Unavoidable future (Bleach x...

By Karadock56

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No. I'm not shipping. More

Chapter 1: Srawberry and golden ligthning
Chapter 2: The substitute shinigami
Chapter 3: An endangered princess
Chapter 4: Not killed, but purified
Chapter 5: Tiger and parakeet
Chapter 6: Permission granted
Chapter 7: Cat got your tongue ?
Chapter 8: Mod Soul
Chapter 9: The right to live
Chapter 10: Something to protect
Chapter 11: washed away memories
Chapter 12: Personal matter
Chapter 13: Hater archer
Chapter 14: let's play a little
Chapter 15: Princess, and dragon
Chapter 16: Dragon down, here comes the crusader
Chapter 17: Menos Grande
Chapter 18: SMASH !!
Chapter 19: Two more foes
Chapter 20: The protected one
Chapter 21: Training ?
Chapter 22: Shattered Shaft
Chapter 23: Zangetsu !!
Chapter 24: Senkaimon
Chapter 25: Welcome to Rukongai
Chapter 26: The Marvelous Ganju !!
Chapter 27: Firework master
Chapter 28: Cannonball !
Chapter 29: Let's-a-go !
Chapter 30: The Seireitei
Chapter 31: Almost there... ?
Chapter 32: The moon and the monkey
Chapter 33: Such a loss...
Chapter 34: My turn...
Chapter 35: Y/n VS Kenpachi
Chapter 36: Breaking out...
Chapter 37: Stepping back
Chapter 38: Captain Kurotsuchi
Chapter 39: 3 strikes.
Chapter 40: Last day
Chapter 41: Execution
Chapter 42: Nobody
Chapter 43: Happy ending... ?
Chapter 44: Mastermind
Chapter 45: Game...
Chapter 46: ... Over.
Chapter 47: Starting anew
Chapter 48: New kid, old enemies, same problems.
Chapter 49: Arrancar
Chapter 50: First step to war
Chapter 51: Mine.
Chapter 52: Scout squad
Chapter 53: Follow the arrow
Chapter 54: From Undecimo to Sexto
Chapter 55: Jaggerjack
Chapter 56: Vizards
Chapter 57: Battle Instincts
Chapter 58: Nefarious plans
Chapter 59: Second wave, retaliation
Chapter 60: Hueco Mundo, NOT welcome...
Chapter 61: The great desert brothers
Chapter 62: Speedrunning
Chapter 64: Null
Chapter 65: Change of scene
Chapter 66: Subjugation
Chapter 67: 90th level
Chapter 68: End of Chrysalis
Chapter 69: Kill...
Chapter 70: Deicide
Final chapter: One last mission

Chapter 63: Quatra Espada, segunda etapa

1.8K 76 31
By Karadock56

" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Ulquiorra: Are you scared ? You are no longer of any use to Lord Aizen. His will is no longer protecting you. This is the end, you will die here, without seeing your friends ever again. So I'm asking you, are you frightened ?

Orihime: No, I'm not. Because everyone came here to save me. Because, I have already been rescued. Because my heart, is already with all of them.

"That's the spirit, Orihime. Even though you shouldn't go so far, Unless you're called Aizen of course..."

Ulquiorra: ... What nonsense. You have no fear because your friends are here ? Are you serious when you say those words ?

Orihime: Yes. When I first heard that they'd come to save me, I was a little happy... And really sad. I thought to myself, "I came here because I wanted to protect everyone, so why on Earth is everyone here ? Why isn't it getting through to any of you ?".

"Well, you're welcome... 'I swear, if you weren't Ichigo's future girlfriend...'."

Orihime: But then, I sensed that Kuchiki had fallen. I saw Kurosaki fighting. And I thought, "None of that matters", I just wanted Kurosaki not to get hurt. I just... Wanted everyone to be safe. Then I thought that, I realized... yes, everyone must have felt like this, too. If any of them, had disappeared like I did, I would surely have done the same thing.

"Yes, you got that right. Could it be you, Rukia, Ichigo, or anyone else; if one were to suddenly disappear, be sure that the rest of us will search to the fringes of the world for them. Ulquiorra, you can rip off our skin, you can tear our flesh, you can shatter our bones, or even crush our souls, our hearts would remain the same, they would remain as one."

Ulquiorra: ... Heart ? You damn humans speak so easily of the Heart, almost as if it were in the palm of your hand. These eyes of mine reflects everything, there is nothing they cannot perceive. If it cannot appear in my eyes then it does not exist. I have come to fight under that assumption. So, what is this "heart" ? If I tear open your chest, will I see it inside ? If I shatter your skull, will I see it there ?

"Why don't you try to see by yourself ? Forget about Orihime for a second, I'll be your opponent."

Ulquiorra: So be it. My duty is to protect Las Noches until Lord Aizen returns, and you, are a direct threat to Las Noches. So killing you is following my orders. With that in mind, I will eradicate you, with my sword.

"Lucky me, I don't remember you even drawing your sword before, even less at the very beginning of a fight. Does that means you finally recognize me as a worthy foe ?"

Ulquiorra: At the very least, as someone that went against Lord Aizen twice and survived, I recognize you as a target that must be destroyed.

"Good enough for me. But don't think I'll go slow on you. HOGO REIÂMÂ !!"

Ulquiorra: ... Oh ? That armor withstood my cero without a problem. You are stronger compared to what lord Aizen observed back in Soul Society, aren't you ?

"I suppose there is no point hiding it anymore. Aizen must've understood it already anyways, so... back in Soul Society, going full out meant instant death for me, so I had to put a limit myself. Even though it only concerned my stand, because of it I subconsciously limited the rest as well. I believe... I believe it was comparable to that 'full release' the shinigami does when they go to the human world. In other words, this is roughly 5 time the strength I displayed on the Sôkyoku hill."

"And while I'm at it, should I mention that simply touching me would be a pretty bad idea. Oh wait, it's already the case. OVERDRIVE !!"

Ulquiorra: An anti-hollow energy... It's like you were made to fight us.

"Hamon, was made to fight creatures like you. And with an arm missing, not to mention it's mine now, I'd encourage you to step up things a little, if you really want to accomplish anything.

Ulquiorra: I see... It seems that being able to keep up with this meager level feels rather good to you, human. But if stepping up is what you want me to do, then be it. I shall drown you in an endless sea of despair.

"You're pretty talkative for once, you- Where the hell are you going ?!! Get back down here !!"

Ulquiorra: I'm afraid the real battle cannot happen down here. If you're so eager to fight, you shall follow me up.

"Bastard, just you wai-"

Ishida: YOU wait here, Y/n !

"Ishida ? Where did you come from ? Anyways, stay here and look after Orihime, I have some things to take care of right now. By the way, how do you like your stand ?"

Ishida: I don't ! And you're not going anywhere, at least not before I give you this !

"... ... A syringe ? Why would you give it to me , And did you got it ?"

Ishida: Kurotsuchi gave it to me. He said it's to stop the effect of his drug.

"... What drug exactly ?"

Ishida: Just take the thing already.

"Fine, fine. Just one thing. If I happen to be confused after that, I want you to remember that I'm gonna murder Kurotsuchi for doing this to me without me knowing. ... ... ... ... ... ... Oh..."

Ishida: You alright there ?

"... I'll have to apologize to Yamamoto later, for what I've said to him..."

Ishida: You remember ?

"Yes. Kurotsuchi will definitely get his right desserts. At least I don't feel like Kenpachi anymore... Thanks."

Ishida: Anytime.

"Now, time for me to break the roof... Quite literally..."

"Is this... Above Las Noches ?"

Ulquiorra: That is correct. You see, Espada ranked Cuatro and above, are forbidden from using their resurrecion beneath the dome. Isolate... Murciélago.

Ulquiorra: Your reiatsu has calmed down since earlier, human. But do not lose your composure. Do not break your stance, stretch out your awareness, and do not let your guard down for even a second. Or else...

Ulquiorra: A shield added to the armor ? I should salute your quick thinking, because if you hadn't done that, your head would be at my feet right now.

"Alone, my armor cannot withstand such attacks, unless I sacrifice all weapons for more defense. If that's the case, then I'll just discard it, and use my Stand instead. Dark void, act II, [DARKER VOID] !"

Ulquiorra: Yes... That indeed is already more similar to us. Shrouded in darkness, like our cero.

"Cero ? I don't think it could be farther than that."

Ulquiorra: I see, so you haven't witnessed it yet ? So, to seal your fate, I will show you, that which the Espada unleash in their released state. The black cero. Cero Obscura.

Ulquiorra: So you did survived.

"What did you expect ? Although I've never seen such heavy reiatsu before, and even though I had some trouble nullify it, in the end this is what Aizen meant when he said 'stalemate'. The impossibility for any of us to strike our opponent down. For you, the only way to do it would be to wait for me to tire out, but even if you don't attack, and remain out of my reach, the simple spiritual energy natural concentration here in Hueco Mundo is enough to keep it running. But on the other hand, without enough speed to catch to you, I can't hope to deal a blow either."

Ulquiorra: The way you're talking, it's almost like you believe us to be of equal power.

"Think whatever you want. But I know I have the capacities to take you out. What about you ?"

Ulquiorra: What nonsense. Y/n L/n, your words, are the words of one, who does not know true despair. If you do not know it, then I shall enlighten you. This, is the form, of true despair.

Ulquiorra: Resurreccion segunda etapa. Among the Espada, only I have enabled this second level of release. I have not even shown this form to Lord Aizen. And to be fair, I believe it is close to what you call "Act II".

"... Bring it on."

Ulquiorra: After witnessing this form, you still have the will to fight ?

"It's not that I don't feel fear... But right now, I don't care what form you're transformed into, or what number you're ranked at. I just know I'll win, and beat you."

Ulquiorra: Very well. In that case, I shall make you understand, even if I have to grind your body into dust.

Ichigo: You said he went to fight Ulquiorra by himself above the dome ?!

Ishida: That's exactly what I just said, no need to repeat it. Besides, why do you think we're heading for that hole ?

Ichigo: Let's get faster !

Ichigo: Y/n ! Are you alright ?! We-

"Agh... Guh..."

Ulquiorra: the fact that you're still alive, proves your strength without a doubt. But just like what happened with Lord Aizen. The fact that you absorb the Reiatsu means that there is a limit to what you can erase.

Ulquiorra: It would seem, that in the end, you weren't even a threat to lord Aizen, human. Now, any last words before I chop your head off ?

"... ai... "

Ulquiorra: What was that ? I couldn't quite catch it.

"Ban... Kai..."

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