ARCADE | Rebić

By -mdeligt_

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'Small-town boy in a big arcade I got addicted to a losing game.' More



119 4 3
By -mdeligt_

"I'm not afraid to grow old
If I have your hand to hold."

31 May 2021

It was the day.


It was all so surreal, looking like a dream, and none of them two wanted to wake up from it.

"You look stunning!" Ljupka said, trying to holding back her tears as she fixed Ivana's wedding dress. "Totally stunning!"

"Thank you!" Ivana said as she handed her friend a handkerchief. "Oh, don't cry!"

"I can't! You're finally getting married!" Ljupka said as she hugged Ivana. "I'm so happy for you!"

"I'm happy for you too!" Ivana laughed a little as she hugged her friend back. And it was true, in the end, surprise of the surprise, Ljupka started dating Mirko! Funny how life acted in such incredible situations, wasn't it?

The door opened and Ivana's parents and sister entered, both of them clearly very emotional.

"Don't tell you're going to cry too!" Ivana laughed. Even though she tried to act calm and relaxed, on the inside she was literally freaking out, and people around her crying weren't surely helping.

"Oh sweetie, you are wonderful!" Her mother kissed twice on the cheeks as she admired her daughter. "You totally look like me!"

"If she looks wonderful, it's because of me!" Stjepan smiled, leaving a kiss on her forehead. "Also my little girl is marrying!"

"Dad, don't ruin her hair!" Ivana's sister, Mirjana, laughed as she fixed her younger sister's hair and handed her the bouquet. "You ready? We should get going! People are all waiting for you on the outside!"

Ante and Ivana decided their wedding to be a total Balkan style, full of people, of joy, of party and of course alcohol!

"Plus, dad, you need to give Ante your blessing!" Mirjana added. "Because yes, Ante is already here!"

"Are you ready?" Stjepan asked to her daughter, who took a deep breath. "Be honest."

"Yes." Ivana smiled. "I'm ready. Let's go."

Ante couldn't hide his nervousness as he looked at the clock for like the millionth time in the last five minutes.

He was afraid of a last minute change of mind, or her father not giving him the blessing. Even though he was perfectly aware by the fact that Stjepan loved him.

He asked how she was feeling. Was she as nervous as him? Or was she feeling more relaxed?

He looked around. Every person of her side was there, like tradition, having their little party before the ceremony, with a small buffet and live music with Ivana's favourite singer, Damir Kedžo, who would have also been in the party after along side Severina, Ante's favourite singer.

His friends, teammates and family, instead, had to reach the church. For the occasion, they decided to celebrate in the church where Ivana was baptised, a little church by the blue sea of Split.

"You're very tensed!" Ivan -Perišić-, his best man, laughed a bit, trying his best to make him relax.

"How were you on your wedding day?" Ante asked, taking a deep breath.

"Honestly? More tensed than you!" Ivan laughed, side hugging his younger friend.

"I'm afraid." Ante admitted.

Ivan sweetly smiled at his best friend. "I know."

"I'm afraid of ruining everything." He said, trying to not have a breakdown. "What if I won't make her happy? What if I'm not enough?"

"She's having your same fears too, believe me, and it's normal!" Once again Ivan reassured him. "But remember everything you guys have been through, look where you are now!" He smiled.

Ante smiled him back and took once again a deep breath. "Thank you."

"She's coming!" Ivana's aunt, Jelka, announced as the door of her house opened.

Mirjana, who also was the bridesmaid, was the first to go out, with Ljupka.

Just few seconds after them, Ana Damjanović, all smiling in her bright pink dress, as she got closer to Ante and kissed him twice on the cheek. "My daughter has such good tastes!" She blinked him an eye before joining the rest of her family. How typical of Ana, being so funnily straightforward!

And then, she finally exited her house, holding her father with the arm.

Ante never for a second took off his eyes from the woman, couldn't even hide a smile, inside him a mix of panic and excitement.

She looked absolutely stunning, her hair tied, leaving few strands to embellish her face, her makeup perfect as usual, and that red lipstick that Ante loved on her. Her dress thou, it was even more beautiful that Ante thought. She looked like a real princess.

Once she and father approached him, only few centimetres separating them, Ante smiled as he grabbed Ivana's hand and kissed it. "You are absolutely perfect." He whispered to her, a tear leaving his eye.

Ivana smiled sweetly at him and wiped away that tear. "And so do you."

Ante smiled as he looked at Stjepan. It was his moment. "Stjepan Damianović." He said, trying to not let other tears fall. "I know I have not always acted like the best man on earth, I made my mistakes. My story with Ivana wasn't always easy. In some moments I felt like a small town boy in that big arcade which was my heart. I also believed me and her was a losing game. But never in my life I've been this happy to be this wrong. I know I'm not perfect, but I will always try to be perfect for her, to never let something miss her, especially my love, I will always try to make her happy. I risked to loose her already too much times, but now, it's time for me the man. I will give her everything and much more. I'm not very good with words but I hope you understand how much I love your daughter."

Stjepan looked at him, Ante still wasn't able to understand the expressions of this man, he was so enigmatic. The older man smiled. "I know." And then he hugged him. "Of course i give you my blessing, son!"

It was the first time he called him 'son'. Ante smiled and hugged him back. "Thank you."

"Call me dad from now on!" Stjepan said as he gave Ivana's hand to Ante. "Let's make a toast to our beautiful couple!"

After they made their toast, and after Ivan and Ljupka made their speeches, they all went to the church, where Ante family and friends were waiting.

Everyone stepped into the church, where the priest was waiting.

"I'll wait you at the altar!" Ante gave Ivana one kiss on the cheek before making his way to the altar, with Ivan by his side.

It didn't take long before also Ivana walked the famous aisle, under church choir singing along side with the piano.

Once she reached the altar, Ante gave her a kiss on the forehead and held her hand, miming her 'it's okay' after noticing the anxiety in her wife to be, handing her a handkerchief.

She smiled at him, never letting go his hand, not even a second.

And then the priest asked them the fatal question, and obviously they said the famous 'I do'.

"Ante." The priest stated with a smile on his face. "Congratulations, you can now kiss the beautiful Ivana, because you are now husband and wife!"

And as people started to clap and yell in excitement, Ante caressed his wife's cheek. "I love you, Ivana Rebić."

"I love you more, husband!" She giggled. "So, don't you want to kiss me?"

"Mmm, nah! We have a full life ahead of us!" He laughed. "Just kidding, I feel like dying if I don't kiss you right now!"

He cupped her face and laid his lips on hers.

They were never a losing game, their love was their winning game, and now they finally had their happy ending.

By each other side.

Always and forever.

Ante Rebić is such a precious human beings and deserves the world.

Also, big hello to my Balkan cousins!! Love you guys and your traditions!!

Hope you enjoyed the book, I had lot of fun writing it!!

Til the next time and next book!!



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