Kamen Rider Build X Senki Zes...


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Kagashi Yutaka and his childhood friend Tatsuya Ikari were just living a normal life until one day a portal o... More

Wake up to build a new world
Our new lives
Zwei Wing Concert Event
The beat of awakening
The emotionless sword
The lost relic, Nehushtan
Battle of the strongest
Strive to become better
The next course of action
Operation Escort Durandal
The reason to fight
Conflict between friends
To save a friend
Opening V2
Build's internal conflict
The bonds of friendship
Hanging out
Reach out towards your dreams
We stand together
Objective revealed
Be the One
Chapter Special- Christmas Celebration
Kamen Rider Build: New World

Second Branch Disaster Relief Squad

2.5K 34 33

Secret Underground Base

Staff member 1: Sir! We're detecting another powerful signal in addition to the Noise!

Staff member 2: Compare it to the records! Quick!

Ryoko: Is that an Aufwachen waveform?



Genjuro: Gungnir?!

Kanade: M-My relic?!

Ryoko: Could she be Attuned?

Genjuro: Just what is going on?

Back with Hibiki

Hibiki now donned in an orange and white suit replacing her clothes she was wearing earlier. She's also wearing a pair of black metal boots and white orange gauntlet as while as a black and white headphone.

Hibiki looks at her new donned armor suit with confusion.

Hibiki: What? What is this? What did I turn into?

Little girl: You look awesome, Miss!

The little girl looks at Hibiki with an amazed expression.

Kagashi: Why don't you warn us next time when your about to transform.

Kagashi said to Hibiki with a teasing tone.

Hibiki: H-Hey, I don't even know how I did it in the first place! 

Tatsuya: Well, do you feel anything like pain? Because from how you transformed just now, it look really painful beyond my imagination.

Hibiki: No, I don't feel anything at all. 

Tatsuya: That's good to hear.

Tatsuya let's out a sigh of relief before talking to Kagashi.

Tatsuya(Whisper): Don't you think she looks a lot like...

Kagashi(Whisper): Kanade, yeah I know. 

Tatsuya(Whisper): Glad to know it's not just me.

Two Noise that sneak up on both Kagashi and Tatsuya. Hibiki notice the Noise and try to warn them.

Hibiki: Kagashi! Tatsuya! Watch out behind you!

Kagashi/Tatsuya: Huh...?

But it was too late, the two Noise grab both of them and hold them tightly.

Hibiki: No! Kagashi! Tatsuya!

A Noise than go attack the little girl, Hibiki see this and quickly save her before the Noise touch her.

Hibiki: You okay?

Little girl: Yeah, thanks to you Miss!

Hibiki: Kagashi... Tatsuya... sorry... I'm sorry I wasn't able to save you guys...

Tears starts flowing down from Hibiki's eye as she starts crying thinking that her friends die. Than a sound immediately caught Hibiki attention.

Tatsuya: You Noise are seriously annoying!

Kagashi: Let go already!

Hibiki: Huh...?!

Kagashi and Tatsuya both headbutt the Noise at the same time, forcing the Noise to let go of them. Once the Noise let go, Tatsuya immediately punches the Noise face sending it flying back hitting some of the Noise. Kagashi does a spinning wheel kick, directly hitting the Noise face while also sending it flying back a few feet. Both however didn't manage to kill them.

Hibiki: Kagashi... Tatsuya... your alive! I'm so glad your alive! 

Tatsuya: Of course we're alive, so wipe away those tears okay?

Hibiki:(Wipe away tears)Don't scare me like that, I thought you guys were dead!

Tatsuya: Hehe, sorry for scaring you Hibiki we won't do it again.

Hibiki: But how did you guys survive?

Tatsuya: There's no easy way of explaining this.

Kagashi: Guess the cat's out of the bag, since she already saw what happened might as well use it, no need to hide it any longer.

Tatsuya: Your right. 

Hibiki: Huh, what are you guys talking about?

Kagashi and Tatsuya pull out their Build Driver and put it on their waist. Cross-Z Dragon then shows up on the scene.

Tatsuya: Just in time Cross-Z Dragon.

Hibiki: Eh? Where did that dragon came from?

Cross-Z Dragon fold it head and tail upwards and fall into Tatsuya's hand. They then shake their respective bottle and twist the cap and insert the full bottle. 

Build Driver: Rabbit! Tank! Best Match!

Cross-Z Dragon: Wake up!

Build Driver: Cross-Z Dragon!

Little girl: Mister what are you doing?

Kagashi: Just stand back and watch. The real fight about to begin.

They start cranking the lever. Tubes start coming out of the build driver and form two separate armor preventing the noise from attacking them.

Build Driver: Are you ready?

Kagashi/Tatsuya: Henshin!

The two separate armor than slams together.

Build Driver: Hagane no Moonsault! RabbitTank! Yeahhh!

Build Driver: Wake up burning! Get Cross-Z Dragon! Yeah!

Little girl: You look so cool!

The little girl look at both Build and Cross-Z with her eye's sparkling.

Hibiki: EHHHH?! Y-You guys were the two armor man!

Cross-Z: Sorry we kept this from you for so long.

Build: We'll talk later, for now Hibiki take care of the girl. Let us handle these Noise.

Hibiki: *Nod* Got it!

Hibiki grabs the little girl and starts singing.

(Insert Gekisō Gungnir)

Hibiki(In Mind): I don't really know what's going on, but I have to make sure I save this girl!

Hibiki then leaped off the building by accident while holding onto the little girl tightly. All the Noise as while as the riders look towards where Hibiki jump.

Hibiki: What?!

Cross-Z: Hibiki!

Build: Whoa.

Hibiki then falls onto the ground, landing nicely without any scratch. Cross-Z let out a sigh of relief. Build and Cross-Z get into a fighting stance when some Noise jump down from the building.

Build: Hibiki above you!

Hibiki hearing Build warning look up and saw a bunch of Noise falling towards her. She quickly jump out of the way. 

On top of the Building, Build and Cross-Z are fighting the Noise that haven't jump off yet. Cross-Z charge towards the Noise and slashes multiple of them in half. A few Noise attack Build but Build was able to dodge them and grab one of the Noise hand and throw that Noise back towards the other Noise.

Build: You all aren't getting off here.

Beat Crosser: Hippare! Hippare! Million Hit!

Cross-Z: ORA! 

Cross-Z delivers a powerful slash with the blade covered in red, yellow, and green energy in a bar-like fashion towards the Noise, killing all of them.

Cross-Z: How do you Noise like that!

Meanwhile back on the ground some Noise turn into bullets and shoot towards Hibiki. Hibiki jump away from the attack but accidentally launch her flying hitting a nearby building. She quickly grab onto a pipe that was on the building to stop herself from falling.

Build: That's all of them on here.

Cross-Z: Come on let's go help out Hibiki!

They suddenly heard loud stomp and turn and see a giant Noise and Hibiki hanging from a building.

Cross-Z: Hibiki! Watch out!

Build: Seriously! Where did that thing came from! I refused to believe it was already standing there!

The giant Noise swings it arm and hit the building Hibiki was hanging. Luckily Hibiki was able to jump away in time. Hibiki land back onto the ground and see a group of Noise already waiting for her. A Noise then jump towards Hibiki, Hibiki clenches her fist and shut her eyes. She then swings her arm at the Noise, hitting it and turning it into dust as the wind blow the dust away.

Hibiki: Did I do that?

Build and Cross-Z who saw what happened on top of the building cheer Hibiki.

Cross-Z: Way to go Hibiki!

Build: Not bad for a beginner.

All three of them then heard a motorbike noise. They turn to look where it came from and saw Tsubasa riding her motorbike through the Noise. Tsubasa rides past Hibiki and jump off her bike sending the bike crashing into the giant Noise. Tsubasa starts singing in the air before landing in front of Hibiki.

Tsubasa: Don't space out! Deadly mistake. Protect the girl!

Hibiki: Tsubasa-san?

Tsubasa runs towards the Noise and transform into her Symphogear armor.

(Insert Zettō Ame no Habakiri)

Build and Cross-Z jump off the building and land right next to Hibiki.

Hibiki: Kagashi, Tatsuya.

Build: Call us Build and Cross-Z when we're in this form. Don't want you to reveal our identity.

Hibiki: Oh, sorry. Anyway shouldn't you guys help Tsubasa out.

Cross-Z: Nah, just watch.

Tsubasa enlarged her sword and delivers a slash laced with blue lightning towards a group of Noise.

(Blue Flash)

Tsubasa then jump into the air and conjures a large number of energy swords which rain down on another group of Noise.

(One Thousand Tears)

After that Tsubasa starts slashing the Noise with her katana and her ankle blades left and right non-stop.

Hibiki: Amazing! Tsubasa is really...

Build: Yeah, she can be amazing in a fight if she wants to.

Hibiki: What do you mean by that?

Cross-Z: We... uh... kinda knew about Tsubasa secret...

Hibiki: Really?! For how long?

Build: Two years.

But before they can continue their conversation the giant Noise appear behind them. The little girl got scared and hide behind Hibiki.

Build: Seriously! How is it doing that! And how did we not hear it move when we clearly heard it's loud stomp a few minute ago!

Build and Cross-Z are about to fight the giant Noise when a gigantic sword comes flying down stabbing right through the giant Noise head killing it. They all look up and see Tsubasa standing on top of the sword.

Build: Welp, that's our cue to leave. Bye Hibiki.

Hibiki: Eh?!

Cross-Z: Wait, we're just gonna leave like that.

Build: Yeah, we've been doing it for over two years now, I don't see any problem.

Cross-Z: But look what happened to Hibiki, don't you at least want to stay and make sure she okay?

Build stops and thinks for a moment. He then raises his hand and scratch the back of his head before turning back to look at Cross-Z. 

Build: *Sigh* Fine, I'll stay. But I'm only doing it because of Hibiki.

Build then sit down on the road.

Cross-Z: Sorry about that Hibiki, we usually leave the scene after we finish off the Noise because we don't really want to get involve with the government. 

Hibiki: Oh no, it's okay. I kinda understand why you guys would do that.

After a few minute of waiting, the military show up to clean up the dust and to check up on the property damage that needs to be fix.

Cross-Z: Wow, they arrived way faster than I expected.

Agent: Here.

Cross-Z and Hibiki turn around and see an agent offering two cup of hot chocolate. Another agent went up to Build also offering a cup.

Agent: Drink this. It'll warm you two up.

Hibiki: Thanks! It does feel warm.

Cross-Z: Thank you very much.

Cross-Z drinks his hot chocolate through his helmet.

Hibiki: How did you drink with a helmet on?

Cross-Z: To be honest, I don't know myself. I just found out I can one day and never really question it.

Hibiki: I see.

Hibiki blew into her drink and took a sip.

Hibiki: Ah~! That hit the spot.

Cross-Z: I know right.

Just then a bright glow appears surrounding Hibiki before the armor disappear. This surprises Hibiki making her lose balance while also dropping her drink. 

Cross-Z: Huh? Hibiki!

Tsubasa then catches her from falling. Hibiki turn around to thank the person only to realize it was Tsubasa herself. 

Hibiki: Thank you! Actually, Tsubasa, this is the... second time you saved me.

Tsubasa: The second time?

Tsubasa look at Hibiki while Hibiki give a peace sign.

Little girl: Mommy!

Both Hibiki and Cross-z turn to see the little girl reunited with her mother.

Mother: I'm so glad! You're safe.

Agent: Well then, could you read this agreement and sign it? The particulars of this incident are a national secret and accordingly classified and therefore your freedom of speech and expression will be somewhat limited. It concerns itself particularly with providing information to other nations and in case you are regarded as guilty of the same, you will be prosecuted for...

As the agent continue talking with the mother, Hibiki and Cross-Z decide to leave.

Cross-Z: At least that explain why no people are talking about girl in armor fighting Noise.

Hibiki: I think it's time for us to take our leave...

As they turn back preparing to leave, a group of agent already surround them and blocking them from leaving. And standing in the middle is none other than Tsubasa.

Tsubasa: Sorry but we have unfinished business with you guys.

Hibiki: Why?!

Tsubasa: You guys will accompany us to the second branch of the Disaster Relief Squad.

An agent with brown hair then steps forward and cuff Hibiki with some special looking handcuff. 

Agent: This is deeply regrettable, but we are taking you into custody.

He was about to cuff Cross-Z but he quickly retracts his hand.

Cross-Z: Sorry, but I'm not going.

Tsubasa: And what makes you think that.

Cross-Z: Nothing, just that I'm not going, right Build?

Build: Yeah.

Cross-Z: So what the plan to escape?

Build: We surrender.

Cross-Z: Good plan, so you need me to distra- WAIT WHAT?!

Cross-Z turn to his side and see Build already had his hand cuff.

Cross-Z: EHHH?! But I thought you don't want us to get caught by the government?

Build: Well, I already knew we'll be capture when we waited with Hibiki, but I know you won't like that answer so I'll give you a better one. Tsubasa basically knows all my tricks now and plus we're surround by agent, you think they would willingly just stand there and wait for me to transform into different form.

Cross-Z: I guess you got a point there.

With Cross-Z distracted the agent quickly cuff Cross-Z hand.

Cross-Z: Eh?!

Tsubasa: Like I said, you will be coming with us.

Cross-Z: Wait but our bike?

Build: I already turn mine back into a phone when we're waiting for the government.

Cross-Z: Huh......

They enter into the same car with Hibiki and the agent drives away from the scene.

Cross-Z: My new biiiikkkkkeeee!

Hibiki: Why is this happening to me?!

Build: Ho boy, this is gonna be a long drive.

(Time Skip)

After a few minute of driving, they were arriving at Lydian Academy. This surprises all three of them.

Hibiki: What are we doing at the school?

Build: I would like to know as well.

Cross-Z: Me too.

The car stop at the school, they got out of the car and started walking into the school hallway.

Hibiki: This is the central wing where the teachers live, right?

Cross-Z: Yup. But why here?

Build: We'll find out soon.

They then stop in front of an elevator and enter it. The agent hold out a device against a censor, a few handle than pop up from the wall. Tsubasa goes grab one of the handle.

Hibiki: Um, what's that?

Agent: Please find something to hold onto you three.

The agent help Hibiki grab a handle, Build also go and grab a handle.

Hibiki: Will it go that fast?

Cross-Z: Come on it just an elevator, how fast can it go?

Agent: It's going to go down pretty fast, so I suggest you grab a handle.

Build: You should probably listen to him.

Cross-Z: You can't be seriously Build, it an elevator. I'm staying in the middle.

Tsubasa: It's your funeral than.

The elevator starts going down so fast that it lift up Cross-Z against the ceiling.

Cross-Z: WAHHHHH!!!!

Hibiki: C-Cross-Z!

Build: Told you to listen to the agent.

Tsubasa: You were warned.

Cross-Z: No no I'm fine, it's actually quite fun.

Hibiki let's out a nervous laugh.

Tsubasa: Smiles won't help you.

After going down a few floor, the outside of the elevator change into a beautiful tribal like architecture. Hibiki and Build were amazed by it, however Cross-Z couldn't see it as he was still on the ceiling.

Cross-Z: H-Hey, what are you guys looking at? Is it something beautiful?

Build: Yup, pretty much.

Cross-Z: Aw man.

Tsubasa: Smiles have no place where we're going.

Build(In Mind): I wonder how it look like, smiles have no place huh. The place is probably hellish or something. Now I'm starting to regret staying.

A few second later, the elevator stop. Cross-Z immediately fall down face first onto the ground.

Cross-Z: Ouch...

Build: You okay, buddy?

Agent: I did warned you.

The door then open revealing...

*Bang Bang Bang*

Confetti are scattered everywhere.

Genjuro: Welcome to the second branch of the Disaster Relief Squad, the guardians of mankind!

Genjuro standing in front of the elevator welcome them as the door open. He is wearing a top hat while having a goofy smile. Behind him are table of foods, a banner hanging with the word welcome written on it and all the worker clapping. Kanade just let out a sigh seeing what was going on.

Build: I gonna take back everything I said.

Cross-Z get up and look at the room.

Cross-Z: Whoa! Is someone having a party down here?!

Tsubasa face palm, the agent let's out a nervous laugh and Hibiki just stood there all confuse.

Ryoko walks up to Hibiki, Build and Cross-Z with her phone in her hand.

Ryoko: Come on, put on a smile! Let's take a photo to commemorate the first day of our friendship.

Hibiki quickly steps away from the photo.

Hibiki: D-Don't! How will it look in the photo album if I'm handcuffed? Beside how did you all know my name when we've never even met?

Genjuro: The second branch here is kind of a secret service thing for wartime use. Looking into your past was easy as pie.

Genjuro explained while turning his cane into flowers. Ryoko shows up beside Genjuro holding Hibiki's bag.

Hibiki: Hey! My bag! What do you mean, looking into my past? You just went through my bag!

Tsubasa: Ogawa, please.

Ogawa: Right away.

The now name agent Ogawa goes and uncuffed all three of them.

Hibiki: Thank you.

Ogawa: We should be apologizing to you, actually.

Cross-Z: Finally I can eat! I'm starving!

Build: Seriously man...

Cross-Z: I can't help it, we still haven't eat dinner yet. Wait speaking of dinner...

Build: Our groceries! I completely forgot about them! 

Cross-Z: It's with my bike.

Build: Dang it.

Genjuro: Let me introduce the gang to you three. 

Build: Huh.

Genjuro: I'm Genjuro Kazanari, the boss here.

Ryoko: And I'm Ryoko Sakurai, the brains of the operation. Nice to meet you.

Hibiki: *Bows* Nice to meet you too.

Build: Same here.

Cross-Z: Me too.

Genjuro: You three came here at our invitation because we'd like you to work with us.

Cross-Z: Wait, you want us to work with you?

Hibiki: Work with you... How?

Hibiki then remember how she transform.

Hibiki: Please tell me... What happened to me?

Cross-Z: I would like to know what happened to her too.

Build: Yeah, I'm curious as well.

Ryoko: Before I can answer any question, I need you three to do two things for me. 

Build: And what are those two things?

Ryoko: Firstly, don't tell anyone about what happened today. And secondly...

Ryoko pulls Hibiki closer to her side.

Ryoko: Could you please take off your clothes?

Hibiki: Huh?

Build/Cross-Z: Eh...?

Hibiki: Oh, please! Why?!

Ryoko then drag Hibiki away to a room to examine her.

Build: Well, I definitely didn't see that coming.

Build then felt a tap on his shoulder. He turn around to see Kanade.

Build: Kanade? So you've been here all this time.

Kanade: I'm not exactly here for 24 hours you know. But I never got to thank you saving my life two years ago. So thank you Build.

Build: Nah, it was nothing really.

Cross-Z: Oh! Kanade! Long time no see! How you've been?

Kanade: I've been great.

Build: Well you two acted like your already friend with each other.

Cross-Z: There's no wrong in being friendly you know.

Kanade: Anyway Build, Cross-Z...

Tsubasa then walks next to Kanade, Build and Cross-Z look around the room and saw everyone staring at them.

Build: I know where this is going.

Genjuro: Build, Cross-Z. May I ask you two something?

Cross-Z: Sure.

Genjuro: Can you two show us your true identity? We'll like to talk to you guys again so we need to know your identity so we can contact you.

Build: I knew it...

Cross-Z: What do you want to do Build?

Build: Hmm... We never did agree whether we'll join you or not so... How about this, we'll reveal our identity and join you but with one condition.

Genjuro: That is...?

Build: You guys have to keep our identity a secret from the public.

Genjuro: Naturally.

Build: Then it's a deal.

Build and Cross-Z pull out their full bottle, undoing their transformation.

Kagashi: The name Kagashi Yutaka, my friend here is Tatsuya Ikari.

Tatsuya: Hello.

Kanade/Tsubasa: EH! Kagashi! Tatsuya!

Kagashi: I'm surprise both of you remember our name.

Kanade: Given that you two are the only boy in our school, it's really easy to remember your name.

Genjuro: You both know them?

Kanade: Kinda...

Tsubasa: You remember two years ago when we told you there were two boys who transferred into Lydian Academy.


(Two years ago)

It was recess at Lydian Academy, Kanade and Tsubasa were walking to the cafeteria.

Tsubasa: So starting from today there'll be two boys studying here. I wonder how they got into an all girls school?

Kanade: Who cares about that, why don't we go check them out. See what they look like you know.

Tsubasa: W-What are you talking about Kanade?

Kanade: What? Don't tell me you're not even a bit interested in how they look like?

Tsubasa: I-I didn't say that.

Kanade: So you are interested.

Tsubasa: Stop teasing me like that! Mou...

Kanade: Sorry, it's just fun seeing you all embarrassed like that.

They arrive at the cafeteria.

Kanade: Hey look Tsubasa one of them is seating over there. I didn't think we'll see them that fast.

Tsubasa: I wonder where the other one is at right now?

Kanade: I see, already wanting to see the other one.

Tsubasa:(Blushes) H-How about we go and get our food first before it all get taken.

As they were getting their food, they saw the other boy seating with the other boy.

Kanade: The other one kinda hot don't you think Tsubasa?

Tsubasa: Yeah, he does look a litt- Eh...

Kanade: Hehehe...

Tsubasa:(Nervously blushing) W-We n-need to hurry and find a s-seat before it all get taken. 

Kanade: I knew you're interested in them Tsubasa.

Tsubasa: S-Stop talking nonsense Kanade! How could I be interested in them when I haven't even meet them yet.

Kanade: Whatever you say Tsubasa.

2nd Division Base

Kanade: Hello Genjuro.

Genjuro: Well you two are here early.

Tsubasa: We got a question that we'll like to ask you.

Genjuro: Sure ask away.

Tsubasa: Do you have anything to do with the two boys that transferred to our school.

Genjuro: I have no idea what you're talking about. Wait there's two boys studying in Lydian Academy?

Kanade: Yup, they just started today. 

Genjuro: Sorry, but I have nothing to do with it.

End of flashback

Genjuro: Yeah, I still remember. So those two boys are them?

Kagashi: Indeed we are.

Genjuro: So how did you guys get your powers?

Tatsuya: It was next to us when we woke up in this world.

Kanade: What do you mean by this world?

Kagashi: Way to be blunt Tatsuya.

Tatsuya: What, you want me to lie?

Kagashi: Look, you might not believe us but we're.... notactuallyfromthisworld.

Genjuro: I... don't quite follow.

Kagashi: To be exact we're not from this earth. We're actually from another earth or another dimension.

Tsubasa: You mean your not from here at all!

Kagashi: Pretty much, from where we came from the Noise doesn't exist.

Tsubasa: Let's say we believe you, how did you two get here?

Kagashi: I would like to know about it too. But the only thing I know is that just before we went to sleep, a watery looking wall appear before us. And the next thing we knew, we woke up in this world. Also Tatsuya can you stop eating over there while I'm trying to explain the situation!

Tatsuya: I'm hungry okay!

Kagashi: Well you're not the only one who hasn't eaten dinner yet!

Genjuro: Ahem, anyway how does your power work?

Kagashi: I don't know myself, all I know is that when I woke up there was a suitcase beside me containing all the power I have right now. Same goes with Tatsuya.

Ryoko: Did someone say suitcase?

Ryoko came walking back after examining Hibiki, Hibiki was walking beside Ryoko while looking a bit down.

Hibiki: You guys change back.

Kagashi: Yup, we decide to work with them.

Ryoko: Back with the suitcase.

Kagashi: The suitcase contain my driver and 18 full bottles which I need to use two in order to transform, so in total I have 9 different form. While Tatsuya only have two but he only need to use one to transform and only has one form.

Ryoko: Interesting, so what are these so call full bottles?

Kagashi: I don't really understand them, the only thing I know is that the full bottles are separated by biotic and abiotic. To put it simply animals and objects.

Ryoko: I see, your full bottles are very interesting. May I have a look at them?

Kagashi: I still don't fully trust you guys yet, so I'll let you examine them once I fully trust you.

Ryoko: That ashamed but understandable, we did just capture you guys and bring you here.

Kagashi: Anyway, it's getting late we'll be going back home now. But first can I eat something I'm starving.

Genjuro: Sure go ahead.

Hibiki: It seem like they were discussing something, wish I was here to hear about it.

After having dinner, they were about to leave school when Genjuro offer to bring them home.

Kagashi: It's okay.

Genjuro: No no, I insist. We did bring you here so it's only fair that we'll give you two a ride. Plus you two don't have any vehicle to ride home.

Tatsuya: Oh no we got one.

Genjuro: Really, but I thought we only bring you two here .

Kagashi insert the lion full bottle into the Build Phone changing it into Machine Builder.

Tatsuya: See told you.

Kanade: Did... Did your phone just turn into a bike?

Ryoko: That is a very impressive invention! How did you make it?

Kagashi: It came with the suitcase.

Ryoko: I see, the technology in your suitcase really is fascinating. Really wish I could examine it.

Tatsuya: Bye bye.

Tatsuya wave goodbye at everyone as Kagashi drives away from the school.

Kanade: Maybe you should also get one to Tsubasa, since you always destroy your bike.

Tsubasa: Kanade!

(Time Skip bought to you by Kagashi and Tatsuya retrieving their groceries and Tatsuya's bike)

Hibiki and Miku Dormitory 

Hibiki: I'm back...

Miku: Hibiki! Where were you knocking around until now?

Hibiki immediately collapses onto the floor due to exhaustion.

Hibiki: Sorry...

Miku: They said on the news earlier that the Noise showed up close by again.

Hibiki: Yeah, but they're gone now.

News reporter: ... and ostensibly, Tsubasa Kazanari could be switching to a new label. Tsubasa Kazanari, who released her new single today, also stunned the public with a surprise announcement. 

Hibiki gets up after hearing what the news reporter said and listen to the news about Tsubasa.  Miku standing beside Hibiki with a worry expression.

News reporter: She was approached by Metro Music, based in England, who are looking to introduce her to foreign markets. Since the incidents two years ago, she has pursued a solo career and...

After listening to the news they went to sleep.

Hibiki: Hey, Miku...

Hibiki immediately thinks back on what Ryoko told her.

(Flashback)Ryoko: Don't tell anyone about what happened today.

Hibiki: Never mind.

Miku: I do. I do mind. I was really worried because you were so late.

Hibiki: I'm sorry... and thanks. You're the only one who'd miss me.

Miku: What are you talking about, that not tr-

But before Miku can finish what she's saying Hibiki quickly hugs her.

Hibiki: Lend me some warmth, Miku!

Miku: What's with you, Hibiki?

Hibiki: Miku Kohinata is the sunshine that warms me up. I'm drawn to your side. It's the warmest spot I know. It's always been like that, and it always will be.

Miku blushes after hearing what Hibiki said.

Miku: You know, Hibiki... I...

She then realizes that Hibiki had already fell asleep.

Miku: Sweet dreams... Hibiki.

Meanwhile back at the apartment Kagashi and Tatsuya got back from getting their stuff.

Tatsuya: I'm beat, I'm going to take a shower and sleep. Night Kagashi.

Kagashi: Goodnight Tatsuya.

After taking a shower Kagashi goes to sleep, but before he does he think back to the time where they first met Kanade and Tsubasa.

Kagashi: Hard to believe it's already been two years since we been here. Well better go to sleep early there's still school tomorrow.


(Few days after the concert incident)

Kagashi and Tatsuya were leaving the hospital after visiting Hibiki.

Kagashi: One more week and Hibiki will finally be discharge from the hospital.

Tatsuya: I'm just glad that Hibiki was able to recover. You know for a second I thought she was going to die.

Kagashi: I know, you already told me that over 20 times now.

Tatsuya: Really, I already told you that many time.

Kagashi: Yes you did. Look Hibiki fine now so you can stop saying that.

Tatsuya: I know.

As they were too caught up on their conversation, Kagashi didn't pay attention to his surrounding and bump into someone who just came up from another hallway. Both of them fall down as they collide.

Kagashi: Ouch...

Tatsuya: Kagashi you okay?!

Kagashi: Yeah I'm fine. 

Kanade: Tsubasa you okay?!

Kagashi: Huh... Tsubasa?

Kagashi look at who he bump into and see Tsubasa.

Tsubasa: Ouch...

Kanade come walking towards Tsubasa while holding two crutches. Kagashi gets up and apologize.

Kagashi: Sorry, it's my fault for not paying attention to my surrounding.

Tsubasa: It okay, I'm fine.

Kagashi helps Tsubasa stand up.

Kanade: Told you not to run.

Tatsuya: Why was she running in the hallway?

Kanade: It's because she got excited about me finally getting discharge from the hospital. And she wanted to get me a drink.

Tsubasa: Kanade you don't need to tell them that!

Kagashi: Aren't you two the famous idol duo Zwei Wing.

Kanade: Yup, we sure are.

Tatsuya: I hear that you got hurt during the concert, glad you're safe.

Kanade: Why thank you. Hey wait a minute I'm remember seeing you two's face before but from where?

Tsubasa: Ah! You two are the boys from Lydian Academy!

Kagashi: The famous idol duo actually know us, I'm really honor.

Kanade: Well, you two are the only two boys in an all girl school. How did you two manage to get in?

Kagashi: It's got something to do with the principal.

Kanade: Is that so.

Kagashi: Oh, I forgot to tell you two our name. I'm Kagashi Yutaka, this is Tatsuya Ikari.

Tatsuya: Hello.

Kanade: Pleasure to meet you two.

Tsubasa: Same here.

Kanade: So what brings you two here. 

Kagashi: One of our friends was injured at the concert, we came to check up on her. But we're leaving now.

Kanade: At the concert huh... Sorry about your friend.

Tatsuya: It's okay, she doing fine now.

Kagashi: We'll be taking our leave now, see you guys at school. 

Kanade: Yeah you too.

Kagashi: Oh one more thing, congrats on leaving the hospital.

Kanade: Thanks.

Kagashi and Tatsuya walks away. 

Tsubasa: They seem pretty cool.

Kanade: You know Tsubasa I'm surprise you remember them, maybe one of them caught your eyes?

Tsubasa: I-It's not like that!

Kanade: Whatever you say then Tsubasa.

Tsubasa: Though, I don't know why but I feel like we could be good friend with them.

Kanade: You feel it too huh, Tsubasa. Tell me, which one would you like to be closer with?

Tsubasa: Kanade!

Kanade: I'm joking, I'm joking.

Tsubasa: Mou...

(To be continued)

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