The Wine Glass

By food_is_lif3

43 5 9

"Who would have thought that one tiny thing can change your life, and the people around you? Well, besides me... More


Chapter 1

18 2 0
By food_is_lif3

                    ~Belle's P.O.V~


                   ~Paris, France~

"BONJOUR BELLE!" A male villager around his mid 20's yelled across the street that I assume was directed to me.

"Bonjour!" I yelled back to him.

I was the most popular lady in the village, known for my beauty and intelligence. Not many men liked me because of my high source of knowledge, but they say that my good looks make up for it.

I have beautiful straight white hair, large red eyes that sparkled in the night, and curves in all the right places. Unlike my sister who is as thin as a twig, has brown hair, and dull brown eyes. She may be different but I love her to bits.

Everything was going perfectly fine as I strolled down the road to my home; until I was knocked over by a man with raven black hair, and grey eyes as dark as night.

"Im terribly sorry about that miss I was ju-" he was cut of when he turned and looked down on me, his eyes shined with mischief as soon as his eyes travled down my body.

"Well, well, well, what have we here?" He says while looking at me up and down with a smirk plastered on his face.

I rise from the position I was in when the man knocked me down and before I could talk back to the man in front of me, another man comes out from his stand filled with fruits.

"Wel that was very rude sir, you should treat a lady with respect not look at her boobs and smirk when you just knocked her down on the floor." The man from the booth says while walking over to us.

The other man scowls at him and says before turning around and walking away,

"I don't take advice from filthy commoners such as yourself."

The man from the booth turns towards me and asks with concern in his voice,

"Are you alright Miss?"

I look up and find the most beautiful baby blue eyes that are staring at me.

I manage to nod my head weakly as I stare into his amazing eyes.

"Well thats good to hear!" The man excitedly says as he looks at me again and asks "I mean not to intrude, but what is your name?"

"It is Belle what is your's may I ask?" I manage to say while breaking eye contact with him, which caused him to frown.

"The names James." James says as he walks past me to head back into his booth.

I turn around to thank him for helping me with the other strange man, but when I turn around both him and his booth are gone.

"Weird" I mutter to myself as I proceed to go down the road to my home.

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