Iris: Child of prophecy

By obliviousstudent

114K 3.5K 108

Iris has had a difficult life, running from her past and living like a nomad. She is not a regular wolf. She... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter Nine
author's note
Chapter ten.
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty: Moon Goddess.
Chapter Twenty one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty four
Chapter Twenty five
Chapter Twenty six
Chapter Twenty seven
Chapter Twenty eight
Chapter Twenty-nine.
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter Thirty two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four.
Chapter Thirty five.
Thirty seven: Witchcraft
Thirty eight.
Chapter Thirty-nine.
Chapter Forty.
Final authors note

Chapter fourteen.

2.9K 88 3
By obliviousstudent

I would not deny what I was about to do scared the shit out of me. What I was about to do was a bunch of dangerous. Why do I do it? I mean, even saving my mate's illegitimate pup, why do I do it? Well, of course, the pup had no part in this and was just suffering for its parents' sins. Was that the reason? The pup? I can't lie to myself. I was doing it because of Malik, and because I needed to get away from his intoxicating smell of mint and the forest after rain, plus that sound. I didn't trust my wolf around him.

"Iris, is something wrong?" Malik's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.


"You're not usually awake this time of the day and you've been awake for over forty minutes now," he whispered.

"Well, you creep. Why are you awake as well?" I could feel his chest reverberate as he chuckled.

"First, I know when you wake even if it's a simple stir I know it, and besides this is the normal time I wake up every morning to run," my eyes widen as I turned to face him.

"But you still aren't back when I wake up," I say, then he turned to face me and I could feel butterflies spring up in my stomach at the covered distance.

"Well love, I am the ancient Alpha, after all, I kinda have an image to keep," he stood up from the bed and suddenly it felt cold. He went over to the wardrobe and dressed. Before I could stop myself, I was staring at the way his back muscles moved as he sorted through the clothes.

"Humph!" I groaned as clothes smacked me in my face. "What is the meaning of this?"

"I would prefer love if you got dressed as well instead of ogling me."

I sat up, supporting my weight with my elbows, my head tilted to the side. "Really?"

He winked and walked into the bathroom. "Not that I mind at all," he peaked from the door.

"What? No!" I exclaimed when I realized what he was implying with the leggings and shirt.


"Yes, no."

"I guess you leave me no choice," he said as walked toward me.

"What the hell is going on?"

Before I could react, I was in the bathroom with him. It was still huge, but not as big as the one I flooded. Oh yeah, that. My stupid mistake had me sleeping in a smaller space with an idiot. Don't get me wrong, it was massive, but the bed was surprisingly small in such a large room. I had a feeling, no, in fact, I was absolutely sure that he had something to do with it.

And don't get me started on the extremely long fight that I lost because I had tried to sleep on the floor.

"What are you thinking about?" he whispered in my ear, pulling me out of my head.

"How unnatural the size of that bed is compared to the size of the room. And how uncomfortably close you are to me right now," I shoved him, but as usual, he stayed stagnant.

"Oh? You don't like the bed?" He smirked, our current position blurring my thoughts. My wolf wriggled in pleasure. I, on the other hand, was completely mortified by his confidence, the nerve of him.

I shook my head. He had placed me on the sink and situated himself in between my legs, his powerful arms firmly wrapping my waist. I felt dizzy.

"Or perhaps you want it smaller and us closer." he pulled me to him so suddenly I had to put my palms in front of me to prevent me from landing flush against his chest. I looked up at him, ready to lash out, but the smug look he gave me told me he was just pushing my buttons to get a reaction out of me. I wouldn't fall for his antics, nope.

I smiled. "Oh, hell no."

"Really, I mean you don't have to be modest around me, I'm your mate after all," I rolled my eyes. His eyes immediately got lighter oops.

Suddenly, his grip was tighter. "didn't I tell you not to roll your eyes at me?"

"Stop it, you're hurting me" I wriggled, trying to break free.

"Apologise and say you won't do it again."

"Or what" I knew I was playing with fire but I didn't mind getting a little burnt.

I didn't like the look of it, he smirked. He moved away and carried me off the counter. He picked up his toothbrush and brushed. I followed suit. And by the time I was done, he was sitting on the bed shirtless and it looked as if he was waiting for me to get out.

I walked suspiciously to the bed and made a move to get under the cover. This girl needed her energy for today, and besides, it was only four-thirty in the morning.

"What are you doing?"

"Going back to bed."

He laughed. "No, you're not."

"Why not?" I looked up and back at him.

"Get dressed, we're going running"

My turn to laugh.

"Hahaha, good one" I slid under the covers and closed my eyes until cold air stung my entire skin. My eyes flew open, and I saw the covers on the floor with his brooding figure above me.

"Get out of bed, Iris. Don't make this difficult."

"No," I had a reputation of being stubborn and I can't let it be tainted, sorry.

"Stop!" I yelled as he pulled me out of bed by my leg, and I hit the floor pretty hard. My, was he rough. If he was like this, I wonder how it will feel to... I'm not even going to finish that thought because I can't let him figure out that I think that way.

"I don't understand how someone would always choose discomfort over just simple obedience," he shook his head as he threw me into the wardrobe to dress.

"And try any funny business. Aria gets the punishment," my eyes widened at the statement, that son of a bitch. No wonder he told the doctors to treat her. And here I was thinking he actually cared about my feelings. Stupid Iris.

"Better enjoy it while it lasts because when I'm done with that pup, you have no say anymore."

I got out almost immediately in a tank top and some yoga pants that hugged me more than I would want. I could feel his gaze on my body and my body heating up under his gaze. He smiled.

"Let's go."


"I can't, please, I'm about to die," I groaned, doubled over and panting.

"Iris, we're literally just outside the pack lands. We haven't even gotten to the training yet."

"Huh? What the hell am I going to need training for?"

He raised his brows. "Just because you can't die doesn't mean you shouldn't know how to fight."

"Uh, I'm pretty sure that's what it means?"

"Well, I don't care. You're going to be my Luna, so if I say you fight, you fight."

"Have I ever told you that you're a chauvinistic asshole?"

He smiled. "I believe you have."

"Well, you are and you're leaving in denial, because I am never going to be your Luna." with that I took off running again, trying to get away from him. But I could tell he was right behind.

We finally reached the training ground and immediately I prayed that the she-wolf would wake up and they would call us back because I hated stress more than the moon goddess even.

As soon as we reached, I knew why this pack was strong. There had to be more than 560 wolves training both males and females trained together. It was brutal. Everyone stopped and stared at us as we arrived and in sequence, the first wolf slammed this fist against his chest and howled. Then they all followed suit. The next thing bones started cracking, OMG!! they were all shifting. For some people, it was quite painful, but I could tell there were new shifters.

By the time they were all shifted. I had no words. They looked magnificent in all the different colors. Even my mind was thoughtless. Malik looked down at me, but I couldn't even look away from this. This was... wow.

Suddenly, he was no longer by my side. It was like a flash, a blurry image in the corner of my eyes, and he appeared in the middle of the pack. There was a pause, and all the wolves kept snarling at them. Though they were much taller than him in their Lycan state, he was not the type of man you could miss. My pulse lurched in my throat and thumped painfully. I was terrified. And this fear was all me, just mine. As expected, they started fighting. My jaw felt like it hit the ground. He didn't even shift! Was he trying to kill himself?

I was screaming inside. I had never felt so scared in my entire life, but this was what I wanted, right? I mean, I hated his guts, right?

They were all running at him in no particular order, and he was somehow keeping them away. It got more and more dangerous as the older, higher-ranking wolves came at him.

I bit my lips and clutched my already tight pants to keep from screaming. My wolf pushed to the surface. Barring and clawing to take control. Oh no, no, not gonna happen. I squeezed my eyes shut and fought for control. I have never felt this kind of conflict within myself. It was unnerving.

I didn't like it at all. But I didn't have to worry too much. Not long after he was done, and he came out of the den and stepped back beside me. The wolves all barred their necks in submission and shifted back.

"Iris?" Malik called to me as shook with rage. I couldn't think for much longer. Next, it was my bones cracking. I cried out and my clothes ripped.

I stood in front of him and growled.

"Iris, what are you doing?" Malik asked, looking amused. I barked, challenging him, then I lunged.

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