Cry Pretty || Mike Chang

By simplyjareau

60.4K 1.6K 172

❝I'm pretty good at keeping it together ~ I hold my composure, for worse or for better ~ So I apologize if yo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter 14

2.4K 80 21
By simplyjareau

If her hair wasn't already a fiery ginger, it would have been halfway through the first New Directions rehearsal. Jordyn hadn't expected the group to be perfect, in fact she hadn't expected them to be good. Or at least, not until they had worked together for a little while. However, Rachel was trying to push each of the performers to the limits and pushing her voice as far as she could.

As she circled Artie's wheelchair, Jordyn was trying to feel the familiar joy that she got when she performed. Yet, it wasn't there. For Jordyn, there was an emptiness forming in the base of her stomach, and she thought she would begin to fill it when she began to do what she loved. Yet, the dynamics of the New Directions was not something that she saw possible.

Throwing her hands up in the air, Jordyn let a fake grin fill her face. Though, Rachel glared at the boy in the wheelchair, her cheeks flushing red as he continued to roll across the linoleum floor. Jordyn could have sworn she had seen the Sophomore's eyes flash red, and the flames of hell light what she could only assume was an empty cavern behind them. They had only been rehearsing for an hour, and Rachel's superior attitude had clawed its way through her first layer of skin. Bursting out in the first rehearsal was not something that she wanted to do, or be known for, but one more comment from Rachel and it would no longer be in Jordyn's control.

"We suck." Rachel declares, raising her hands as she glared at Will who was watching as the students failed to bond the way he had hoped. They were all misfits, he hoped that through Glee they would all find somewhere to belong and turn to when times got difficult. However, from the glares that we're being sent across the room that was far from close.

Stepping past Kurt, who was trying to grasp her arm to keep her back, Jordyn retorted, "Rachel, you're attitude sucks. We are all doing our best, considering the majority of people here have never been part of an ensemble."

"It's not hard to know what you're doing," Rachel raised her eyebrow stepping closer to Jordyn, who stood taller than the brunette. "I've never been ensemble and I'm doing fine."

"Listen here princess," Jordyn began ignoring Kurt's pleads for her to step down, "you need to learn how to blend. We can't have your voice drowning everyone else's out cause then what's the point in harmonies."

Rachel went to open her mouth, but Jordyn raises her hand signalling that she was going to continue, "Also, being part of an ensemble is the most important part of working in theatre. If you can't work as team Berry, you won't be able to get a role. Ever."

Having looked up from the sheet music, Will was about to interject. Having left Jordyn to, what he thought was going to be kindly, explain the needs of the Glee Club, he had missed the moment where Rachel's buttons had been pushed to the point of retaliation. "What would you know? You're just a Sophomore who isn't smart enough to get past Freshman year. Or maybe, you are exactly like the school thinks, a run away with no future? That's why you're so popular, everyone wants to know your story."

"That's enough Rachel." Will declared seeing Jordyn's face drop.

"No Mr Schue," Jordyn began, stepping back slightly, "she's right. I am a Sophomore who isn't smart enough to make it. But, Rachel, do you know where I was this time two years again? JFK Academy of Performance Arts, where my mother, Anita Gomez, taught after injury totalled her stage career." Rachel had gone pale, suddenly realising that she wasn't the only person in the room with prior knowledge of performing. "So, if you want to start talking ranks, fine, but I would think twice before you call yourself number one."

A silence filled the room for a moment, each member taking in what they had just heard. Members of the New Directions felt a sense of admiration towards the red head who had stuck up for them against the tyrant trying to take control. However, the Sophomore boy now stood beside Jordyn, was weary of the look in his friend's eyes. She was being torn apart in that moment. Had Tina have been able to see her eyes, she would have recognised the look. It was the same as when the girl had stormed out of gym. She was battling her own mind, trying to withhold the venom that seemed to occasionally coat her tongue.

Rachel seemed to notice the look, taking it as a momentary win. Giving her a moment to voice her opinion again, "Mr. Schuster, do you have any idea how ridiculous it is to give the lead solo in "Sit Down, You're Rockin' the Boat" to a boy in a wheelchair?"

"I think Mr. Schue is using irony to enhance the performance." Attire declared, causing Jordyn to nod lightly in opinion, her eyes still fixed on the same point in the floor. Shame dripping from her face without filtration.

Before Will could interject, the brunette crossed her arms proclaiming, "There is nothing ironic about show choir!"

Silently, Jordyn shook her head, her eyes following the girls who stormed out of the classroom. If Rachel was going to leave every time she didn't get her way, then rehearsals were going to become almost impossible. Especially once Jordyn began teaching choreography, because Will was sure that she wouldn't be lenient on the Sophomore.

Turning to the rest of the group, Will sighed before asking, "Shall we take a break?"

Everyone but Jordyn nodded at the teacher, she was too busy staring at her hands. What she had done, allowing her feeling to burst from her chest, was wrong. It had been what he had done after he had lost his job. Had she been pushed so hard in the last few years that she too had become like him?

The red head hadn't realised that the rest of the club had left, leaving her alone with Will who pulled out a chair for her. She smiled slightly taking a seat.

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