doing. He is running around, as if he is training. I call and he responds. Wow!! I am really able to do something like that? Scary! Coco reach in about 20 minutes time. Gokudera san then shows Coco the image he draw base on my description. He looks at it for a moment and whack its tail happily and barks. So he likes it!! Dr Shamal then take the picture and act as reference. So all I need is just to wait for the pill to be already and everything is set. Thanking both Dr Shamal and Gokudera san, I left the place.

I haven't really trained myself these days of the rainbow power. According to the book that I found, I only manage to learn two of them. Even it is unstable and weak, at least there is storm flame. And compares the marking of red and blue on my weapon, that is called Mebowa, red looks more craved on. Time to train my rain power. Finding within myself the energy of rain, I found it after a few minutes, slowly I use Mebowa and train. Focusing only on the emitting of rain energy, Mebowa is shaking. 

I can feel the peace and the calmness smoothes my heart. Just like the living water washes all of me, my hurts, sin and past away. Feel like I am being reborn, a new creation from the inside out. When I let my mind wonder into all these thoughts, I didn't realise that are two blue flame burning in my ears. The flames don't feel hot but like water, it is refreshing to me. Like I am being wash clean entirely. This new sensation feels very strangely good to me. It feels like it is too good to be true but as I start to attack with this power using Mebowa, I feel like I am washing others as well. A feeling like I am a vessel that is being pour into with the living water and then from me to others. This is enough for today. I take a deep breath as to control the energy within me. After I am done, just like last time, the blue marking on my neck darken and the markings on Mebowa is more obvious.

I should start testing out another power of rainbow. Maybe it is time to fight with Dino-san again to see how much I have improved over the past weeks and I think this time I stay long enough. Nearly a month now. I should leave live back my life as Yukiro and travel from towns to towns. And earn enough money for my trip to Italy to find out more about Bachina Tomaru.

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