Alone... ~ KiriBaku

Por ilove_klance

80.2K 2.8K 4.3K

Bakugou told his mom and dad about being gay, neither liked it at all, being the homophobic people they were... Mais

Chapter: 1
Chapter: 2
Chapter: 3
Chapter: 5
Chapter: 6
Chapter: 7
Chapter: 8
Chapter: 9
Chapter: 10
Chapter: 11
Chapter: 12
Chapter: 13
Chapter: 14
Chapter: 15
Chapter: 16
Chapter: 17
I'm Moving To Ao3

Chapter: 4

5.6K 221 301
Por ilove_klance

3rd POV

The words felt so foreign on Kirishima's tongue, even hours later, still watching after Bakugou. He hadn't said those words to anyone in years, ever since his dad died.

"We're going to be going to the new restaurant in town to celebrate your quirk!" Kirishima's father said, looking into his mirror, briefly catching Kirishima's excited eyes in the reflection.

"Will there be fries???" Kirishima asked, excited to be going out.

Kirishima's father chuckled at the notion, "Of course there will be, there will be everything you could even imagine."

"But of course there will be a budget, let's not forget now." Kirishima's mom said from the front of the car, lightly chuckling at her two boys.

"Aweeeee momma-"


As the car was turning the corner, a speeding car came, knocking them off the road, flipping them over and over, like some sort of roller coaster. Eventually they stopped, upside down once again.

Kirishima's mother was passed out, but still breathing.

"Dada?" Kirishima asked, a bit confused.

"Don't worry, it'll all be okay, then we can go to that new restaurant and eat some dessert, I heard they have an all you can eat buffet." Kirishima's dad whispered out before coughing up, much to Kirishima's dismay, blood.

"Dada, what's wrong? I'm scared-" Kirishima cried out. He could hear his father breathing getting slower, and gradually heavier. Though young Kirishima didn't know what that meant, it still scared him, he didn't know what to do.

He heard sirens in the distance.

"Hear that, those are the guys that are gonna come and get you and momma, you gotta take care of momma as you grow older though. Help out around the house, do some little things ya know?" Kirishima's father said in a labored voice.

"But dada, aren't you coming with us?" Kirishima questioned, still not understanding.

Kirishima's dad didn't have the heart to tell him the truth, to tell him that he knew he wouldn't make it out alive, so instead he said, "Of course I am, I'm just gonna take a nap with momma, ok? Then we can go to that restaurant, right?"

"Right!" Kirishima cheered.

"I love you." Kirishima's dad closed his eyes for the last time.

He never went to the restaurant.

To this day, he's realized that love only brings you down, of course he would never stop loving his father, but that's the problem. He thought about his father and all that came to his mind was the pain of his last moments with his dad, the moment where he didn't understand what was happening to his dad. The dad he loved so much, the dad that always made nachos every Sunday after going to church and turned on the TV to watch whatever was on, the dad that secretly spiced up his brusle sprouts behind his moms back so he would eat them, the dad that always picked Kirishima up from school, never late, the dad who always read stories to him, said goodnight, and rubbed his back until he fell asleep, always keeping a light on because of his fear of the dark, the dad that helped him realize he wasn't afraid of the dark, he was afraid of being alone in the dark.

The dad no one could replace.

After he lost his dad, there was no one worth loving. Then he came to UA. And the boy who changed his life. The boy who once had a beautiful spark in his eyes, the boy who was confident and bold and could do anything he ever wanted, the boy who now looks lost, the boy who undoubtedly needs help. Though Kirishima never labeled this feeling he felt for Bakugou, he knew now it was love. There was no denying it anymore. Kirishima wanted to be the one to guide Bakugou back to reality, whatever it took. Because, whether he knew or not, Bakugou helped him out of the depression he fell into for years after losing his dad. His fiery attitude and the fact that he always won, it helped guide him out of the terrible state he came to UA in.

As Kirishima started to fall asleep on the chair next to Bakugou's, he knew there was no going back. He had said it out loud. No going back.

"Kirishima.." He jolted up right, only to be met with a, still, sleeping Bakugou, "Kirishima.. don't leave. Please..."

Kirishima was shocked to say the least, once again this boy has managed to put Kirishima at a loss for words, and once again he put that aside and sat on the side of Bakugou's bed, letting his fingers roam through Bakugou's hair once again, an act that seemed to calm Bakugou significantly as he whispered to Bakugou in the dimly lit room for only him to hear, well, kind of.

"It's ok, I'm not going anywhere. You aren't losing me, I'm right here and I'm never letting you go." Kirishima said softly, but firmly, making sure there was reassurance in his voice.

Once Bakugou was calm again, Kirishima set back to sitting in his chair, standing up and walking, only to be stopped by a hand holding him back.

"Don't leave.." Bakugou mumbled once again. God, Kirishima really did love Bakugou's voice, but he hated hearing it like this, distressed and scared, fragile even, so he sat down on the bed.

"Oh no, I am not little spoon." Kirishima whispered to himself, chuckling, before flipping Bakugou around. Kirishima got onto the bed, lying on his side, arms wrapped around Bakugou's waist, head nuzzled into his neck.

Bakugou was oddly warm, Kirishima found himself seeking more of this warmth as he let sleep take hold of him.

-- Once school ended --

Recovery Girl walked into her office to check up on the two boys and let them know they had visitors only to notice the two asleep.

She walked, over ever so carefully, only waking up Kirishima, knowing Bakugou needed his sleep, "Kirishima, there are a few people outside, they want to know if they can come in and check on Bakugou." Kirishima stirred, registering what Recovery Girl was saying, not opening his eyes.

"They can come in," Kirishima said, rising from his position, immediately missing the warmth, "But if they wake Bakugou up I will be personally escorting them out."

And so Recovery Girl walked out and told the group of student what Kirishima said and invited them in.

Kirishima was now fully up, back to sitting in his chair, pretending to be reading a book.

Mina came up behind him and hugged him, scaring the living christ out of him. He almost screamed at her before he remembered that Bakugou was asleep so he settled with glaring for now.

"How is he?" Mina said, quietly, knowing Kirishima would pick her up by her ears and drop kick her into next week, no, next year, if she were to so much as make Bakugou stir.

"He's doing good. Recovery Girl is going to keep him here over night so he gets the rest that he needs, I will stay here with Bakugou to take care of him. Recovery Girl said that he should be awake in the morning, but she will probably keep Bakugou here for some tests before letting him go." Kirshima whispered back. Mina scurried away to tell everyone else while Sero stayed behind for a second longer.

"Your book is upside down man." Sero said, chuckling as quietly as possible before walking away to join the others already heading out.

Kirishima took the time to look at his book noticing it was, indeed, upside down. He blushed the smallest of blushed before turning his book right side up then waving at the retreating group, giving them his signature goofy smile before turning back to Bakugou.

He was pale and had bags under his eyes, he almost looked worse than before but he simply needs his rest.

Kirishima got back to the bed, lying down next to the sleeping Bakugou. This time Kirishima just laid on his back, staring at the ceiling, hoping to not disrupt Bakugou's sleep. Moments later, shifting and shuffling on the bed was heard as Bakugou turned to his side, now facing Kirishima, as his hands hugged tightly around Kirishima's waist, his head on Kirishima's chest.

He couldn't help but crack a smile at this side of Bakugou, the needy, warm, dare he say, cute side of him. His mind drifted off for a few more minutes until he let sleep take hold of him once again.

Wow, you guys are still here, I must be doing something right lol, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Till' next time lovelies!

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