I wanna be Legendary! (Pokemo...

By SpudlordMaster

119K 1.6K 2.2K

Y/n wanted too be the best, not some run of the mill ace trainer, not a champion, but a legend. In order to b... More

I choose you?
I'm a what now?!
Crackin' Ceremony
Breaking news
Panic! At the gym!
Shocking issues
Aura apprentice!
Snap, Crackle, and Pop!
Cave system
Father and son

This... is wild!

6.2K 117 113
By SpudlordMaster

Hahaha! I don't know where this point is going, but I'm listening to all the Bleach openings when writing this, there's no real reason to say that but I'm living off of coffee and haven't slept in 2 days!

(Narrator POV)

Hop had immediately went back to his house after receiving his Pokédex, Y/n was forced to stay with Gloria and Sonia, the latter had to head off to the wild area as well, so she accompanied them which in all honesty didn't get rid of the awkwardness that happened at Professor Magnolia's house. Pulling out his phone, Y/n held it above Herba's head and pulled up her stats.

Name: Herba

Species: Grookey 

Gender: Female

Level: 9

EXP Gauge: 35/900

Ability: Overgrow

Health: 35/35

Attack: 17

Defense: 18

Special Attack: 12

Special Defense: 15

Speed: 20

Move-set: Scratch, Growl, Branch Poke, Taunt

"Looks like that fight against Hop really pushed you." Amazedly hummed Y/n, affectionally rubbing the top of Herba's head, while feeling the continuous stare that Gloria was giving him. "Look Gloria, I said I was sorry. I had a brain fart and I'm fairly certain I may be a bit high after all of poison in my body." Honestly whined Y/n, spinning idly around in his heels until he looked Gloria in the eyes, giving her his best puppy dog eye expression.

"You've known me since ya were 8, ya were the first person I give ma number to!" Lividly growled Gloria, making Y/n back away quickly since Gloria was freakishly strong for some reason, Y/n liked to think it was just from her genetics that gave her the monstrous strength, since she never said anything about working out before. "But since ya an idiot I'll forgive ya." Tiredly sighed Gloria, taking a slow slap at Y/n who stumbled backwards in order to avoid it, falling on his butt as he did so.

Once Y/n had managed to get back up he simply shrugged his shoulders and continued on walking, the station wasn't that far away and nobody had any matters to take care of. Standing outside of the train station, Y/n halted something was watching him, and Y/n didn't know how nor why he knew all that he knew was that it was familiar.

Quickly turning around, Y/n couldn't spot anything nobody caught his eyes, no person was hurriedly rushing away nor any Pokémon lingering around the town. Taking one last look around the town Y/n shrugged his shoulders, putting it down to the fact that his mind was just nervous from everything that had happened, before walking into the train station, missing the sparks that started jumping out of the many wall sockets.


Boredly drumming his fingers off of the table, Y/n was bored of watching the country side going by, his Rotom Phone had lost his interest a while back and all that was left was too look at the Shinx egg in front of him, and talk to Gloria and Sonia. Judging from how often the egg was occasionally twitching by itself, Y/n gave it another day or so at most, maybe 12 hours at the absolute minimum.

"The first gym is a grass type gym." Annoyedly grumbled Y/n, considering Hop was the only person out of the three of them who would have an advantage over the gym leader, while Y/n wasn't to bad off it was Gloria he was worried about. 'I won't have enough time to train up Shinx a bit since the gym is in Turffield, and we still have to go through the mines, Monostoke, and the Wild Area.' Logically thought Y/n, knowing that the Shinx would at least have an egg move of some kind, or if not great stats.

"Yeah, Aqua is useless and Yappy won't be much of a help." Annoyed grumbled Gloria, despite have the Puppy Pokémon on her lap currently, and was soothingly rubbing the base of her tail. "I could always catch another Pokémon, an ice type sounds pretty cool." Amusedly joked Gloria, making Y/n naw on the bottom of his lip at his friend's pun, trying to decide if it was worth a laugh.

"Oh god.... the mines are like a cave." Violently shivered Y/n, rubbing his shoulders at the thought of entering a cave, something that Y/n wasn't overly fond of thinking about. 'I hate caves.' Moodily thought Y/n, tapping his finger off of the glass container a few times, looking at the egg while grumbling to himself.

"Y/n, you were 7, that's a decade ago so stop been a pansy." Boisterously chuckled Gloria, slapping the back of Y/n's back while laughing at Y/n's dislike of caves, noticing Sonia curious stare. "He got lost in Glittering Cave in Kalos, a Kangaskhan adopted him for a week." Soothingly cooed Gloria, rubbing Y/n's cheeks as if he was a canine Pokémon.

"You could've been chased by Zubats." Helpfully offered Sonia, trying to make Y/n smile as the train slowly came to a halt, making the passengers slowly get up out of their seats.

"Been there, done that." Tiredly moaned Y/n, putting the egg into his bag and walking off of the train, intent with setting up a training regimen for Herba, and most likely Shinx as well once he got the Pokémon's stats. 'I'll have to wait a week before I can even start light training with it.'  Mentally recalled Y/n, stepping off of the train and waited for Gloria and Sonia.

Y/n couldn't help but walk out of the train station and gaze over the huge expansion of the Wild Area, a place that had different Pokémon depending on the weather, and the weather itself was completely unpredictable. Footsteps from behind made Y/n look around, seeing that both Gloria and Sonia had caught up to him.

"I'll be off now." Casually informed Sonia, waving at the two teens before walking on ahead and veering right, mostly likely going off to the bridge. "Remember Y/n, call me whenever something interesting has happened, and don't forget you guys have to register first before you can start doing the gym battles." Excitedly spoke Sonia, spinning around on her heels and winking at Y/n, making the hairs on the back of the teen's neck stand up, a glare buried into the back of his head.  

Patting his pockets, Y/n let a relieved sigh escape his lips once he located his letter of endorsement, something that had been given to him via his father.... since it required a notable person or trainer to sign it, and Y/n's father was both. The glare died down as Gloria walked up beside him, and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, dragging Y/n along as Herba jumped up on top of his head.

"Are you ever going to talk to him? Do you even know why he left?" Gently asked Gloria, making Y/n squirm at the thoughts of his father, knowing where this conversation was going since he and everyone else who knew talked to him about it at least 4 times. "He might be like you, ya know. He could help train you up, hell he could train your team up to champion level Pokémon in no time." Soothingly whispered Gloria, resting her head on Y/n's shoulder as they walked through the Wild Area, watching the variety of Pokémon going on through their day.

"Most likely when I've a great right hook. No I don't know why he left, and the very thoughts of me being like him makes me want to gut myself. Also I want to beat him by myself, drag him home by the hair and make him apologize." Loudly growled Y/n, Herba mimicked Y/n's actions while gently pushing away Gloria's arm, knowing that things could get messy. "Now, I'm going to start a training schedule for Herba, since I want to fight a few wild Pokémon, and raise her stats." Coldly stated Y/n, reaching up and gently rubbing the top of Herba's head, before doing the same with Gloria, wanting them to know that it wasn't them he was angry at.

One day, that's how long until the opening ceremony, which would introduce all of the new trainers, and sometimes they would get two randomly selected trainers to fight one another. Brushing his hair to the left, Y/n shielded his eyes as the harsh sunlight shone down, making the teen truly see the random weather happening in the Wild Area.

"I see snow! I'm going there Y/n, so why don't we do are own exploring and training for a bit, and meet up at Monostoke Pokémon Center at 11am, so we can get ready for the ceremony!" Excitedly informed Gloria, already running off towards the snow, leaving Y/n alone to his thoughts.

"You're a physical attacker, and I want to get your speed up if that's okay." Casually informed Y/n, wanting Herba too know the exact workout she was going to go through, incase she thought it was excessive in any way, shape, or form. "I want to set up an area for you to run around for 30 minutes, then I'll attack some training weights to your body and have you attack a tree or something for another while. I'll be training with you, so no worries." Lazily informed Y/n, eyeing a cluster of trees not far away from him, which would offer an ideal camping location, and the trees were filled with various berries. 

The sun was beating down on him, ideal for fire types and not that good for water types, weather moves would be useful later on Y/n's realized, as the teen walked into a clearing. Gently placing down his bag, Y/n gingerly took the egg out and placed it in the sun, before taking off his top and revealing his tattooed chest, which now had more noticeable muscles than before.

"It's seems as though I'm getting fitter." Happily cheered Y/n, stretching as he looked down and saw that Herba was doing the same, which was quite cute since she was tiny. "Just follow my lead." Nonchalantly commanded Y/n, lightly jogging from one end of the clearing to the other, which was roughly 10 meters in width. 

In terms of body image now Y/n looked like a full blown endurance runner, his legs were covered in thick cords of powerful muscles, while his upper body was more defined than it normally was with the exceptions of his shoulders. Picking up the pace Y/n jogged faster, which in turn made Herba run faster after him, as Y/n realized what it meant.

Chosen Ones or Hero's were chosen in order to save the region, and the fact that he was the first person in Galarian history to have this tattoo that nobody had ever seen before was quite worrying. That meant that something was going too happen to the region, the people and Pokémon he cared about would be hurt.

"Looks like I'll be training everyday then." Solemnly realized  Y/n, realizing he was lost in thought after the body image part, and noticed that the sun was considerably higher. "Holy hell, how long have I been running for?0 Curiously asked Y/n, startling backwards when something walked up into his face, large ears blocked out the sun.

"N-n-n-nOivern." Annoyedly chattered Boom Box, his mother's pokemon as he had a parcel messily tied his neck, the bat's eyes were narrowed slightly as he pushed his head up against Y/n, large ears covering Y/n's head. "NOI!" Loudly boomed Boom Box, making Y/n feel the vibrations going through his body as the parcel fell into his hands.

In an instant Boom Box leaped into the air, his large wings snapping open before Boom Box began to flap, slowly gaining height into the air before circling the clearing from high in the sky a few times, before finally flying off. Looking around in sheer bewilderment, Y/n could see that Herba was tiredly laying against the tree closets to the egg, her breaths short and ragged after the running. 

"I'll gather us some berries, you just take a breather." Loudly informed Y/n, jogging off a moment later and made sure he ran deeper into the gathering of trees, spotting a few trees that hosted Lum Berries.

A minute had passed and Y/n had an array of berries in his arms, all of which were nursed into his chest, before turning around and freezing in surprise. A Pokémon stood in front of Y/n, its small blue face was lowered towards the ground, as it vigorously sniffed around.

Despite it only 80cm in height, Y/n couldn't help but take a weary step back since these Pokémon were quite dangerous, before adding on its biting abilities. A Deino stood in front of him, its head lowered to the ground as it desperately searched for food, its nose burning into the ground as it looked for something.

Deino was  a small blue quadrupedal Pokémon, with black fur covering its head and neck, concealing everything but its mouth from view. The fur around its neck also had six purple spots encircling it, resembling bruises. The hair on the top of its head took on the shape of a single small horn. It also has a short tail that appears to be bitten off. What really caught Y/n's attention was the fact that he could clearly see its ribs beneath his fur, and Y/n felt vomit rise in his throat as he realized that the Deino appeared half dead.

'That Deino use to have a trainer. They abandoned it." Grimly thought Y/n, feeling sick at the thoughts of being abandoned from someone you trusted, making Y/n look down between his arms and purse his lips into a straight line. 'Worst case scenario is that I die.' Stiffly mused Y/n, sitting down on the ground and stared at the Deino, hoping that Herba would be fine.

A Sitrus berry was in his right hand, lining himself up Y/n rolled the berry to the Pokémon, which was roughly 3 meters away, before the berry hit the Deino's foot. In an instant the Deino's head snapped down at cleanly bit through the fruit, chunks of the berry fell to the ground around its mouth, which made the creature greedily gobble it up.

Knowing that should call in a professional to deal with the most dangerous types of Pokémon, Y/n simply rolled a Oran berry towards the Pokémon and watched as it greedily snapped it up, its eyeless face unknowingly looking directly into Y/n's eyes. Against his better judgment, Y/n rolled another Oran berry towards the Deino, watching as it took a few hesitant steps towards him.

"I'm not going to hurt you, here you can have these." Softly whispered Y/n, rolling the remains of his gathered berries to the Deino, before quietly walking off again so he could gather more berries for him and Herbs. 'I'll have to alert the proper people.' Angrily thought Y/n, recalling an important lesson that was drilled into his head.

If you ever release a Pokémon, calmly tell it why it is being released and release it in a suitable habitat so the Pokémon could survive. There've been cases of Pokémon being released into an unsuitable environment, which has caused the ecology to collapse or for the Pokémon to go an a rampage, and since Deino's last form was considered a Pseudo-Legendary, it could end badly for a lot of people.

Walking back towards the berry trees Y/n easily scampered up the trees again, picking a few more berries that the first time around, before gently sliding off of the tree and bending his knees in order too lessen the impact. Quietly walking back towards the clearing, Y/n couldn't help but stop and look at the Deino, it seemed healthier than before since its ribs weren't as noticeable, shaking his head to himself Y/n headed back to the clearing.

"I'm back." Happily chirped Y/n, throwing a Situs berry towards Herba who easily caught it and began to munch down on it, while Y/n slowly eased himself down beside the grass type. "How's the egg?' Curiously asked Y/n, biting into an Oran berry and felt the sweet juices run down his chin, making the teen use the back of his hand too wipe it away.

"Key, Key." Blatantly huffed Herba, exhausted after the training session she had to go through, making a so and so gesture with her right paw. "Gro?" Curiously asked Herba, wanting too know why Y/n took so long to come back, not that she was complaining, but she was hungry.

"I need to call the authorities, there's a Pokémon here that isn't supposed to be here so I'm feed it." Calmly informed Y/n, shoving the remains of the Oran berry into his mouth before picking up a Pecha and Persim berry, just incase the Deino had any form of status effects. "I'll be back in a few minutes, when you are ready just attack a tree with one of your attacks, I'll do my own training once I get back." Stiffly hummed Y/n, jogging out of the clearing and back towards the place where he had seen the Deino, worried for the wellbeing of Deino and whatever Pokémon came across it.

"Dein?" Loudly pined Deino, causing Y/n to pick up the pace considerably before sliding to a halt only a few meters away from the dragon type. "Ino? Deino!" Pleadingly bellowed the Pokémon, making Y/n's heart pound in his chest as he witnessed what was going on.

Only who Y/n assumed to be the Deino's trainer had it pinned beneath his right foot, Y/n could feel his lips being pulled back into a snarl as he say the way the guy was digging his heel into the Pokémon's throat. Lunging forward, Y/n felt like his heart was a sledgehammer as he reeled back his right fits, justified livid fury coursed through Y/n's body as the trainer's mud brown eyes met his own.

The guy had short, dirty blond hair that looked like a buzz cut, while his skin was pale, almost as if he hadn't been outside in the sun for years. He wore a forest green top, and brown skinny jeans, and a pair of white sneakers, the guy also had small bag on his back, with 4 Pokéballs strapped to his waist.

"Fuck off." Quietly growled Y/n, delivering a nasty right hook to the trainer's left cheek, causing the trainer to go flying a considerably distance backwards, while Y/n glared blood murder at the trainer. "What gives you the right to hurt Deino?" Loudly snarled Y/n, watching as the guy slowly picked himself back up off of the ground, and brought up both of his own fists.

"He is my Pokémon, making him my property. The idiot can't even see the Pokémon in front of him half of the time." Angrily informed the guy, as he stood up to his full height which looked to be around 5'9, causing Y/n's lips to pull back in a snarl. "I thought if I left him out here for a few days he would learn how to survive, but it looks like I was wrong." Amusedly snorted the guy, walking up to Y/n and hitting his right shoulder off of Y/n left, making the two face away from the other.

"Leave Deino alone, release him even because I will take care of him." Viciously grumbled Y/n, seeing from the corner of his eyes and twirling around and gripping onto the guy's shoulder. "Don't you dare kick him." Lividly howled Y/n, gripping onto the guy's shoulder hard enough for him to winch, while Y/n pulled him back and threw him onto the ground.

"You want the useless thing? Then consider done." Stiffly rumbled the guy, picking off the furthest most right Pokéball off of his belt, and opened it up and snapped it cleanly in half, throwing the two halves of the Pokéball at Deino. "The name's Joe Brown, remember that for when I beat you." Loudly growled Joe, stomping off in a fit of annoyance, and once Y/n was certain he gone he bent down and scooped up the bruised Dragon/Dark type.

"Lets get you back to camp, I got a few potions and super potions for you." Soothingly whispered Y/n, holding Deino's body with his left arm while using his right to gently scratch the top of Deino's head. "I will get you all healed up." Gently promised Y/n, biting the inside of his tongue with such intensity that he could taste the metallic taste of blood hitting the back of his throat, while Y/n carried Deino.

Breaking into a light jog, Y/n was being careful not to agitate the still Deino in his arms, as Deino hung his head low and would sometimes gently take a bite at Y/n's right forearm, none of the Deino's bites were hard enough to draw blood, and Y/n wasn't sure if that was good or not. The trees dimmed dramatically in a few seconds, until Y/n broke through the clearing and saw that Herba was repeatedly slamming her branch off of tree, freezing in place once she saw the Pokémon in Y/n's arms.

"Key!"Worriedly howled Herba, putting her stick back into her hair and hurriedly bounding over towards Y/n, her large eyes gazing into Y/n's own. 

"I got some potions and super potions in my bag, oh god how's the egg?" Worriedly asked Y/n, an array of things were happening at once as the blond teen jogged over to his bag, and proceeded to lay the Deino down onto the ground in front of his bag. 'Front pocket.' Instantly recalled Y/n, almost ripping his bag as he opened it up, quickly taking out a super potion and began to spray the lumps forming on Deino's body.

The one major thing any Trainer needed to learn was how to apply potions and bandages to a Pokémon, incase an accident of some kind occurred during the course of their journey, and they were far away from any Pokémon center. Y/n held his breath as the Deino went still, the lumps and bruises that had formed along his body disappeared, before Y/n realized from the steady rising of Deino's chest that it was sleeping.

"I think we are done with training for now, I can start setting up the tent, pots and try my hand at cooking, and do mind going around and looking for berries?" Tiredly sighed Y/n, the events of his first day of being a trainer catching up to him, and draining all of his energy from him, while the teen pulled out his tent and pots. "Thanks Herba." Loudly grunted Y/n, watching as Herba scampered out of the clearing and towards the area Y/n had gone before, as Y/n sat cross legged on the ground and started making his tent.  

Deino would be put for a while, considering he looked half starved to death by the time Y/n found him, it was logical to assume that he would be hungry whenever he woke up. Sticking the poles into the tent, Y/n gently shoved the poles up the tent, making it stand upright before Y/n did the process multiple times until he was happy with it, and threw in his bag.

'Can't forget the egg.' Idly realized Y/n, jumping up from his place and jogging over towards the egg and brought it back to his tent, gently setting it inside and began walking around the edge of the clearing, gathering dried sticks and twigs that had fallen to the ground. "Berry soup sounds appealing as long as I don't scald myself."  Humorlessly chuckled Y/n, at the absolute horrible joke about the water type move.


The sun had already set by the time Y/n had finished making the soup for both himself and Herba, making enough of it for the Shinx egg that should be hatching tomorrow and the Deino, who would need to be be definitely hungry in the morning. Looking in amusement as Herba messily slurped up the soup and chomped down on the pieces of berries, Y/n slowly raised his own spoon to his face and blew on it.

'Hop has Scorbunny, Wooloo, Rokidee. Gloria has Aqua, Yappy, and possibly an ice type from the way she was speaking earlier. I have Herba, and a Shinx egg.' Idly thought Y/n, shoving his spoon into his mouth and swallowed the soup once he took the spoon out of his mouth. "The first gym is a Grass type, the next is Water, Fire, Fighting, Fairy, Rock, Dark, and then Dragon." Mentally recalled Y/n, shoveling in the rest of his soup into his mouth, knowing that he would have to capture some more Pokémon.

"Gro" Contently huffed Herba, allowing herself to fall back onto the ground and gaze up into the sky, that showed off the hundreds of thousands of stars in the sky, all of which shone beautifully since there was no light. 'Key Key.' Happily chirped Herba, gently tapping her knuckles off of her chest, and started to pretend her chest was a drum.

A smirk grew on Y/n's face once he heard Herba, not even a day into his adventure and he already had made a partner for life, as well as having his first near death experience. The smirk that was on his face vanished, while Y/n set his bowl aside and laid beside Herba, rubbing his chest gingerly at the thoughts of being a Hero.

A "Hero" is someone who is admired or idealized for their courage, their outstanding achievements, or their noble sacrifice in order to save someone or a whole region. A Hero is someone who does something that normal people couldn't do, things normal people wouldn't want to do, or didn't think they could possibly do.

"Can I really be a Hero?" Curiously hummed Y/n, knowing that if push came to shove he would lay his life down for those precious to him, but laying his life down for a complete stranger? "YOLO!" Loudly shouted Y/n, chuckling to himself afterwards since this was most likely the case of do or die trying.

"Key Key." Disappointedly mumbled Herba, she liked her new trainer, he was nice, unpredictable, intelligent, but he was quite random and he had a great sadness in him. "Gro?" Gently hummed Herba, continuing on playing her robs as a drum, smiling softly to herself as she realized something, this journey will be random as hell.

(Timeskip + Location change)

Blood red eyes were aglow in amusement, watching the fool squirm beneath his foot, as he applied more and more pressure to the man's skull, smirking as he heard the bone groaned in protest. Tilting his fedora down at the man withering in pain, before extending his left hand out, as a shadow picked up the Pokéballs scattered at the man's feet.

"Tut, tut, tut. I didn't even need a Pokémon to defeat him battle." Disappointedly sighed the man, watching in mild amusement as the Pokéballs were slowly raised into his outstretched left hand. "I wonder if anyone would be able to stop me?" Curiously hummed the man, his blood red eyes glowed an eerie red at the thought of the idea of someone being able to stand up to him, while soft pink eyes opened in the man's shadow.

Blood red eyes gazed down at the Pokémon in his shadow, as it began to emerge from his shadow, showing off its cloth like body. Banette, his life long partner, and the one along with others who will help him achieve his dreams.

"Ban ban ban." Hauntingly chuckled Banette, handing the man two stones that it was holding in his hands, the man grateful accepting them with a smirk.

"Thank you my dear. I say it's time for us to return, wouldn't you say so?" Rhetorically hummed the man, sinking into the shadows of the alleyway, while pulling out a card from his pocket. "Here's a little something to remember me by." Nonchalantly informed the man, dropping the small card onto his downed foe, before he completely sunk into the shadows.

Team Thantos

Thank you for your wonderful help, it is very much appreciated for our cause.

Your sincerely,

The Godfather.

That's a wrap people! The egg will be hatching next chapter, Deino will be dealt with properly, and we will get to the next city next chapter. Also, a huge thank you to @DragonRider009 for helping to creat the evil team of this region!

See ya next time!!!


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