The violin that was sacrifice...

By foxgirl7895

955 52 6

'Your partner is Min Yoongi.' The teacher said. 'Well I hope he is good.' Raising my eyebrows I huffed. - The... More

The day we met
The start
Party fever
Time to go
The violin

Missed you

58 4 0
By foxgirl7895

Running through the lit streets of Seoul I fell my body become heavy.

Starting to run slower and slower as my stamina drained I fell to the ground. Blinking a few times my eyes slowly fell shut as I felt something in my head snap.

Waking up the only color I saw was white. Holding up my hand I felt nothing.

"Am I dead?" I asked myself, feeling the warmth of the sun heat up my skin.

Blinking a few times I saw more vivid colors, colors taking shape into objects.

I was in a hospital room. The yellow floor flourishing the room as the walls were a soft tint of brown. All the furniture white.

Sliding my hand over the soft white sheets I looked at the sunlight that brightly landed its rays on my covered legs. Turning my head to the side my vision got burly again by the bright light.

Holding up my hand so I should see a bit better. The green leaves on the trees made me smile.

'What a beautiful day.' I mumbled to myself lifting my head off my pillow.

'Y/n... You-you are awake?'

Hearing my mom's broken voice from the other side of the room my head felt so foggy.

Feeling her warm embrace around me I slowly turned my head over to see her laying in my arms. Crying because she was glad I finally woke up.

My body was still a bit heavy but I managed to hold onto her for my dear life. Smiling I laid my chin on top of her head as I ran my fingers through her hair. Her scent making me feel like I was at home.

The whole day doctors came to visit me. Apparently, something in my head snapped making me fall into a coma. I woke up after 3 weeks...

I felt so tired and exhausted. Speaking took a lot of more effort now. My lips couldn't follow my brain's commands. The commands came through to fast which made my lips react too late.

Nodding a lot my family was here the whole time. My mom, my dad, and my sister.

As the last doctor left he asked if I had any pain. Shaking my head no he smiled and left the room.

'Baby... Do you mind if your dad and I go get some food for the three of us? So we can eat together when they bring yours?' My mother took my hand and smiled at me. Smiling with a nod I said; sure, go ahead.

Kissing my head my dad did the same leaving me and my sister alone in the room.

As she sat on the side of my bed she smiled at me. 'I missed you.' She said softly as I took her hand.

'You know~' She started as she looked down with a slight blush on her face.

'Yoongi came to visit you every day. And his friends joined from time to time.' Smiling cute it made me fill up with happiness. 'Really?' I asked smiling. 'Yep.' She giggled making me lay my head back down with a smile.

I remember that night like it was yesterday... the night we kissed~ my first kiss.

'I hope he stops by today.' I said as I closed my eyes relaxed. 'He mostly came in the evening while we left.' She assured me laying down next to me.

Swinging my arm around her I pulled her closer.

'Hyuna and the others stopped by almost every day too. I've texted them. They said they would stop by tomorrow, they want you to get lots of rest first.' Sighing relieved she leaned her head against mine.

'They are sweet.' I said as I fell asleep against my sister.

After having dinner with my family it was time for them to go home.

Giving them all a hug and a kiss I didn't feel sad or anything. I knew this was gonna be one of the last times I would ever hold them and I wanted to cherish this little moment we had.

My body was running on the last bits of fuel it had left.

Starting outside the window I hummed the melody of Otherside by Perfume genius to myself.

Hearing a soft knock on the door I turned my head over to see the raven-haired boy I cared for so deeply.

'Yoongi~' I spoke his name softly with a small smile on my lips.

Walking in with stunned but tender eyes he walked up next to me.

'You woke up...' His voice sounded full of thankfulness and warmth. 'Are you okay?'

Nodding I patted the bed to sign him he could sit down.

'I'm okay. I'm glad you came.' I saw he was tired.

'You look tired.' I said. As he looked away outside the window he nodded.

'I've been practicing a lot. I cane every day after practice to see if you woke up but today you really did... You really woke up. I thought you never would.' As he wiped away his tears I noticed starting falling down I lay my hand in his.

'I am glad you are here with me.' As he sobbed softly he turned his head to me. 'I really missed you~ Y/n.'

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