The Trio and Her (GxG)

By girlsbeforebros

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Jayden Rodriguez, a beautiful 26 year old well trained detective at SMI (Secret Military Intelligence). 5'9... More



676 42 26
By girlsbeforebros

Jayden's Pov:

"This house?" I ask, peering outside the car window and Angel hums. We get out of the van and open the back doors for Lena. "Oh thank god, I can breathe." She pants out, "Do I have to sit in the back? It's too hot and there's no proper seats." She whines like a baby as she struggles to get out. "Well, duh. You are the computer nerd aren't you? The computer shit is in the back." Angel clarifies as she walks away. Lena rolls her eyes and looks at me with hopeful eyes for any help. I just shrug my before shutting the doors, knowing she has to sit there anyway since she understands computers and we don't.

"Why this house though?" I ask jogging up the porch. "I was getting strong signals from this side of the neighborhood, we'll go through all the houses till I figure out where it's coming from. Then you guys can do the scary shit and save my ass." She smiles like a child and gives me a piece of paper. "All the houses? Isn't there an easier way?" I ask and she shakes her head.

I look around the place and see a man walking down the road. He's in a black suit, talking to someone on the phone. He turns around and his eyes meet with mine, it seems like he begins to panic and before I could do anything he runs off into the distance. Weird.

"Did you see that man?" I ask Angel, "No, who was it?" She asks and I shrug, "Don't know."

Angel knocks on the door and we instantly heard dogs barking. "Oh shit..." I heard Angel mutter as she took a step back. I look at Lena who already had a confused look. "Please don't tell me you're scared of dogs..." I turn to her.

She stays quiet, I turn back around to Lena and we burst out laughing. "No way! Dude, you're a fucking agent and you're scared of dogs?? How does that shit even work?!" Lena struggles to say between laughs. "Shut up, they're unnecessarily scary." She mumbles and crosses her arms to look tough, when she clearly isn't. Finally, me and Lena calmed down from our long fit of laughter and soon after the door opens.

I lookup from the piece of paper and my eyes meet with familiar big brown eyes staring into mine. Ones I haven't seen in ages. I stare into them before my gaze is broken by a force snatching the sheet away from my hands.


"Ariana?" I ask and she smiles. "You two know eachother?" Angel asks and I nod. "Yeah, we were close friends."

"Are you Ariana Grande-Bute.. Buter-" Lena struggles reading the paper. Did she not hear what I just said? While she does, I take a better look at her. She's still small, but she looks cute like that. Her hair was in her signature long pony tail. And she's, of course, still really fucking pretty.

We used to be close friends in middle school and high school. When she moved out to LA, we eventually lost touch even though we promised we wouldn't. I guess that happens with everyone. However, we did bump into eachother about 2 years ago. I told her how I had to move here for my job and she explained how everything was going in her life.

"-Butera, yes why?" She asks confused to see 3 women in suits at her door. She protectively picks up her light brownish dog -Toulouse- who was strutting around her legs, and holds him close to her chest. "Can we come in?" I politely ask and she opens the door wider before nodding.

We walk into the huge house and Lena immediately whips out her computer and places it down on a random stone island near the front door. The floors were smooth stone with symmetrical patterns on them. Ahead were two stairs leading upstairs.

"Uh- not to be rude or anything but why are you here? I'm just really confused." She nervously chuckled as her fingers stroked her dog.

"Miss Grande, have you noticed anything strange? Anything different these past few days, it could be small or major changes." Angel asks as she looks around the place for anything suspicious.

"No, I haven't. Everything's the same. Why?" I could tell she was getting nervous, but she want lying.

Loud repetitive beeps come from Lena's computer which snaps all of our heads towards it. "Uh..." She drags out. "What?" Angel asks. Lena looks up at her and gives out a worried look. "Okay..." Angel begins.

"Miss Grande, you're in danger. You need to trust us." She continues.

"If we don't leave now, we'll die." Lena interrupts looking up from her computer.

"We'll die?!" Ariana panics and her dog starts to bark like crazy.

Oh shit.

"What a great way to put it Lena." I roll my eyes at her and she continues to type away.

"Oh sorry, soon our guts will be all over the walls? Is that better?" She said sarcastically, looking up at me.

"That's worse!" I whisper yell, angry at how unprofessional she's acting right now.

"What the fuck are you guys talking about?" Ariana interupts and my attention goes back to her.

"Lena, just do you job."

"Sorry, what she's trying to say is that we need to leave, like right now. Anything extremely important can come with you but you must be quick." I warn and she rapidly nods her head before scurrying off into her house.

"Can you be anymore stupid?" I ask Lena, she flips me off without breaking her concentration from the computer. "How do you know her?" Angel asks walking towards me, with her signature intimidating face on.

"We used to be bestfriends in school." I reply and she nods.

After a moment of silence Lena speaks up. "Guys..." She hesitantly begins.

"Yeah?" Angel walks beside me as we go closer to her, sensing something isn't right. "The signals... they're coming from underground. They're moving." She whispers the last part. As a reflex, my hand immediately grabs my gun and my eyes dart around the place. I look over at Angel to see if she was doing the same, she was. 

"Myron! No, no this way!" My thoughts were interrupted by Arianas voice. She had about 4 dogs and a pig with her and seeing her struggle with her animals was cute.

"You got everything?" I ask and she looks up to me. "Uh- yeah. Where are we going?" She quietly asks. "Anywhere but here. We'll head over to base to ask her a few questions." Angel says to me and I nod. Lena begins to packs her things.

Arianas eyes dart down to my waist, where my gun and handcuffs were attached. She was getting more nervous, really nervous.

"Oh my god, this is so unprofessional of us. Angel Jones, agent from SMI." She introduced herself and pulled up her badge and ID to show Ariana we're not imposters or anything like that.

Angel signals for me to do the same, "Oh- I don't need to do this but I will, Jayden Rodriquez, also an agent at SMI." I smile and show her my badge. She giggles before nodding her head, she seems less tense. Soon Lena does the same.

We walk out the door and I open the door for Ariana to get in and sit beside me. "Thanks." she mumbled as she got in. There were 3 seats in the front. I was on the drivers side, Ariana in the middle and Angel at the end.

Of course Lena at the back, again.

a/n: poor Lena

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