The Target (Complete) - Watty...

By Imm1025

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Delilah was raised to be the best assassin The Company ever trained. There wasn't a target she couldn't hit... More

Chapter 1 - Princess Eliza
Chapter 2 - Next Assignment
Chapter 3 - Sofitel St. James Hotel
Chapter 4 - The Bar
Chapter 5 - The Boys
Chapter 6 - Uninvited
Chapter 8 - This Means War
Chapter 9 - The Company
Chapter 10 - New Target
Chapter 11 - The Last Call
Chapter 12 - Ten in Two - Part 1
Chapter 13 - Ten in Two - Part 2
Chapter 14 - The Moment of Truth
Chapter 15 - Ties That Bond
Chapter 16 - Sinister B*|โ‚ฌ#
Chapter 17 - The Final Showdown Part 1
Chapter 18 - The Final Showdown Part 2
Chapter 19 - The Final Showdown Part 3

Chapter 7 - Concert

1.8K 33 15
By Imm1025

Two bodies currently rested in my tub, and more were on the way. This was an all-out war. I was expecting to hear another knock but it never came. I now had a laundry cart in my room, from the female assassin. Housekeeping? Please. I'm keeping this house. I emptied the cart and threw the rolled up bodies in it, covering them with the white cotton towels. I dressed in the cream shirt and pants uniform that I striped from hit-woman. Luckily, it was just big enough to go over top of my black leather pants and black V-neck shirt. She didn't need it. She was pleasantly deceased at the bottom on the cart, along with Russian's best.

I check both of their pockets for weapons, cash, and anything else I could possibly use; four blades, two guns, and a few hundred dollars. This should hold me over. Also, the female had something extra. A needle filled with a very strong sedative. This might come in handy for the next hired gun. I check the hallway, to see if it was clear before I rolled the heavy cart down to the laundry chute.

I dumped the baggage and the uniform. I headed back to my room, when I noticed someone standing at my door. He was wearing a blue buttoned down short and black jeans. It wasn't a very good look for him, seeing how he was bulkier than the average man. He stood at the door, knocking. He looked rather confused. Did he have the wrong door? Is he another assassin? Is he after my target, too? Questions turned to fury as I slowly walked down the hall. The man smiled, as I walked passed him. He turned his back to knock on my door, again. That's when I pinned him against the wall.

"Scream and I'll kill you," I whispered, holding one of his arms behind his back.

His other arm was held firmly between his face and the beige exterior of my room. He was breathing slow and heavy, from my weight on his back. I was using all of my upper body strength to keep him in this contorted posture.

"Who do you work for," I asked.

"You're hurting me," He replied.

I slammed his head against the wall again. "Who do you work for?"

"Higgins," he squealed.

"Who," I asked, loosening my grip a little, but remained on guard.

"Paul Higgins," he said. "I'm part of the security team for One Direction."

"So, why are you at this door?"

He sighed, "I was looking for a young lady. She's supposed to go to the concert tonight."

"Oh," I cowered, releasing him. "I'm so sorry."

He leaned on the wall, rubbing his head and shoulder. I might have gipped him, a little bit too hard. Better safe than sorry. I threw on a fake smile to make up for it, but he ignored it.

"You're a strong one, there." He groaned.

I curled up my face, "I thought you was one of those crazy fans. They've been knocking on my door all afternoon."

He looked at me and tilted his head, "Then why did you ask me who I worked for?"

"I...uh...saw it in a movie once. Always wondered if it works." I chuckled.

"Don't you think I look rather large to be a fan?"

"I don't judge." I mocked.

He smirked, "Hmm."

"So, are you the one taking me to the performance tonight?"

He straightened up, adjusting his clothes. "Yeah. I'm Stan, by the way. You ready?"

"Yeah," I replied. "Let me just get my bag."

He nodded. I opened my door and went inside. The guard stayed outside. I think he was scared to come in. I don't blame him. My large Michael Kors shoulder bag was already packed with a few items, including some of the ones I recovered. I tucked a small pistol under my pants leg, into my leg hostler, and my favorite glock into my smalls on my back, covering it with my shirt. I was ready for anything now.

We left the hotel and got into a black SUV, the same one the boys left in earlier. We pulled up to a large round building. There were a few girls outside the building, waiting to go in. I didn't have to wait. The guard and I walked right in. He told me, there was still about an hour before the doors opened for them. Only a few fans were selected for this once in a lifetime performance. They were trying to do something different. Something more intimate and boy, were they.

"Welcome to the Roundhouse," Stan said.

We walked through a hall encircled by massive columns, and into a fairytale. It was incredible. There were a few round tables, nicely covered in cream tablecloths with purple or pink circular mats on top, held down by a circular piece of glass. Each table has a large floral centerpiece to match, surrounded with small candles. Each place setting had a white plate, with a small pink or purple box and white bow on it. Each box has a little personalized message from the band. I couldn't believe my eyes. Those boys actually had good taste. Or, at least, they paid someone to make them look like they did.

We walked past the tables and onto the stage at the other end of the hall. Stan pulled the white silk curtain back a little, so I could duck through. We strolled past a line of guitars, an elevated drum set, and another curtain. There was a noise in the near distance. It got louder the closer we got; past several rooms and equipment boxes in the hallway. We finally arrived at a white door, labeled dressing room. It sounded very noisy inside. Stan opened the door and we went inside.

It looked like there were dozens of moving bodies, rolling clothes racks, and several individuals, with clipboards and headset mics. There were a lot of people and I don't think any of them really knew what they doing. I moved up a little bit, to get away from the door. I kept thinking that someone might hit me with it, if I wasn't careful. I'm already on edge and I don't need anything to set me off.

I scanned the room, looking for any of the boys. Louis was sitting with a blonde female, who was straightening his hair. Niall and Liam were trying on different shirts, on the other side of the room. Niall spotted me and smiled. I started to walk towards him when someone came up behind me, covering my eyes.

"Guess who," he said.

I smiled, "I don't need to guess. I already know who it is."

"Oh, really," he said. "Then, who is it?"

"Do I really need to say it?"

He chuckled, whispering. "Yeah, you do. Who am I?"

I sighed. "Hi Harry."

"I'm not Harry," he said, still covering my face.

"Yes, you are."

"How could I be Harry." he asked.

"Well, process of elimination. Three of you guys are busy on the other side of the room. That only leaves two guys left and your hands are way too soft to be Zayn's."

He sucked his teeth.

"Besides, I can smell his cologne." I said, smiling bigger. "He's standing right in front of me."

I was right. Harry lowered his hands and Zayn stood in front of me, smiling. I looked behind me, at Harry. He looked upset that I guessed him.

"Not fair," he mumbled.

"I'm sorry, Harry," I whispered to him. "I'm just really good at guessing games."

I gently kissed his cheek and grabbed Zayn's hand, quickly pulling him away before he had a chance to respond to that kiss. We found an empty room and I pushed him against the wall, forcibly kissing him. He didn't bother to stop me. He squeezed me tighter, still allowing me to take charge of him. I inhaled his essence, tasting his soul, and I wanted more. I've kissed guys before, but nothing like this. I could have stabbed him in the back like in Rome, or broke his neck like in Nigeria; but I didn't. I didn't want to, either. This was different. It was more personal, than professional. I think I actually like him and that's not good.

His hands were holding onto my legs, and were starting I slid up towards my back. I knew it was only a matter of one before he discover the "lump" in my pants. I slammed into his chest, breaking my legs free of his hands. I kept one of my hands behind his head, while the other creeped under my sweater to retrieve the weapon and slides it into my bag. Luckily I did because he grabbed my back, pulling me closer to him. I was enjoying every moment, except for this annoying voice in the back of my head. You have to kill him, it said. Kill him now. You cannot fail. This isn't you. Do it now. Kill him. Over and over. It was taunting me. The more I ignore it, the louder it got. I pulled away from him and turned away; the same way I did at the bar.

"Why did you stop," he asked, breathing heavy.

I wiped my bottom lip, frowning. I couldn't answer nor did I want to. This was too confusing for me. How could I fall for him? A name on a list. Just another name. Zayn started to hug me but stopped short. Instead, he gently placed his head on my shoulder and kissed my cheek. He tickled the hairs on my neck, with every breath he took. It felt so good. I didn't want it to end, but it has to. I knew it. If only I could tell him.

"I have to leave soon," he sighed. "They are going to start wondering where I am."

He took a huge risk by pulling me towards him. I didn't fight. I just leaned my back against him, and sighed. He reached for my hand, but I pulled away.

He sighed, "I wish I could just hold you and make it all better."

"I wish it was that easy."

Zayn wrapped his arms around me. He held me like a child with his teddy bear. I didn't stop him. I wanted him to hold me. I couldn't help but feel comfortable in his arms. The overwhelming desire to end his life was leaving my body, bringing other desires to the surfaces. I smiled at the thought of being with him one day. However, I knew deep down that it would be impossible. I mean, how could I fall for him. My target? My hit? My love. Love? What do I know about that? I mean, who could ever love a murderer.

I closed my eyes as he softly kissed my neck. It felt nice to be wanted, without a price tag attached. Unfortunately, the moment ended by the vibrating phone in Zayn's pocket. He reached for it, but I beat him to it. I turned to face him, seducing him with my eyes. He caught on, returning the look with a sheer will to dominate.

Our lips crashed into each other like the ocean against the shoreline. My hand remained in his pocket, holding the vibration against his leg. I slid it to the center of his torso, taunting him with every buzz. My lips broke free long enough to remind him that he still had a show to do. He stroked my hand, which was still in his pocket, and pulled out his phone. I nibbled on his earlobe while he scrolled through his missed calls.

"I gotta go," he rolled his eyes. "We'll be starting soon."

I gazed into his eyes, biting my lower lip. A small smile danced across his face. He leaned off the wall and cupped my face, planting a final kiss upon my lips. His phone buzzed again. This time, he answered.

"Yeah...Right...Right...yeah.." Zayn sighed. His eyes met mines. "Yeah, she's right here..."

I mouthed 'they want me', pointing to myself. He nodded. Our eyes stayed locked as he finished talking to the caller.

"...Right....We'll be right there." He replied, hanging up the phone.

I tinted my head, "So..."

Zayn sighed, "Paul is looking for you."

"For what?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "But I think we're in trouble."

I smiled, "I think it was worth it."

Zayn smiled at the floor, blushing. Then, he grabbed my waist, pushing me towards the door. He stuck his head out the door before we exited. We headed back towards the large dressing room. I held his hand as we walked down the hall. Suddenly, Zayn was yanked from my grasped. He was falling further and further away from me. Someone tugged my arm, and tried to twist. Their attempted failed. I flipped the person and sat on top of them, holding their arms crisscrossed over their chest. I grinned at the familiar face.

"Get off me," he yelled.


"Never," he said, struggling under my weight.

Zayn rolled over on the floor and started laughing. He was watching Louis being pinned to the ground.

"Get off him," Harry chuckled.

He was hiding behind a stack of chairs in the hall. I cut my eyes, angrily. I focused on Harry as he circled me, to help Zayn off the floor. Louis still wiggled under me, helplessly.

"I'll get off, when he apologizes."

"I love a beautiful girl on top of me, but you're really hurting me," Louis shouted, louder.

I leaned in close and whispered, "Then, I suggest you get to your apology."

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry." He kicked and screamed.

I released his arms and popped him on the forehead. I got up and reached for his hand, helping him of the floor. Louis dusted off his blue slacks and white buttoned down shirt.

"Beauty and strength," Harry spoke softly to Zayn. "I approve."

Louis rolled his eyes, readjusted his blue suspenders. Zayn and I giggled, walking down the hall. Paul was standing there, and he looked very stressed.

"Boys. Stage, now." Paul grunted.

They didn't even speak. Harry and Louis immediately left. Zayn whispered in my ear, then he followed the boys. I watch them disappear behind a curtain near the platform stage. Paul stared at me, shaking his head. I wanted to smile, but I didn't. I just stared back.

"What are you doing to my boys," Paul shook his head. "Now, I have a very serious question for you, young lady."

I stood there, very poise. I wasn't really sure what he was going to ask. Could have something to do with my intentions with Zayn? I can't tell him the truth, but I can't lie either. I mean, I can't like him yet I do. It was too confusing to comprehend. Paul crossed his arms, raising one eyebrow. I knew it had to be it. What else could it be? Right?

"Uh...sure," I responded.

Paul sighed, "Well, I normally don't do this but I'm desperate."

I crenched my face, expecting the worst.

"Okay, this is the thing," he started. "I'm short a few guards and I need an expert. Niall told me how you handled the situation at the hotel. So, I wanted to give you a trial run here, if your interested."

I was sorta shocked. I wasn't expecting to be asked to secure them, especially since I'm here to...well, you know.

"What exactly do I need to do," I asked him.

"I'll assign you one of the guys and all you have to do is escort him safely to each table; that's it."

I chuckled, "Sounds like fun."

"Awesome," Paul cheered. "Stan will take you over to the other guards and I'll be there soon, to explain the process."

I nodded, as Stan approached us to led me to the right side of the stage. There were about 20 or so guards, standing around waiting for a command. A few minutes later, Paul caught up with us and announced how it was going to work.

"So, we are going to be doing something a little bit different." Paul spoke loudly. "Its going to be a bit more intimate and more fun for fans. There are about 20 tables with about 10 fans at each table. Each of the boys are gonna visit 4 tables for about 7 minutes. Then, they will take pictures afterwards, table by table. It should take about 2 hours to get everything done, including the few songs the guys are performing."

He separated the guards into five groups, and passed a paper containing a set list of their songs and a breakdown of our duties. Each paper also had one of the guy's name at the top of the sheet. Of course, I had Zayn. No shocker there. I bet he asked Zayn beforehand. I was just hoping nothing happened while I was there. I really wasn't in the mood for crazy fans. I might just kill them, literally.

"Okay, you have your assignments. Lets have a great performance." Paul added.

Paul grabbed his crew and headed toward the left side of the stage. I was with Stan, and we went to the right side of the stage. He introduced me to the other three guards: George, Theo and Benny. I walked over to the tech, to get my headset. The boys were also putting their earplug headsets on and collecting their microphones. Harry and Louis were laughing at their inside jokes. Zayn winked at me. I smiled back. I was preparing myself for anything. Crazy fans, possible assassination, anything. I was tensed thinking of the worst possible outcome.

"Stop looking like a cop," Liam whispered, jokingly. "You need to relax."

"Is this your first time?" Louis joked, walking passed me.

"I am relaxed," I rolled my eyes, then smirked. "And no, this is not my first time."

Liam smiled, "It'll be fine. Small arena; nothing can happen."

I thought to myself, everything could happen. If he only knew. I'm trained to expect anything from anyone. I'm also expecting a few more idiots before the night ends. This makes things a lot more complicated.

The lights on the stage dimmed and fog filled the stage. The guys lined up: Niall, Louis, Harry, Zayn, Liam. I stood off to the side of them, as the music started. Zayn looked over to me. He smiled but it slowly faded, like something was wrong. I strolled over to him and whispered in his ear. I think that made him feel better. He blushed, grinning. He stroked my arm, and nodded. I stepped back, and they ran onstage, singing 'Na Na Na'.

Stan, and the three other guards took their positions in the front of the stage. I stayed to watch the crowd. It was a better view. After a few songs, I moved onstage, behind one of the large speakers. I was small enough to still be hidden from most of the audience. Everyone was enjoying the concert. Every once and a while, Zayn would walk back just far enough to see me, still standing there. He smiled every time.

"So, this is the last song of the night," Harry shouted, vibrating the speakers. Everyone screamed and awed. "I know, I know. But then we get to come out there to see you."

The fans were jumping and screaming louder.

Then, Niall shouted. "This last song is one of my favorite songs. I bet you know the name of it. So, what is it?"

The girls shouted, "What makes you beautiful."

"You got it," he added. "So a massive thank for making this song number one. Here it is, what makes you beautiful."

The music started. The guys were dancing around the stage and having fun. Most of security moved into the pit. There were only four of us still onstage. Halfway though the song, Paul spoke in the mic.

"Delilah, the guys are gonna be coming your way. Keep an eye on those girl up front. Harry and Louis like to jump into the crowd. They haven't so far, but they might. Just be prepared."

"You got it," I responded.

There was a very small gap between the stage and the fans. Just enough room for the guards to move about.

I watched the few girls, closest to me. They had their arms laying on the stage, hoping to touch one of the boys. Harry sung his solo. As soon as he was done, balloons and confetti started to fall from above. Then, he and Louis jumped into the gap, as expected. The other guys were dancing and kicking the balloons into the crowd.

"Where is this stuff coming from?" Paul shouted. "They aren't part of the show."

What, not part of the show? I keep an eye on all of them. Stan and another guy were trying to put the two bad boys back onto the stage. Liam was sitting on the edge of the stage, in the center. Niall and Zayn were on the other side, leaning over to touch fan's hands. They were too far away from me to run to them, if I had to.

The stage was full of everything. I could barely see a thing. I sneaked in front of the speaker, as the song was ending. I assume it was the last chorus because the music started to slow down a bit. The guards managed to get Harry and Louis back onstage and all the guys slowly moved back to the middle of the stage. I stayed right in front of the drummer.

"...You don't you're beautiful, oh oh oh.." They sung.

"That's what makes you beautiful," Harry ended the song.

The drums were beating faster, the lights were flickering and the balloons and confetti were all on the ground. Suddenly, a few balloons popped and everything stopped. The room was dark, the music was gone, the stage filled with smoke and the guys slowly collapsed on the ground. The girls were screaming, and going wild but they had no idea the guys weren't moving.

"The lads are down, the lads are down," A guard shouted, in our ears.

The lads are down? Where are they? I can't see anything. What the hell just happened?


OMG, my boys. Delilah, you gotta help them? What is going on? So much drama, and it ain't over yet. I cant. I just...cant.

~ Imm1025


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