𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗥 ─ stefa...

By minnieverse1

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.。*゚⚡︎ ༄ؘ | 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝗂𝗇 𝗐𝗁𝗂𝖼𝗁 𝗌𝖾𝗅𝖾𝗇𝖾 𝗉𝗋𝖺𝗑𝗂𝗌𝗂𝖽𝗂𝗌 𝗂𝗌 ... More

𝘪. 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥
𝘪𝘪𝘪. 𝘸𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘨𝘰 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘥 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴

𝘪𝘪. 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘳

1.4K 76 1
By minnieverse1

    (𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗸𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗿)

The day continued with Selene telling Adelina & Marko what was going on. They stood outside the store they were just in, "What are we doing? Are we gonna go home?" Marko asked eager to go home so he could go to the party. "You guys are." Selene said with a small smile as Stefan stood behind them. "What are you talking about? Who's this guy?" Adelina questioned, Selene stepped aside to introduce them.

She looked toward her family, "Guys, this is Stefan Salvatore." she looked to Stefan, "Stefan, this is Adelina Praxisidis & Marko Petrova." "Petrova?" questioned Stefan, "Salvatore?" questioned Marko. "Katerina is Marko's great grandmother, Stefan, here, is Damon's brother & let's not forget my sweet Adelina, she's not actually my sister she's more of a distant niece." she answered with a smile while Adelina looked at them confused.

"Ahh." answered Stefan understanding. "Anyways-" she moved back to her spot she previously was in, "I am going somewhere & you guys have the choice of going or staying." Selene said as her hands were intertwined, "Where would you go? You have no friends." Adelina asked jokingly making Selene roll her eyes. She took a breath, "Mystic Falls."

Marko's mouth opened a little, "Are you serious? Why would you go back? We practically got ran out of there by Damon's obsession over you." he said looking over to the Salvatore brother. "Yeah." Adelina agreed. "Oh, shush." the hybrid said walking closer to the two, "Look, I'm going back because he needs something of mine & as payment he told me the end of the bloodline is there." she said mentioning her siblings bloodline.

Adelina & Marko were shocked, "Seriously?" Adelina asked moving over to Stefan, "Yeah." he nodded, "She told me what you guys have been doing basically all your life." he pointed toward Selene. The four stayed quiet for a moment before Marko spoke up, "He's lying, obviously. He just wants you to go with him so he could get whatever he wants. We've been searching for the end of the bloodline basically our whole lives & all of the sudden they are where this guy wants you to go?" he walked toward Stefan getting protective over Selene.

"Marko, don't-" Selene began but was cut off, "Look, I mean no harm toward Selene, you, or Adelina. I'm not lying about the end of the bloodline, they're in Mystic Falls & I'll gladly take you all to them if you promise you won't hurt them." Stefan said speaking the truth. Selene pushed Marko gently back next to Adelina, "You know them." she said realizing Stefan knew the end of the bloodline making him nod.

"Look, I wouldn't hurt them. I've been protecting them- or trying to -my whole life. I would never hurt them but if it makes you feel better, I give you my word I won't hurt them." she said sincere. She turned back toward the other two, "So, what's it gonna be with you two? You going or staying?" she asked with her ams folded, "Well, I don't want to miss the party." Marko joked making Adelina punch him, "Ouch, I was kidding." he said with his hands up.

"We're going, were always going to be by your side." Adelina answered with a smile, "Yeah, we are." said the former witch putting his arm around Adelina's shoulders as thee three came in for a hug, "I love you, guys." Selene said softly as Stefan stood behind them with a smile.

Stefan, Selene, Adelina, & Marko were now in Stefan's car as they traveled to Mystic Falls with Stefan driving, Selene in the passenger seat & Adelina & Marko in the back seat. "So, how did you even get into the whole protecting the bloodline thing?" asked Stefan trying to make conversation. "I've been doing it since my younger sister died & when I became immoral basically having nothing else to do with my immortal life." she answered making Adelina & Marko chuckle in the back.

Selene rolled her eyes, "I met Addy when her mother tried to abandon her & Marko when his family asked me to save him from an illness." Adelina & Mark looked down at the mention of her mother & family & Stefan noticed this, "Well, let's not talk about the past. Would you all take the cure if we find it?" he asked wanting to know. "That's a big if. But I would take it but only if I have someone I care for at my side & of course, Addy & Mark." she turned back at them giving them a smile.

"Mhm." Stefan hummed. "I would like to be mortal again but not without these two." Adelina said mentioning Selene & Marko. "Well, I would like to become a witch again." Marko said putting his hands behind his head. "You were a witch?" Stefan asked looking at him through the rear mirror. "Oh, yes, & a powerful one like Selene here." Stefan looked stunned for a moment, "H-how-" he was cut off. "How is it possible to be a witch & vampire?" she knew what he was going to ask.

He nodded, "I've been a witch my whole life. I was turned into a vampire by magic when war was brewing between Greece & Persia." she said answering his question. "But the Mikaelson's were also witches & also turned by magic but they aren't witches anymore." he asked keeping his eyes on the road. "Ah, yes, I was there when they were turned but they only had their mother do the spell. I on the other hand had a whole coven do the spell. It was to be 'a big moment in history' but clearly not since you've never heard of it." she said jokingly.

"No, no, I've heard of it, I just didn't know it was you." he answered shocked, "Well, that's her— the first immoral & the first hybrid."


As the four were now in Virginia & were about to enter Mystic Falls. "Here we are." Stefan said as they passed the 'Welcome to Mystic Falls' sign.

The four entered the Stefan's house as Stefan got a text. Selene, Addy, & Mark began looking around the house, "Hey, um look, I have to go somewhere so just make yourselfs a home." Stefan as the three were in the living room. "You're gonna leave already? We just got here." Addy asked turning around. "I just need to go do something real quick." he said urgently.

"You need one of us to come?" Selene asked looking at the books, "No, It's fine." he began walked toward the door, "Oh, & if Damon comes home just tell him your here to visit him... or something." & he left closing the door.

"It's already boring & we just got here." Marko said taking a seat putting his hands behind his head. "Yeah, well, I'm gonna go find a room." Adelina said going upstairs as Selene plotted on the same couch as Marko with a book.


The message that Stefan got was from Klaus saying, "We have a problem." Stefan went to his house & checked it out. The vampire hunter Klaus had in his house was missing. The vampire hunter has the map to getting to the cure; the hunter's tattoo. "How the hell did Connor escape?" Stefan asked Klaus being on the phone with him as he examined the dead hybrid on the floor with his head cut off.

"I blame mind-numbing incompetence, but pointing fingers isn't going to help me. You're gonna help me." Klaus said on the other side of the world; Italy, looking for the sword. "Well, he could be anywhere now." "Think, Stefan. He took the hybrid's head, which means he wants werewolf toxin." the hybrid said talking about werwolf venom from their fangs.

"Which means he plans to stay in Mystic Falls to kill vampires." Stefan realized, werewolf venom is something that could kill vampires. "Which is a pity as I'm half the world away digging up a dead hunter, you'll have no access to my blood & therefore the antidote." Klaus' blood is the one thing that can save a vampire from a werewolf bite. "Nevertheless, his tattoo is our only map to the cure, so your task is quite simple. Find him, catch him, & above all, keep him alive. He's no good to us dead." Klaus told him.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Stefan answered annoyed. "Now, tell me about the women & her blood." Klaus said talking about Selene. "I found her & told her about the cure. She gladly came to help & she brought two other people." "Wonderful, she is to not be harmed." the hybrid said not wanting one of the keys to be harmed from getting the cure. "Oh, I think she can take care of herself." answered Stefan remembering she's 2,000 years old. & after that Klaus again warned Stefan to not tell anyone about the cure.

The vampire hunter ended up taking hostages at the Mystic Grill hoping that their vampire friends would come to save them, they were Jeremy Gilbert, April Young, & Matt Donovan, three humans. Connor needs to kill vampires so that the rest of the tattoo could grow. He messaged Stefan, Damon, & Tyler Lockwood, a hybrid, he was originally a werwolf but then was turned into a hybrid by Klaus.

As they came up with a plan, Connor was inside setting traps waiting for the vampires. Selene got bored of staying at the house & went out to see if she could find the end of the bloodline by asking around, I mean it is a small town.


Once they had their plan all ready they executed it. First one of Klaus' hybrid entered through the front door but was met with a bomb that flew up & Connor immediately finished  him. As that happened, Stefan snuck through the tunnels underground & got April & Matt out. He entered the main part of the grill & was met with Connor & Jeremy. Once Connor saw Stefan he immediately grabbed Jeremy & started shooting Stefan but he dogged the bullets moving behind the bar & hiding there.

Connor set Jeremy on a trap with a bomb underneath a mat & if Jeremy moved the bomb would blow up. "Connor, you don't have to do this." Stefan said as Connor held his gun up. "Stefan?" Jeremy said hearing the beeping under the mat. Stefan then heard it & realized what was happening.

"Connor, we can end this right now. Just put down the gun & come with me." Stefan said still hiding behind the counter, "Sure, come out. I'll hand the gun over." Connor responded sarcastically. "Think about this, no one has to die. I'll tell you everything you need to know." Stefan said in a louder tone. "I don't make deals with vampires!" Connor responded still holding his gun up. "Listen to me. If you die right now, then your whole life, all that killing, it will all be for nothing. I can give you the truth. Put down the gun & let Jeremy go." Stefan continued hoping Connor would listen to him.

& that's when Elena Gilbert, sister of Jeremy, entered, "Please!" she entered the grill making Connor turn his gun toward her. "Don't hurt him." she began walking toward him, "Come any closer, he's dead." he said in reference of Jeremy. "Elena, get out of here." Jeremy told his sister, "He's the only family that I have left. Just— just let him go." she begged almost crying.

"You hear that? Your girl's watching." Connor said to Stefan, "I will shoot the boy right in front of her!" & that's when Selene was walking past the Mystic Grill & heard this, she walked over to the grill & continued to listen in. "On the count of three! One..." Selene could tell something was going on & she vamp sped inside through the back & she saw Stefan hiding behind a counter, Jeremy, Connor, & Elena. "two..." before Connor could continue Stefan stood up making himself seen.

Connor pointed his gun toward Stefan ready to shoot him but Elena vamp sped toward him & shoved him to the ground & instead of shooting Stefan he accidentally shot Jeremy. Selene saw the boy get shot & noticed the bomb under him. She could tell the boy was about to fall, she sped toward him, grabbed him & got behind a table making themselves clear of the bomb.

She immediately bit into her wrist & fed the guy her blood but he rejected it not knowing her, "It's okay, you can trust me." she said to him with a kind smile & he began drinking it as he healed. As she was doing that, Elena was fighting Connor and as he was about to stake her, Stefan grabbed Selene & Connor & sped away with them to the tunnels.

Stefan, Selene, & Connor traveled through the tunnels now, "What were you even doing there?" Stefan asked as he push Connor to continue walking. "I was looking for the end of the bloodline when I heard commotion going on in there & it's a good thing I came when I did, I just saved that boy." she answered as she walked besides him.

"Yeah, yeah, just keep walking." Stefan said pushing Connor by the arms, "Oww!" Connor yelled out at the pressure Stefan is putting on him. "Good work, brother." they heard a voice, "It's over, Damon, I have him." Stefan said seeing his older brother. Damon looked over to Selene, "You." he said recognizing her, "Good to see you again, Damon." she answered with a smile.

"Mhm." he hummed & turned back to his brother, "Not after what I just went through. I had to punch through a boiler room basement into a septic tank to get into this stupid tunnel but it'll be worth it." he said referring to killing Connor, "I'm taking him with me... & Selene." he said as he pulled her closer to himself not wanting his brother to use her as a bargaining chip to get Connor. "I don't care about Selene but see that's the thing— you're not taking him with you. I don't know what you're up to or what Klaus has over you, but even if I have to get through you & Selene, i'm going to kill him."

"What a reunion." Selene muttered to herself. Damon then began walking toward them, Stefan pulled the other two back with them, "Better back off, Damon." Stefan warned him, "Why? Because Klaus wants him alive? or is it Selene that wants him? She just comes out of nowhere." he glared at the hybrid. "This has nothing to do with Klaus or Selene, you're just going to have to trust me on that." he told his brother as Selene stood their awkwardly not wanting to be in the middle of this.

"Don't want to. Don't have to. Not gonna." Damon began walking toward them again, he vamp spep toward Selene wanting to bargain her but she used pain infliction causing his blood vessels to burst slowly. He fell to the ground grunting holding his head in pain as she held her hand up. "Run as fast as you can." Stefan pushed Connor to leave, "You too, Selene." he said & she stopped using pain infliction & followed behind Connor.

Selene & Connor ran through the tunnels as she held his hands behind himself pushing him. They got met with two paths, "Go this way." Selene guessed not knowing the way out of the tunnel but they were met with a vampire who immediately bit into Connor's neck as he screamed. Selene once again used her pain infliction to stop the vampire from feeding on him. The vampire groaned grabbing her head out of pain as she fell to the ground.

Selene then soon noticed it was someone familiar, she put her hand down stopping the pain as she was shocked at who she saw. The vampire hurried back to Connor, "You stay the hell away from my brother!" she said as she knocked him down to his knees, "Look at you. So worried about your brother & you're the biggest monster he'll ever meet." he began going for a knife in his pocket & tried to knife the vampire in the heart.

Selene finally realized what was happening, she stuck her hand into his body to grab his heart before he could hurt Elena & she pulled his heart out. His body dropped as she also dropped his heart as Elena looked at her confused on who she was. Selene knew she shouldn't have killed Connor but he was going to hurt Elena & she was apart of the bloodline, Selene was now going to protect her.

"Who are you?" Elena asked, "Selene Praxisidis." she answered, "Your the one who saved my brother?" the new vampire asked remembering Jeremy told her someone saved him. "Yes & I just saved you." she answered with a smile. "Why?" Elena asked confused on why she would save her, "Because that's what I do." the hybrid answered referring to the bloodline, "Now i'm gonna go bury this hunter, you go on home with your brother." she said looking down at the dead hunter.

Selene was now outside digging a hole for Connor. Even if Selene did kill him she still wouldn't just let him rot in the tunnel. As she was digging Stefan came out, he had blood & a hole in his shirt, something done by Damon to get answers. Selene looked up & saw them, "I killed him. I had to he was going to kill her." he looked confused on who he was going to kill, "Elena... why didn't you tell me she was a doppelgänger? My sister was the progenitor of the doppelgängers. There were a lot more doppelgängers then just Katerina & Elena but still every time I see one, I see my sister." she began tearing up from the talk about her sister. "My beautiful little sister. I miss her so much." she said as Stefan came over to comfort her.

After Selene buried Connor with the help of Stefan, they went home & she was happy to see Mark & Addy again. She took a shower to wipe away the blood & then she was getting ready for bed. The Salvatore's let the three stay at their home. She was unmaking the bed when she saw blood fall on the blanket, she noticed it coming from her nose. She turned around to wipe it but when she did she saw blood on the floor following to the bathroom in her room.

She went to the door of the bathroom & opened it & she saw blood everywhere, "What the hell?" she muttered not knowing what was going on, she looked around & saw someone in the mirror, it was Connor. She jumped back shocked & slipped on some blood & fell to the ground. When she got up & looked around, she saw nothing, no blood, & no Connor.


hello! i hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. & for those who don't know i'm doing an updating schedule now cause i'm falling behind. friday's i'm updating forgotten seven years & monday's are for this fic! they won't be up at a specific time.

make sure to vote, comment, & follow!

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