Old Me

By warriorpwr

7.5K 115 8

Beatrice has just graduated college and returned home to help at her family business: a tattoo shop. She isn'... More

Author's Note
Main Characters
Language Key
1 - Not My Type
2 - The Meet Cute
3 - Sleepover
4 - The Set Up
5 - Flirting?
6 - The Date Part 1
7 - The Date Part 2
8 - The Date Part 3
9 - Meet The Fam
10 - The Interrogation
11 - Party Preparations
12 - Sharing Secrets
13 - Can't Relate
14 - First Dance
15 - Second Date
16 - Coronado
17 - Don't Tell
18 - ReDo
19 - Dinner
20 - Netflix & Chill
21 - Closer
22 - Band Practice
23 - ER
24 - Cool Scar
25 - Results
26 - Past Is Apparent
27 - His Fault
28 - You're cute
29 - Betrayal
30 - Apologize
31 - Cuddle weather
32 - Lights Out
33 - Secrets
34 - Stay
35 - Exclusive
36 - Spill
37 - Official
38 - Goodnight
39 - Out of My Limit
40 - Room for Jesus
41 - Love
42 - Consequences
43 - Fair
44 - Salt and Sun
45 - Road Trippin'
47 - Don't Stop
48 - Can I Join?
49 - Fireworks
50 - Desperate
51 - Girls Talk Boys
52 - Empty House
53 - Love Bites
54 - Five Years Free
55 - Cold Feet
56 - Just Say It
57 - Ready
58 - Better Man
59 - Old Me
60 - Dirty Laundry
61 - Everything I Didn't Say
62 - Before I Met You
63 - Can't Help It
64 - I.F.L.Y.
65 - Mine
66 - Back to You
67 - She's Kinda Hot
68 - All the Small Things
69 - The Best Years
70 - Epilogue
Mikey POV Ch 1
Mikey POV Ch 4
Mikey POV Ch 7/16/17
Mikey's POV Ch 21
Mikey's POV Ch 60

46 - My Lips Are Sealed

87 1 0
By warriorpwr

I opened my eyes to a wooden ceiling fan. It took me a moment to remember that I wasn't at home. I rolled over, feeling for Michael, but the bed was empty.

I grabbed my phone from the bedside table, shocked to see that it was already 3 pm. I stretched my body across the empty bed before climbing out. I adjusted my hair in the oversized en-suite bathroom so it wasn't so crazy, smiling at Michael's previous comment about the shower.

When I reached the stairs I could see that Lucia, Gio and Siena were watching some reality television. The loud laughter outside was Michael, Luke, Calum, and Ale playing a game of table tennis. 

I turned into the kitchen to find Ashton preparing food.

"Hey," I greeted. He looked up and flashed me a bright smile.

"Hi, Bea," he said as he rolled something in between his palms.

"Whatcha making?" I asked, taking a seat at the island counter.

"Burgers," he said, as he plopped the round ball of raw meat onto a piece of parchment paper and flattened it out.

"Yum. Need any help?" 

"Uh, sure, actually could you prepare the condiments?" he asked.

"Yeah," I agreed, standing up as he instructed me to pull out the tomatoes and lettuce from the fridge.

When I opened it, I was surprised to find a case of beer. I am so used to our alcohol-free family parties that I forget that other people enjoy beer, especially on holidays like the Fourth of July. I pulled the produce from the drawer in the fridge and began searching for a cutting board.

"Uh, I think I saw one in the cupboard next to the stove," he said when he saw me searching. 

"Ah, yes," I exclaimed when I found it as he said, "thanks."

I washed the vegetables and joined him at the kitchen island to cut them up. 

"So," I began, "Mikey says you all met in high school. That's pretty cool that you all are still such close friends. I don't think I have any friends from school anymore," I commented.

"Well, I technically didn't meet them in high school," he corrected, "I'm actually a year older than those goons," he laughed as he pointed out the window towards the rowdy bunch goofing off outside.

I chuckled at the sight of Calum giving Michael what looked to be a pep talk before they began the game.

"So, how did you meet?" I asked, bringing my attention back to our conversation.

"I was Calum's next-door neighbor growing up, and when I graduated high school I stayed locally to get my associate's at the community college. I was in my garage messing with my drum kit and they passed by--Luke, Cal, and Mikey--and anyways, "he chuckled to himself, "they asked me if I wanted to jam with them. Everything just fell into place after that. We became best friends," he smiled.

"We're they as crazy as they are now?" I asked as he stepped to the sink to wash his hands.

"That," he laughed looking outside, "that is nothing compared to how we used to be."

"What was Mikey like when you met him?" 

He paused in thought, as he opened up a package of sliced cheese. 

"You know, he was actually really intimidating when I met him," he smiled at me.

"Really?" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I mean he had these two piercings," he pointed to his lips, "and with all his tattoos--I mean back then he didn't have the chest pieces yet, but he did have the ones on his hands and neck. And he always, always dressed in all black. He was pretty reserved and I honestly thought he hated me for like the first year that I knew him."

"No way!" I exclaimed glancing outside at Mikey who was embracing Cal in a celebratory hug.

He laughed, "Yeah, but then I realized he's like a mushy little teddy bear on the inside."

I threw my head back in laughter at his description. 

"I can't imagine him being reserved. He's so confident and such a flirt," I said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, he's really come out of his shell."

The sliding door opened and Michael entered the kitchen.

"Hey, watch out, she'll start crying her eyes out if you let her cut that onion," he said as he eyed the red onion on the cutting board.

"Oh, shut up, everyone cries when they cut an onion," I defended. 

"I'm gonna head out to put these on the grill," Ash said, excusing himself from the kitchen.

I nodded and returned to finishing up the chopping.

"What we're you laughing about?" He asked as he took a seat in front of me at the counter. 

"Oh nothing," I smiled trying to imagine him as an intimidating teenager like Ashton described, "we were just talking about when you and Ash met."

He scrunched his face up in hesitation, "What do you mean?"

"Well, apparently, he thought you were intimidating with your snakebites and black apparel," I laughed.

He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Did he mention the eyeliner, too?" he smirked.

"What?" I exclaimed, my eyes bugging out.

Michael chuckled, playing with one of the coasters on the counter, "Yeah. I was pretty hardcore," he joked.

I shook my head, chewing on my lip, as I remembered the photo of him on his fridge at home.

After dinner, most of us took a walk down to the lake. Apparently, they had done so already when I was napping earlier so it was my first time seeing it. The water was gorgeous and the shores were filled with families. I sighed, taking in the beautiful view of the tree-lined lake. I was surprised at how clear the water was. Michael and I were sitting in the sand watching the sunset while a few of the group played frisbee. 

I shuddered at the breeze that was chilling now that the hot sun had sunk behind the mountains. 

"I'm going to go grab a sweater," I said, standing up and wiping my bum off.

"Okay," he smiled standing up too, "I'm going to join in on the frisbee game."

I nodded and headed back to the cabin. I opened the slider from the deck to find Cal walking towards me in a pair of swim trunks.

"Oh, hey. Si and I are going to hit the jacuzzi if you wanna join," he offered, bringing the beer in his hand to his lips, taking a sip.

"Uh, no thanks, you two enjoy," I nodded, heading upstairs to Michael and I's bedroom. 

I pushed open the door, heading for my duffle bag that was on the side of the bed when I suddenly stopped in my tracks at the two guests in our room.

"Shit, sorry," I said, putting my hands over my eyes and turning around to leave the room.

"Wait, Luke!" Ale shouted as Luke pushed past me holding his shirt in his hand.

Ale roughly pulled his shirt over his head and zipped up his pants as rushed out the door after Luke, catching his arm. I didn't want to eavesdrop on their conversation, so I walked back into my room. I was surprised when they both reentered and closed the door behind them.

"Uh, y'all are welcome to the room, I'm just gonna grab my sweater," I said awkwardly, looking between them both. 

Luke was breathing heavily like he was angry or scared.

"Please," Ale implored, looking at me seriously, "this stays between us three. Okay?" 

I glanced at Luke who was staring at the floor.

"Please," Ale repeated, glancing at Luke who avoided his gaze.

"Of course," I nodded, sealing my lips and throwing away the key, "I won't say a word."

Luke clenched his fist at his side and sighed before swinging the door open and bounding down the stairs.

I looked to Ale in confusion.

"Don't ask," he sighed, turning and leaving the room.

Well, I guess Ale got his answer. One of them is into guys: Luke.

I slowly sifted through my bag for my cardigan, distracted by the recent events. I was not expecting to find Luke and Ale in a heated and intimate moment. I didn't understand why Luke was so upset. Unless he wasn't 'out'. My first thought was that I wanted to ask Michael if Luke had ever dated any guys, but I had promised not to tell anyone. Luke seemed really upset that I had caught them in the act and I felt bad for walking in on the private moment. But it didn't seem like Luke was new to the experience, he was the one who had Ale pinned up against the wall and was kissing him. 

"Hey," I heard Michael say from behind me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, hey," I smiled.

"Everyone is hopping in the jacuzzi," he said as he closed the door behind him, "did you wanna join?"

I thought about it for a moment before responding.

"Not really," I shrugged, standing up from my kneeling position on the floor.

He nodded, "Me neither. I think I'm just gonna rinse off--I got all sandy playing at the beach--then you want to just relax?"

"Sounds good," I smiled, returning to my duffle to search for something comfortable to change into.

He crouched next to his bag by the closet and pulled out some clothes as well. I was distracted by his sudden movement as he stood up and removed his shirt, revealing his sculpted and inked body. I watched as he slipped his belt from his waist, and he caught me staring.

"Did you pay?" he asked, smirking.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Entrance to this show isn't free," he smirked as he slowly unbuttoned his jeans.

I rolled my eyes at his joke and my hungry eyes waited for him to continue undressing.

He winked at me before he picked his fresh clothes up from the floor and headed into the bathroom without revealing any more of his body. I sighed in disappointment and when the bathroom door clicked shut I began to change.

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