By exocherrios

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Book #2 of the 'Tri-colour fantasy' series. Love is blind! It doesn't matter if she can't see me, cause stil... More

1 . Blind Love
2 . Prologue
3 . Obsession
4 . Falling for you
5 . Blooming days
6 . Softly
8 . My Love

7 . Forever

78 17 6
By exocherrios

"Go Ara please listen to me." He gripped both her arms tighter, pulling her closer to his chest. A small drop of tear drip down his cheeks, while watching the blind girl crawling over his shirt. 

The pain was so deep.

The pain of unbearable.

The pain was new to her.

"No please! Let me go inside. I want to feel her one last time. Please, Se Ju?" She cried tightening her grip on his shirt, as he looked down at her sadly. 

"Go Ara? Please listen to me." He said almost in whisper. She shook her head whimpering and crying loudly. 

"Mmm--How could sh--she le--leave me just like that? She was my everything--but--but why did she--" She almost poured out crying loud, before Sehun pressed her head to his chest and comforted her softly. 

"Baby! Please don't cry. I am here for you." He said softly making her calm down. But as much as he does, her cries never stopped instead it grows rapidly. 

"Why did she leave me? What happened to her?" She asked pulling off from the hug. 

*  *  *

Previous night

After Sehun visited his mom in the hospital, when he was about to go and meet Go Ara. He was stopped by someone when he was about to leave the hospital front door. He turns back and was surprised to see.,

"Mrs. Choi? What are you doing here?" He asked with a soft smile and walked towards her. Mrs. Choi stood in front of him, hands tugged with each other and her eyes were dry. 

"Sehun? I--I want to--talk to you about something." She said almost undertone, yet audible for him to hear. 

"Sure ajhuma." He said and made her sit on the chairs trailing along the hallway. He sat beside her and looked at her curiously. 

"I am a heart patient." She said, while looking at him with a blank expression. The actor sat there thrown back at her sudden unexpected words. 


"Go Ara doesn't knows about it. I've been taking treatment for past 5 years and--the doctor has said that--my life is about to end. So, there is no hope for me to live hereafter." She said as a small sad smile curled up at the corner of her lips.

"Mrs. Choi? Are you--serious?" The actor was still completely taken aback and finding so hard to gulp in the fact. 

"Yes. So--if I die tomorrow or any time it can be--please promise me one thing." She paused before taking his hands on hers, looking into his eyes intently. 

"Marry Go Ara and take care of her for the rest of your life. I know how much you love her, that's more than enough for me to leave the world peacefully without any burden. And also there is something else--I want you to do." Sehun let out a gasp in shock and his eyes were welling up. 

"I have signed for my eye donation. So, as soon as I die--the corneal transplantation will be conducted. At least, I'll be gratefully leaving the world with a fulfilled heart that she could no more live in the dark world. That'll be the happiest moment after I die. And also--it's my last wish. So, please talk to her and convince her about that. Okay?" She in stopped and looked at him eagerly waiting for his response, but instead all she gets was silence in response.

The actor looked at her in shock, couldn't find words to respond her. He stared at her with teary eyes as a small drop of the tear trails down his left cheek. He quickly took his hand and wipe it off, and gave her a sad smile. 

"Mrs. Choi? I--I don't know what to say. Why didn't you tell me about this earlier? I would have helped you by any chance. Why didn't you tell me? I would have done something to help you out." The actor got more furious, at the same time more hurt. 

"It's okay, dear. This is my fate. Money can't replace it. You are like a son to me. So, I leave her to you, okay? Please take care of her." She said softly, loosening the grip of her hand and let go of his hands. 

"We'll miss you." He said closing his eyes and pouring out finally. 

"I'll look after you two, even after I die."

*  *  * 

Back to the present 

"Noooo! NOOOOO! WAE? Waegeurae? Please come back. Please." She cried, cried and cried in his arms. All Sehun could do is comfort her and make her calm, knowing his words can't stop her from doing so. 

"Ms. Go Ara? You have the surgery now. Please come with us." All of a sudden a doctor walked towards them and stood in front of them. 

"Ani! She left me before I could see her once. Then what's the use of doing this operation, when I can't see her anymore?" She cried pulling of from Sehun and slowly making herself stand, her left hand holding Sehun's arm for balance. 

"Madam Please?" She heard the doctor saying softly. 

"Go Ara? Please do it for me." She heard Se Ju's voice so low and full of worry. She gripped her hands to his arms and said softly,

"It hurts, Se Ju. It hurts." 

"I can understand dear. Please?" She then nods her head as she felt Se Ju pulling her closer to him, giving her a last hug before she goes for the transplantation surgery. 

He watched her walking along with a nurse towards a random room. He let out a deep sigh before turning back, but was stopped by someone calling him.

"Sir? You are--actor Sehun right?" He turns back and looks at him, giving him a small nod.


"Well--Please may I know how are you related to that woman? Since her guardian has passed away, we need someone to--" Before he could even finishing ask the question, the actor rushed saying,

"Her boyfriend and soon to be her--husband. I know I haven't revealed to my fans. But, soon I will." He said letting  a small smile. The doctor shows him a soft smile, tapping his shoulder.

"I am really happy about that. You can wait here until the surgery is over." He said. 

"Sure, doctor." He watched the doctor walking back to the Operating Room. He sighed shaking in head before sitting back on the chair. He didn't know what to do or for what to worry about. 

Thoughts of Mrs. Choi's words that she said earlier to him was carving deep in his heart. And the thought of how he was going to fulfill her wish was overflowing his mind. He slid off every thoughts before fishing his phone from his pocket and went through the notifications. 

He had 345 messages and 48 missed calls from 5 of his friends. He sighed in annoyance and slid back inside his pocket. Crossing his legs, as he leaned forward pivoting his head over his hands, he heard some footsteps rushing towards him. He slightly opened his eyes to look three pair of shoes in front of him. He lifted his head up slightly to look at his best friends looking down at him in worry. 

"Sehun ah? Gwenchana? Is she alright now? Are you okay?" Xiumin asked taking the next to him, while the rest two stood in front of them and looked down at the worrying actor. 

"Mmm--The surgery has started now. I hope everything will be alright." He said looking up at the younger scientist. 

"You don't have to worry. My uncle is leading the operation. I've talked about to him already. He'll take care of it. Okay? So don't worry." He said with a smile, giving a gentle pat on his shoulder. 

"Thank you, Jong In hyung." Sehun said showing him a knowing smile. 

"Did you eat something? At least did you drink some water?" Actor lay asked snatching something from his bag. The actor shook his head 'no'.

"Yah! Are you insane? You have to look after your health as well. Don't you know that?" 

"Okay, Yixing? We shall go and buy something for him, until then Jong In? Stay beside him." Xiumin said.

"Sure hyung!" The two actors walked covering his faces back with the mask and trailed down the steps. The known scientist and also the closest friend of the actor, sat beside Sehun.

"Yah! I said don't worry about her much. Everything is going to be alright in no time." He said looking at the frowning one. 

"It will. Well--How is Kyung Soo now?" He asked all of a sudden, trying to change the subject. The scientist leaned back sighing, as he crossed his arms beside his chest.

"He's going crazy. I--I don't what to do. Day by day, he is getting more worse." He said groaning softly. Sehun moved a little closer to him and looked at him intently. 

"He must be really hurt. I can understand." 

"Suho Hyung has made the most desolating mistake of all. We shouldn't have made the robot like that. It was all our fault. I don't know what will happen when Lee Na comes back to Seoul." The scientist puts his head down to his hand and frowned. 

"She is." The words startled the scientist for a second before he grinned at him in confuse. 


"I actually talk to Lee Na when I had time. You know? Though she left us all back then, she still rings me when she needs someone to rely on and talks for hours about her feelings towards Kyung Soo. Last night he ringed my phone all of a sudden saying--she's coming back to Seoul--tonight." Jong In was stunned by the information he just got. 

"Tonight?" The scientist was confused and shocked to hear the most unexpected news from the actor. He looked down at his palm in confuse, before looking at him. 

"Nae. Don't you know?" 

"Wait--Then why didn't she let us know about that?" He questioned himself wondering what she was planning to do, without letting him know. 

"How do I know?" Sehun asked still his eyes looking at the worrying scientist, thinking deep about something. 

"There must be something then." He watched as the scientist stands up from his seat and walks along the corridor. 

"Do you have something to do then? You can go if you want." Sehun said looking at him in confuse. 

"Ani! I'll stay at least until the surgery gets over. I have to thank my uncle, right?" The scientist said sitting beside him, grabbing his phone from his pocket. 

"Nae." Sehun watched him ringing Suho's number and after a few seconds the said person picked the call from the other side of the line. The actor leaned back wondering how the world is filled with people having thousands of feelings and troubles they are facing everyday. He realised how complicated life was. He realised how everyone's life was framed.

Not just for him. 

But for every single living being in the universe. 

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