USWNT One-Shots

By soccerlover35

144K 2.9K 278

Pretty self explanatory More

Death bed (Tobin)
Locked in - Part 1 (Alex)
Locked in - Part 2 (Alex)
Locked in - Part 3 (Alex)
Too stubborn (Tobin)
Lionesses - Part 1
Collision (Alex)
USWNT x B99 (Kelley)
Blind Woman (Christen)
The only calm ones around
The Coffee Girl (Christen)
Death bed - 2 (Tobin)
Death Bed - 3 (Tobin)
USWNT X B99 - 2 (Kelley)
Gymnastics is difficult as f*ck! (Aly x Kelley)
Being a kid sucks (Tobin)
Different countries (Abby)
Pushing too hard - (Her Knight)
Headcahes (Preath kid)
Podcasts (Hillary x Alex)
I miss the days
Tall People - Part 1 (Sam Mewis)
Tall People - Part 2 (Sam Mewis)
Secret Jobs - Emily Sonnett
Secret Jobs - Part 2 (Emily Sonnett)
Secret Jobs - Part 3 (Emily Sonnett)
50 words - Part 1 (TPATFG)
She's a keeper - Alyssa Naeher

Meeting the Family (Mal)

5.6K 118 6
By soccerlover35

"are you ready to go babe?" Mal asks me as she finishes tieing her laces.

"Nope," I say but stand up anyways and wipe the sweat off my palms.

"Stop worrying babe please, the girls are all excited to meet you, you've met them all on the pitch anyways" She says trying to comfort me

"They could just be saying that because they're want to lure me in and then kill me," I say maybe a little exaggerated but I'm panicking okay!

"How are you still funny when you're nervous," Mal says chuckling as she walks over to me

"just my natural talent" I reply winking at her.

"we've been dating for two years now Ava and I couldn't hide it from the team any longer, do you know how many times I get asked at camp if I'm seeing someone!" Mal exclaims throwing her hands up in the air making me smile

"a lot I know, but I was more than happy you telling the team you were dating someone," I say back

"I know baby, but as soon as I did it would mean non stop pestering to meet you and I wanted it to just be us for a while," She says wrapping her arms around my waist while I let mine drape over her shoulders

"and I've loved every second I get to spend with you babe," I say and kiss her on the lips sweetly

"come on let's get going you, " she says and grabs my hand pulling me out the door before I can protest.

You see, Mal and I have been dating for just over two years now since we both met when we joined UCLA together. I'm originally from England and was offered a scholarship to play football over here which I jumped at the chance of doing.

That's how I met Mal, we were put together to be roommates and we just clicked straight away, she'd help explain all the confusing things over in America and I'll explain what's different back in the UK.

It didn't take long for us to realise that we liked the other more than friends and we soon found ourselves going out on 'dates' and cuddling late at night watching movies on the bed.

After some meddling from the rest of the team locking us in our room until we confessed our feelings, we eventually got together and I've never looked back since.

She's always there when I get a little homesick or stressed over the mass amount of work I have to do but I'm always there for her too when she starts to doubt herself or panics over not doing well in a match. We complete each other.

Being in the same College together has been a blessing but we both play for our country so unfortunately, Mal is off travelling a lot with the US and when she's back my camp usually takes place too.

We make it work though, facetime calls and texts to fill the other in on how our days have been going. It usually ends up with us both trying to help the other with our homework while away though.

We manage to hide our relationship for a while, only our team and her family know about us but Mal left her phone out by accident at the last camp and all the girls saw that Mal had my name under 'Baby' and figured that she's dating someone.

I still haven't told the England girls because I know Steph would go full mama bear mode on Mal and that's not what I need right now, so for the time being it's just Mals teammates who are going to know.

They are currently playing some friendly games here in California so Mal decided to just stay in her dorm instead of the team hotel, her reasoning was so she could still go to class but it was just so she could stay with me for longer and I don't mind that at all.

"I wonder what they are going to say when they find out we've been dating for over two years," Mal says giggling as I hold her hand and walk out our campus together

"I think they might kill you for keeping it from them for so long, Christen especially" I say referring to Mals 'mom'

"Oh God I don't even want to think about what moms going to say, she was already mad enough that I didn't tell her I was dating let alone I've had a girlfriend for two years" Mal says groaning

"I'm going to be right by your side so don't worry about it love" I say picking up her hand up and kissing the back of it

"I love it when you call me that," she says grinning up at me

"call you what, love?" I ask

"Yep! Especially in your British accent, it makes me feel like a princess," She says wiggling her eyebrows at me

"you're not a princess Mal" I reply and see her little mouth pouting at me

"you're a queen," I say smirking at her.

"smoothly done," She says laughing back and giving me a quick peck on the lips

"one of my many talents I've got up my sleeve" I reply as we climb into Mal's car

"oh yeah and what are your other talents then Ava," She asks me

"well they involve you and I in bed" I reply smugly and watch as she gasps

"Ava! You can't say that" She answers hitting me on the arm but still laughing

"you're not denying it though" I say laughing to myself as we drive off.

The rest of the ride is spent by Mal telling me things I need to know about the team which I isn't much I don't already know since she talks about them a lot.

"ugh, my feet are sore after training today" Mal mumbles as we get out of the car.

"We can't be having that now can we, your carriage awaits madam," I say in a very posh accent and crouch down so Mal can jump onto my back.

"This is why I love you," She says and happily hops on

"Is this the only reason?" I ask while she wraps her legs around my stomach

"No it's not but I can't exactly show you the other one," She says breathing into my neck making goosebumps appear on my skin

"Mal, we're literally about to meet your teammates" I whisper back trying to hide my blush.

"Karma is a bitch" Is all she replies with and I can practically hear the smirk in her voice.

"well maybe I should just," I say and let go slightly of her legs causing her to scream a little

"Babe! I thought you were about to drop me" She says giggling

"never, but doesn't mean I can't throw you around a little," I say back before dropping her again.

I just smile as I hear her laughter fill the area around us and I count my blessing that I get to call her mine.

"Okay, I love them already" We hear someone say in front of us.

I look up and see almost all of the US women national team walking towards us. I quickly put Mal back on the floor not wanting to create any more of a bad impression.

"Hey, I was getting used to not having to walk" Mal says pouting at me causing a few of my nerves to wash away just looking at her face.

"Hey guys I want to officially introduce you to Ava-" Mal says but is cut off by Alex Morgan

"Kennedy right, you play for the senior England team?" She asks me and I have to hold in my fangirling moment

"Yes that's me, it's nice to finally meet you all, Mal here doesn't stop talking about you," I say and causing Mal to blush a little but the other girls find it cute

"Mal pal talks about us guys," Kelley says ruffling my girlfriend's hair

"Mal pal?" I ask trying to hide the smile forming on my lips

"Nope you are not using the nickname on me too, I hate it enough when they do," She says pointing her finger at me.

"Whatever you say mal pal" I reply back causing her to groan and the other girls to just laugh.

"let's go meet up with the others and get to know Ava a little better" Julie Ertz says.

Mal slips her hand in mine and I look down at her face smiling up at me.

Most of the girls closer to our age all come-over and start talking to us, asking questions about how we got together and making me say certain words in my British accent.

We have a pretty fun time just laughing with each other about how stupid things sound or stories I tell of Mal. It's not until we reach the others that I start to panic a little.

Here I am face to face with some of the greatest female athletes of all time. World cup winners and Olympic gold medalists are all looking directly at me.

"you're fine baby, there just people at the end of the day," Mal says trying to soothe my nerves.

I see Christen and Tobin both stand up first and come over to Mal.

"Hey mom's, I've missed you guys," Mal says hugging her second parents

"Hey sweetie," Christen says and kisses Mal on the top of the head.

"I want you guys to meet my girlfriend Ava," Mal says smiling at me.

"It nice to meet both, Mal talks very highly of you both," I say and nervously stick my hand out for her to shake.

"Ava Kennedy right? Did you not tell your girlfriend that I do hugs Mal" Christen says before pulling me into one

"I did but she's too polite," Mal says

"Mal here wouldn't tell us who you were so we don't really know much about you," Tobin says as we join the other older players.

"There's not much to know about me really" I say

"Guys this is Ava, Ava this is the rest of the team, there all big softies so don't be scared if they try to intimidate you," Mal says glaring at Ash and Carli in particular

"it's a pleasure to meet you all," I say trying to hide my nerves under my smile

"I would say the same but we don't even know who you were" Ashlyn says turning to glare at Mal.

"Aright enough of that, I wanted to be able to keep Ava to myself, we don't get to see each other as much as we'd like with us both having national duty across the world from each other so sorry if I'm introducing you all a bit late," Mal says getting a little angry.

"babe, it's alright," I say grabbing he hand to calm her down.

"Mal has a point so why don't we just sit down and get to know Ava before ordering," Tobin says and everyone does what the women tell them to do very quickly

"what do we do if they ask how long we've been dating for?" I whisper to Mal as I take a seat next to her

"I've got no clue," She says looking just as worried as I am.

"So Ava, your British obviously, what made you decide to come over to the US?" Ali Kriger asks me

"Well UCLA was offering me a full scholarship to play football over here so I just jumped at the opportunity to play, there are not many Universities in the UK that offers a good education and sports program." I reply, thankful I wasn't asked a question about Mal and I straight away.

"what subjects are you taking then?" Ali continues to ask me

"she's like the cleverest person I know" Mal says before being interrupted by Kelley

"well she's doesn't go to Stanford though" Kelley says trying to act smug

"I'm taking a degree in Biomedical Engineering," I tell Ali trying to hide the smirk on my face

"Nice one Kelley," Emily says laughing at the Stanford graduate

"as well as playing soccer, that's a lot to handle isn't it?" Carli Lloyd asks me

"Some days it gets tough especially towards exam season but Mal here is great at keeping me going," I say and smile over at my girlfriend

"I basically just feed her and do the homework coach sets so she can focus on all that hard stuff," Mal says shrugging

"Okay enough of the boring questions, I want to know how you both got together!" Pinoe says making us both laugh.

"it's a funny story actually, Mal and I had been tiptoeing around each other over the situation of dating until our teammates had enough and locked us in our dorm together and wouldn't let us out until we confessed," I say smiling at the girl next to me

"wait you guys share the same dorm room?" Christen says causing Mal and I too look at each other realising what we've just said

"erm yeah we do, we have since the first year," Mal says casing me to mentally facepalm

"The first year! How long have to guys been dating for?" Alex asks

"Just over two years," I say and nervously rub the back of my neck while Kelley spits her drink out everywhere

"2 year's and you didn't tell anyone!" Kelley asks in shock

"Yes we've been together for two years, yes we share the same dorm, yes we've had sex before you ask Sonnet and yes I love this girl with all my heart so if you can't accept that then I can't be your friend anymore," Mal says seriously

"No Mal don't say that these guys are your family and I know how important that is to have," I say hating the thought of Mal not talking to her family because of me

"don't worry guys, we aren't mad, a little shocked yes, but not mad, it's clear you guys are totally in love, I hadn't heard Mal laugh like that in forever," Alex says causing us both to smile

"Thanks guys, it means the world that you like Ava as much as me," Mal says holding my hand again

"ew, I don't like her as much as you Mal, that would be weird," Kelley says causing the whole table to laugh.

"I told you it would be okay" Mal whispers to me and everyone else is engrossed in their own conversation

"I know, thank you love" I say kissing he side of her head.

I'm gonna marry this girl one day.

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