The One Still Stands (Slow Up...

By Imagine_Jackal_08

378 10 12

The wars on earth have been going on for a long time. A war between two teams. Two iron giants. The Autobots... More



81 2 4
By Imagine_Jackal_08

•\> Hello my readers and writers, my followers and leaders my little bookworms,

InfiniteJackalg4m3r here.

I would like to thank those who decided to read this book and making their votes.

I also would like to thank the one who gave my some amazing ideas. Ladies and Gents, Boys and Girls, Mortals and Immortals, Give it up for Blue_Jay1002!!! They gave me some of their support, their votes and shared me their wonderful ideas. So thank you again.

I also like to anounce my 213 VIEWS on this very book. I mean WHAT?! I am so thankful for everyone. I hope that I can inspire your creativity with my stories.

I am InfiniteJackalg4m3r. And I send this message to all who reads this book.

Mata ne

InfiniteJackalg4m3r Out </•


The children went upstairs onto the metal platform. It was set up with a worn out mustard-coloured couch, a television, a remote and two controllers. They raced to the couch hoping to sbatch the contollers in time. Unfortunately for them, the pupils fell on top of each other in the process. Laughter escaped their vocal cords. But much to loud for the giant medic's dismay.

The white and orabge giant faced away from the giant screen and toward the laughing humans,'Would you keep it down a little?' He asked annoyed 'I'm trying to work in peace.' He said as medic known as Ratchet turned away from the now snikkering beings.

The other three giant went along the base to do whatever task that they were to do. While the orange and white medic typed away on the console.

The two teenagers were playing the racing game against eachother. The young twelve year old was taking our his science book. Opening it with a pencil in hand taking notes.

Every day it would be like this. Sometimes the children would hangout more with their gaurdians. Sometimes Ratchet would teach Rafeal some of the ciphers or words of the Cybertronian dialect. Sometimes the children would play video games together, while they would wait for their metal titaned friends (or gaurdians) to come back from either their patrol or their Energon scouting.

It was like this for a few weeks. But then this day would be different.

The blue red flamed Prime was walking down the stone and metal halls of the base. The green and black striped yellow mechs were sparring each other. The blue and pink femme was riding with her charge, Jack. And as always, the medic was in front of the large monitors and keyboard.

The blue and pink bike zoomed into the silo with the human and transformed after he climbed down from the bike. The three mechs came back into the room from the hallways. Meanwhile Jack was making his way to the "human area" as the metal giants called it.

'Hey guys.' He called softly. 'Heya Jack.' Miko greeted with a wave, as did Rafeal. He took his seat on the ugly colored couch and started to play a raving video game with Raf. Miko stood there and cheered them on. But their fun was soon interrupted by an all familiar alarm. The Decepticons.

'Decepticons.' The leader said with an unreadable expression. 'They seem to be mining near a crater, in Washington.' The medic stated with a hint of confusion. 'They must seem really desperate if they are mining there.' Said the female mech with amusement filling her tone. 'But isn't Washington one of the very populated states?' Asked Esquivel. The giants looked at the child, he was right. They cannot risk to be seen, but they cannot back down from an Energon mine either. 'Lucky for us  there is no sign of human life signals that is near the area. We would be safe.' For now. The orange and white robot thought gravely to himself.

The medic typed a few keys on the board and then pulled down a switch, causing the machine to their left to hum to life. Creating a swirling light of green and blue hues. The portal was brought to life. Normaly it was a rule, that when the robots -known as Cybertronians- went on their mission, the humans would be required to stay at base. But as always, Miko Nakadia would have a different idea.

'Autobots. Roll out.' The Prime called. The four giants ran through the swirling mass, while the metal medic and the two males stayed behind. The portal closed, the hum of the machine died down. The boys continued their video game, leaning forward and pressing the keys harder. As if they thoughtthat it wouldmake their vehicle on the screen move faster. the Iron giant was back on the monitors and keybords. Other than that, the silo was quiet. But it was too quiet. The younger boy then suddenly relised the difference, moments after he won the match.

'Wait a minute.' The small human said out loud. 'Where's Miko?' He asked looking around. 'She was here just a moment ago.' The taller human teen said with confusion emmiting in his tone. The medic turned toward them, seeing no sign of the female rebel. 'Ratchet?' Rafeal asked the medic. 'Do you think she might have . . .' he trailed off as they all three looked towards the machine that once had the portal. They only said one word in a union, 'Scrap.'


Meawhile. On the other side of the portal, the four giants were crouched behind a small rock formation. Looking over it, all their optics were trained at the busy mine. Other identical metal giants of purple and black were carrting large crates of bright blue crystals and cubes. The other giants were drilling through the rocks. As some smaller stons fell into the small cracks beneath their pedes. All of them currently unaware that one of their human companions are here with them.

.:/> That's a whole lot of energon./:. The scout stated in different speech of beeps and whirls, that on Rafeal can seemingly understand. 'Bee's right.' The bulky mech added. 'If we win this one, that eneron could last us an entire orbital cycle at least.' The green mech said.

For countless days, the Autobots would scout and fight for every mine that had this energon. But always fail to obtain it, always returning to their base empty handed. Well, empty servoed in their case. It was used by all Cybertronians of different kinds. The energon was their fuel, their medicine and most importantly their life-blood. The Autobots grew slightly weaker and wearier everyday without their food source. So far they have lasted a few months without it. But loosing a bit of strenght every day. 

'We all must have hope, stay together and we may succeed.' The blue and crimson mech stated with the neuteral tone. 'And if we don't?' The slim femme asked their leader. There were a few moments of silence between them until the Prime broke it. 'Then we pray to Primus that we do one day.' He said solemnly to his fellow colleuges and friends. They stared back at the busy mine, then the bots transformed their servos as their blasters. 'On my signal.' Prime ordered raising their right servo.

Moments turned into seconds. Seconds turned into minutes. Minutes turned into-'Now!' He cried out. The warriors leaped out of their hiding spot. Weapons ready they ran towards the enemies, giving them the element of surprise. Miko came out of her hiding spot and to the Autobot's current one. Leaning over the side, they fished their pink flip-phone out of their back pocket. Starting a recording at the battle that is about to come. 'Time for some action.' She said excitedly to herself.

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