My dearest Margarita (Hamilto...

By AndFRIGGINpeggy

3.9K 44 38

Margarita or Peggy Schuyler is the daughter of a famous politician, Her older sister Angelica is a world fam... More

Twitters sure is blowing up!
Authorz Updatez
7 months later
Baby Shower
A new chapter of life
The L word
I'm sorry :(
Martha Pt.2
John alone

oh Baby

209 2 1
By AndFRIGGINpeggy

Ok when I first did this I was at 95, I'm now at like 57, thank you!!

~A month and a half after the baby shower~
Peggy awoke suddenly to Maria screaming,  the time was 3:00am and Peggy had a idea on what was going on.  She rushed into Marias room "Maria are you ok?" She said Maria looked up and yelled "IVE BEEN SCREAMING FOR YOU FOR THE PAST 5 HOURS,  THE BABY IS HALF WAY OUTTA ME" she said still huffing in pain "I'm sorry I had my tv really loud and I was really tired" She said grabbing a towel "Do we need to go to  a hospital?" She said "Bit late for that,  don't cha THINK" Maria said obviously in pain "Ok,  um,  think Peggy think" Peggy said "The pool" She said "The stairs,  water born babies happen all the time" She said "YOU THINK YOU CAN LIFT ME UP,  GET ME THERE AND NOT HURT THE BABY?" Maria screamed "No,  but me and John can" She said calling her friend "John come quick,  the kids like hanging out of Maria and I need help getting her to the pool" She said over Maria's screams,  very convinatly for her John wasn't sleeping well so he had been driving around.  10 minutes later John showed up,  rushing upstairs to help Peggy.  Somehow they got Maria to the pool.  Peggy googled how to deliver a baby, and with some turbulence the baby came out fine.  Maria held her baby girl "Susan, Susan Maggie Lewis" She said "I love the name Susan,  and Maggie is after you Pegs" She said looking at her best friend,  thinking of how much this woman had helped her through everything. Suddenly Peggys phone rang,  it was Alexander "Alex what's wrong?" Peggy said "Eliza's in labor,  I'll call you when we get to the hospital I just needed someone to know" He said panicked "Ok so we have time to clean up Maria's kid before we head to the hospital?" She said "Maria gave birth?" Alex said surprised "In the pool" Peggy said with no emotion,  Peggy hears muffled screams and Alex hung up "ok,  John go get some siscors" She said "Way ahead of you darlin" He said pulling out his multi tool and handing it to Maria,  Maria chopped the umbilical cord and Peggy throw it into the neighbors trashcan.  Maria stood up "Im going to bed" She said "After I obviously clean and swaddle her" She said holding her baby and walking into the house "That woman is crazy" John said "Oh and also Pegs, I have a question,  I was gonna ask you tomorrow but since we just delivered a baby together I think this is a appropriate time,  Um do you wanna like go out with me?" He said Peggy smiled "like on a date or call you must boyfriend" She said "second one" John smiled back "of course!" Peggy said leaning into John and kissing him.  Suddenly her phone rang,  it was from Alexander "WE'RE HEADING TO THE HOSPITAL NOW" he said before hanging up,  Peggy looked at John "I gotta go,  my sisters going to be at the hospital soon" She said hugging him and scrambling for her keys "Watch over Maria for me" She said "Bye John!"  She said again running out of her house and to her truck. All but 50 minutes later she was at the hospital,  she called Alex "what room are you in" She said "225" He said obviously in a hurry Peggy asked to go to room 225 since her sister was about to give birth and was let it once she was able to prove that "the Eliza Schuyler Hamilton" was her sister by calling her father. 
-hospital room-
Maria was loud as heck when she was pushing that baby outta her,  but boy was Eliza much louder demanding a epidural.  7 boring hours later (at least for Peggy who just had to sit outside the room and play games)  the first baby Hamilton was born, he'd be named Phillip and according to Alexander "He'll run Manhattan" Peggy was so happy,  she had a nephew.  She was over the moon.  Phillip and Susan we're gonna be spoiled so much by her.  So, so much and she was sure that John would be great with the babies,  considering he was a father and all.  A couple hours after the Phillip was born Peggy left the hospital and went home,  she had been wondering why John's baby momma actually stopped him from seeing his kid,  after her whole hope of John being good with the babies thing.  She got home,  Maria was asleep, but John was watching TV on the couch.  "Hey love" Peggy said as she walked to the living room and hugged John "Hey Pegs,  I made dinner and left you a plate,  fried chicken,  the way my mother use to make it. " He said.  Peggy walked towards the kitchen and grabbed the fried chicken,  it smelled delicious.  She walked back over to the couch and sat next to John.  John leaned in and gave her a kiss.  Peggy took a bite of chicken.  Chewed,  swallowed and opened her mouth.  "Hey John,  I have a question."

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