The witch of ReveFestival | s...

By Seulrenescandy

862 29 3

"Miss Kang, can you explain to us what exactly happened in the house?" "They say four bodies were found, is t... More

Ice Cream Cake.
Dumb Dumb.
Russian Roulette.

Bad Boy/Perfect 10.

133 6 2
By Seulrenescandy

Irene rapidly obeyed Seulgi's request and closed her room's door. Without thinking it twice and still high on the hunter's kisses, the witch quickly returned to her beloved's arms. The tiny girl looked up at those perfect monolided eyes she loved the most and carefully put her hands on the younger's cheeks as she went in for a hungry kiss. The older gently pushed hunter Kang to her bed and laid her down, straddling her, ready to eat her prey.

On the other hand, Seulgi closed her eyes, savoring the moment. Her hands ran up and down Irene's small frame, trying to memorize every inch of her body. The hunter took her hands to the tiny witch's face and separated each other for a brief moment. "Did you miss me?" Irene heard the monolided girl said, but frowned and shook her head. I must be hearing things, she thought.

"What did you say?" She asked for confirmation.

"I haven't said anything..." The taller frowned. "Are you okay? We can stop, I don't want to overwhelm you-"

"No... don't ever stop... please" Irene begged in a low voice, slowly diving into kissing the other. The witch knew her head was playing games with her, she knew how much she repressed those feelings and that urge to hold Seulgi while their relationship developed into something more intimate. The tiny beauty felt complete, in peace. She started to let her heart run wild and treat her beloved the way she deserved, she wanted the monolided girl to feel loved, to feel adored.

The leader still topped the taller girl and started going down, leaving butterfly kisses on the younger's neck.

"I..." Seulgi articulated between breaths.

"Don't worry... I'll be gentle" The older immediately recognized the other's concern and tenderly reassured her. The hunter loosened up under the hungry witch and followed her lead, ruffling her hair as she went further down.

Hunter Kang's scent was intoxicating the tiny leader in a whole another level, making her take the initiative but also leaving her at the other's mercy. The power Seulgi held on Irene was definitive, only one look can turn her on, one smile can melt her and one kiss can pacify her. The tiny beauty didn't hold her hands back and started exploring the younger's still clothed body, carefully sneaking her right hand under the hunter's shirt, feeling her marked abs.

"I love your golden abs" She expressed, whispering into the taller's ear as she kept on drawing circles on her soft skin.

Seulgi didn't say a word and instead blushed, taking her hands to the edge of her shirt, pulling it out. "I want you" The monolided girl almost pleaded in a soft voice.

Irene nodded and kept on kissing and nibbling on the younger's neck, sometimes even leaving love bites all over her delicious skin.

The hunter didn't understand how it all led to this moment, she didn't know how it all turned so serious in a blink of an eye. She always heard stories of how true love is slow and careful, how it hits you after knowing the person really well and that everything else that wasn't like that is considered pure encounter. Despite having that in mind, she still wondered how could she have fallen in love in a matter of seconds with not only a witch, but this witch that she was supposed to catch. The monolided girl was never easy loving, she didn't have any girlfriend whatsoever back home, yes, she found every other girl attractive... but no one could compare to Irene.

Irene and that pair of beautiful brown eyes of hers, Irene and that sweet cheeky smile she has, Irene and those soft hands trailing down her body, Irene and that heady scent she irradiated, Irene... Irene... Irene. It was all her, her head was filled up with her silhouette. Fighting her was always futile, Seulgi always came back to square one, always back to her finding the witch intriguing, always back to wanting to kiss her, to hold her, to get to know her better... so she figured this time, she would surrender.

Surrender to that strong chemistry that kept them together and interested in each other, one where the tiny beauty's past didn't matter to the hunter because every time they are together, time stops before them. Time cease to exist, space itself cease to exist, they're transported into their little world where them and only them exist, a world where they can keep on looking at each other for straight seconds, minutes, without worrying about anything else but their company. A world where there's no reason for them to fight, no reason for Irene to cast spells.

Hunter Kang carefully took off the older's shirt, revealing her cute tummy. "Don't laugh" The shorter adverted.

"But you're so cute" Seulgi teased.

"I'm not topping for you to call me cute" The tiny beauty argued. She didn't let the other speak as she roughly kissed her lips while her once again sneaky hands reached the younger's pants' button. The witch's skilled fingers undid the button and seductively unzipped the other's pants in a matter of seconds, but when she wanted to pull them down, the latter turned the tables and switched positions.

"Not yet" The taller girl said in a husky voice.

Irene was surprised by her beloved's actions, she thought she was going to pleasure Seulgi, to show her the love she deserves, but with Seulgi everything is a mystery, she thought, smirking. Even though her plans were destroyed, she wasn't going to complain, oh no, she was already enjoying it. Seeing hunter Kang kneeling in front of her, golden abs glistening under the low light, right hand traveling to her forehead as she moved her sweaty bangs out of the way, unzipped pants letting her have a glimpse of her underwear. It was a whole view, a show worth drooling for.

"Like what you see?" Seulgi teased, smirking.

The tiny beauty could only nod, unable to take her eyes off of her tanned hunter's exposed skin.

"Maybe a little too much, don't you think?" The younger teased again.

She quickly lowered herself and topped Irene, her legs on each side of the witch, preventing her escape. And not that she would ever escape that situation, but Seulgi just liked it that way, she likes feeling in control, she likes having the older praying at her mercy, begging her for more.

Without a warning and single handedly, the hunter unclipped the other's bra, tossing it across the room. A switch was activated inside the monolided girl, from here, there was nothing that could stop her. She traveled down to Irene's breasts and cupped them tenderly, massaging them as she drew circles on her nipples with her thumb.

The leader was sent to ecstasy, savoring every sensation her beloved was providing her. Eyes shut, mouth slightly opened, she couldn't resist the urge to arc her body to inform Seulgi that her stimulation was driving her to cloud nine. The taller licked and sucked on the other's nipples as her clumsy hands tried to unbutton her beauty's black skinny jeans. After a brief moment of struggle, the younger succeeded and slowly pulled Irene's pants down, revealing her laced lingerie.

The monolided girl pulled up for a minute to enjoy the view and let a whispered "Oh my God..." out of her lips as she roamed her eyes on the other's body. The tiny witch wasn't a normal girl... oh no, she had class. Top class, if you ask Seulgi. Her curves perfectly defined her feminine structure, her pale skin glistered and glowed under the poor illuminated room. She wasn't as toned as the hunter but she was absolutely fit. Her small arms rested up, beside her head. Legs remotely wide apart, only for the younger's legs to fit perfectly between them. Eyes never leaving her beloved's shape.

Hunter Kang was caught off guard when Irene's legs wrapped around her making her fall down, she quickly reacted by placing her hands on each side of the tiny beauty to prevent a collision. "Woah... that was close" She expressed, sighing in relief.

"Like what you see?" Irene backfired.

Seulgi chuckled, knowing where this was going "Uh-huh" She affirmed.

Finally, and wasting no time, the couple undressed themselves to reveal their totally naked bodies for them to admire. The tanned hunter hungrily feasted on her beauty's soft porcelain skin, she licked, bit, kissed her way down to the tiny leader's private area, ready to show her skills.

Reaching Irene's lower area, the monolided girl dived in, teasing her love bud giving long, slow licks. The witch wasn't patient enough to be teased, so she exclaimed almost in a pleading fashion a "Please just take me" out of frustration.

"Patience is a virtue" The taller looked up to face the shorter, licking off of her lips the beauty's signature. The older found this extremely arousing and thought fuck it as she pulled her beloved and did a maneuver that left her on top of the younger, ready to ride her.

"Too bad I've waited enough to have you" Irene purred and started grinding gently against Seulgi's core, slowly driving her insane. Everything that they did was tender, sweet, full of love, everything showed this weird appreciation they had for each other despite having just two days of actually getting to know their feelings. The tanned hunter placed her delicate hands on both the leader's legs, caressing them as she watched the tiny woman ride her.

The shorter bit her lip as an unconscious reflex of being driven to the peak of pleasure. "God, you're so freaking beautiful, Irene" Seulgi lovingly said in her signature husky voice.

"Are you enjoying the view, baby girl?" The witch asked in a low, seductive voice, leaning to the monolided girl level. The other didn't say a word and before she knew it, the leader was no longer riding her, instead, a playful finger rubbed the younger's love bud.

"God... Irene" Was all that hunter Kang could articulate as shivers ran all over her spine accompanied by a familiar desperate tingling in her lower belly.

"I'll be your perfect 10" The older whispered into the other's ear, sending even more sensations to her, making her moan softly. The enchantress wasted no time and carefully pushed one finger inside the younger under her.

"Jesus Christ..."

Seulgi's tiny moans were music to her ears, were pure ecstasy that made her want to lose control. As if it was on purpose, the hunter once again flipped their positions and Irene made sure her finger wouldn't slip out.

"I can be your perfect 10 too..." The monolided girl said, looking for the beauty's entrance.

Each thrust was slow, tender, gentle. They wanted to show each other their feelings, show their affection in the best way possible.

They feasted upon their bodies, kissed their lips until they were dry, touched every inch, memorized every mole, inhaled their scents until they mixed and became one, moaned their names to infinity and praised themselves to the point of worshipping one another.

After they were satisfied, Seulgi couldn't keep on being awake because of the lack of good sleep she had since she stepped foot in the house so she immediately drifted to sleep. Right there, bodies pressed against each other, the tiny witch in her arms, she was happy.

After what felt like an eternity of them holding each other, sleeping peacefully, the leader woke up. She didn't want to wake the taller up, so she carefully and quietly turned to look up at the monolided girl. "You're awake" The witch softly said, looking into her beloved's dreamy eyes.

"I have been for an hour now... but I didn't want to wake you" The hunter lovingly said, taking her left hand to the older's head, caressing her long hair.

"But you should've... I don't want to be a burden..."

"Hey" Hunter Kang shushed her tiny lover. "It's okay, you deserve to rest too, plus, you looked so cute drooling all over me" She teased, smirking.

"Naughty" Irene replied to the incitement, lifting her small body up to meet Seulgi's lips.

"I'll be right back" The younger excused herself, breaking the kiss and slowly getting out of the bed.

"Don't be gone for too long" The leader said with a tender smile, a smile that expressed her bittersweet emotions.

"Don't worry, I'll be back in a heartbeat" Hunter Kang said, quickly getting dressed.

"I'm glad we can have a brief moment of peace" Wendy said, resting her head on her girlfriend's chest.

"Yeah. I guess it's all over" Joy murmured, playing with her lover's hand.

"What do you mean, babe?" The shorter asked frowning, confused.

"I mean that Irene got the girl she wanted after all... that's it, we're destined to be here forever" The younger said, making Wendy frown even harder.

"Joy... are you okay?" The latter bolted up, sitting on the bed beside the other, staring at her.

"Yeah, why you ask?" The taller said, getting confused too.

"It's... nothing" Wendy said, looking away from her girlfriend, understanding the situation.

"Come back here then" Joy gently suggested, opening her arms for her lover to rest in her embrace.

"Yeah... I'm kind of thirsty, let me just have some water and I'll be back" The older said, trying not to sound too fake.

"I'll go with you-"

"No!" The shorter cut the other off. "I mean... I won't be long, we don't have to do everything together...haha, it's just a little water...." Wendy tried to ease the atmosphere, got out of the bed and with a 'don't you worry' manner, she exited the room.

"That was close" She sighed, resting her back on the closed door behind her. The next mission was going to look for Seulgi and explain the situation to her. "I hope I find her quick" She said to herself and saw the clumsy hunter exiting the bathroom a few steps away from her, almost like a miracle.

"Seulgi!" She whispered a scream.

But the monolided girl was too busy drying her hands on her pants that she didn't hear her friend.

"Seulgi!!!" Wendy tried again, this time approaching her as she waved her hands in the air to catch her attention.

"Oh, hey Wendy" The taller nonchalantly greeted.

"I think we have some bad news..." The shorter said, still whispering.

"Why are we whispering?" Hunter Kang followed her friend.

"Because Joy is acting weird and I don't want her to hear me" Wendy said. "Wait... were you and Irene in the same room just now?" She continued, teasing the older as she smirked. "You finally got some cuddle time?" The younger wiggled her brows as she rested an arm on the hunter's shoulder.

"Well... uh..." The monolided girl stuttered and blushed hard.

"Oh my God..." Her small friend exclaimed. "Oh my God! You had sex with her?? You definitely had sex with her!! You guys had sex!!! Like, you WERE having sex with her!... wait, are you still having sex?" She stopped teasing with a disgusted look on her face as she quickly removed her arm from the other's shoulder and wiped it.

"No! we're done..." Hunter Kang blushed even harder. "Just... tell me already"

"Oh, yeah"

Back in the room, Irene finally decided to leave the bed. Carefully and slowly, she placed her feet on the floor and sighed. She was exhausted. The tiny witch stood up, gathered her clothes and put them in the laundry basket, then proceeded to her closet that was in front of the bed. As the leader chose her new clothes, something started to bother her, she felt a cold breeze hitting her back and the windows weren't even open. The beauty hesitantly turned around and horrified, saw the mirror was turned.

"No..." She mumbled, dressed in a blink of an eye and approached the mirror.

"And that's why I'm saying that she's not my Joy... she would be conspiring and talking non stop on how to bring the witch down" Wendy tried to explain, giving her friend every piece of information she remembered.

"How are you so sure that the mirror lady has something to do with it?" Seulgi asked.

"Because I woke up in Irene's room when the last spell was broken... I didn't remember how I got there and I ignored it... but something came up to me... I remember... we turned the mirror and a blinding light came out of it" The younger said, getting into some kind of trance.

"Did you see the witch?" The older asked, eyes glistening with hope.

"I... don't remember... but Joy... she's-" The shorter stopped talking and turned along with the taller to Irene's door, both of them seeing a suspicious white light coming from the frame.

"Wendy..." Seulgi eyed her friend, who just nodded.

They carefully approached the door and without knocking, they entered to find the witch opening the curtains, letting the daylight illuminate the room.

"God! You scared me" The tiny beauty exclaimed.

"Sorry... we thought something happened to you" Hunter Kang said, relieved.

"Like what?" The older raised a brow.

"Nevermind, we were being paranoid" Wendy answered, eyeing the mirror that was still turned. "Anyway, I'm going to get some water" She continued, giving Seulgi a let's meet in the kitchen look while she exited the room.

"I missed you" the clingy witch pouted, wrapping her arms around her lover's neck.

"How much?" The monolided girl teased, leaning closer.

"A lifetime" The older seductively said, slow kissing her beloved.

"I really want to do this..." The tanned hunter said, breaking the kiss. "But Wendy thinks something is wrong"

"What could be wrong?" The shorter asked, massaging the back of the taller's neck.

"She says Joy is not the same, that something happened with the mirror" The monolided girl explained.

"Well, we've been here the whole time and nothing happened to us" The tiny witch tried to reason.

"You know we can't let our guard down" Seulgi said.

"You're right" The leader said, giving her lover a quick peck on the lips.

"Don't worry, once we get out of here, we'll have plenty of time for us" The younger happily tried to cheer the small beauty.

"Go, Seulgi" Irene said, turning around, giving her back to the hunter.

"I won't be long"

And with that, the monolided girl exited the room, leaving a somehow devastated witch behind, silent tears rolling down her cheeks.

As soon as the hunter entered the kitchen, a glass hit the floor, breaking in pieces, splashing water everywhere.

"What's wrong, Wendy?!" Hunter Kang asked, rushing to her friend.

"I just remembered... the lady in the mirror... Seulgi... she's..."

Irene wandered in a strange corridor, pink walls, strange mannequins, baseball bats, axes, every kind of weapon could be seen, scattered on the rooms, a gun lied on a white and red bed. The situation was making the witch very uncomfortable, as she didn't recall how she got into this 'world', she kept on roaming the corridors, entering rooms, but stopped in one of them when she heard some sobbing.

It was like a warehouse, filled with round white tables and chairs wrapped in plastic, all the furniture was wrapped in plastic too. The leader slowly approached the sound and found a very frightened Joy.

"Joy!" She hurried to the crying girl's side.

"No! Get away from me!" The taller resisted, jerking her arms out of the tiny lady's weak grip.

"Shh, it's okay, it's me" The beauty cooed.

"I know who you are! You can't control me!" Joy cried, covering her ears.

"What the fuck is going on...?" Irene said to herself, frowning. "Joy... it's me... Irene" She tried to calm the other once again.

"Irene?" The younger slowly uncovered her ears, looking up to meet the witch's eyes. "You're Irene?" She repeated herself.


"Not Joohyun?"

The small beauty froze when she heard that name coming from Joy's lips. It made no sense to think that the lady in the mirror was... herself. Better yet, she was sure the lady wasn't herself, as the first time she introduced herself to the witch she said her name was Jennie.

"What's going on, Joy?" The leader asked, afraid of hearing the answer.

"It's Joohyun, she's the lady in the mirror, she pulled me here and tried to brainwash me, whispering sickening shit in my ear... trying to make me stay here forever and lure everyone but Seulgi inside..." The taller explained. "She looks just like you... could this be a spell?"


"It is not"

"You're saying that Irene is the one in the mirror?" Seulgi asked, looking confusingly at her friend.

"Yes... we saw her..." Wendy affirmed, unconsciously taking her hands to her head in a sign of stress.

"But how can she be in two places at once? She can't be outside the mirror, that means Joy could've escaped without any trouble" The hunter reasoned.

"But what if there's two of them... like some kind of twisted twin game" The younger said, eyes wide open.

"Oh my God..." The monolided girl whispered. "Then who did I...?" Her words trailed off. "You don't think she would do this on purpose, would she?"

"I don't see why... she only wants you for herself"

"But what if she was just playing me this entire time?" The older asked, a hint of sadness in her tone. "She's a witch after all" She said, but now in a more angered fashion, walking away.

"What are you doing?" Wendy tried to make her come back.

"I'm going to end this, once and for all-" The taller was cut off by Joy, who tackled her to the floor. "What the hell?!" She cried in pain.

"Joy!! What are you doing?" The shorter yelled with a horrified look in her eyes.

"Don't worry babe, it'll all be over soon" The taller replied, still trying to contain the hunter.

"Great. Yerim: take Seungwan to my room. I'll deal with her later" Joohyun said, coming from the corridor, with Yeri behind her.

"No! let me go!" Wendy yelled as she was being dragged by force to the witch's room. "Seulgi!!!!"

"Why are you helping her?!" The older ranted as Yeri closed the door.

"Because she's right, we need to stop Irene unnie... she's not doing the right thing" The younger said, her expression seemed honest.

"What do you mean? She's going to kill Seulgi!" The older raged.

"No, we need to let her go, free her, she needs to break the spell and let her out of the house"


"Seulgi needs to go... she can't be here anymore if you want her to be alive"

"But everything Irene did-"

"Was because she wanted to be with her... but that can't be. Not here, not now, not in this lifetime"

"You just don't want her to be happy"

"Oh, trust me, I wanted her to have all the power, all the money, all the sacrifices, everything she wanted... but once Joohyun came up to me... I learnt that destiny can't be changed"

Wendy didn't understand, in fact she didn't want to. It was way to awful for her to accept this truth, even if she wasn't the one being played, she still felt sadness for her friend who had fallen in love with the witch.

"Then why... why let them love each other? Why let them make love? God! Why even let them kiss if you knew what was going to happen?" The older ranted.

"Because if it was you and Joy... if you knew, would you kiss her one last time? would you touch her one last time?" Yeri backfired.

"Of course I would"

"That's why we let them love each other... because they don't know there's an end"

Yeri left the room after delivering the cold truth to Wendy. The latter couldn't stand anymore so she sat on the bed, wondering where Irene went, wondering how to change destiny, wondering how to free Joy from the mirror. That wicked mirror, she thought, turning to look at it, peacefully resting against the wall, as if it was harmless. The short girl furrowed her brows as she started to see something, like if someone was painting the mirror with spay paint from the inside.

"Get up, hurry, we need to get out of here" Irene rushed.

"How are we going to do that?" Joy asked, still not moving an inch.

"We can find something to somehow break this illusion" The leader urged the other to move.

"I don't even know where the exit is... or where I even came from" The younger said, running alongside the small beauty.

"Wait... did you notice that?" The older asked, pointing to a mirror.

"No... never" Joy answered.

"We can send the others a message, quick, pass me that spray can" The witch commanded, swiftly grabbing the can from Joy's hand and pushing the button to spray the words help.

A few moments after, Wendy came through the mirror, looking at every direction, trying to process. "What did I just do?" She asked.

"Ugh, your worst mistake ever" Irene grunted, face palming herself. "You were supposed to break the mirror, not get in it" She scolded the younger.

"How am I supposed to know? You never gave instructions on how to act if this happened" The other backfired.

"Wendy!!!!" Joy rushed to her girlfriend, hugging her tightly and planting small kisses all over her face.

"Hey... chill babe, I missed you too" Wendy chuckled upon her lover's sweet gesture.

"We need to get out of here" Irene tried to make their attention return to the current situation.

"And quick, Joohyun is outside with Seulgi" The younger said, making the leader even more nervous.

"God, why?"

"I don't want to be that person but... Yeri said something about destiny and I'm not sure if you want to talk about it but-" Wendy tried to investigate but was cut off.

"She doesn't know anything! I know Seulgi can fix this"


They all roamed the rooms once again, trying to find something that will help them exit that strange world. With no luck, they returned to square one.

"I just found this lighter" Wendy said, showing it to the girls.

"I grabbed the baseball bat and-" Joy was cut amid her sentence.

"Wait... I didn't notice that" Her girlfriend said, squinting her eyes.

"What?" The older asked.

"She's watching us, probably" The younger said, walking up to a camera, destroying it to pieces with Joy's bat.

"I just hope Seulgi is okay"

"Get your filthy hands off of me" Hunter Kang grunted, tied to a chair, in the middle of the living room.

"You're getting the wrong impression, I'm not the bad girl here" Joohyun said, holding a book.

"How can you not be? You trapped Joy in the mirror, kidnapped Irene and locked Wendy up... seems pretty bad to me" The angry hunter said, feline eyes never leaving the witch.

"I did that because everyone loves you, you become friends with everyone, even Yeri didn't want to do this at first but now she's seen the truth" The tiny beauty said. "You need to get out of here, I'm breaking the spell"

"No! I need to break it... otherwise Irene will..." The monolided girl tried to articulate but the cold yet sorrowful expression on the other's face made her stop. "Let me make this one different... please"

"This isn't the first time I've heard that, Seulgi" The shorter sadly said.

"Then you leave me no choice" Seulgi said, standing and letting her body drop to break the wooden chair on the floor.

"Wait!!!" Joohyun yelled.

But the hunter wasn't listening, she ran across the living room, up the stairs and finally got what she was looking for, a gun, sitting peacefully on a table for exhibition. She checked the cylinder of the dusty revolver and found two bullets, ready to be used. She was not going to kill Joohyun, obviously. Hunter Kang just needed to scare her and make her bring back Joy, Wendy and Irene.

This time, she walked slowly and carefully through the house, looking for the witch. She passed all the corridors, opened all the doors and of course, the last room to check was Irene's. The monolided girl gently pushed the creaky door and revealed the silhouette she was looking for.

"You wouldn't shoot" Joohyun said, putting her hands in the air.

"I will" Seulgi affirmed. "I know how space and time works" She continued, roaming her eyes on the room, trying to look for a clue, and she got it.

"I guess we don't have a choice but to burn the whole place down" Wendy said, lighting the lighter.

"I guess you're right" Irene said. "If Joohyun is connected to this world then she will disappear if something happens to it"

"We need to get you out of here first" Joy said.

"There's no time" The older insisted.

"Can't you just use a spell to transport us back to the house?" Wendy asked.

"I've been trying to, but it seems that I'm powerless here" The tiny witch hung her head low. "Just do it, Wendy"

The short girl nodded and threw the lighter, igniting a fire.

"I've got it, Irene" The tanned hunter said, turned her gun to face the mirror and shot it, making it blow into pieces.

"No!!!!" Joohyun yelled as she started to disappear.

"I'm sorry" Seulgi sincerely said as Wendy, Joy and Irene were thrown off the mirror, landing on the floor.

"You!!" Joohyun said, pointing to Irene. "You can't be this selfish! She's not going to get over the death of her friends! She's not going to be able to keep on living because of you! You should've let her go in the first place" She said, disappearing into the air, with faint sounds of police car's sirens and ambulances.

"What the hell?" The monolided girl confusedly asked, not knowing why those sounds came up.

"Seul" Irene broke, running to her beloved's arms, recognizing all the sounds the other didn't have any idea of why they were heard.

"You need to explain, Irene" 

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