Panic Room// BTS Fanfic

Af BTS_1Derland

3.7K 348 765

Technology became so advanced.... It controls everything.... Phones, TVs, cars, and even curtains.... Now, t... Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Book cover
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 21

123 10 28
Af BTS_1Derland

(Okay let me just revise TaeTae's POV because I'm pretty sure you forgot what happened... The last thing we stopped on was some man talking to Taehyung, saying that it hasn't been long since they met, and there were two people kneeling in front of Tae. Tae immediately asks the man to kill him the moment he sees the two people tied down in front of him. Now we go on... I hope you enjoy :) )

This is not fair. I didn't sign up for this. Jungkook, I'm going to kill you the moment we are out of this hell hole.

This isn't facing my fears. This is called torture. I knew it right from the beginning. This machine was smiling at me devilishly. I'm going to sue this company for all the mental damages they have caused me.

And as for Bang PD, I'll make sure to mess up a couple of times during practice so I can piss him off.

Should I just close my eyes and pretend like nothing is happening? How am I supposed to fight this off? He is going to kill them and I'm chained here. There is nothing I could do physically. 

"What do you want from me? I don't even know you," I asked him calmly.

He tilted his head to the side and just looked at me.

"Don't be like that. It hurts me," he said, and all I could do was furrow my eyebrows.

Bro, the hell?

He immediately started walking towards me very slowly. He stood in between the two people who were kneeling on the floor, and just the thought of him being this close to them made my breath go uneven and my muscles started contracting.

He push their heads harshly to the side, which caused them to fall in opposite directions. He passed in between them and then continued walking towards me.

"HOW DARE YOU-" I started shouting but then he swiped his hand in the air, causing a gag to appear in my mouth. I started shouting out the first words that came to my mind but they came out so muffled.

I gave up on speaking and just kept on shaking myself against the chains.

"Oh, does this piss you off? I'm sorry," he said, but then he went back and put his foot on one of them.

My blood started boiling. He has gone too far with the disrespect. I'm going to kill him the moment I'm out of here.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt them. I just want to rest my leg a bit," he said.

Oh I'm so gonna kill him.

I glared at him with so much hatred and anger. There was nothing I could do.

And I was mad that I couldn't move, now I can't even speak.

I think my glare irritated him, so he came walking towards me. He kept on hitting my head repeatedly, causing it to repel to the side.

"Why are you glaring at me? Huh? Why don't you come kill me?" He said as he hit my head.

He banged his fist against the pole I was tied to and shouted," I'M NOT SOMEONE YOU CAN GLARE AT!"

If I didn't have a gag in my mouth right now, I would've scoffed.

Who is he? Mr. President? My ass?

"This won't do. I better start now," he said, which caused my heart to beat faster. What is he thinking?

He grabbed one of them and started beating him up.

My eyes widened at the sight and I started screaming. It all came out muffled, so instead I added some effort and tried to shake myself out from the chains, but it never worked.

"What? Are you not enjoying the show? Do you not like it?" He asked me with an annoying and cold smile and then continued hitting him.

No. Don't. Just stop.

I want to take away all the pain. But, this is too painful to watch.

I decided to close my eyes, but the grunts that came from him as he was being beaten up kept on echoing in my head. I had no option but to cry.

I'm sorry Mom. I'm sorry Dad. You raised me into a man, but I couldn't even protect you from him. I'm all chained up in front of you, and all I'm doing is cry. I'm sorry.

"Mom," I tried to say, but it came out muffled.


No. No. I won't. I can't. If he brought me down before, I wouldn't want him to do it again. I can't be someone he can step on.


I calmed myself down and closed my eyes.

This is a simulation Taehyung. You can do whatever you want. There has been one thing you have always wanted to try, so lets do it.

I took in a deep breath then opened my eyes. Suddenly, I felt so much power fill me, and boy, it felt great!

I focused on the man who was constantly kicking my father. Oh he is so dead.

I smiled and moved my head to the side. The man was immediately sent flying.


I then started focusing on a chair on the opposite side of the room and threw it in his direction. It hit his head, and he fell to the floor.

Okay. Let's use this chance to untie myself.

I'll be so grateful if it works!

I Immediately began trying to release myself from the chains.

I tried to put in all the power that I had, but the chains didn't want to come off. I noticed the man starting to gain balance, so I started freaking out.

I had to find an alternative immediately. Suddenly, I got this thought of manipulating the simulation. I mean, I can flick the chains off if I want to. So I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down. I tried to focus deeply on flicking part of the chain off.

I felt an enormous amount of energy run through my body. Damn! Is this how power feels like?

Without any effort, I flicked off part of the chain, and so the whole thing disassociated. I shook the chains of my body and then started flexing my muscles to stretch them out.

Damn, I feel powerful!

My attention immediately diverted to the man, who was still trying to gain his balance.

I scoffed as I walked towards him.

"So you are the Maroon5 guy aren't you?" I asked him, and he just eyed me. I didn't know how he felt exactly.

"I must admit, you did bother me a lot when I first heard of you. You wanted to ruin my birthday, wanted to threaten me, wanted to kill me, wanted to send haters to our concerts, and tried to make me hate myself. But guess what, joke is one you, and it seems like the table has flipped. So I suggest you start reflecting on what you did and start repenting for all your sins because you have no idea how powerful I'm feeling right now," I boasted to him, but all he did was smirk.

"But of course, being who I am, I am going to forgive you for the past, because the past can't change no matter what I do to you right now, but what you have to worry about now is the present. You made a terrible mistake. The fact that you brought my parents to such a place is a whole sin on it's own, and I'm not even going to start talking about how they were treated. So you better prepare yourself to die," I said and then rubbed my wrist. My whole body felt sore from all the chains that held me for so long and I was so glad that I was free again.

But now that I am free, I guess it won't hurt to do what I've imagined myself doing to that guy ever since he appeared in front of me.

However, it seemed like that man really did have a death wish, and I was just satisfying his desires.

"Go ahead and kill me. I won't even fight you. I'm sick of this," he said and then just sat down.

I froze in shock. Say what now?

"What? What are you saying? Are you serious?" I asked him, but he just looked down.

After moments of just looking at him, I started hearing sobbing noises. No way this dude is crying!

My heart kind of ached seeing him all torn up, even though he did disrespect my parents to the maximum.

But, I was kind of scared that he would pull off some trick. What if he was just fooling me?

"Hey, are you okay? Why are you crying?" I asked him at a distance.

He shook his head and continued crying. Okay what should I do now?

"I'm sorry Taehyung," I heard him say, but i could barely even believe what was happening.

I felt my power fade away, as I felt bad. I didn't know why I felt bad. I was the one who got hurt here anyway, but I just did. Every person has a reason behind why they do certain things, and I figured he had one too. Maybe he just wanted to be heard. He did gain attention in a wrong way, but I never even knew what he has been through, or what was his intention right from the beginning.

"Why did you do this? I mean, you probably knew how I would feel about this, how everyone else around me would, but you still did it anyway. What was your point?" I asked him, but he just looked down.

"I don't know what to tell you except that I am terribly sorry. I've done too much," he said.

"I could've forgave you if it was only to do with what you have done to me, but my parents are a red line that you should never cross. But you literally just spat on that line and flew right over it. I don't know what to do to you," I told him, but his crying never eased, but it never got deeper either.

I had to listen to him cry for ages, until I actually got sick of hearing it. I don't like seeing people cry.

"Fine. Fine can you please stop crying?" I asked him, but he just ignored me.

"I forgive you. Will you stop now?" I said and he immediately looked at me. His eyes were puffed and red, and so were his cheeks.

"Really?" He asked with wide eyes.

I rolled my eyes at him and said," Yeah, whatever. But there is something you have to do before I can let you go."

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Help my parents, apologise to them deeply, and then take them back safely home. And don't ever come near us again. Not me, not Bangtan, not ARMY, not my parents, not our crew. Am I clear?" I asked him sternly.

He started nodding really quickly and then stood up to fix what he has done.

It was a pleasant sight to see. A hater turning into a person who apologizes for what they have done. I didn't do anything though, it just seemed like that's the lesson this simulation wanted to teach me. I should never judge anyone and I definitely shouldn't use violence.

But now what?

The guy and my parents disappeared and I was there alone.

What am I going to do now?


Hello my lovelies!

I'm sorry I took too long to update. I'm also sorry that I've been stuck in the same part of the simulation for a long time. But hey, we only have Jimin's left.

I really hope this chapter was enjoyable. I was going to write about a fight, but then I decided not to. Something positive has to come out of this too you know.

And the thing is, back then when the whole Maroon5 thing came out, I got really pissed off at the dude since that is the first thing that an ARMY will normally feel. But, after this problem was over, I started thinking about it, and I realized that maybe this person just did this for attention. Maybe he/she wasn't living such a great life and wasn't gaining any attention, maybe they needed love.. whatever it is. It is just like a bully. Why does a bully bully others? It can be for all those different reasons. We can deal with such things in a couple of different ways, but I thought that every action has it's own reasons behind it. If we can ask others why they do such stuff, we may be able to reach a conclusion without having to make any part feel terrible.

At least that is what I think. I don't know if it is right or not. Obviously such form of anger comes naturally in such situations, especially when a person is against someone who is innocent, and is completely at fault, but I mean... I don't know anymore.. but hey..  at least something positive came out from this.


Sorry I talk too much..

Anyway, thank you for reading this. It means a lot to me!

Don't forget to take care and love yourselves,

Thank you all,

I love you,

-R 💜💜

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