The Unexpected . KathnieL <3...

By Myks_AguiLar_022

124 7 1

heLLo (: This sTory is abouT Two Friends that unexpected faLL in Love wiTh each oTher .. You can reLaTe and L... More

The Unexpected . KathnieL <3 . Fanfic (:
ChapTer Two .
ChapTer Three .
Chapter Four .

ChapTer One . Knowing us :)

23 1 0
By Myks_AguiLar_022

A'N .

Here's C.1 (: enjoy !! :D


ChapTer One . Knowing us :)

DanieL's POV .

Hey ! Iam DanieL Johh Ford EsTrada PadiLLa . 17 y.o . Senior sTudenT in Green Garden Montari Academy :) . Mabaet , Gwapo , PaLa araL , HEARTHROB NG CAMPUS :) aT marami pang iba :D you can caLL me DJ or Deej :)

"DeeJ ! " PagLingon ko si KaTh .. Kaibigan ko . at kabarkada namen :)

" oh ?! " tanong ko .

KaThryn's POV .

uhhmm . Hi ! Im Kathryn Chandria ManueL Bernardo . 17 y.o . 4th year HS in GGMA .. Me ?! Maganda . MabaeT . SeriousLy paLa araL :) caLL me Kath or Chandy .

" DeeJ " Tawag ko kay DanieL .

" oh ?! " sagot nia ..

" ah waLa .. sabay daw tayong LahaT kumaen sav barkada " sabi ko .. He jusT nodded .. Then we proceed to the caf. kasama ang barkada ..

Kung nagtataka keo cnu yung barkadang sinasabi namen eTo siLa .

Maria JuLia MonTes - She's my BFF ! makuLeT , maganda , mapuTi , crush si Diego xD .. she's da besT :) caLL her JuLs (:

Diego Louie Loyzaga - Jusko ! mana yan ke DJ ! hearthrob din yan ! kaya Lang c JuLs Lang ang crush nya .. ewan ko ba Torpe niLang daLawa ! :) mabait , gwapo , at masarap kasama c Diego . caLL him Diegs or Louie :)

Kiray Marie CeLis - She's da smaLLesT one sa barkada .. Prangka pero mabaet ! maganda naman xD BF nya c EJ ! VaniLLaBaby nya yon ee XD caLL her Kiray :D

EmiLio John JaLLorina - Sya c EJ ! GF nya c Kiray ! PaLabiro , MabaeT gwapo dn :) MochaBaby nya c Kiray :)

NeiL GabrieL CoLeTa - He's the big brother ng barkada .. 1st year coLLege ng GGMA .. kaya kaht coLLege na sia kasama prn namn sya XD MabaeT yan ! caLL him NeiL :D

Hayy .. napagod ako dun aa ! Haha xD so we're here !

*To be conTinued :)


A'N .

NexT chapter po ang continuaTion !! :) Ty . VoTe please ?

- AuThor . (:

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