By kxlon_

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Kate and Colby have been best friends for years. What happens when they both decide they want more than that... More



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By kxlon_

Kate's PoV

The next morning I woke up on the couch in Colby's room.

I looked at my watch and saw that it was 10 in the morning.

"Shit," I said.

"Well good morning to you too," said Colby, who was lying in his bed.

I sat up and looked at him.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked.

He shrugged.

"You were really tired. And even if I did, it was to late for you to drive back to your apartment."

I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Wait, did you carry me up the stairs?"

He faintly blushed.

"Maybe," he said.

I don't know why, but the though of him doing all of this made my heart skip a beat.

I stood up and streched.

"Thanks. I'm gonna head back to my place now. Bye" I walked down the stairs and out to my car, then drove home.

I hopped in the shower, got out, and changed into some sweats.

After that, made myself a bowl of cereal and sat down on the couch.

I turned on the TV, and started to watch Disney movies.

When I finished my cereal, I grabbed my phone and I tweeted out, "Big announcement next week. KatStuartMusic and I got something to tell you. Be prepared."

I sat my phone down and put my bowl in the sink, humming along with Friend Like Me as it played on Aladdin.

My phone went of and I saw that I had a text from Colby.

Colby: Bored af rn. Wanna hang out?

Me: Sure. You can come over. And be prepared to binge watch Disney movies.

Colby: lol. On my way.

I put my phone back down and continued to watch Aladdin. In about 10 minutes, there was a knock at the door. I got up and let Colby in.

"Hey. Sorry about the sweats. Didn't feel like wearing normal clothes today." I said.

Colby looked at what I was wearing, then smiled and said something I didn't expect.

"I don't care. Besides, I honestly kinda think you look cute in sweats."

I managed to hide my shock. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Now, let's start this movie marathon."

We walked over to my couch and sat down.

"Aladdin? Really?" He asked.

I shrugged.

"Yeah. But it's almost over and I can finish it later. Which movie do you wanna watch?"

He though for a minute, then said, "Alice in Wonderland."

I smiled.

"We're all mad here," I said.

"Damn right."

We laughed.

I put on the movie and then got up to get something to eat.

"You want anything?" I asked from the kitchen.

"A Coke. And I know you're gonna bring a bag of chips with you, so I'll just eat those."

I grabbed Colby a Coke, a Mountain Dew for me, and a bag of Munchies.

I walked and gave him his Coke, and set the chips on the table.

After Alice in Wonderland was over, Wall-e, and alot of others.

When we decided we had watched enough, it was 7 in the evening.

"Damn. We've been watching Disney for a long time." I said.

"Yeah. But it was fun. We should binge movies together more often," said Colby.

"I can agree to that. I needed a break from song writing. Good lord, that's more exhausting that trying to not get arrested."

He laughed.

Then looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Can I hear part of one? Plllllllleeeeease?"

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. He knew that I didn't share songs with anybody but Kat until they were done

"Colby, you've known me for about 7 years. You should know by now that puppy dog eyes don't work on me."

"Oh. Yeah, I forget that alot. Well, I'm gonna head back home so you can finish it. I'm eager to hear it," he said as he stood up.

"Bye," I said as I locked the door behind him.

I sighed.

I had a long night of music editing ahead of me.

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