The Return

By Kait2406

387 7 0

"Lalana wasn't sure where she ran, she just knew she had to get away. Her life was falling apart, and she did... More

Chapter 2~ The Coming of the Departure
Chapter 3~ The Escape of the Life She Used to Know
Chapter 4~ The Forest, the Wolves, and the Home
Chapter 5~ The Very First Hunt- and How it Ended
Chapter 6~ The Night of No Moon
Chapter 7~ The Purfect Danger
End of The Return

Chapter 1~ The Beginning

73 1 0
By Kait2406

Warm smells filled Lalana's nose as she woke, filling her with inspiration. She opened her eyes and leaped as high as she could, dive-bombing her brother Jayin with a face-splat.

"Ouch!" he yelped, struggling out from under her body. "You're heavy! Get off!" He promptly stepped on Gyan's nose, who cried out in his sleep. "Oops. Now look what you've done!" He sighed pointedly.

"Sorr-y," Lalana muttered, just loud enough for Jayin to hear. A whine from the other side of Mother cut off their argument. "Mother, I'm HUNGRY!!!" Mother sighed, fully waking up after the obvious complaining of three of her five pups.

"So I see. You couldn't let me sleep more than ten seconds longer Ananda?" She asked ruefully. "Oh, alright."

At that moment, Lalana couldn't help thinking how Ananda was being anything but bliss and joy. Then the other pups' excited yelps and cries must have waken up Gyan and Karan, because soon both boys were stepping on her soft black and brown ears in pursuit of breakfast. "Hey! Watch it!" Lalana cried, but soon she too was stumbling and straining for some soft, soothing milk.

With a grunt, Mother decided the pups had had enough, and awkwardly stood to leave. Ignoring the pups' cries of complaint, she went into the Big Room.

"Great. So now what do we do?" Ananda wondered aloud.

"Play a game, of course!" Lalana barked, running to the bed in the corner. Hiding under it, she waited for her siblings to come join in the game. They quickly did so, shoving her a little as they jostled around to see Gyan sitting in the middle of the room. His tail was over his eyes so he couldn't see the others hiding. Then, he suddenly jumped up and scampered to the shoe, a favorite hiding place of the pups'. Mystified, he continued to probe the room for them. Spotting Karan's tail sticking out like a thorn in the pile of pillows, he quickly pounced on the bundle of German Shepherd pups. Squealing with joy, excitement, and fear of being caught, the four of them scattered around the room. Several hours later, all that could be seen was an exhausted pile of brown and black fur. It had been a good day.


A few days later, Mother decided to bring the pups to the Big Room. All five of the pups could hardly wait, curiosity tumbling off of them in waves. With a sudden burst of speed and barking, the family erupted into a large, we'll lit room. There were soft, fuzzy bones that chirped and squeaked everywhere, and numerous other toys littered the room. The puppies had never had so much fun in their lives!

"Wheeeee!!!!!" Little Jayin cried. Slipping down a tube, he blasted into the air. To Lalana, he looked more like a flapping monkey than a dog, paddling the air with his fore paws. She quickly darted after him. To her delight, Karan, Gyan, and Ananda were hot on her tail. Jayin looked at the four in shock, before yelping, "Help!" desperately to Mother. Laughing, Mother rolled out of the way, leaving Jayin defenseless. "Ahhhhh!" The puppies bundled into Jayin, knocking him to the ground. "Oomph," a smothered Jayin replied helplessly.

Sticking a paw out of the dogpile, Karan heaved himself up so he could see. A flailing paw caught him in the ear, and he looked up to see a mischievous Ananda crouched to pounce on him. Lalana cannonballed into his side, knocking him out of the way. A second later, Lalana was smushed underneath Ananda.

Finally the pups had had enough. Pulling away from each other, the German Shepherds curled up to nap. Another day had ended, and the exhausted pups were asleep.

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