Naked and Afraid

By Usocasual

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Based on a TV series "Naked and Afraid uncensored." Kathrine is a eighteen year old girl who auditioned for a... More

Chapter 1 - Beauty and a Lifesaver
Chapter 2 - I do need Help
Chapter 3 - Naked and A heartbreak
Chapter 4 - No, you can't sit with us
Chapter 5 - The Final Call
Chapter 6 - Sometimes you have to say no
Chapter 7 - First step into life
Chapter 8 - Not her again
Chapter 9 - Going away party
Chapter 10 - The beginning
Chapter 11 - Bon voyage!
Chapter 13 - Not what I expected

Chapter 12 - Lights camera action!

510 8 3
By Usocasual

The plane took forever to take off, probably because there was a plane in front of us. I was shaking the whole trip. I'm not use to heights, I've only been on a plane trip once, with my mother, father, and Alex when we were off to Colorado. It's not far from California but I guess we are risk takers. Alex was the happiest because he got a window seat, I sat next to him but mom and dad got separated from us because my father wanted to be with my mother. They wouldn't give us the fourth seat together because apparently they only have 3 seats side by side. And the guy that got sat next to Alex and I was the worst thing ever. He literally smelt straight up alcohol. Anyways enough with my old trip. The trip was pretty good honestly. There was only two seats side by side and I of course didn't get the window seat but it was all good because I got the perfect view of the second Zac Efron. He was the sexiest man alive, He could literally go back to high school and sing a musical. He looked 21+ though. But still extremely sexy gorgeous. He only talked to me when he either had to use the restroom or to call for service. The rest of the flight was pretty boring though going to Nicaragua from California was exhausting.

I arrived at the airport in Nicaragua at 6:30pm. Damion told me he'd be in the airport waiting to take me to his hotel. I pull my phone out and dial his number.

A few rings go by until I hear his voice.

"Hello? Kathrine?" Damion asks.

"Yeah hey it's me I just wanted to tell you I'm at the airport and I don't see you." I tell him. There's a bunch of crowding people and I can't make my way up to seeing him, I saw him in the postcard he sent me in the mail along with the video camera.

"I'm outside in front of your first surprise. You'll find me don't worry. Just come outside." Damion hangs up the phone and now I'm worried more than ever. What is this surprise i'm getting, he never mentioned a surprise. I think?

I push and pull myself through people and I finally see the front door. Thank god. I open the doors and walk around the people coming in. I don't see any Damion here. There's a bunch of cars. Nice cars, people much be rich around here. I finally see this car, I mean limo pull up in front of me and my eyes grew bigger and bigger by the second. Finally once the limo stopped a man steps out. Looking a hell a lot like Damion.

"This is my surprise?" I tell the man that's walking up to me close and closer.

"Welcome to Nicaragua. May I please take your bag?" A man tells me that's right behind Damion. He's dressed in a suit a black suit. I think he's a butler. I smile at the man and he smiles back and walks back to the drivers seat.

"Do you like it?" Damion finally speaks.

"Do I like it? Hell yes." I tell him with a laugh. Is this the treatment I get for spending my time with a stranger for 27 days and most likely dying on the first season of Naked and Afraid off camera?

He opens the door of the limo and gestures me in the limo. I step in with the biggest smile on my face. I've never been in a limo before. He steps in the limo after me and we both take a seat.

"Okay here's what's going to happen tomorrow. You're going to wake up, get ready, and then we're going start to the edge of Nicaragua, basically the beach. we're going to drop you both off on the beach. of course in different SUV's, then you'll meet and then you start off on the beach you survive the 27 days and meet in that exact spot. place a marker there to remember where that spot is. Don't be late on the 27th day, mark the days down as you go. You chose the pot correct?" Damion asks.

"Yes." I answer. Most of the things he's telling me are confusing. I'm so relieved to be on a beach. I better have good weather though. I know it'll be cold at night because of the ocean air. The mornings I have no idea. "What is the weather going to be like?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." He smiles.

"Can you at least tell me where we are going?" I complain.

"If I told you you'd just look up the weather. So no, sorry." He smiles again. I stick with a playful frown.

This is going to be horrible I just know it.


We finally arrive at the motel and the butler comes around the car and opens the door. A bunch of camera lights flash at Damion stepping out of the limo. Great I had to go with my usual straightened hair. Damion takes my take as I step out of the limo. I hold my breath as each camera flashed.

"Why are people taking pictures?" I ask Damion as we walk to the front doors of the hotel.

"Because you're going to be off camera, they need to know at least what you look like, you're like Nicaragua's famous girl for the next 30 days, that is if you make it." I shiver at the words and continue walking next to him.

He opens the doors and leads me to the elevator.

"Enjoy the free dinner you're getting because it's going to be the best until tomorrow at least." He laughs. I keep quiet at his inside joke and walk into the elevator.

"Where's the boy staying at?" I ask him curiously.

"Some other hotel with Jem." He tells me as he presses the button to the way top of the hotel.


"The other producer, Like I'm one of the producers and she's the other. We usually just help keep the contestant feel safe and lead them to where they have to go, to get the show started." He tells me.

"Oh." I look around the empty elevator.

"I almost forgot! There's a bunch of interviewers next to your room. But don't speak to them unless you want to waste time. We just need to speak to the main interviewer of the show. His name is Lester. He's in the dining room. That's where we're going right now.

"Got it." I lie. I don't want to talk, I'm exhausted enough. I just want to eat then sleep that's all. I wonder if my partner feels the same?

We finally arrive up the elevator and we step out. I see a bunch of chef's and fine dining. People are dressed in nice leather suits or dressed in a red fancy gown.

"I feel under dressed.." I tell Damion.

"Doesn't matter." He leads me to a table where a man and a camera man sit. Damion pulls out a chair for me and I sit down. Damion sits right beside me and the camera blinks red.

"Ready?" The man tells me.

"Sure." I say looking between the camera and the man. The camera blinks green as in it's on and I freeze up. I can't move.

"So what made you want to attend Naked and Afraid's first off camera season?" He asks. Doesn't seem very off camera to me.

I pause before I speak. What do I say. Oh my god Kathrine answer the question. Or just sit there and look stupid.

"Kathrine?" He calls out for me.

"Oh sorry Um what was the question again?" I ask. I obviously remember I just need more time to die it down.

"What made you want to attend Naked and Afraid's first off camera season?" He repeats.


After dinner was briefly filling. I had mashed potatoes, gravy, chicken, peas, and carrots. It was great the first two meals of it then I couldn't fill myself anymore. I know it's not good to eat then just starve the next day, it's just that.. I'm going to miss it. Eating the best chicken in the world. I wanna puke at my words out of my stomach, I'm so full.

I finally made it up to my room and when the elevator opened Damion quickly had to link arms with me just to get out of the mess of people. I think I got blinded by everyone from the flash after flash. He had to go just after we made it to the room so he left. All my things were laying my queen sized bed, not that I even had much stuff. I was still happy to see it there.

I lay in my bed cuddled up in my pajamas and with my iPad, Of course Netflix didn't work so I just read a book online.

I wake up at 5:00am by my phone alarm. I get up and walk into the bathroom. I start feeling my face then lifting up my shirt pinching my sides. Why can't I just have the perfect body? Every body that every man wants. I take my shirt off then my bra. I stare at myself for about 10 minutes trying to be comfortable with myself. Today's the day I go show this body to a total stranger. Then again I have to see his too. He's probably more embarrassed. Unless he has the perfect body, Tanned beautiful skin, muscles the size of Taylor Lautners, and hair spiked just the right way. Then you see me.

I jump in the shower and wash myself as clean as possible. My hair usually is straightened when I dry and brush it. That's how it always is. I dry myself off and wrap the towel around myself. I get a knock at the door as I open the bathroom door.

"Who is it?" I yell at the door. I don't want to open the door to a bunch of camera's like this.

"Damion." I hear a voice. "There's no cameras don't worry." I reach for the door handle then open the door quietly and quickly. A bunch of cameras shoot out of no where, They lied, Why the hell!

"Kathrine!" "Kathrine!" "Kathrine!" I hear many voices at the same time. "What are you wearing Kathrine?" They try to take the towel away but I shut the door as fast as possible and I lock it.

Oh my god what have I done. I slide down the door and reach for my phone on the desk right beside me. I call Damion as quick as possible.

"Kathrine what's up, are you ready?" I hear Damion's voice.

"I'm fine, Where do I meet you?" I ask out of breath.

"Grab some breakfast and if you need to call security. I'll be outside the hotel in 30." I hear him hang up. Why does he always hang up on me?


I finally finish my breakfast and head out to the front doors where I see an SUV with Damion and his butler next to it, talking.

I wore the same thing because obviously I didn't think to bring any clothes. My hair actually turned out straight. Some girl next door actually let me use her straightener. We got to talk during breakfast. It was pretty great.

I walk up to Damion and his friend and he greets me.

"Are you ready?" Damion tells me.

"No, but I'll bear along with it." I force a smile. Damion laughs and hops in the front seat of the SUV. I get into the back and shut the door.

The drive was the longest thing ever. I hate driving in cars. It's the worst! I just didn't want to end the drive as to what I would feel as I got out of the car. Damion kept telling me not to be nervous. I guess it was pretty obvious I was nervous because he asked like every twenty seconds, at least it felt like it. I don't think I can do this.

"We're here!" Damion shouts. My stomach drops as the words are out in the air. My eyes are huge and I can't move. I couldn't even talk to my mother before we started the show. I had no reception.

"Okay Kathrine don't have a heart attack, You look as if you're going to faint. Don't worry. Every things going to be okay. I have your necklace and your bag in the trunk I just need your bag so I know you're not taking anything as in like a cellphone." He smiles. "In the bag you have a map and your pot. Good luck." He tells me trying to lift my spirit. "Just walk straight down the beach and you'll find him, your partner." I give him my bags and open the car door and I hear Damion on his cellphone.

"She's ready, how's the boy?" Damion speaks on the phone. I think that's Jem.

"He's ready." I think Jem says. They hang up and Damion turns to me.

"Jem says he's ready, hurry and start walking the beach Kathrine." He directs me.

"Okay..." I tell him scared and confused.

Here goes nothing. I walk to the back of the SUV and open the trunk. I start by aking my shoes off and placing them in the car, then the jeans, then of course the shirt. I'm left in my under clothes and shiver as the weather creeps upon me. Kill me now. I undo my bra then my underwear. I place them in the trunk. I grab my NAA bag and hide the bottom part of my body. I shut the trunk and start walking down the beach. I already feel lost without my cellphone. I hear the SUV driving down the beach. It takes awhile until I see a spec down the beach.

Turn around Kathrine, turn around! I force myself each step I take. I can finally spot out his hair and a little bit of his face. Oh my god. He's young! Thank god. Wait is that good? I don't know what to think right now. My hair is blowing in my hair making it harder to see the person. I don't know why but I keep smiling and I don't know why, I can't stop. I've now stopped walking. My hands are on my face and the boy is like 5 inches away from me.

"Oh my god." I smile still with my hands on my face.

"Are you okay?" His voice deep very deep with a pure British accent like Zayn's. I finally uncover my eyes and look at his face and that's it. Just his face. Hhe's looking at me, up then down. Great. A pervert. His hair is as bushy as ever and his green eyes are a dark as every. His body a few tattoos here and there and a perfectly drawn butterfly tattoo right in the middle of his upper abs.

"I'm Kathrine." I ignore his question.

"I'm Harry." He speaks again.

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