So HigH!! :; SKI MASK THE SLU...

By XXXstokeleyyyy

24.2K 762 375

Just keep reading it will make sense🤦🏾‍♀️✌🏽 More

6.18.18 were sadly almost there😥😔
15. 😔💔


538 25 18
By XXXstokeleyyyy

Yessirr🤪 I'm back‼️‼️
Ig: 1luhh.shortyy
A few months later...
Jayla POV: Ever since that day things between me and Stokeley have been good. Jahseh and Jenesis haven't rlly talked about what happened but they seem good. Jah has been happier.

Since they closed all the schools down because of Corona virus we all decided to meet at Jenesis's house. Stokeley came to pick me and Jah up from our house.

"Pass the aux cord" Jah says breaking the silence. He turns on 'Yung Bratz' by him. All of us Scream the song word from word. Then, 'Trust' by Brent Faiyaz comes on. "New fame everybody knows my name when I come thru.. but don't nobody scream it like you I was havin visions wit you. Doing things switching lanes in the..." We sing as we pull up to Jenesis house.

"Aye vro, you Jen invited somebody else?" Stoke says confused because there is a unknown car in the drive way. "If she did she didn't tell me" Jah responds.

We walk up to the door only to find it was already open. Jahseh walks in first. Stoke and I follow behind him. "Jen!" Jah yells. She was no where to be found.. "Jenes- Jahseh was interrupted by a scream. He runs upstairs and we follow. He try's to open the door to the room she was in but it was locked. "Open the door!!" Jahseh screams. All of a sudden he bust through the door. Only to find a man on top on Jenesis. He runs and pushes the guy off of her and continuously punches him.

The guy manages to get on top of Jahseh and fight back. Stoke brakes the fight up. "The fuck?!" The guy yells "Who the fuck are you??" Jahseh ask with hurt in his voice. I look over at Jenesis and she looks scared. "Were you fucking this nigga?" Jahseh turns to ask Jenesis.

"N- n- no.. I- she stops to look at the guy. The guy looks at the dresser next to the bed and Jenesis eyes follow. Whatever was in that dresser had to be something she feared because her face got more red and tears started to well up in her eyes. "Yes." She says looking down.

Jahseh runs out the house to the car. I run after him to make sure he doesn't do anything he will regret. "Jenesis, I know this isn't what it looks like. Say somthing now before you never see Jahseh again" Stokeley says.

Stokeley POV:
I knew Jenesis would never do something like this to Jahseh. That dube had to have something on her for her not to tell the truth. She just looks at me with tears in her eyes then looks away. I walk away and drive Jayla and Jahseh home.

Jah was so angry and hurt he didn't even talk. He just walked upstairs to his room closed and locked the door. The rest of the night was silent..
Short chapter ( but at least I updated😁)

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