Ariana Grande/You Imagines

By Razznika

81K 2.8K 940

Imagines based on Ariana Grande x reader This will be a girlxgirl imagine. I will be taking requests on some... More

If you're going to act like a child...
Scary Movies
"Thank You"
"Thank You" - Part 2
Drive Home
One Love Manchester - !Warning!
A Day At the Park
Honorable Discharge
Honorable Discharge Pt. 2 - "A Day at Disneyland"
San Francisco
Night Drive
Summer Heat
"I got a boyfriend named Susan"
Staying or going
'You're the locksmith'


4.5K 154 24
By Razznika

Another request by yaplaygirl  - show her some love for the idea<3.

The pressure and emotional stress of filming 'Thank u, next' had been absolutely overwhelming for Ariana as  well as her close circle of friends. She had debated for months whether to put this song on album and do a music video for it, but decided that this would be the perfect song to close the chapter of some very difficult years and start again.

All of this was, however, worth it when the video was out for release and the public met it with high praise and rating.

To celebrate this roaring success, Ariana decided to do something different and go to a restaurant with her close friends and family.

Her close  group of friends had been the reason why this album existed in the first place.
Tommy had put together the music and produced the album; Victoria, Tayla and Njomza had helped her write the songs and provide emotional support through it all.

And how could she forget Doug, Courtney, Scott and Brian? Her best friends since the beginning of this whole journey.

Nonna, Joan, Frankie and even her dad were also reunited for the first time in awhile.

The past few months, she had locked herself up with her friends in the studio to work diligently on the album so this much needed catch up was absolutely necessary.

"Guys, I cannot tell you how much it means for me that you are all here with me tonight. There are no words to express the amount of fucking gratitude I have for each and every single one of ya'll. All this would not have been possible if you guys were not in my life. So cheers to you guys and let's celebrate this video release!"

All of them cheered, which caused a few looks from the other tables nearby, but frankly, Ariana couldn't give a damn about it.

The fancy New York restaurant "Papillon" was not busy tonight as it was a weekday, with only a few couples out. However there was a table of what seemed to be businessmen further into the restaurant.

Ariana noticed that they were drinking quite excessively as the poor waitress ran back and forth every 20 mins or so with new beers for them.
She seemed absolutely overwhelmed with their table.
Ariana felt sorry for her.

Victoria noticed Ariana's worried gaze projected towards the waitress and tapped her on the shoulder lightly. Ariana snapped out of her thought of the waitress and, as she looked towards Victoria, threw her a reassuring smile that she was alright.

The night continued quite smoothly with a lot of laughs and indulging in the finer things in life, no expenses spared by Ariana.

The restaurant had cleared a little but the table of 5 businessmen were still here and they were causing more noise than Ariana's table of 13 people, partly due to the alcohol.

The noise of plates falling down resulted in the entire restaurant going quiet as the noise kept resonating.

Ariana and her party turned around to see what the noise was and among other things, they saw the girl on her knees with piles of broken desert plates in front of her. She looked absolutely mortified and on the verge of crying.

"Dumb waitress can't even look at where she's going." One of the business man said and the rest of the group erupted in  laughter.

Ariana felt her blood boil and in no time, despite the plea of sitting back down from a few people are her own table, she found herself at their table.

The businessmen looked up and down at her, quite disgustingly.

"Wow Frank, didn't know the prostitute you ordered me would come this fast." The same guy who insulted the waitress said to the other guy in his horrible navy suit.

The man who had just spoken felt a very hard slap across the face and it took him several moments to comprehend what was going on.

"Apologize to her immediately you swine." She demanded, in a very confident and agressive posture. She was ready to fight no matter what, despite her height and weight disadvantage compared to the businessman, who was now with the mark of a hand on his cheek.

"You stupid bitch!" He shouted as he violently got up.

The restaurant staff had approached the table as fast as they could in the split second of all of this happening, each holding one back. The other had run to get the restaurant manager.

The girl on the floor had scrambled up to her feet and had gotten away as fast as she could, entirely grateful but at the same time embarrassed that Ariana Grande had come to her aid and was now the one stuck with this group of assholes.

The waiter, who had gone to get the restaurant manager, ran to her office and knocked softly on the door. She would hate being interrupted while doing the financial report for the end of the financial year but this was an urgent case that needed to be dealt with by her directly.

"Ma'am, we have a bit of a situation on the floor." The waiter said, ridiculously nervously, as he poked his head through the door after hearing a very dissatisfied grunt from the other side of the door.

"This better be seriously important Jonathan. Brief me quickly." Y/N said as she grabbed her suit jacket from behind the door and stepping out, locking the administrative office door.

"A group of men tripped Ashley over and started saying very disrespectful things to her. We also have Ariana Grande in tonight with a party of 12 others and she intervened, standing up for Ashley. He called her names and she slapped him. It escalated from there."

Y/N was listening to every word Johnathan was saying and analyzing on what approach would be the best.
However, she was getting tired of all these business men behaving like absolutely trash so she would not mind giving them a piece of her mind.

"You think that because you can fucking scream in a microphone you can treat me like shit? Do you know who the fuck I am? I make much more than what you make with your whinny teenage pop music." Y/N heard the guy, she was assuming to be the business man who's ass was getting asked to be kicked.

"I don't care who the fuck you are, you've treated this girl like shit all night and you use money and status as a reason? You're a disgusting excuse for a human being." She heard a girl say back.
She knew of Ariana Grande.  She was generally used to seeing and meeting celebrities in the restaurant. "Papillon" was famous in L.A for celebrities organizing celebratory dinners and so on.

Y/N didn't particularly like socializing, she didn't particularly like people either so she never mixed with the A-listers, or any other letter in the whole damn alphabet of celebrity ranking.

Hearing the sound of the door close behind Y/N and Johnathan, the two arguers turned their attention to her.

Ariana couldn't help but notice how all the staff around her seemed nervous as if they did something wrong. The woman in her suit was projecting disdain and annoyance.
It wasn't an instant feeling of appreciation for Ariana.

"What the hell is going on?" Her annoyed tone boomed in the whole room and everyone shaped up and stopped what they were doing.

"Finally, the fucking manager appears." The business guy walked towards Y/N. "This little disrespectful brat is spoiling our dinner. I'll have you know that I'm the Vice President of Morgan Stanley." He said giving his business card.

Y/N took the business card, looked at it briefly and shred it into pieces in front of him.
This got the attention of Ariana who couldn't help but smile at the sight of her doing that.

"Do not take one step closer to me." She warned the guy who, had this point had his mouth hanging open from the total lack of care Y/N had paid to his business card.

"First things first, I do not care who you are or what you do for a living. You could be the Queen of England for all I care and I would still address you in this manner. Second, I demand an apology to both Ms Grande and Ashley, who you have been showing not even an ounce of respect and politeness while she's been nothing but courteous to you bunch of uncivilized rats."
She was not raising her voice, she was not screaming or being threatening. She simply spoke clearly and slowly, making sure every word hit him straight in the face.

"I want to speak to the owner. I know him and I'll have you fired you dumb bitch." He said growing red in the face from infuriation.
The other businessmen were not laughing now, they seemed terrified by the presence of Y/N.

Ariana and her party, from afar, were watching very closely at the scene that was unfolding.

Victoria was sitting a bit further but she adjusted her seat to see if she was seeing everything correctly. She got up and made her way closer to the scene.

Back at the scene of the conflict, Y/N started laughing.
This was a bit rare for her, but she couldn't help but be amused at the answer he was about to get. The man raised his eyebrow in confusion as to why she was laughing at his serious threat.

"I don't seem to know you, no. You're no acquaintance of mine." She simply said it it looked like the guy got hit in the face by a colliding train.

The man was struggling to find more threats to give himself the upper hand but seemed absolutely desperate.

"I'm going to make sure no one ever steps a foot in this restaurant ever again, mark my words." He said pointing his index finger at her.

Ariana was absolutely shocked that someone would ever go out of their way to behave like this towards anyone.

She saw Y/N roll her eyes, take his hand and lower it so that his index was finger was now pointing down.

"That's absolutely fine. You have your own experience and if it doesn't suit you and you feel the need to destroy my establishment with your reviews because you got told off for acting like jerks, then I guess it's early retirement for me in my summer home in Jamaica. So either way is fine by me."

There was not a sound to be heard anywhere around the whole place.

"Now, if you have no more treats to throw my way, I would be ever so grateful if you could kindly fuck off and away from my restaurant, Mr Vice President, after you've kindly apologized to Ms Grande and her party as well as Ashley, of course." She said smiling as she turned around to Ashley and signal her to come forward.

She did so, with no hesitation and stood right next to Y/N, who placed a hand on Ashley's shoulder in support.

Y/N was cold and spoke her mind, not always being the most polite, but at least she seemed like she stood up for her staff and that was enough to gain Ariana's respect.

"Sorry." The man grumbled, speaking not so clearly.

"I'm sorry what was that? I didn't seem to hear you underneath that unwillingness. Try again." Y/N said, quite menacingly this time.

"I'm sorry." He repeated louder and annoyed.

"I guess that's the best I'm getting out of you. Now, the same for Ms Grande and her party for disrupting something that was supposed to be very special." Y/N said turning her attention to Ariana's party and her.

As the man said sorry to them, Y/N quickly saw from the corner of her eyes a very familiar face. She shrugged it off wanting to deal with the VP and his friends and get them out of here as soon as possible.

"Now, the bill is on the table and I expect full payment of it in the next 5 minutes with a generous tip for Ashley for having been so professional with her 5 star service to you. Good evening gentlemen and I really hope to have the pleasure to not see you ever again here."

With these words, Ariana saw Y/N turn away from all the men, who sat back down silently and proceeded to pay the bill, and make her way back to their table with Ariana.

"I really do apologize for this incident that occurred, but I really think you should have stayed out of it. There was no need to interfere." She said coldly, not looking at Ariana.

The nerve of this woman telling Ariana what to do...she lost all the respect she had gained for her.

She stopped in her tracks and faced the owner.

"Well if you would have been on the floor helping your team out instead of sitting your ass in your office, then maybe I wouldn't have had to stand up for your staff." She spat out very annoyed at her sense of arrogance.

Y/N looked at her, emotionless. After a few seconds, she smiled. Not a cocky smile or anything as such, more of a genuine pleased smile. Ariana didn't understand why.

She continued walking, leaving a very confused Ariana. She didn't know what this woman was making her feel but it was a mix of so many different things.

When both of the girls reached the table, Victoria was able to see the owner more clearly. Her traits, her hairstyle, her smile. She knew for sure now that she knew this girl.

"I'll be fucking damned. Y/N." She said as she got up from her seat.
Y/N paused in her tracks and looked over to the figure who just stood up.

"Victoria?" She asked, smiling once again, very wide, as Victoria nodded.

It was the first time the staff saw her smile this much and they were all liking this new look on their bosses face.

"It's been a lifetime!" Ariana watched her best friend and the arrogant jerk hug. She had always said a friend of Victoria is a friend of hers, but she was going to have to reconsider that.

"You look amazing! I've got so much to ask you and catch up on with what you've been doing with your life!" Y/N said to Victoria.

Ariana suddenly saw another side to Y/N, one that she liked and wish she could project more.

"I know, let me give you my number real quick so we can find a date to catch up okay?" Victoria asked her really excitedly.

Ariana was still stood next to them, listening to their conversation, as the rest of the party were caught up in their own conversations.
She was not used to not being talked to as she was most of the time, the center of attention.

She didn't mind this time. She actually quite liked that Y/N didn't seem bothered or interested by who she was, she didn't care and Ariana missed that, as strange as it may sound.

"I don't have my phone with me here, but come to my office, I'll also give you my number." She smiled and invited Victoria.

They both disappeared behind the administration office doors as they both were so delighted of their reunion.

Ariana sat back down knowing that this would take time. She saw the businessmen leave without a word and without looking at anyone, escorted out by Ashley, who they thanked profusely .
Ariana smiled to herself at her little success to give them what they deserved. She saw Ashley come to the table, very timidly.

"Ms Grande, I wanted to thank you for standing up for me." She said fidgeting with her fingers, not able to look at her in the eyes.

"Well, someone had to do it. Wasn't going to be your boss." Ariana joked.

"Ms Y/L/N is a great boss. She may seem harsh and cold but she got me off the streets and clean and got me this opportunity. She took care of all of us here." She motioned at all the staff around.

Ariana got gripped by a sudden shame of having judged Y/N so quickly.

Ashley thanked Ariana one more time and went back to work before she had time to say anything.

Victoria came back out alone of the staff doors and looked absolutely whole, like she found a piece of her that was missing.

"So what was all that about?" Ariana asked as she took a sip of her Chardonnay.

"Let's just say I found a missing part of my past." She said very mysteriously.

"Enlighten me." Ariana encouraged her friend to continue talking. She was curious and wanted to know more about this girl.

"Why are you so curious, Ari? Interested in her?" Victoria joked, but with a hint of seriousness.

She knew of her famous friend's sexuality and had always encouraged her to go back on the dating scene after this year long break.
Sure Y/N was a bit rough around the edges, but she was serious, dedicated and loyal to no end. Plus, she knew wines perfectly now judging from her sommelier diplomas in her office. Perfect for Ariana.

"No. You know what, forget I asked." Ariana pouted, not wanting to reveal that Victoria was maybe partially right.

"Her and I both were put for adoption at a very early age." She started. Ariana knew that Victoria was adopted but it came as a surprise every time. "We were in the same foster home together along with 5 other kids. It was rough, Ari." She said, now herself taking a sip of her own wine.

Ariana remained silent to let her finish, not wanting to interrupt the mood and flow of her narration.

"The family we were in were very neglectful. The man used to drink day and night and the woman was a manic-depressive who pretty much lived in the basement, claiming to get severe migraines anytime she had to do anything with us. How they got permission to be foster parents? I have no idea."

Ariana's eyes darted around the room trying to see if she could spot the girl her best friend was talking so highly of but in vain.

"She was only 13 and I was 9. There were younger ones in the house but she was the oldest. She would send us to school on time, make sure we were studying, cooking for us and doing laundry, all while juggling school herself. She was always a hard worker, looking out for us. She would also get it the worst when the guy was drinking."

Ariana's eyes widened, imagining the worst. Victoria noticed and was quick to specify.

"Nothing sexual. It was mostly physical abuse where she would take hits for us and when she spoke up to rebel against them, she got the belt and the locking up in the closet for hours even a full day." Victoria said, with difficulty. You could tell that this was affecting her deeply.
"Eventually, after a few years, most of the kids got adopted, including me. But Y/N was never considered so she had to move foster homes. I lost contact with her then."

Luckily, both of the girls were having a private conversation as the others were busy in their own conversation.

Y/N was in the wine cellar trying to decide which bottle would make up for the incident Ariana had encountered with the shitty business guy.

She admit having been a bit tough on the pop-star but the reaction she got back from her, was not what she expected, which was refreshing.
She was generally very good at reading people and anticipating the outcome of an interaction.

With her, she didn't know what to expect and she loved it.
It also helped that she was Victoria's friend, now she had a valid reason to go back and maybe talk to her.

She smiled as she found two bottles of vintage Veuve Clicquot in the bottom shelf of the cooler room. This would be perfect as an apology token.

Ariana's eyes quickly settled on the figure emerging from a corner of the restaurant.

"Could you be any more obvious with the staring?" Courtney asked as she nudged Ariana's shoulder.
This caught her to break eye contact and glare furiously at her other best friend.

"I was just trying to see what she was holding." Ariana quickly made up.

"Oh please, as if you'd see anything from here. You can't even tell what I have on my dinner plate at the end of the table." Courtney laughed, which caused Victoria to snicker and Ariana to roll her eyes.

"Yeah. Whatever Chipolone."

Y/N felt nervous approaching the table and she was not entirely sure why. She breathed in and stepped forward to the table with the two bottles she had picked.

"You're lucky I got these out just for you, especially seeing as how tonight could have gone." She commented.

"You better stop being a bitch and get that stick out yo ass because this shit's getting disrespectful." Ariana argued, raising her voice slightly.
Y/N noticed that some of the other people at the table were starting.

Usually she would have a response ready to go, ready to humiliate.
This time, she felt guilty. She felt these feelings she had repressed for so long.

"I'm truly sorry. I meant no harm." Y/N mumbled. "I actually got these bottles as a thank you for standing up for my staff and an apology for your ruined evening. Victoria, I'm sure we will find a date to catch up." She turned to Ariana again after briefly looking at Victoria, "Ms Grande, I wish you a very lovely evening and thank you for choosing here to celebrate. Congratulations."

She was quick to turn around and walk away.
This time it was Ariana to be caught unaware, not expecting this girl to ever say sorry or even less show hints of emotions.

"What the fuck was that?" Victoria said a bit annoyed at Ariana for being so aggressive. Maybe it was because she hadn't seen Y/N in so long and she knew her so well and that she had dealt with so much shit.

"She just gets on my nerves. She talks like she's my mom and makes me feel like shit for sticking up for that waitress." Ariana defended herself as she looked at the bottles.

She must admit that Y/N knew her champagnes and had good taste.

"She's not wrong Ari, you were ready to get your ass kicked by those guys. It could have been dangerous." Victoria sided with her long lost friend.

"Still is not okay to call me out in front of everyone." She popped the champagne opened and helped herself to a glass and then served her friend.

"Maybe not but whatever. I just remember that same tone of voice with me when I was doing things that could have gotten me into trouble. I remembered it meaning she actually cared about me." Victoria shrugged and started on her champagne and left Ariana with her own thoughts.

She had not once considered this as an option as to why she was being strict with her. Her feelings were a mix in between scepticisme and care.

Victoria saw Ariana get up from her seat and make her way to the waitress of earlier. She smiled in success, hoping Ariana would make things right with Y/N and they could hit it off from there.

"Hey Ashley, do you mind if I can go and talk to Y/N?" She asked very politely.

Ashley was still very nervous at the sight of Ariana Grande in front of her and talking to her. Her little sister would be furious at the opportunity she had right now.
Ashley suddenly realized that she was more nervous at the thought of disrupting her boss.
But she owed Ariana a favor, so she sucked it up.

She led her through the administration office door and into a wide corridor.
They arrived at her door and Ashley gave an encouraging smile to her before running away, not wanting to he scolded today.

Ariana softly knocked and heard grumbling behind the door. She couldn't help but laugh at the reaction.
She opened the door slowly and heard Y/N before seeing her.

"I swear Johnathan, if you tell me one more time that there's an incident on the floor, I'm going to burn down this whole place." She said not looking up from her desk.

Ariana walked towards the desk and as Y/N heard no voice coming from the person she was expecting, she was forced to look up.
She noticed that Y/N had glasses on while doing the paper work and her sleeves were rolled up exposing her tattooed forearms, which she always had a sweet spot for.

"You're a mean one Mr Grinch." Ariana began singing from the Grinch movie with her everlasting crush, Jim Carrey, in it.

While Y/N's initial reaction was to be taken aback by Ariana's presence in front of her, she couldn't help but laugh at Ariana's choice of song to describe her.

"That is the movie based on my life." She started as she pulled her glasses off her face and rubbed her eyes.

"Please tell me you did not used to be a 6 foot tall, green, Christmas present snatching fiend. Because I already didn't like you but this is going to make me hate you." Ariana joked, using her smile to indicate that she was in fact joking.

Y/N quickly understood and decided to play on with the banter.

"Ah, close enough I guess. Especially when people like you come along." It was her turn to smile now and Ariana couldn't help but find the banter amusing and refreshing.

"Well Mrs Cindy Lou Who, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" She said focusing seriously on the petite girl in front of her.

"Well, I feel like we may have gotten off on the wrong foot and wanted a redo." Ariana simply said, causing a longer stare from the girl in front of her.

"Why would you possibly want a redo introduction with me?" Y/N sounded very insecure right now and Ariana wondered if she had let her guard down due to the unexpected meeting they were having or because of her.

"Victoria's friends are my friends - unfortunately for me right now." Ariana joked once again. It seemed that this banter was the way to get Y/N to truly shine out.

"I thought we were trying to get along here." Y/N said, not entirely catching up as fast as Ariana had hoped.

"And I thought you were good at banter." Ariana quickly interjected.

"I am, you're the terrible one at it, just as terrible at your ability to fight businessmen."

Ariana laughed at that last remark. And then she heard the most wholesome thing she had heard in a while; a genuine and happy laugh from Y/N.

"The Grinch knows how to laugh." Ariana said, happy that she managed to find a smoother side to Y/N

"Only when I don't bite."

And maybe a kinky one too.

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