serendipity // harry styles au

By pezwards

888 56 16

Harry spends the summers there. Andy spends the winters. For years, they've both just missed each other. Unt... More

chapter 1
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5

chapter 2

142 11 0
By pezwards

Harry had made a very bold move, saying what he did. He tended to live on instinct, saying whatever came to mind, chasing after whatever wanted. He had always wanted this girl, in some sense. Initially, he hadn't known it was a girl that he kept finding remnants of, however one summer his friends starting pelting tampons at him that they found in the bathroom, asking when he first got he period. From there, he sort of assumed it was girl which inhabited the house when he wasn't there. That's when he'd started putting together a more romanticised image. 

Seeing her now, in front of him in a sweet little yellow bikini, and a little wrap around her hips, he felt his mind had not at all done her justice. The fact that she was also carrying a beer at three in the afternoon while walking along the beach made her seem even better. She stood in front of him, more shocked than she had been before when he first approached the girls. On top of the dropped jaw and blank expression, her cheeks were starting to blush. As ballsy as his initial statement had been, it made the impression he wanted it to. 

Andy pepped herself up to talk. She didn't often like being rendered speechless by handsome strangers - but not really a stranger. So she spoke. 

"In love with? We haven't met." 

Harry chuckled a deep, hot chuckle that Andy wanted to feel - lie on his chest and feel how it rumbling within his chest, moving out of his mouth to make the only sound she thinks she's every been attracted to.

"Do you have to meet someone to be in love with them?" said Harry. 

"I think physical contact does help, yes," Andy said. 

Harry reached out and took Andy's hand out front the twist of her crossed arms. He didn't take it as though he wanted to shake it; he took it as princes' do before they take a knee and kiss a woman's hand. It was sweet, held softly, as he pulled it out and towards him. 

"Does that help?" He looked so clearly into her eyes, like he was entirely sure of her, as person, even though they'd never even brushed past each other on a crowded side walk, or exchange looks across a crowded room. 

More shocked than ever within this situation, Andy really was rendered speechless. She just stood there, and let Harry hold her hand in his, not knowing his name, rubbing his thumb against the gentle skin. 

Then he dropped it, laughing. 

"I'm just kidding." He wasn't. 

"About which part?" Andy said. 

"Uh... all of it?" 

"Not sure I believe that." He grinned at her, cheekily. He looked so purely happy. This situation was clearly not as stunning to him as it was to her.  

"We should introduce ourselves," Harry said. He was desperate to know her name. 

Andy finally smiled back at him, like he had been waiting for, dreaming of.

"I'll start. I'm Harry." He then curtsied, jokingly. Pushing one leg behind the other, and putting his arms out like a ballerina in a roll. Andy let out laughing breath. 

"I'm Andy." She curtsied back. 

"And I'm Nora," Andy's friend said, who had been patiently waiting a few metres away while watching a clearly blossoming romance. It's not hard to miss this sort of blatant flirting, as much as Andy will deny it later on as she tries to recall the situation. 

Harry put his hand out for her to shake, but she swatted it away. 

"No time for niceties. Can I use your bathroom?" Nora pointed up to the house. 

"Yeah, sure." Before Harry could tell her where it was, Nora was running up towards the house. 

"Where is it?" she yelled out towards the two down by the fence. 

At the same time, both Harry and Andy called out. "By the kitchen." "First door next to the kitchen."

They looked at each other, Harry clearly very happy and grinning, and Andy embarrassed she yelled that out when Harry is the one using the house currently. 

"You gonna tell me which drawer I keep my underwear in next?" Harry teased. 

"Top right?" 

"Left." Harry shrugged. "Want to come up?" 

Andy felt strange, being offered to come up. As much as she was enjoying this interaction with Harry, she didn't really want to see how the house was when he was in it. Even with the clues he'd left her, and how endearing they were, seeing it over taken by boys, and not the silent retreat she was used to might ruin it for her when she came back. And she'd already booked and put down the deposit. 

Harry stared at her, desperately wanting her to say yes. Once she was up there, he could show her the book she'd left a few years ago, and offer her another beer and then she'd have to stay around for a little while. He could probe, ask her all the questions he'd always wanted answered.  Although Andy didn't know it yet, the way Harry was looking at her, after asking her out, is the exact way he looked at her that made her heart flutter with love and life in a way she had never felt before. This was the first time it happened, and it didn't cause the flutter just yet, but started a little bit of warmth that would linger there for the rest of her life. 

"Sure," she said. Harry grinned so wide Andy couldn't not return the gesture, erupting in the same sort of grin. Harry specifically remembered that smile, because it started the same sort of warmth in his heart that Andy got from that look of his. And now the warmth lingered. 

Harry took a step back, and made a motion with his hand indicating Andy to start walking up to the house.

"I'm sure you know the way." 

(A/N: Hello! Chapter 2! Hope you like it and tell all your friends about it or whatever... Also tell me what you think about it!)

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