Hidden power

By ijustwannasurvive8

12.7K 500 100

An Upa x reader that features the (female) reader, an ex-mafia member, in Namba. She is moved to cell 8 due t... More

I T ' S R E A D Y
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Christmas Special!!!
Lets see how this goes....
Christmas Special (Part 2)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Happy Easter!
Qi x reader pt 2

Chapter 28

168 7 1
By ijustwannasurvive8

(normal pov)

For the next few days, you had almost forgotten your situation. You helped Shen with his problems, you and Upa trained together, etc. You had also fallen into the habit of helping Qi with his concoctions. Despite you knowing their purposes, you managed to push that out of your mind. Qi said he'd help you with your fight and this was his way of doing it. Liang began to train with you too, though you worked with him more on fighting skills than on qi, unlike Upa who was improving quickly. He could now form spears and keep them for as long as 30 seconds. They were more solid and he could throw them rather hard. You and Shen would talk for hours on end during the night sometimes, strengthening the bond between the two of you. You even went to Uno's game room once with Cell 8. You had convinced Samon to let Shen come with you too. The others, while initially frightened, treated him as one of them. By the end of that day, no one showed any fear towards him. He seemed happy. It had been a full week since the incident with Shen in your training room. "Oh come on, (y/n)! Just a few laps?" Asked Liang again. For the past week he has been begging you to take him out early in the morning to train in the public training ground while no one was there. Samon said that he'd allow it, but you never wanted to. Even though there would be no one else there but you, Liang, and possibly Upa, you still felt so exposed. You sighed and stood up. Your phone read 5:03. 'what the heck." You thought. You were already up and knew that there was no going back to sleep. "Okay, fine. Just this once." You said as you began to get ready. Upa stirred in his bed, sitting up after a bit. "Where are you guys going?" he asked, his voice heavy with sleep. "(Y/n)'s going to take me to the training ground outside." Liang said with slight excitement in his voice. "I'm coming." Said Upa as he rolled out of bed and began getting ready. Due to all of the noise of everyone moving around, Qi woke up. "What?" "We're going to the training ground trash. Do you want to come?" asked Upa, slipping on his shoes. He looked to you, "Can I bring my supplies?" You knew that by 'supplies' he meant the things he needed to make his stuff. You had gotten quite a bit for him so he could make the things he wanted. You nodded, pulling a brush in your hair. Qi got out of bed, grabbing his bag that contained both his already made things along with the things he would need to make more. While it was a risky move, you knew that the Warden was watching Building 8 more than this one. You had staged a dramatic thing there in order to divert her attention away from the building you were in so you didn't run into as many complications. Everyone was now focused on the big mystery of Building 8. Someone kept opening doors that were supposed to be kept shut. Someone also kept opening the cells of inmates (all of which you knew were non-violent) Of course, you were the culprit. You felt bad for making them do a little extra work but it's worth the lives that it could possibly save. You all left the cell at 5:15. You wanted Shen to come with you and were sure that Samon wouldn't mind, so you made a quick detour to his cell. You woke him up and asked if he wanted to come. "Yeah, gimme a second." He said as he quickly got ready. Once he was out, You, Shen, Liang, Upa, and Qi made your way to the public training ground. When you all made it there, Liang started his laps, Upa started meditating, and Qi began setting up his stuff. You laid down on a nearby bench. You took a deep breath of the fresh morning air. The sun was still rising, so it was slightly cool, but not cold. There was a slight breeze that carried the scent of the flowers Qi was using throughout the entire place. Your eyes lazily followed a lone bird in the sky as it sored across it, the birds pitch black color contradicting starkly with the pastel colored sunset behind it. You had fallen into the habit of fiddling with the necklace Shen had made for you, so as you laid there, you fiddled with it, pushing the pendants back and forth on the chain, listening to the quiet sound of the wood rubbing against the thin, metal chain. You felt Shen sit on the bench next to you. Neither of you said anything. This sometimes happened where both of you just sat in silence, happy to simply be in the presence of their long lost sibling. Then, after a few minutes of sitting there in blissful silence, you felt it. At first, it was just a small tingle in your chest, causing the hairs on the back of your arms to stand up. Then it began to come more into focus. The aura that was quickly approaching almost hurt to be in the presence of. There was so much bad and evil and hate. So much hate. You knew what it was. You jumped up from the bench, looking at Shen. He had also gotten up, having felt the terribly familiar aura too. You shared a brief moment of panicked eye contact before taking off towards the others. 'This is it.' you thought. This fight had been anticipated for so long. You had waited all this time. You thought you would be happy when it finally came. Happy that the waiting was over. But now, as you stood next to your friends and brother waiting for Xieie to arrive, you didn't feel happy at all. You wished the waiting would continue. You wanted more time with them. You had just gotten your baby brother back. You had just made friends. You didn't want to lose them all so soon. You used your qi-gong to send out a pulse, throwing back any equipment that would be in the way of the fight. Only a stack of rocks remained off to the right. There were too big and heavy to move easily, so you just left them. The equipment flew through the air, landing with a terrible chorus of clangs and thuds. Qi readied his potions. Liang raised his fists. Upa prepared his qi. And you assumed your fighting position with your brother. Before you or he died, you turned to Upa and gave him a quick kiss. He squeezed your hand, knowing that it could be your last one. You let go of his hand and turned to your brother. You hugged him, willing the thoughts of anyone in this group dying because of this away. You let him go when you heard the light footsteps of him. You put on your work face, forcing yourself not to cry. There would be time for that later. But for now, it was time to fight.

The next chapter might take a little longer to get out because I might just rewrite the whole fight scene. it's a little rushed and I want to give this book a proper ending. Anyways, I hope that you enjoyed and see you in the next chapter! So YEET.

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