
By BleuEvon

33.3K 1K 934

Amore means love and that's all she wants. How much will she endure just to have it. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 2

1.4K 53 31
By BleuEvon

The next day lunch came around. I was prepared this time. I had packed a lunch, a turkey sandwich and chips with a Rice Krispy for dessert. As I chatted with Kendra and them, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I glanced over and saw Jay's tall self standing over me.

"You owe me," he said with a smile staring down at my lunch.

"There's only enough for one," I said.

Jay squeezed himself between me and some other girl sitting at the table.

"Man, you're gonna do me like that after I paid for you to eat not once but twice," he said, shaking his head.

"You did that out of the kindness of your heart not for any return of a favor," I said.

"What if you let me take you out and we can call it even?"

"Out where?"

"You like golfing? My sister works at a miniature golf place we could get in for free. Could take you this weekend."

"I'm good."

Jay looked surprised but it quickly went away.

"Can I ask why?"

"Because I don't have to," I replied. I ate a couple of chips and watched his reaction.

His faces remained neutral and he nodded.

"All right cool then. Whatever," he said. He got up from the table and went back to sit down where he originally sat.

"What was that about?" Yasmine asked.

I hadn't realized all three of them had been snooping on the conversation.

"He asked me out but I said no," I said.

"Why?" Chantel asked with a surprised tone. "How you gonna reject that piece of delicious man?"

"I'm just not interested that's all."

"You are something else."

I controlled myself from giving her an annoyed look. What was the big deal of rejecting jay's advances. Chantel was the one who told me about his past with other girls if anything I was saving myself from developing any feelings for him. As I opened my rice Krispy I couldn't help but glance over at jay, who I saw was staring straight at me.

Cheer practice was always the worst in the summer. Sweltering heat beamed down on all fourty of us junior varsity and varsity cheerleaders. We had only five more minutes of practice left thankfully but I was ready to go home and take a good shower. My coaches were tough. Tougher than my last school. To end practice we had to run a lap around the field which I hated because the football players would watch. I began my run with everyone else and caught up with Kendra.

"Do you think I made the right choice not going out with Jayden?" I asked her already out of breath.

"I honestly don't care. If you don't want to go out with him then don't. Chantel is the one who always makes a big deal about everything especially when it comes to boys," Kendra said.

Before I could respond I heard a whistle.

"Amore less talking more running. Run another lap!" Coach Gomez yelled from across the field.

I groaned. My frustration only grew when I heard one of the football players tease, "Ooh somebody in trouble." I could tell it was Darius but because of the helmet I couldn't be sure. Nonetheless, I started my other lap. I was almost done when I heard someone shout in the distance.

"Ay watch out!"

Before I could react I felt a hard, solid object hit the side of my head. Due to the heat and sudden force I fell to my legs in surprise. I looked over and saw it was a football that hit me. I put my hand to where I'd been hit and winced. It was pounding but I would be okay.

One of the players jogged up to me and one held his hand out.

"You alright?" It was jay.

How embarrassing. I just nodded too out of breath and stunned to talk. A coach blew his whistle signaling that Jay had to get back on the field.

"I gotta go. Be careful," he said.

"Why do I need to be careful when I'm the one who got hit?" I muttered.

"Do you have to have an attitude about everything?"

"I don't have an attitude." I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes.

Jay chuckled and held his hands up as if in surrender.

"See you later I guess."

I just turned away and walked the rest of the way off the track. I walked into the locker room where half the other cheermates had left. I decided to take a shower here really quick to get the sweat off and maybe release some of the tension my head had from being hit by the ball.


After showering and getting dressed I stepped outside of the locker room and was surprised to see Chantel and Jay outside. Chantel was looking up at him and twirling her hair around her fingers. I shook my head and proceeded to walk away unseen.

When I got home I couldn't help but think about Chantel and Jay. No wonder she was so invested in my encounters with him. And Jay looked pretty interested in her which I'm not surprised. Chantel was gorgeous with a toned body of an athlete. Long legs, caramel skin and long straight hair.
I stared at myself in my wall mirror and analyzed my looks. I had never been one to pay such close attention to how I looked. I did my makeup here and there and tried to dress as cute as possible but it was never anything of a big deal to me. I was average looking, standing at just 5'3 with a slim top built my waist curved and for someone of my weight I had a decent figure from doing cheer the last 2 years. My skin was caramel, I had natural full lips and my dad's brown eyes. I got my mom's thick, long curly hair and also where I got most of the attitude I admittedly always seemed to have. Compared to Chantel I was basic. Her personality was more spunky anyways whereas I was more reserved.

I tied my hair into a bun and plopped onto my bed. I closed my eyes to rid of the long day and many more ahead.

Friday came around and it was game day. School was energetic and everyone was excited for the first game of the season. We'd be playing one our top rival schools. After second period I headed to my locker to grab my textbook for my next class after brunch. I was surprised to see Jay leaning against the lockers next to mine. I had kept my distant from both him and Chantel. I had actually been eating lunch outside, getting homework done early and not distracting myself. When practice came alone I didn't really talk to her either and I knew she could tell I was ignoring her. I didn't like the vibes she gave off and didn't want to be a part of it.

"Hey," I said while I turned my combination. "How do you always happen to know things about me. My phone number, my social media, where my locker is?" I trailed off.

Jay just shrugged, "My homie Caesar's locker is right next to yours."

"Okay." I decided not to engage in further conversation and proceeded to pull out my textbook.

"Let me help you with that," Jay said, reaching towards my arms to grab my thick statistics textbook.

"Thanks," I said, closing my locker. I reached for my books but Jay moved them out of reach.

"I got it," he said. "I'll walk you to class."

"I have brunch right now but because of all this chit chat I guess I won't make it in time to get anything to snack on."

"I could get you something from the vending machine. What do you like?"

We began walking down the hallway.

"I have a sweet tooth so anything in that spectrum," I said.

"Yeah I know you got a sweet tooth. I've noticed that," Jay said. He stopped in front of a vending machine and pulled some cash out of his pocket.

"What else do you notice about me?"

He inserted the cash and punched a number for a bag of Cheez-it's and a pack of famous Amos cookies. He grabbed them and handed me both.

"You like Cheeze-Its, you stay bringing them to lunch," he said as we continued down the hallway. "Cookies too. You always wear this perfume everyday that smells like candy and you spray it on every time you enter a room. You dress extra comfy in sweats and shit even though it be hot as fuck outside. Your hair always smells good too like fruit."

We stopped in front of my class and by now my face was heating.

"Your cheeks get pink when you nervous," he continued.

I looked up at him and looked back down again. He held my book out to me.

"I'll see you around?" It was more of a question, a question he knew the answer to.

"Yep," I said softly.

He turned around and walked away. As I waited outside of the locked door I couldn't help but wonder how he knew what room number my class was at.


It was the last quarter. The opponents were ahead by one point. The whole game I focused on Jay. He was a good player he was team captain so I didn't expect any less. He had scored the majority of the touchdowns for our team. There were only two more minutes left of the quarter and the stands were full of cheering fans.

"Red, white and blue, score a touchdown woo!" I cheered along with my team. I waved my pom poms and watched as Gary Hills intercepted the ball. He passed it to Chris who caught it and ran to the touchdown line. An opponent attempted to tackle him but he rolled into the touchdown just in time as the buzzer went off.

The stands went wild and I saw everyone pat Chris on the back. I was proud of my brother he was a good athlete and smart too. He wasn't sure if he wanted to go to college or not, but if he did with his skills he could get into any school.

"Party at my house, text for the address!" I heard someone shouting from the stands repeatedly.

"That's Daniela Fernandez, senior president," Yasmine said to me. "She's notorious for hosting the after parties after the games. You going?"

I wasn't made aware of any party. Besides even though the weather had cooled down i had still worked up a sweat. All I wanted to do was shower up and enjoy the weekend after a long first week back to school.

Yasmine could sense my hesitation and she gave me a pleading look.

"Come on, girl," she pleaded. "It will be fun we all go."

"It won't be the same without our new bestie," Kendra chimed in coming up from behind Yasmine. She put her arms around our shoulders and hugged us closer. "We can get ready at my place, shower, get a little drunk beforehand."

I had never been much of a drinker. I could remember one time coming home from a party cross faded and getting yelled at by my mom. I vowed to never do that again but the idea seemed tempting. I hadn't let myself loose in a while and it wouldn't hurt.

"Ooh I see that want in your eyes you're going," Kendra squealed.

"Fine," I said trying to sound reluctant when in reality I had excitement too.

"You bitches gonna get ready without me or what?" Chantel said from behind us.

We turned around and Yasmine gave her a hug.

"You know we wouldn't leave the funnest person out of this," she said.

"Good because I'm the only one who has a sister old enough and willing to buy us alcohol for our pre-turn up."

"So we're getting ready at your place?" I asked.

Chantel nodded. "Yup but I might not have clothes that fit you so you might wanna grab your own stuff."

I put on a fake smile and shoved her slightly but in a way to show her I was being serious.

"Enough chit chat let's get moving," Kendra said, sensing the tension. "I'll see if I can borrow some gas money from my dad so you can ride with me, Amore."

"Okay thank you," I said with a smile.

"Aww how sweet," Chantel cooed.

I narrowed my eyes at her and she smirked. A battle was forming between us for whatever reason but I knew I was going to win it.

Before the party we all showered and took some shots to get ourselves even more excited. By ten we were ready. I made sure to spray extra of my backup perfume I had in my cheer bag. The one Jay liked. Hopefully my smell wasn't all he would like either. We had stopped by Kendra's house first and she let me borrow an outfit. I went with a simple orange spaghetti strapped mini dress and had a pair of sandals in my bag I just threw on. It wasn't the most fashionable outfit but I hoped I still got attention from Jay. I didn't know what I wanted though. One moment I didn't want his attention or care for it then the next I found myself drawn to him. It had been like this all week. Maybe because I had Chantel as competition. Or maybe I really just liked him despite the fact that we barely messaged each other we talked occasionally in person and it was enough to draw my attention.
We arrived at the party and the house was huge and full of people. While Kendra, Chantel and Yasmine mingled with people I didn't know I decided to introduce myself to various people. I'm not a social person but taking a couple of shots usually made me more outgoing. I was getting especially acquainted with Gary. I was sitting with him on the couch. He had a can of beer in one hand and his other resting on my thigh.

"You know what they used to call me in middle school?" He slurred.

"What?" I asked.


I busted out laughing.

"Hey it's not funny. It hurt my feelings, dude. I'm defiantly not gay." His eyes shifted to my chest area.

"Are you sure about that?" I teased.

"Want me to prove it?" He asked with a grin. He had a slight gap in his front teeth that made him look boyish, his freckles and red hair only added to the cuteness. Before I could reply we were interrupted by Jay.

"What're you two talking about?" He said. He plopped between Gary and I on the couch forcing me to scoot over so I wouldn't be squeezed to death.

"Just getting to know one another, bro," Gary said still grinning.

"Yeah so if you don't mind," I said to Jay, standing up, "we're gonna continue our conversation." I held my hand out to Gary and he took it and stood up himself. He wrapped his arms around my waist and we walked to the middle of the living room where everyone was dancing. I danced up on him and we continue to chat over the loud music. From the corner of my eye I could see Jay still sitting on the couch eyeing us and he looked angry.

"You know Jay likes you right and I know you like him," Gary said. His voice sounded more sober.

I looked at him.

"I never said I liked him," I said.

"Come on, Amore. You're just doing this to get his attention not because you actually like a goofy looking guy like me," Gary said.

My face softened. He wasn't even goofy looking through our flirtation I realized he was quite funny and charming.

"Look, mister, I don't need to do anything to get anyone's attention," I said. "I'm dancing with you because you're nice so be quiet."

Gary smiled some more and nodded. He put his hands lower and I smacked it.

"Don't be that nice," I joked.

We danced for a few more songs until I became out of breath and headed to the kitchen for something to drink. I dug into the cooler and grabbed a can of Coke.

"Having fun?" Jay asked from behind me.

I turned around and opened the can, taking a sip. I nodded as I swallowed.

"Are you?" I asked.

"I don't get you, Amore," he said without acknowledging my question. "Do you like me or not I don't like to be played."

I gave him a look and set my soda down to cross my arms.

"How am I playing you?" I asked. "If anything I heard all about you. A ladies man. I'm not going to be some girl you'll date then dump the moment you find someone new."

"Ladies man? I ain't no ladies man."

"That's not what I heard."

"So you the type to listen to rumors and believe them? I thought you were different. Smarter." Jay shook his head and waved his hand in a whatever motion. He walked away.

I let out a deep sigh and headed back into the living room. Jay was already dancing with two other girls one of which was Chantel. Not a ladies man, yeah right. I found Gary on the couch sleeping with another can of beer in his hand. At this point I was ready to leave. I needed to get over my fear of driving already so I could get a license and be able to leave places when I wanted to.

I began my search for Kendra. I walked upstairs and found her in the guest bathroom throwing up her dinner.

"Are you drunk?" I asked already knowing the answer.

She stared blankly at me as if she was trying to figure out who I was. She opened her mouth to speak but instead threw up into the sink.

I grabbed a rag from the towel rack above the toilet and ran it until cold water. I wiped out Kendra's eyes and around her mouth.

"How'd you get so drunk in just an hour?" I said shaking my head.

"Ugh, Amore don't tell me you're gonna be the 'mom' of the group," Kendra said. She did a small smile.

"Oh shut up," I said laughing. "Are you gonna be okay. I need to head home my curfew is at twelve Fridays and the weekend. It's already like-" I checked my phone,"eleven thirty."

"Just find a ride from someone everyone here is chill. Plus you're popular now no one will mind," Kendra said sleepily.

"Yeah everyone is also drunk," I added. I helped Kendra up and wrapped an arm around her waist as she wobbled out of the bathroom. I could always just ask Chris to come pick me up. Chris liked to party but had decided to stay in for the night possibly due to Chantel not wanting to show up with him. We walked downstairs which seemed to have gotten more packed since I left. I helped Kendra into the couch next to Yasmine who was having a makeout session with some guy from my statistics class. I pulled out my phone and was about to text Chris when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and of course it was Jay.

"I'm about to head out, you want a ride?" He asked.

I nodded my head. I trailed behind him as he said his goodbyes to those sober enough to care he was leaving.

"You have a lot of friends," I said as we stepped outside.

"Yeah I guess you can call them that," he said. He walked over to a black Dodge parked on the grass.

"Nice car," I said.

"Thanks it was a birthday gift from myself." He held the door open for me and I got in.

"Where do you work where you can afford birthday gifts like this and gift it to yourself?"

"I took a year off from playing sports my sophomore year just to work and save up," John answered. He started the car up and put on his seatbelt. "My dad saw how serious and responsible i was and told me to play sports again he'd take care of the remaining payments."

"That was nice of him," I said with a smile.

Jay looked at me but didn't say anything. He drove off and for a moment we drive in silence.

"How do you know where I live?" I questioned.

"I don't know. I'm just driving back into the city for now," John said. "You can give me directions from there."

"I'm not really good with directions but I'll try."

"Do you have a license?"


"How come?"

"I'm scared to drive."

Jay laughed and nodded.

"I feel it," he said.

"I've been thinking about learning though and getting a job you know," I said. "Make some money, save up and buy a car."

"Where would you work?"

"Wherever as long as it's money."

"My sister could maybe get you a job where she's at. I could ask her for you." Jay stopped at a red light and looked over at me.

"Sure that would be nice, thank you," I said.

"No problem. You might actually know my sister she has chemistry first period too with your teacher."

"Really? How does she look."

"Like a loser."

"That's not very nice."

"That's the impression she gives off if I'm being honest. She wears geek shit like anime t-shirts. Always wearing her Beats probably listening to some lame podcast or classical music. She's in band. She plays the violin."

I looked at him in realization. So Band Girl was his sister. Mr. Kim took roll by the computer and he had school pictures to tell who was who so he never verbally took attendance which was why I never got Band Girl's name.

"She's actually my chemistry partner," I said

"Really?" Jay asked. "Is she a bitch?"

I hesitated before answering.

"Not necessarily," I replied slowly. "She doesn't talk to me. We did an experiment today and instead of working together she did the entire thing by herself and let me copy her summary sheet."

John laughed.

"She's smart," he said.

"What's her name?" I asked him.


"Is she younger or older?"

"Younger. She's a junior and I'm a senior."

"You guys get along?"

"Enough about me. You only got one brother, right?"

"Yep, thankfully," I said.

John chuckled. We neared a familiar street and I gave directions to my house accordingly. Eventually we got to it. My dad's car wasn't in the driveway thankfully.

"Well thank you for giving me a ride," I said.

"Don't worry about it," he said. "Can I text you?"

I looked at him. His face was soft and inviting, his eyes gleamed off the reflection of the streetlights. I gave him a smile and nodded.

"Sure why not," I said.

"And, um," he cleared his throat," I just wanted to say you looked great tonight. That dress is great." He stared at my face as he gave the compliment but I could tell he wanted to look elsewhere.

"Thank you," i said. I got out of the car and gave a final wave before heading to the door.

He didn't drive away until i walked inside.

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