Beautiful In His Sight (BXB)

Da AllAboutTheSmut

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When the best day of your life turns into your worst nightmare, you stand in decent company. Deklyn Jackson b... Altro

New Beginnings
Drunken Words, Sober Thoughts
Pillow Talk
Last Day
Worth It
Meet The Parents
Tick, Tock
Pay It Foward
Let The Bodies Hit The Floor
That Wasn't a Dream?
Can I Take It Back?
DΓ©jΓ  Vu
Maybe I'm Crazy
Jesus take the Wheel
Princes and Princesses
This Is It
Leave it to Broady
Moral Support
It's Too Early
A Pair of Hearts
Mr. Mom

Memory Lane

1.9K 88 17
Da AllAboutTheSmut

***Elik's POV***

Essentially, I lied.

I told Dek I couldn't come to lunch.

The truth is, I was embarrassed for him to see me in such a state. Jamison and I got into yet another heated argument. Everything I say, he combats.

Who owns this fucking company anyway?

Oh, yeah. That would be this guy.

He thinks I don't know that the resistance has nothing to do with business. I'm neither naive nor blind.

I can't state that I actually believe Jamie wants Dek. Maybe he does. But, I have a sneaking suspicion that he hates what Dek and I have.


He seems the type to enjoy taking his own misery out on others.

Either way, I am taking a late lunch. Alone.

I drive to the mall to window shop. Shopping isn't necessarily my forte. However, it has to be better than spending lunch with Jamie. Or worse, upsetting my love. I can't show Dek how much Jamie effects me. It's stupid really.

Two grown men stay at each other's throats. Better yet, one of them already knows he has nothing to worry about. That one, being me. Dek loves me. I love him. Simple.

I search thru the stores aimlessly. I browse the books, clothes, shoes and even electronics. I grab a large coffee and sip it as I walk thru the stores.

After an hour of literally wasting time, I head back out. I stop by the jewelry store that is tucked in the center of a Victoria's Secret and a Bath and Body Works. How convenient.

I lazily gaze at the beautiful craftsmanship of each individual piece. They all look similar, but you can see a slight difference in each one. There aren't a lot of pieces. It kinda makes you wonder how it stays open in a large commercial shopping center.

Nothing catches my eye on the way of my expectations. I'm not ready to propose to Dek today. Soon. Very soon.

I already know he is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. That is just the plain facts.

I have been thinking seriously of asking for his hand. But, with the Jamie issue, I think I might come off as possessive or spiteful. That's not me.

Dek is one of a kind. I want him to know that. I need him to see the purity in my request for his partnership in this life. The black cloud known as a Jamie doesn't deserve a character in our story of forever.

While mindlessly looking thru the jewelry, I am approached by a small man. He looks to be in his early thirties. He wears his wire rimmed glasses like the father on Beauty and The Beast. He is actually quite attractive.

He walks towards me while wipe the sweat from his brows with a white cloth. He adjusts his spectacles before smiling a small grin towards me. I return his smile. He looks like he has had better days.

Haven't we all?

"Good afternoon. Welcome to LaShae's." The adorable nerd states.

"What brings you in today?" He continues.

"Just browsing." I speak softly. He looks more fragile than a Christmas tree ornament made of spun glass.

"Anything in particular?" The man requests.

"My boyfriend and I are pretty serious. I thought I could start shopping." I explain.

"I'm Marcus. Tell me about your guy. I can read people pretty well." Marcus smiles widely towards me. This time it comes off more genuine.

"He's spectacular. Just everything about him is amazing. He has the most twinkling milk chocolate eyes. They are pools of endless love and devotion. His heart is his real asset though. He is genuinely perfect. He had all these friends when I met him. One being my cousin. However, I wasn't aware of that information. Anyways, said cousin invited me to a high school party. I went. I was thoroughly disappointed. I made my way to the door, to leave. But, I caught sight of this mesmerizing guy. He stole my breath." I ramble.

"Come sit. I do enjoy a good love story." Marcus encourages.

I follow him to a small couch and sit. I sip my coffee as I think about the love of my life. I begin my journey down memory lane.

"What makes you think it will last? I do apologize for sounding rude. I just experience every side of the spectrum in this business." Marcus admits. His face fills with chagrin with his words.

"It's okay. I don't mind." I shake my head. I understand.

"The night I met my love, it was the best and worst night of my life. I caught sight of the beauty and stood smiling at the angel before me. I introduced myself and set to leave. Unfortunately and fortunately his phone began to ring. I continued to walk away until I heard his paralyzed cry. The other end of that phone call devastated his world. I took him to the hospital where we learned his parents had passed away in a car accident. I guess I should have taken that as a sign to bolt. I just couldn't. I was drawn to him. My heart felt welded to his very presence." I continued.

"That is a hell of an introduction." Marcus chuckles.

"I have been with him ever since. We didn't officially start dating until his actual graduation. The kicker was, we met on his birthday. Can you imagine? He turned 18 the day his parents were violently stolen from him. I felt like a complete shit bag. I was busy falling in love while his whole world was ripped from his very hands. He was a masterfully carved wreck. But, I fell deeper every single day. You can't believe how he handled it all. His heart is a world wonder. He was so beautifully composed and devastated at the same time. At the funeral, he tried his hardest to ease the burdens of everyone else. How could I not fall for him?" I asked rhetorically.

"Indeed. He sounds like a beautiful soul." Marcus spoke in a far away tone.

"Yeah. He is." I confirm.

"I have a very special piece in the back. I would like to show it to you." Marcus offers.

"Sure." I agree.

Marcus walks away and comes back with his hand closed. He seems to be saying goodbye to the jewelry. I wait patiently.

A bright twinkle lights the jewelers eyes as he passes the band into my hand. As my hand touches the metal I immediately know this is it. I finally open my eyes to look at the circle of platinum in my grasp. I almost gasp.

It's perfect. The ring is stunning. Emotions build in the walls of my heart and moisture becomes evident under my eye lids.

So absolutely perfect.

"I want it." I announce.

"I didn't tell you a price sir." Marcus chuckles.

"It's Elik. I don't care. I want it." I repeat.

"He must mean the world to you." Marcus smiles. His eyes are smiling but tears dance in his orbs.

"You seem quite attached." I whisper.

"I made it for myself." Marcus confirms.

"Why are you selling it?" I ask astonished.

"Let's just say, my story didn't go as well as yours." Marcus winks.

I smile sadly.

"His loss. Guaranteed." I promise. I mean it.

"I suppose so." Marcus agrees.

"Your boyfriend is a lucky fellow." Marcus states as we near the register.

I blindly hand over my debit card.

Marcus puts the ring in a black box and hands my card back. I sign it.

I thank him as I walk out, thanking him.

I slip into my car and tuck the ring into my pocket. I look at the receipt and laugh.


That is a god damned steal.

After calling Dek's Uncle and discussing my intentions, I head over to Uncle Ian's to insure the ring.

"Elik. Nice to see you again." Ian greets me.

"Same. We miss you." I reply.

"Let's see the ring." Ian smiles at me with a thousand watt beam.

"Fuck, that's a beauty." Ian chuckles.

"I suppose you know the value?" Ian asks.

"I paid $15999. I'm to assume it's worth a bit more." I smile at the gem I practically shoplifted. I am a huge precious gem connoisseur. The ring is worth at least six digits.

"Half mil easy." Ian chuckles.

"There is one other in existence cut from the same stone. I tried to get it into my collection at one point. The creator wouldn't sell. He had a bad break up and wasn't ready to part with the two pieces." Ian explains.

"That confirms my suspicions. Marcus seemed attached." I voice.

"Let's insure for a mil. These things increase in value over time." Ian urges.

I whole heartedly agree and sign the documents. I pay the premium in advance. No need to worry about monthly payments.

I head back to my office to lock the ring in my safe. I wouldn't want Dek coming across it prematurely.

I think about the man who stole my willing heart. Once Jamie is completely out of the picture, I would like to start my official life with Dek as my partner, husband and eternal soul mate.

The rest of my day goes by without incident. I feel like lunch alone was a good distraction. Something wonderful came from it either way. I can't help but think of Marcus now. He seemed to be a good guy. I hope life throws him a fucking bone.

I pack up my brief case and head to my car. Nothing feels better than heading toward the man you love. The drive isn't long and shortly after getting in, I am already exiting my vehicle. I enter our home they the garage.

The smell of seafood bisque saturated my nose and I purr at the scent.

"Welcome home baby." A handsome god greets me. He walks over and kisses my needy lips.

"Yes, home. I missed you sweetheart." I kiss his nose as I set my stuff on the table and wrap my arms around his waist.

"Rough day?" Dek inquires.

"Same recent shit, different day." I pass over any details.

"Are you cooking?" I ask, surprised.

Dek scratches the back of his neck and lifts his angelic eyes at me.

"I have been taking an elective at school. I thought, who better than test on than my favorite people." Dek giggles.

"If it tastes half as good as it smells, we are in for a treat." I kiss his temple and start grabbing wine glasses to set the table.

"What did you today, love?" I ask Dek.

"Walked around the mall after school. Visited Uncle Ian. Grocery shopped." Dek lists off his day.

"Well, we are two for three." I chuckle.

"I walked around the mall and visited Ian as well.

"Great minds think alike." Dek strolls over and cups my face with his hands. He sensually rolls his tongue over my bottom lip. I gladly let him have the entrance he seeks. We stand in the middle of our kitchen, showing each other how much we appreciate the other.

This life is perfection.

After setting the table, we sit with the rest of our family and eat the meal that Dek prepared. Those classes paid off big time. The soup was absolutely heavenly. Pairing it with white whine and a cheese fondu that has baguettes to dip into it, we had a five star meal in the comfort of our home.

Later, we took a stroll on the beach. Each couple was wrapped up in the other. All of us appreciating the California coast and the beauty of the sunset. Not sure how I got so lucky, but I have never been one to question it either.

I'm just glad that this is my life. Jamie aside, it's everything I could wish for. Friends who are family, a delicious man beside me and a future that is mine for the taking.

I plan on taking.

One day, Jamie will be a funny story. I imagine it will take time to feel like laughing about his antics. However, I will just be glad when he is a thing of our past.

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