An Assassin's Rose: Bad Blood

By Egyptiandragon

11.5K 290 59

Two years after the Court of Owls Fiasco, Ruby finds out that Batman has gone missing and so she decides to c... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Where is Batman?
Chapter 3: Batwoman
Chapter 4: The Vault
Chapter 5: Taking matters in their own hands
Chapter 6: Behind the Mask
Chapter 7: In the Belly of the Beast
Chapter 8: The Summit
Bonus Chapter: This is only the Beginning

Chapter 9: The Final Battle

1K 29 5
By Egyptiandragon

Taking a shortcut through the vents the bat clan found themselves in the engine room.

"We've got find the dignitaries and evacuate them." Batwoman said as they walked across the bridge.

"What about father?" Robin questioned.

"Our first priority is getting those people out." Nightwing stated.

"Not mine." The boy wonder replied.

And as they were coming near the exit, they were ambushed by Firefly and most of the bat clan managed to duck except for Batwing which ended up with him getting tackled through the door on the side of the bridge they just came from

Taking out a bomb he threw it him and while Batwing managed to dodge it, it did end up with the bomb destroying some of the glass.

Taking out his flamethrower Firefly tried to scorch Batwing, but the hero just took flight and flew through the broken window with the C-lister villain on his tail.

Meanwhile with the others got up and looked to see that

"We don't have the time for this, children. Join us or die." Talia announced.

Red grits her teeth in anger at the amount of insolence this woman had to make such a statement not only towards her but to Robin has well.

But she slightly calms down when she sees Bruce. "Father." Robin muttered.

Smirking Talia got into a defensive pose but instead of advancing Batman was the first to strike by jumping over Nightwing and kicking Batwoman into Tusk's arms who hooked his arms under hers so he could hold her still.

But the female bat just headed button him and slipped out his hold and while he was dazed Robin grabbed him by his tusk to bring him closer to the floor and then used all of his strength to push him back which resulted in both of them going off the ramp and onto another one that lead deeper to the fans.

"Robin." Red said when she saw that the boy wonder was hanging onto the ledge but before she could do anything Persephone slammed her glaive into the ledge missing her by a few inches and used what momentum she had left to lift herself off the floor and kick the huntress in the stomach hard enough that it sent her flying through the door that lead where Batwing and Firefly went through a moments ago.

Speaking of the winged hero, right now he was evading every attack Firefly through at him and as he was flying, he as saw a big metal pole and got an idea.

Changing course, he flies up and around the pole with Firefly hot on his tail and once he was near the top, he grabbed the pole and swigged towards the villain and kicked him away.

And instead of letting go he held on tight and placed his feet on the table to stead himself as he shoots plasma batarangs at him.

Seeing that he was nearing the edge of the aircraft Firefly acted quickly and shot a fire ball at the hero.

Who just dodged it and kept on shoot at him, activating his jet pack Firefly flew over him and tried to get the upper hand again but Batwing was fasted and shot a plasma batarang at his flamethrower, which exploded.

Unfortunately, this explosion resulted in not only his weapon getting destroyed but one of his wings as well.

And without one of his wings he was erratically flying backwards and tried to regain what little control he could, but he flew a little too close to the jets and got sucked in.

Which exploded the jet and killed him instantly.

"That can't be could." He said stating the obvious.

And he was right, without that jet the aircraft was making its way through the city and scrapping against buildings.

Back with Red...
Growling Red takes out her scythe and stood still as she waited for the assassin's next move.

Persephone smirks as she runs forward and once, she was close enough she jumps into the air and does a mid-twist and swing her scythe towards Red, but the huntress blocked it with her scythe.

The woman just smirks as she pulls the trigger of her weapon but thankfully the bullet only grazed her cheek.

But the recoil was not only strong enough to push Persephone away, but it made Red slightly lose her footing.

Glaring at her clone she slams her scythe into the ground and starts to shoot at her, dodging all the bullets Persephone advances closer and closer to Red but when she was close enough to swing her weapon Red dodged it by lifting up onto her scythe and blindsided her with a kick.

Using the momentum to unhook her scythe from the ground Red landed near Persephone with her back turns towards her with her scythe facing the floor.

Pressing the trigger, the huntress uses the recoil to spin rapidly in a circle to knock her away again, but this time Persephone managed to block it.

Twisting her glaive Persephone rushed forward and raised it above her head and slammed it into Red's scythe.

And before the huntress could react the female assassin reaches out and grabs the scythe pulling it down and then using it to bring Red close enough to headbutt her.

And without letting go of her scythe Persephone then kicked Red in the stomach knocking her too close to the broken window to the point she was almost thrown out of the Watchtower but Persephone grabbed her arm and used her speed to pull the huntress to safety.

Red grunted as she falls to the floor and before she could sit up Persephone had landed right on top of her and pinned her down by placing the handle of her glaive on her neck.

The silver eyed woman glared at the huntress with unadulterated rage. "I really should kill you, it's because of you that bitch killed my beloved Heretic" She said as she presses the handle down a little harder to make the huntress gasp for air.

"But luckily for you I hate that bitch more than you and since she made the mistake of getting rid of the only thing that was keeping me from betraying her, I have nothing to lose now. So, do me favor and win this battle." She said.

Going into her pocket she takes out flash drive and places it next to the Huntress's head. "I would keep my eye on that, it wasn't easy downloading all that info under that bitch's nose."

Red looked at her in confusion but was even more confused when the women bended down so her lips was near her ear and whispered something that made the Huntress's blood run cold with shock.

"Also, before I go you should know one more thing. The 2nd Robin lives, and it doesn't matter how long it takes he will eventually return, and I promise you it won't be a...happy reunion." She whispered.

And before the huntress could do anything, Persephone quickly gets off her and runs to the broken window and jumps through it to make her escape.

And as she soars through the sky a pale blue portal opens and then closes when the assassin goes through it.

Sitting up, Red thinks about what Persephone just said and was conflicted if she should believe her.

But she has more pressing matters to deal with than just sit there and think.

So, she puts the flash drive in her pocket, grabs her scythe, and walks back to the engine room and saw Batman dislocate Nightwing's arm.

The hero exclaims in pain and falls to the ground, seeing his opening Batman jumped into the air and tried to land right into Nightwing but the bird themed hero rolls out of the way and quickly got back up.


"I'm fine, go help Robin." Nightwing ordered.

Running towards the edge Red looked down and saw that Robin was still fighting Tusk.

"Red look out!"

Glancing back at Nightwing the huntress gasped when she saw the Batarang coming towards her.

Thankfully the huntress managed to dodge it by jumping off the bridge.

Using her semblance Red makes a beeline for Robin and Tusk.

"Hey ugly!" she exclaimed to Tusk.

Looking straight up the meta human was met with the young girl's boot which knocked him back.

"You bitch!" he growled angrily as she manages to catch himself but unfortunately his foot was a little too close to the edge and resulted in him losing his footing.

Red gasped in shock at her error and quickly tried to safe the villain by wrapping the rope from her grappling hook around Tusk's foot and held on before he could reach the giant fans.

Rushing over to her Robin puts his arms around her waist in an effort to help her rescue tusk.

But as she was pulling the rope up, she realized that it felt lighter than it should be because of Tusk's size and she got her answer when they saw the cut off end of her rope.

"Damn." Robin muttered disappointed.

Red groaned as she falls to her knees and covered her face with her hands ashamed that she caused the villains death.

Bending down next to her, Robin pats her back to comfort her.

"Batwing to Robin...uh, got a situation here." Batwing said.

Not liking the sound of that the boy wonder stood up and asked, "What kind of situation?"

"I need you to manually transfer power from the damaged thruster to the remaining two..." Batwing said getting straight to the point.

He then said, "Aw, crap dad's going to kill me." When he saw that the Watchtower was heading straight for Wayne Enterprise.

The boy wonder's eyes widen in shock at that. "You damaged one of the thrusters?! How?" he exclaimed.

"I'll explain later!"

"Fine, Robin out." Robin said takes his leave.

Getting up herself Red takes a deep breath to calm herself and runs after her partner.

Meanwhile back in the guest room Alfred was starting to regain consciousness and was met with Tetch talking to the hypnotized guests.

"The league of Shadows compels you to be one with us. there is no you." Tetch said to the guest.

Narrowing his eyes, the old butler had a good idea on where Tetch is broadcasting this, so he grabs one of the guns off the guards and leaves to check the control room.

And when he got there, he was met with Kuttler and Tetch.

"It's about time you came back." Kuttler said when he heard the door opening.

But he turns around and was met with Alfred pointing his gun at him.

"Indeed." He said as he walks closer.

"Shut it down." He ordered and walked closer.

Taking a step back Kuttler turned around and acted like he was about to shut it down, but he then quickly turns around and disarms the butler and punched him.

And while the butler was off balanced the villain tried to land another hit, but Alfred caught his footing and roundhouse kicked him away.

Taking out a switch blade Kuttler tried to swipe at the old butler and by the 2nd  attempt Alfred punched him in the face and this cycle of attacks repeated until Alfred punched the villain into the control panel.

Which resulted in him getting electrocuted because of the high frequency of his eye and watch.

Unfortunately that was the same panel that Tetch was hooked up to and Alfred could only watch as the electric arcs made their way to Tetch and turned his equipment into a makeshift electrical chair.

And the only thing the mad hatter could do was scream in agony as his eyes started bulging out with tears running down his face. 

But either way the mad hatter was put out his misery when there was a giant flash that made Alfred covers his eyes and when he opened him, he was met with now headless villain.

The electrocution was so great that it completely evaporated Tetch's head and only left his body which was smoking from the top.

"Bloody Hell." He muttered in shock.

But even though it was gruesome, his death resulted in the signal being lost and freeing all the guest from his grasp.

Back with the Bats...
"Cutting it kinda close, hurry up kids." Batwing grunted as he tried to slow down the Watchtower by pushing it away from Wayne Tower.

"We're moving as fast as we can!" Red said as she pulls down the last lever which rerouted the thrusters which brought the flying craft to a halt.

Taking in the damage of the building the winged hero groans when he saw that some of the glass was slightly fractured.

"Aww man." He groaned as he falls around the Watchtower to get inside but as he was flying, he took noticed of the fact that Batwoman was hanging from a pipe.

"Batwoman? What are you doing?" he said as he flies towards her.

The female vigilante rolls her eyes, "Oh you know, just hanging around." She replied.

"I can see that." the winged hero said as he grabs the woman by her waist and flies back inside the Watchtower.

Meanwhile back inside both Red and Robin signed in relief that they were able to stop the Watchtower in time. "We should help Nightwing." Red stated.

Nodding his head Robin walks over to Red and grabs her by the waist and pulled her close.

The Huntress blushed but before she could say anything, he takes out his grappling hook and pulls them both up.

Once they were on the bridge they were confused on where everyone was, but they soon figured it out when they heard fighting from through the other end of the bridge.

And as they ran to the noise, they could clearly hear Talia's voice as she said, "Well done, beloved. We will at least have this victory."

And when they finally arrived, they watch as Talia throws a gun to the Batman who was restraining Nightwing on the flower. "Finish him." Talia ordered.

Following orders Batman places his gun to Nightwing's head "Bruce, don't."

"That's what it's all about in the end, isn't it mother." Robin said making their presence know.

"Not the vision of a better world my grandfather had. It's just about control." He proclaimed angrily.

And with that they both ran closer to deal with them.

Talia glared at her son and hated the fact that she had to kill another asset to her plans for the world so soon. But she'll just have to cut her loses. "Start with the bastard. We can always make more." She ordered.

Letting go of Nightwing, Batman points his gun at the children stopping them in their tracks.

"Bruce, you don't kill. You never killed." Nightwing said as he tries to get up, but the dark knight takes out the hero's baton and plants it on his cheek to keep him pinned.

"Don't let her win. Don't let her take your soul."

"If anything, I have cleansed it. I washed away his trauma." Talia proclaimed.

"You mean turning him into your own personal slave." Red said with a scoff.

Talia glares at her daughter in law in distaste. "Finish them." she ordered.

But instead of following orders, Batman just stood there and so Nightwing decided to talk some more to get through to him.

"You brought us, all together because you understood our pain, our loneliness better than anyone else could. We needed family. We needed you."

The Dark Knight grits his teeth as his hand that was holding the gun started to shake as he tried to let gun of the gun but couldn't.

Talia looked at her beloved in shock that he was resisting the mind control. "Shoot him!" she ordered before it was too late.

"You're not just a mask. You're a man. The best man I've ever know."

After he said that Batman started to move again but instead of shooting someone, he points the gun at himself and moves backwards.

"Bruce!" Red said in fear and took a slow step forward knowing that any sudden movements could make the Dark Knight shoot himself.

"Can't fight it." he grunted.

"Yes, you can, damn it!" Nightwing said as he got up.

"For the little boy who lost his world in that alley."

Having enough of this, Talia decided to take matters into her own hands by taking out her sword to kill the hero.

"Enough!" she exclaimed but just as she raised her weapon above her head it was shot out of her hands by Batman.

The Dark Knight groaned as he drops the gun and falls to his knees exhausted.

Running over to his former mentor he places his arm over his shoulder and helped him up. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He said ashamed.

"It's alright, father." Robin replied.

Seeing now might be the time to do a strategic withdrawal Talia took a few steps back and was about to make a run for it but before she could she got kicked in the face by Red.

Who kicked her so hard that there was a very loud and disturbing cracking sound, which told everyone that the Huntress had just broken the older woman's nose.

Which made the rest of the Bat family flinch back and even shudder at how horrifying it sounded. "Damn!" Nightwing muttered.

"Where the hell do you think you're going." The huntress hissed at the assassin.

The assassin grunts in pain but she managed to catch herself from falling and turns around to quickly leave but when she did, she was met with Batwoman's fist.

Which made the pain in her nose even worse.

But since she's an Al Ghul she wasn't about to show weakness, so she just ignores the pain she's feeling and wipes away the blood from her mouth. "That's for what you did to my father, bitch!" Batwoman exclaimed.

Knowing that she might not win Talia tried to take another route of escape but that got blocked by Batwing.

And in no time the female assassin sound herself surrounded.

"It's over, mother." Robin proclaimed.

"Your grand plan has ended." Batman stated.

"How is it I ever loved either of you?" Talia said more to herself than them.

"I don't think you ever did." The Dark Knight stated.

Talia glares at the man of her life and couldn't but help but feel anger when he said that. "Oh, beloved, you have no idea. I have thought of little else for the last 13 years, but nothing, not my passion, not the death of my father, not even our child could bring you to my side. I know now, I will never have you in this life." She said.

Reaching behind her back Talia takes out a small bomb, "But perhaps, in death." She said as she makes a run towards the window.

"Get her!" Batwoman hissed as the assassin pushes the trigger and throws the bomb destroying the window.

And then jumped out.

Looking down the entire bat clan watched as the female assassin continued to fall until she landed on her vessel and quickly makes her escape.

"She played us again." Nightwing stated.

But to their shock 10 seconds later her vessel went into the sea and exploded.

"I'm guessing that's Persephone's doing." Red stated.

"What makes you so sure that it was your clone?" Batwoman answered.

Going into her pocket the huntress brings out the flash drive. "Because she hates Talia more than anything. In fact, the love that she had for Heretic was the only reason she was even putting up with Talia." She explained

"And with Talia killing the Heretic she had nothing holding her back or to lose." Nightwing assumed.


"But why go to the trouble of giving you a flash drive?" Batwoman asked.

The Huntress shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know." She replied and puts it back in her pocket.

"We can find out more when we get back to the cave." Batman stated.

"No." Red said a little too quickly making everyone give her a confused look.

Realizing her mistake the huntress quickly thinks of something to say so they wouldn't get suspicious. "I'm going to give it to my family. As much as it was a shock that Persephone turned traitor. I don't trust her. I mean for all we know it could have a trojan virus."

"That makes sense." Nightwing stated.

Robin narrowed his eyes it does make sense but for some reason he couldn't help but feel like Red was hiding something.

"Anyway, we should probably land this thing before the guest start to wander and get hurt. I mean the Watchtower isn't exactly in mint condition anymore." Red stated.

"Good idea." Said Batwoman.

And with that the Bat clan left.

A few hours later after everything was said and done everyone returned home and while this was going on Ruby was talking to Qrow and her grandmother about what happened.

Which made them far from happy especially since Talia had crossed a line with trying to brainwash members of the Rose family, and that's a line not even her own father would even think about crossing.

Once she was done telling them everything she knows, she gave them the flash drive and watches from the front door as they take their leave.

"I'm surprised you're not going with them." Dick said as he walks out of the door.

The young girl gives him a deadpanned look and points at her still bruised face. "I can't exactly go back home looking like this. So, I'll be staying here under the pretense that I caught a fever." She explained.

"Smart plan." He said as another car pulled up.

"There's my ride. See you later Ruby." He said and walks over to the passenger's seat.

And from the view that the huntress was given she could make out that the drive was a woman with green eyes, red hair, and tanned skin.

But it was only for a few seconds as Dick gets in the car and then closes the door.

Ruby slightly waves goodbye as she watches it drive away and once it made it passed the gates she turns around and walks back inside.

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