we met in second semester

By drkwnfool

35 1 0

one is a tired crab obsessed insomniac whos always on egde about the world around him. the other is an ironic... More

January 27th,2020

35 1 0
By drkwnfool

You groggily shove the covers off your head,the insufferable beeping sending waves of unpleasant pain through your half awake head. You pat around through the covers at your side and grab ahold of your phone,the alarm screaming that its time to wake up.

"Shut up already,piece of trash.." You look at the bright screen and shut off the alarm. Finally that horrible noise is gone,but until the next day,right?

Your name is Karkat Vantas and youre currently a sophmore at Ridgewood Highschool. Youre 16 years old and youre still not used to going to school since break ended,even though its already been 3 weeks. Of hell.

You push yourself to get out of the warmth and comfort of your bed,tired and rubbing your eyes with one hand whilst the other looks for the light switch.

You moved into this house last summer and you still have trouble with your room in the morning,along with getting sleep. But youve always had trouble with sleep,so you suppose you cant really complain much about that. Besides,you have loads of other stuff perfectly available for you to complain about. Maybe later.

There,the light switch! You flick it on and see the darkness turn to bright light and shield your eyes with scorn. you always hated turning the light on. Your room isnt that dark,but you cant really make yourself all that presentable in the dark,can you?

You once again try to rub the drowsiness from your face and shift through your closet for something decent since you couldnt really go to school in your sleep clothes. Which were really just boxers and nothing more. You didnt really have much of a profound style to dress in,unless you can call crab patterns a "style." But who cares about stupid clothes? Not you thats for sure.

You find a black t shirt with some random thing on it and tug it off the hanger,slipping it on. You then grab a pair of jeans and slip into them along with some socks and shoes. Now all you needed was your hoodie.

You look around your small room to find where you last threw it off and find it laying on your desk,so you pick it up and slip it on. Comfy and safe feeling,as it always is. You could never leave home without this precious article of clothing. Especially as to hide whats on the innersides of your arms. Shameful scars from a painful past,but luckily you have moved on from that. Whats in the past is in the past.

You pick up your slumped over bag sitting by your door and take a look back to your room as you stood in the now open doorway,making sure youve got everything you need. You check your messy desk,closet,the floor,then to your bed.

"Fuck." You lightly mutter and head to your bed,reaching over to the other side and grabbing your phone,tucking it into your hoodie pocket. Cant forget that. Never forget that.

You take another quick look around and give yourself a slight nod. Youve got everything you need for the day. Now youve just got to make it through without causing a shitstorm.

You leave your room and head downstair,passing by the bathroom on your way to the front door. You decide to peek in,getting a look at your face to make sure you look alright.

Messy dark dark brown hair,darkish tanned skin,freckles,pierced ears,tired scowl. Everything looks normal to you.

You give yourself a light shrug and try to lighten up,but your small smile to yourself in the mirror looks like more of one filled with discomfort. Ew..lets never do that again Karkat...

You head out the bathroom,out of your dark and quiet house with the door locked behind you and on to school.

The walk isnt too long. Sometimes you wish someone was there to walk with you,but youre sure youd get tired of it sooner or later. Your better on your own anyways.

Youve always enjoyed having the nice quiet to yourself as well,the nice breeze in the dusk of morning,the sun wasnt full up yet making the streets quiet. Its always peaceful and the second most enjoyable part of the day,the first most enjoyable would be going home after hours of being stuck in prison.

You hum a soft tune to yourself as you make the short walk to school. Your house wasnt very far away from your school and youre glad its close. You needed the fresh air rather than a noisy crowded bus ride or tensely silent car ride with your father.

Thankfully you make it to school with enough time to say good morning to your.. "friends" and put your backpack in your locker. Maybe youll be lucky enough to hear some relationship gossip?

You get to your locker and already find two of your closest friends talking.

"Heyyy Karkat! Whats up??" Says your middleschool crush,Terezi. Youve liked her for years. You once told her your feelings and got turned down,but that happened so long ago that youre more than sure shes long forgotten. "Whats up? Whats up is that ive just gotten to this shithole of a building and im already getting my life barged into by a dragon crazy scene girl."

"Classic karkat as always! Im guessing you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning,like you always do." The girl crosses her arms and pouts. Now shes one with a style. Her arms are usually covered in fishnet or striped sleeves and dozens of beaded bracelets,she wears these silly worm earings along with shoes that make her taller than you. Youve always been a little upset with her ever since she started wearing those cheating shoes. "Yes,like i always fucking do."

You roll your eyes and open up your locker. You never needed a combination for your locker because..well. Its broken. You stuff your bag in there and start to shift through it as Terezi keeps up conversation with your unpleasant self.

"Wow,what a grump,right Gam?" She looks over towards the much taller and lankier friend of yours. He..also had a style of dressing. A weird one. He always wore this stupid ugly clown facepaint since you all were younger. You always thought he was really fucking weird for it,and still do. But hes your friend,and you really care a lot for him despite how much you insult him and his disgusting habits. "uHhHh...I tHiNk HeS jUs MoThErFuCkIn ViBiN iN hIs OwN wEiRd WaY bRo,YoU kNoW kArKlEs."

"Oh yes,im "vibing" Gamzee." You roll your eyes for a second time this morning and continue to search through your locker,finally finding the things you were looking for. It was a small white pencil pouch with a bunch of tiny crab stickers you and your friends stuck all over it one day,along with a black notebook that also was victim to being covered in crab stickers,and some other stickers by your friends.

"SeE? hEs JuS gEtTiN hIs MoThErFuCkIn ViBe On! HoNk!" Oh god,he fucking honked. Did you seriously just hear that? Why does he do this stupid bullshit,and at school of all god damn places.

"Did you seriously just fucking honk? You know what,never fucking mind that. Did you get my texts Terezi???" You hold the pouch and journal close to your chest,shutting your locker to better pay attention to the others. "You mean your frantic cries about the possibility of world war 3??? Then yes,i did get them,and i ignored them." She huffs and rolls her eyes at you.

"What? Why?! This is fucking serious Terezi. What if something fucking happens?!" Your almost speechless,how could she not care? Your whole lives are at stake and she doesnt even care! What the fuck?! Why?!

"Because its stupid panicky bullshit. Nothings going to happen and we all know that,youre just being paranoid!" She seems to be getting annoyed with the subject,better drop it.

"Ok fine,fine! Ill just quit worrying about something potentially life threatening and definitely not at all important to us in any way whatsoever, fine!" You tense up in the comfort of your hoodie and huff out. Too bad your "anger" always gets to you. You care too much. You turn and walk off even though you can hear her calling after you. Class is about to start anyways and you can talk to her later.

You were staring at the ground as you walked,How could she just say that?! This is scary as fuck,you could loose her,or Gamzee,or. You dont know,Sollux for fucks sake! This should be talked about and you should be prepared for it! Not just blowing it off like it was some sort of stupid-

"Fuck- Watch it man." You bumped shoulders with someone. Hard. Fuck,you could feel yourself tense up more than before and your body close in on itself,you felt almost smaller than you usually were,and vulnerable,trying to give the stranger you bumped into a look of anxious sympathy. "Shit, sorry. I shouldve been looking where I was going." You really didnt mean to bump into him,so you hope he realizes that.

"No its fine bro,just a little rough for someone so small hahah." He give a sympathetic smile to you and pushes the shades he has on up a little since they seemed to have slipped off a bit. "You alright?"

Fuck,right,your supposed to be getting to class,not chatting with a random guy in the hallway. You snap out of your surprise and nod your head,starting to walk off back to class. "Yeah im fine,sorry again. I have to get to class." You didnt look back but you could hear the slight confusion in his voice. "Oh uh..alright bro,take care?"

Your in class now and ignore the teachers lecture as always,zoning into your own thoughts and replaying the scenario in your head over and over. You hate yourself for bumping into someone,seriously how could you be so stupid and inconsiderate? The guy you bumped into looked like a real tool. Shades,Blond hair. That was all you really remembered from him. He was probably some cocky preppy kid whos name youd never know and now you never have to see him or talk to him again. Good, fuck him, whoever he was. You knew you shouldnt be so angry over some stranger,but he also couldve been looking where he was going to avoid getting bumped into.

Who really cares about some stupid pretty boy anyways? He probably purposefully bumps into kids and knocks them down all the time,like the rest of the inconsiderate shitsponge popular kids in this school. You dont care anymore,Your done being angry about it.

You flip open your notebook and grab one of your pencils and start scribbling things onto the lined page. Anything from writing,to doodles,to full on drawings. It kept you busy with something other than school work in the boring classroom....

It was lunch now. First and second period passed and you were ready to just eat with your friends and forget the slighty unpleasant morning. You headed to your locker and tucked away the only two items you had on you,then grabbed the wallet you kept hidden in there. It was probably a better idea to keep your wallet on you,but last time you had it,you got jumped.

Its just best to avoid something like that again,its not that bad keeping it in there anyways.

You let out a soft sigh as you close your locker and lean your tired sleep deprived body agaisnt it. You look through the hallway as you wait for your friends. It had small groups of students getting items from their respective lockers and walking off.

Its not as crowded as it is in the morning,or as it is in passing periods,which is nice. You always felt like everyone was watching your every step,as if you walked weird or looked abnormal,or were just strange. They arent wrong,you were strange,you just hope it wasnt as noticeable as you thought it was.

You see your friends heading towards you and Terezi jumping at you and giving you a tight hug. You tense and squirm in her grip. She always does this,at the start of every single lunch,every god damn day.

"Pyrope get the fuck off. Now!" You struggle a little in her grip as she held you for a few more seconds then let you go,ruffling your hair with her hands. You can hear her little laugher as you grab her wrists to get them away from your head. "Fucking quit it!!!"

"Im sorry that I cant help messing with you everyday crabby!" She spoke through a smirked smile and linked arms with me,tugging me away from the locker. "Now lets go to lunch!! Gam and I are hungy!!!"

I groan. "First off, im not a fucking crab,second off, it's pronounced HUNGRY, and third, yes please, im fucking starving." You let her link arms with you as the three of you walk to the cafeteria. You werent really starving, you just wanted to get out of class.

When you got to the cafeteria, it was crowded as always, but you went to get your lunch and took a seat in your usual spot, along with yours and Terezis arms linked together. The whole time. You think people mightve been staring. You didnt want to cause trouble with Vriska. She was one of the mean girls in this school, and she has an obvious thing for Terezi. You dont think Vriska realizes that your not in any competition with her but you still feel like shes out to get you. You just let out a big sigh you didnt realize you had been holding in.

It should be fine, Vriska didnt see and everything is fine. Your sitting next to Gamzee today and no way is Vriska coming near him. You have no clue what happened, but Vriska seems to avoid that clown at all costs. You could never see why someone would be so scared of this idiotic goofball but someone is.

You take a bite into your sandwhich and try to relax your tense body,scootching a little closer to Gamzee. He seems to always get the hint without you ever needing to say a word. He lazily slinks an arm around your shoulders and lets you lean agaisnt him as you munch on your sandwhich.

"Sooo Karkat,i saw you bump into Dave this morning." Great,back to the fucking subject of this morning.

"Who the fuck is Dave,and why the fuck are we talking about this. Do you mean the stupid shade guy?" You try to lean more into Gamzee's warmth,if you can even call it warmth since he was pretty cold.

"Haha yes, the shades guy, and his name is Dave. Hes my friend." She stuck out her tongue at you and took a bite out of some candy she had,its some rollup fruit shit that you remember making you really sick one time.

"So? What about him?" You look down at your plate and move around some of the stuff on it with a spork. "Ive told him about you before, and I think he's interested in knowing you! I dont think he realized you were the "infamous romance guru" that he bumped into!"

You blink. "What the fuck did you tell him about me exactly."

"Ohh nothing much...just that youre a big dorky looser!!!" She stuck her tongue out,a colorful tongue stained with red candy while making an L shape with her finger and her thumb.

"Fuck off Pyrope, I dont need anymore people like you poking their noses into my buisness." You finish your sandwhich and lean your whole body agaisnt Gamzee's,which he in response holds you. You cant tell if he's listening or zoning out with how high he is. You can never tell with him,but you guess it doesnt really matter.

"Oh come on Karkat. You only talk to me and Gamzee,and that other guy you refuse to introduce us to!!! As much as i love being one of the only people you talk to,you need to get yourself out there!!!....please?" She gives you this slight smile with her hands clasped together,staring into your angry eyes with her own pleading stare.

You could never hold up agaisnt her. "....Fffine. Ill give it a fucking chance. JUST ONE."

"Good!!! Youre in one of his classes!" She immediately brightens up, she always does this when she gets her way, her classic smirk of mischief on her face.

"What? He is..?" How the fuck does she know that at all. Oh right,she stole your new schedule from you at the beginning of the year. Wait just how long has she been fucking planning this?!

"Yeah, its one of your B day classes. B8 I think???" Great, at least its the end of the day.

"Alright, fine. Ill try to remember to talk to him." You huff and wiggle out of Gamzee's gentle hold, lunch will end soon.

"Oh you dont have to, He knows youre in that class!" Oh great, just great.

"Ok, Terezi. Exactly how fucking long have you been planning this." You were about to get up until her sentence stopped you. "Oh not till i saw you two bump into each other! But Ive told him about you and Gam since the start of the school year."

You were. Taken back. Why the fuck would she talk to anyone else about me other than Gamzee? You could never fucking know with this weird girl. Who fucking cares anymore anyways. You just hope this guy will forget about you or something tomorrow so you wont have to deal with him. "Im going to throw out my trash and pretend I didnt fucking hear that. Ill talk to you later."

You got up and saw Gamzee give a little wave goodbye,and you gave him a light pap on the head and tried to smile a little before turning around and walking off.

You dumped your tray in the trash can and quickly got your stuff from your locker,and with that,headed to your next two classes. Just two more.

In no time,school was out for the day. You grab your bag from your locker. You thought you mightve seen Terezi or Gamzee there but they probably already left school, since Gamzee was known to skip and Terezi had club activities. You could never remember which day it was on though. Oh well. You shut your locker and head out of the school, starting to walk home the way you always do.

It was uneventful. Boring. Perfect. The gentle breeze agaisnt you felt refreshing after being cooped up inside that stupid school all day. You have nothing to worry about while you walk home, just the serenity of quiet, the blue sky, and the gentle calming breeze.

You take your sweet time as you walk home. Its the only thing that makes you somewhat smile and let yourself enjoy the world around you instead of being scared.

But its over now.

You walk down the walkway to your front door and head inside. You hear your father home but you dont want to talk to him. You could hear him try to catch you but you just rush up the stairs to your room and lock yourself inside.

"Home sweet home alright, just fuck off will you, Im tired." You sigh and drop your backpack on the ground,next to your door as you usually do,then lay your body face first onto your bed.

"Aaaauuugh..." You let out a long groan and flop over onto your back. Today certainly was fucking something,wasnt it? Why are you talking to yourself in your head? You dont know.

You huff and pull out your phone, flicking through notifications. Youve got multiple from Terezi, bunches of reminders about talking to the blond kid tomorrow, and a few from Gamzee.

Eh. Your not really in the mood to text them back. Maybe later when you feel less horribly horrible. You look around your room and get up, taking your laptop to your bed and curling up in your blankets with the device sitting on your lap.

When you open it,you see its paused on the last movie you were watching. Its one of the classics that you always love to watch, you always watch romance when your in a bad mood. Which is always.

You dont know why romance movies of all things make you happy, youd think they would make you more depressed since youre always alone, but they just make you feel better.

So you get comfortable in your spot agaisnt your pillows,wrapped in your blankets in the dark comfort of your room with only the laptop screen giving off light,and you press play.

You let yourself get lost in romance movies of different kinds throughout the night, having a hard time sleeping as usual.

Eventually you pause the movie and close the laptop around 4 am.

You get undressed to just your boxers, as you do everynight since its always way too hot in your room even with the fan on high.

Then you get comfortable in your bed,and lay with your eyes closed for what feels like hours,letting the thoughts of what happened today and plans for tomorrow drift through your mind until you cant tell your awake anymore....

{authors note!}
i dont know if im going to keep steady with this, im new to actually writing stories where characters have conversations with each other,and i really really hope you (whoever you are) likes this!

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