Imposters (Tododeku & Kiribak...

By LateNightReader1967

499 38 52

Summary: Two years after the accident with AFO, the Anarchy disappears. Musutafu became a peaceful place as n... More

Imposters: Chapter One- New Beginnings
Imposters: Chapter Two- New Life
Imposters: Chapter Four- Introduction & Suspects
Imposters: Chapter Five- Warning & The Past
Imposters: Chapter Six- Paranoid or Not
Imposters: Chapter Seven- Growing Worries
Imposters: Chapter Eight- Pins and Needles
γ€ŠNot an Update》●Author's Note●

Imposters: Chapter Three- Storm is Coming

57 6 12
By LateNightReader1967

Todoroki couldn't believe his eyes. Midoriya was standing in front of him, so who could this guy be? He saw that the other three were wearing their masks. Todoroki recognized his mask on one of them. Midoriya growled, 'Why couldn't they wait? They ruined my chance to propose to Shouto. They are going to pay.' Shadow stepped forward as he waved the gun around. "Put your jewelry and your items inside." Shadow's voice was difficult to tell when he was using a voice box. Midoriya wasn't going to give them anything. Shadow stopped at their table and glanced at Todoroki. The villain tilted his head at Shouto before placing a hand on his cheek as the gun rested on Todoroki's head. "I appreciate it if you didn't touch," Todoroki hissed. He slapped the male's hand away from his face. Midoriya shook his head as Todoroki was provoking him. He couldn't let them hurt Shouto. The villain smirked under his mask as he forcibly grabs Shouto's wrists. "Hey, leave him-" Midoriya felt something cold press against his back.

"I suggest you calm down," the voice said. Midoriya could see in the corner of his eye that the person pretending to be Night-Flame was behind him. He looks back to see Todoroki glaring at the male. "Shouto Todoroki," Shadow purred. Shouto felt uncomfortable as the male wouldn't let him go. Shouto spits on his mask and then yanked his wrists away. "How do you know my name?" Shouto watched the man press a finger against Shouto's lips. Shouto's eyes narrowed at the male as the villain traces his finger across Shouto's lips. Midoriya growled as this man was touching his boyfriend. He remembered his training that he learned from his father. He glanced to the side to see that Riot and Ground Zero were busy collecting items. They were distracted. Midoriya wasn't going to let these bastards get away with this. He slammed his chair against Night-Flame's chest and grabbed the knife off the table. He stabbed the male in the chest before turning to face Shadow. Shouto saw that Shadow was distracted and kicked the male right where it hurts. "Don't ever touch me," Todoroki hisses.

The villain glanced up at Shouto and smirks. "You, I like." He throws a stun grenade on the ground, "Retreat!" Shouto covered his eyes when the flash blinded his vision. Midoriya opened his eyes to see that the villains were gone, except for Night-Flame. Midoriya stared at the unconscious body as the citizens cheered for saving them. Todoroki looked stunned before hugging his boyfriend. Midoriya returned the hug as Shouto was shaking lightly. The ring in his pocket was bringing him down as he failed to propose to Shouto. Midoriya wondered if he would ever get another opportunity. He should've done it before those imposters came. He should've known that something was going to stop him before he could pop the big question. Shouto glanced at his lover to see him lost in his thoughts.

"It's okay, Midoriya," Todoroki reassured him. Midoriya wondered if Shouto knew what he was thinking. He shook his head, "Yeah, everything's okay." The police soon arrived to arrest the criminal that tempted to pose as Night-Flame. A tall, lean-but-muscular man with dark green hair and three yellow streaks stepped towards them. "Are you Shouto Todoroki?" Midoriya recognized the male as the new chief of the police force. Shouto nods his head, "Yes." Night-Eye nods his head, "I need you to come to the station with me." Shouto tilted his head as he didn't understand. "Why?" Night-Eye sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Witnesses say that the Shadow Killer was interested in you. We want to ask you a few questions." Shouto nods his head and glances back at his boyfriend.

"We'll go with you," Shouto answered and grabbed Midoriya's hand. Shouto didn't want Midoriya to go home after tonight. Night-Eye adjusts his lenses, "Toshinori's kid isn't needed." Midoriya glares as he ignores the man's words. "I'm going with Todoroki, so it's either both of us or none." Midoriya nervously smiles when Night-Eye approaches him. 'What the hell am I doing? I'm arguing with the new chief of police! Dad is going to kill me! I'm going to get myself arrested for talking back!' Midoriya wonders if Night-eye could tell that he was nervous. The man glares at the boy before leading them out of the restaurant. Shouto was sitting in the back seat with Midoriya as he yawns. He leans his head against Midoriya's shoulder while trying not to sleep. Midoriya smiles at his lover and wraps his arm around his waist. Todoroki smiles as he snuggles into Midoriya's chest.

Their moment ended when Night-Eye stopped the car. Midoriya wonders why everyone was so eager to ruin his moment with his boyfriend. Shouto lifted his head and saw the police station. He sighed to himself as he exited the car with Midoriya. Midoriya noticed that Uraraka and some of his friends were missing. He pushed it aside when he bumped into a door. Shouto tries not to laugh at his boyfriend and plants a kiss on Midoriya's forehead. "Watch where you're going, Izuku," Todoroki smiles. Midoriya rolls his eyes playfully and stops at the door. "I'll wait out here for you," Midoriya told him. Todoroki nods his head and walks inside the interrogation room.

Midoriya waited outside the room as he watches the tv. He could see the reports about the capture of Night-Flame and the condition. Midoriya knew he was responsible for putting Night-Flame in that condition, but that bastard wasn't Todoroki. He was angry that he let Shadow touch Todoroki. He wondered who would be impersonating as them and why. Midoriya pulled the ring out of his pocket and sighed. He thought today was going to be amazing. He didn't expect their date would go sideways. He heard the click of the door and saw Shouto stepping out. Midoriya hid the ring in his pocket and stood up. "Is everything okay?" Todoroki nods his head and hugs his boyfriend. "Can we just go home?" Midoriya could tell that Todoroki seemed tired.

Midoriya smiled, "Of course." Midoriya swept Todoroki off his feet and carried him princess style. "Hey!" Todoroki didn't expect Midoriya to pick him up. Midoriya laughs as Shouto turns bright red. Night-Eye watches from his office. He wondered if there was a connection between Midoriya and the Shadow Killer. He couldn't say that Midoriya was the Shadow Killer since the killer was present at the restaurant. He wondered why villains would think to rob a restaurant. Night-Eye decided that he'll keep an eye on them for now.

Midoriya let Todoroki down as the two walked down the sidewalk. "We should head home, Izuku," Todoroki told him. Todoroki hid his disappointment that their date was interrupted. He wondered what Midoriya was about to do. He remembered Midoriya grabbing his hand while standing up. 'Was he going to do something?' Todoroki sighed to himself since he'll never know what Midoriya was planning. 'Was he planning something? What if I-' Midoriya turned to Shouto and grabbed the boy's hand. "Shouto, what did Night-Eye ask you?" Shouto could see that Midoriya was worried. He decided to push the idea aside and focus on his lover. "It wasn't bad. He was asking me questions if I knew the Shadow's killer's identity. Of course, I had to lie. It doesn't stop the question who was behind the mask." Midoriya nods his head, "And why he's so interested in you." Todoroki bit on his bottom lip as he glances down. "Izuku, he's interested in the Anarchy. Toshinori's replacement is suspicious. I'm not sure if he believed my statement."

Midoriya sighed, "When I finally thought it was over, we're pulled back into this problem. I doubt that Kacchan and Kirishima know about the recent events. I'm unsure how the two would react." Todoroki knows his head as he agrees with his lover. Todoroki was about to speak until he stops in front of their apartment. "Midoriya, is there someone inside our apartment?" Midoriya glanced at the direction of their apartment.

'What if we plan a celebration for your engagement?'

Midoriya forgot that they were going to be at his apartment. He couldn't let Todoroki know that he was planning to propose. "I'll go check it out, Sho. You wait here!" Todoroki watches his lover run inside the building. He tilts his head in confusion as he shakes his head. He wonders what is going on. He didn't like being left in the dark. He felt a chill run down his spine as he turns around to see no one. Shouto took a deep breath. 'Stop acting paranoid,' Todoroki thought to himself. He reminded himself that he was alone outside. He shouldn't be worry. Why would anyone be watching him at this time? He turns his attention to the window to see the silhouettes of Inasa, Uraraka, Midoriya, and his other friends. Todoroki decided that it was best to go inside. It could ease his worries.

"What do you mean that you didn't propose!" Inasa was scolding the boy as Iida was waiting for his turn. Midoriya shakes his head, "I'll explain why I didn't do it! Just hide all this stuff!" Midoriya watches his friends run around the apartment, trying to take down all the decorations. Their time was cut short when they heard the doorknob turning. "Ah!" Midoriya was running to the door to stop Todoroki until he bumped into Uraraka. The cake flew into the air and hit Todoroki in the face. The boy looked at everyone, confused. "Is it someone's birthday?" Todoroki was covered in red, white, and green cake. Kaminari spits out the candle that he put in his mouth. Midoriya tried to think of the best excuse he could make. His friends were looking at each other to see if they could make an excuse. Inasa decides that he should say something.

"We're celebrating your birthday!" Todoroki looks at Inasa as he stares. "It's August. My birthday is in January," Todoroki deadpan. Inasa laughs nervously, "I mean, we're celebrating your anniversary!" Todoroki glances at Midoriya, "Midoriya?" Midoriya rushes over to his boyfriend with a napkin. "Yep, they wanted to help us celebrate!" Midoriya hoped that his boyfriend believed his excuse. Todoroki thanks his boyfriend for the napkin and wipes the cake away. He decides to believe his boyfriend's excuse as he didn't understand. He decided that it was best if he didn't ask questions.

"Are we late for the-" Midoriya turns to see Natsuo, Dabi, and Hawks. He rushes to the door and slams it shut when he saw the cake in their hands. "Midoriya! That was my brothers and Hawks!" Todoroki pushes past his friends and his lover. He opens the door to see the cake smashed onto their faces. Dabi glanced at Midoriya to see that he was shaking his head. Natsuo didn't see a ring on Todoroki's hand. He could only see cake stains on his brother's clothing. "Why are you guys here?" Dabi sighs, "We were planning a surprise. Now, we're covered in cake. Also, Midoriya, I am going to kill you later." Midoriya squeaks in the background as his friends are gathering their things. Todoroki was confused when his brother threatens his boyfriend.

'What the hell is going on?'

Todoroki wonders if he would receive the right answers. He watches his friends and family leave as Midoriya was busy cleaning. "Midoriya, is something that you're hiding?" Todoroki wasn't going to easily forget the celebration his friends were planning. It's only been a few minutes since his friends left the house. The red and white-haired boy was standing there with some frosting on his face. Midoriya places the dishtowel on the counter and approaches his boyfriend. "It wasn't anything important. They wanted to celebrate with us." Todoroki wonders if Midoriya knew that he was looking for a different answer. Before he could interrogate his boyfriend, Midoriya has him pressed against the door.

"You look adorable," Midoriya purrs. "Well, delicious," Midoriya licks the frosting off Shouto's cheek. "Izuku! Don't avoid the question," Todoroki tries to push away until Midoriya tsks. "Bad kitten," Midoriya could see the blush rising on Todoroki's neck and cheeks. "How about we play a game? Wouldn't you like that?" The green-haired boy kisses the boy with a lustful passion as Shouto loses himself. He couldn't focus on his questions as Midoriya was stealing his air. Midoriya pulled to see the growing blush on Todoroki's cheeks. "Adorable." Midoriya trailed his lips down Todoroki's neck. Soon Midoriya was attacking his neck with kisses as Todoroki pants. Todoroki decides to give in to the temptation. "O-Okay," Todoroki said. He wanted more. Maybe this night wasn't completely ruined.


Todoroki wakes up the next morning in Midoriya's arms. He glanced at the time and noticed that he was running late. "Izuku, I need to get up," Todoroki said. He tried to push away until Midoriya pulled him back in. "You're so beautiful. So cute," Izuku whispers. "Izuku, you horny guy. Let me go." Midoriya chuckles as Todoroki rolls his eyes playfully. He exits the bed and goes to take a shower. Todoroki smiled to himself as last night was almost forgotten. He shouldn't focus on last night. He didn't know who the Shadow Killer was. Midoriya was standing beside him. It couldn't be him. He hugged himself as the male's words echoed in his head.

"You, I like."

Shouto didn't want to become a target. Night-eye wasn't wrong that the villain was interested in him. He sighed to himself and washed his body. He left his apartment as Izuku was still sleeping. Once he stepped outside his apartment, he notices a note on the mat. Shouto could see the address on the note. It was for him. He didn't recognize the sender's address and decides to throw it away. He didn't need anything distracting him. When he entered the building, he didn't need to see his brothers fighting while Hawks was shouting. "Fight! Fight!" Todoroki facepalmed and walked past them. He rubbed his eyes as he was walking to the elevator. If he was looking up, then he would've avoided the person. He ended up bumping into someone. Todoroki rubs his head as he sitting on the ground.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there," the voice spoke. Todoroki glances up to see the figure standing in front of him. The boy had unruly dark brown hair that was close to almost being black. It was sticking up in all directions around his head. He looked so familiar. He looked like Midoriya, so he couldn't stop the next few words the slipped out by accident.





A/N: If you have any questions so far about the story or the Anarchy, you can ask them. My friend asked me a lot of questions which made me think. Is my story unclear? *nervous laughter* Fun Fact: I love bottom Todoroki and top Midoriya. 

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