The Demon's Pet

By AOTfangirl238

58.9K 413 31

Dr. David Kutterfield is an anthropologist, on the hunt for tribes in the Amazon. Instead, he finds a portal... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
A/N please read

Part 3

6.8K 53 0
By AOTfangirl238

The house was, indeed, huge. Just like the bedroom and bathroom, everything was scaled up to fit the demon, making Dave feel small. The kitchen was three times the size of a normal one, the office desk was big enough for him to comfortably crawl under, the couch took some work getting up on and the stairs took forever. On the second floor, he found some spare bedrooms and two more bathrooms, another office space, and another living space. Carefully heading back downstairs, he found a door in the kitchen he hadn't noticed before. He couldn't open it, so after letting his curiosity frustrate him for a few minutes, Dave moved on. He'd officially explored everything, and now he was bored. He climbed up on the windowsill and looked out, examining the outside. Red sky, orange-pink grass. He vaguely wondered if the oceans would be pink. A few creatures moved around outside, far off in the distance. They seemed menacing, hungry, and dangerous. So even if Dave managed to escape, he wouldn't be long for the world. His portal to home was closed, and he was never going home.
He sighed and slipped down from the windowsill, a little moan escaping him when his plug moved. He was tired after everything that had happened today, and climbed onto the couch, grabbing a pillow and stuffing it under his head. He hadn't slept on something other than the ground and tree branches for three months. His back was killing him, and the couch was so comfortable. With nothing in the air other than the sound of the air conditioner and the fridge, he quickly fell asleep.

Cadeon pulled up to his house, shutting his car off. It was dark now, as he'd been gone for about four hours. He wondered how his new little pet had favored in his absence as he grabbed the bags and the box he'd bought. With three hands full, he dug his keys out of his pocket with his free hand and opened the door. Closing it behind him, he walked into the living room with his bounty, turning on the lamp.
To Cadeons pleasant surprise, his little human was curled up on the couch sleeping, like a good boy. He set his bags down and did a quick sweep of the house, looking for anything out of place. It seemed this one made for a good house pet, unlike the other humans Cadeon had had. They'd been destructive and violent, always acting wild and tearing up the house trying to escape. Cadeon had quickly grown bored of them and sold them off. But this one...might be staying.
He dug through some of his bags, getting out the supplies. A few gallons of nutrient-rich water, since the well water he got had way too much led in it for humans to drink, a soft blanket, a large cushy pillow, a smaller memory foam pillow, human soap and shampoo, a harness, a leash, a new collar instead of the old leather one, bright green of course, and a few toys to keep the human from getting understimulated. Understimulated humans tended to get frustrated and destroy things. Even with mitts, the little fuckers seemed to find a way. They were an extremely nervous, neurotic, destructive species, but with the right training they could make very well-behaved, obedient pets. Humans, in Cadeon's opinion, made the cutest possible pet.
The little blonde could pretty much eat whatever Cadeon ate, which helped. He'd gotten matching bowls for food and water, along with a raised stand for them. Cadeon had taken pity on the poor thing and gotten him some boxers, so he wouldn't be completely naked. Cadeon did plan on taking him places in the near future, and the ground on your bare ass sucked.
And last, but certainly not least, Cadeon had gotten a large kennel. He sat down on the rug in front of the couch, opening up the box so he could put the cage together. He'd had humans wandering around his house at night before, and he didn't trust it. Not this time.
Cadeon quickly put the crate together - having four arms helped - and stuffed the big soft pillow into the bottom of the cage, along with the smaller memory foam pillow and the blanket. The crate was big enough that the human could stretch out, and tall enough that he could sit up.
Cadeon was surprised the human had slept through him putting it together. The poor thing must have been exhausted. What was he doing before he came through the portal?
He stood up and carried the cage into his room, setting it down in the corner by the bed. It was perfectly nestled between the nightstand and the wall. It was a human-proof cage, the bars reinforced and the door unable to be opened from the inside, with plastic covering the bars next to the locks. They were pressure-twist lock, only opening by being turned with force at the same time. And, to top it all off, the cage came with a black-out cover, meaning the cage could be covered and sent into darkness so the human inside was encouraged to sleep.
With everything set up, Cadeon went back into the living room and scooped the little blonde up. He grumbled and grunted, curling into Cadeon's warmth. Cadeon chuckled, shifting him around so he could take off his muzzle, followed by the mitts. With a human-proof cage, there was no reason for them.
Cadeon laid him out on the bed and dressed him in some boxers. The human, seemingly still asleep, rolled over and curled up, drawing his hands tight up against his chest and his knees up to his sternum.
"Alright grumpy, time for bed." Cadeon chuckled softly, scooping the human up and placing him inside the cage with his head on the memory foam pillow. Cadeon tucked the soft blanket around him, and closed and locked the door. Making sure the cover was fastened correctly, he quickly stripped and crawled into bed himself. Tomorrow would prove interesting.

Dave opened his eyes to darkness. He inhaled sharply and stretched, rolling over onto his back. He stared up, unable to see anything. His eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness as he looked around, and he could faintly make out bars in front of some kind of thick sheet, or blanket. Underneath his head was some stiff, comfortable pillow, and the blanket that covered him was soft on his skin. There was cushion underneath him, like a mattress or something. It felt so good to wake up on something comfortable, rather than on the ground or in a tree.
A chill in the air ghosted across Dave's skin, causing goosebumps to break out. He shivered and rolled over, curling up on his side and snuggling into the blanket.
He fell asleep for a while longer, and opened his eyes when he heard shuffling. A door opened, followed by the click of a light. Dave stretched again, and then snuggled deeper into the warmth of his little bed. He had a feeling he knew where he was, but for right now he didn't want to think about it. It was too comfortable.
A toilet flushed and more footsteps sounded, followed by the sound of a sink turning on. Dave shifted a bit, his body no longer asleep and now restless. He didn't want to move, but his body had gone into a fit of fidgets.
The sink turned off and more footsteps sounded, getting closer. They stopped at Dave's feet, leaving silence, and then light streamed into the dark, revealing the small space Dave was in. He laid still, but shifted his gaze around.
Just as Dave had suspected....he was in a cage. It was long enough for him to comfortably stretch out, and tall enough for him to sit up. The cloth kept the interior warm, and another chill swept through his little area, causing him to shiver.
"Well good morning, sunshine." Cadeon said happily. Dave shifted his gaze down to look at the demon, blinking.
"Are you hungry?" Cadeon asked.
Dave nodded, closing his eyes.
"Are you cold?"
Once again, Dave nodded, snuggling deeper into his blanket.
Metal clinked against metal, and Dave opened his eyes once more, seeing Cadeon open the cage door.
"Alright, little one, come on." He said, opening the door wide and clipping it to the side of the cage, pinning it open. Dave sat up and crawled out of the cage, standing up and stretching. He rubbed his eyes, getting all the gunk out of them, and stood there blinking his eyes back into focus for a minute.
Cadeon turned and headed out the door, and Dave instinctively followed him, not knowing what else to do. Cadeon walked into the kitchen, wearing nothing but boxers, and Dave realized he wore the same. Cadeon had picked him up some boxers? That was...thoughtful.
"What are you making?" Dave asked, sitting down on the floor and leaning his back against the wall.
"Eggs and bacon." Cadeon answered, cracking some eggs into a bowl while his other two hands loaded bacon into a frying pan.
Now that he could stop and stare at him, Dave found the giant demon... interesting. The effortless multitasking was fascinating to watch, and Dave wondered if that was a trait of his species or if he was just that in tune with his surroundings. The muscles in his four arms rippled as he moved, showing the raw power that the demon was capable of. And yet, he could be so tender and gentle with something as small as him.
The smell of bacon hit Dave's nose, and he sniffed just before his stomach made an audible growl.
Cadeon smirked. "Hungry?"
"A little." Dave answered, wrapping his arms around his middle.
Cadeon licked his fingers clean. "When's the last time you ate, short stuff?"
Dave shifted his eyes around, thinking. "Two...three days ago? I...I'm not sure."
The demon nodded, reaching over and flipping the coffee pot on as he poured a touch of milk into the eggs and flipped the bacon. Once the eggs were whisked, he poured them into a frying pan and loaded some more bacon into the other one. "Do you like toast?" Cadeon asked him as he reached over and pulled a loaf of bread out of a breadbox.
Dave perked up just a tad. He was getting food too?! "Yes."
Cadeon gave him a stern look. "Yes what?"
"Yes, Daddy." Dave corrected himself, shrinking back a bit.
Cadeon's expression instantly softened back out as he turned his attention back to the stove. Dave slowly relaxed, happy to see the demon wasn't angry at him. "Jelly? Butter?" Cadeon asked, flipping the bacon and loading two slices of bread into the toaster.
"Butter." Dave answered. This whole thing seemed extremely surreal to him. Yesterday he'd been kidnapped, raped, humiliated and dehumanized, and today his captor/rapist was making him breakfast after having tucked him into bed the night before. The switch flip was difficult to process and Dave wasn't sure how to handle it all, his body just running on autopilot.
The toast popping up startled him, making him jump and snapping him from his musings. Cadeon chuckled at him. "Scaredy cat." He remarked as he buttered the toast, shaking the eggs around the pan. The eggs were placed into a bowl, along with the bacon. After cutting the toast into four triangles, the demon placed it into the bowl with the rest of it. That was a strange way to eat, Dave mused.
"Orange juice? Milk? Water? Apple juice?" The demon asked, putting more bread into the toaster and then heading to the fridge.
"" God, that sounded divine. He watched as Cadeon grabbed the huge carton of juice and headed back to the stove. The demon turned off the stove and loaded the eggs and bacon onto a plate. "'Mere." He said, picking up two silver bowls and walking towards the table. Dave rose to his feet and followed, looking up at the table curiously. How the hell was he supposed to eat up there?
"No, over here." Cadeon said, walking past the table towards a small stand off to the side. He set the bowls in the slots in the stand, and then headed back towards the stove.
Dave looked at the stand curiously. It was small enough for him to sit down at on the floor. Like a small table. He lowered himself to the floor, and scooted up to it. On either side of the bowls were smaller slots, one housing a human-sized fork, the other a spoon. Dave picked up the fork and dug into his fluffy yellow eggs. Everything in this dimension was scaled up two or three sizes, including the food. The bacon was about the length of his arm, and the bread slice was the size of a party platter plate. He was glad Cadeon had cut it for him.
Cadeon sat down at the table and pulled out a large phone, scrolling through it as he shoveled forkfuls into his mouth. Dave turned his attention to his own food, and once he got over his hang-ups about eating out of a bowl, he was soon inhaling his food. He had been eating fruits and vegetables and whatever meat he could scarcely find, which wasn't much. He picked up the bowl of juice and gulped it down, loving the taste of something other than rainwater. He tipped the bowl back to finish it and let out a long, relieved sigh.
"Yo." Cadeon suddenly said. Dave looked up, seeing that Cadeon was on his phone, so he turned his attention back to his food.
"Hold on. You." Cadeon said, snapping his fingers. Dave looked up at him. "Don't eat so fast, you're gonna give yourself a stomach ache. Slow it down."
Dave sheepishly looked back down at his food and Cadeon went back to his phone call. He forced himself to eat more slowly, listening to Cadeon's conversation.
"Oh no, thats just my new pet. Yes. Yes, i got another one. No, another stray. He's really cute. Yesterday evening. No, it shouldn't take too long, honestly, he's been really good so far."
Dave munched on his bacon, listening. He couldn't hear the person on the other end, but he was relieved Cadeon thought highly of him. A warm feeling spread inside his chest, one of... pride? He was happy that Cadeon thought he was good boy.
For self-preservation, surely.
"Yeah, if you want to. Any time works, I've got a new project now, so I'll be here. Alright. Later." Cadeon hung up and stuffed the last of his toast in his mouth, looking over at Dave. "You done?"
Dave nodded.
"What?" Cadeon asked pointedly.
"Yes, Daddy." Dave answered quickly.
Cadeon nodded, standing up and grabbing Dave's bowls, taking them over to the dishwasher.
Dave sat there, hands in his lap, not sure what to do. He looked around the kitchen, trying to occupy his mind. Cadeon walked out of the kitchen, heading for the bedroom. "'Mere." he called.
Dave rose, following him into the bedroom. Cadeon picked him up and set him on the bed, on his back. He pulled his Dave's boxers off, causing him to blush a bit. One of those big hands wrapped around his ankles, raising his legs high in the air. Dave blushed more, feeling a bit embarrassed with everything on displ-
"Ahh!" He let out a sharp, breathy moan as the plug was pulled out of his ass. To his shame, Dave actually felt empty without it. He tried to look down to see what Cadeon was doing, but his legs blocked his view. He heard a drawer open and close, followed by a click. It was silent for a few seconds before something else was being pushed inside him. Dave let his head fall back as he moaned, biting his lip. This plug was bigger than the last one, though to his surprise, it didn't hurt. He anxiously waited for the biggest part, letting out a small whimper when it finally popped past his sphincter. Cadeon wiggled it a bit, and Dave gripped the sheets, whimpering softly.
"Good boy!" Cadeon praised him, letting go of his legs and laying on him, two of his hands bringing his legs up to rest at Cadeon's hips, his other two sliding under his shoulders. The big demon smiled down at him, a happy look on his face. "You didn't bitch, whine or complain at all. Such a good boy, Daddy's so happy with you." He praised, ducking his head to press kisses to Dave's neck.
Wait... was this Dave's reward? Kisses and cuddles? He...actually really liked this. He tilted his head so Cadeon could reach more of his neck, wrapping his arms and legs around the large body. Cadeon hummed happily, running his tongue under Dave's jawline.
Dave panted, softly moaning as the tongue dragged across his skin. Cadeon's temperature was so hot, his tongue searing. God, it felt so good.
Too soon, it ended, and Dave bit back a whine. He didn't want to fuck up the praise he'd just gotten. Cadeon stood up, running his hand over Daves belly. A buldge was slightly showing. Jesus, how big was that plug?
"Alright, cutie. We're expecting company." Cadeon announced, grabbing the boxers and pulling them up Daves legs.
Dave sat up and carefully slid off the bed, his feet hitting the floor with a soft thud. It was a little bit more difficult to walk around with this plug, and he wondered why Cadeon wanted to keep him in one.
He followed the giant into the living room, seeing him plop down on the couch. Just as Dave was about to attempt to climb up, Cadeon picked him up, setting him in his lap. He took off the collar around Dave's neck, setting the leather in a sidetable drawer, and fastened a green cloth one around his neck. This one was a lot more comfortable.
"We're gonna have to get a cute tag for this." Cadeon said, straightening the collar. "But we need a name first. Hmm..."
"Dave." Dave said softly.
"Hm? What was that?"
"Dave." He said a bit louder. "My name.... Is Dave."
"Dave." Cadeon repeated. "I like it. Its cute. Little Human Dave."
Dave wasn't sure why, but hearing Cadeon say his name sent a shiver up his spine. As ashamed as it made him feel, maybe... maybe this life wasn't so bad. To be a well-kept, pampered pet, no responsibilities, no struggle. All he had to do in return was behave.
Maybe it made him weak, maybe it made him pathetic, maybe it made him a joke, but Dave was honestly starting to enjoy this. There were worse places he could have ended up.
He snuggled into Cadeon's chest, getting comfortable.
Yeah, he could definitely have done much worse.

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