Wolf Children 2: The Continua...

By coolguy5980

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[Description]:This story take place from where the movie left off 1 year later after Yuki enrolled in Middle... More

OC voice cast
🐺Thrill of the Hunt🦌
Spring Break Fever!
Sibling Reunion
Spring Break Week!
Into The Night/Trip Down to the river
Into the wild/First day of School
The Foreigner part 2
Absolving The Bullying Problem
500 Read Milestone
Weekend Hangout
Little Talks
Rolling Girl
Skits #1

The Foreigner Part 1

81 0 0
By coolguy5980

[Chapter 10: the foreigner part 1]

*rainy storm*

*In the rain*

?????: *Panting* *dragging herself in the pouring rainy road with an hurt ankle and hand damage as her other hand holds it*.....*then she sees an frog as she examines him for a bit* You're lost too? *frog ribbits* good to see you are alive and well^_^ *pets the frog's head* *hears an car incoming as she quickly picks up the frog and saves the frog from the car as it passed by* I must go now *as he placed the frog down as she walks off and the frog ribbit try to follow her but lost her in the rain*...

*In the morning as the sun is out and the rain stops but the ground and grassy land is muddy and wet and trees with their glistening leaves*

Tito: "Tom!, where are you!, you lazy one eye F-[bleep]!" *wondering around* *as it cut to Hana waking up in the morning yawning in her PJS as she turns the radio on and makes herself breakfast*

{Radio: *voiced by David Vincent* Morning!, Countryside Folks, this is your countryside radio spokesman Hideji with houki, we hope you all have an nice morning, with the ground all wet and grass and tree leaves glistening from Tonight's rainstorm!, but the rain wasn't the only thing people saw and felt last night, an trucker was driving this night in the rain when out of nowhere an "Dog" came out of nowhere not just any dog, as the trucker describes it the dog is bigger than any dog not like those akita,tosa, or Shiba breeds!, as he assumes it's a wolf can you believe that Houki!XD}

Hana: Hmmm.... Might be a foreign dog breed.... *Takes a sip of her tea while listening to the radio*

{Houki: *on the radio* Hehehe! I don't know about that! Truckers see a lot of stuff Hideji! Maybe he was tired and thought he saw it!, I mean we remember the last guy who brought what he thought was the chupacabra from his visit to Mexico and it turns out it was a raccoon with mange!XD}

{Hideji: well then guess what I found in the wreckage scene of the trucker...an backpack and it's a lady's backpack so I'm hesitant to open it, make you wonder who does this belong to, looks American too.}

Hana: *Hears something* ....Wait... *Stands up and runs to the door and open it* Yuki?.
Haru: *sitting at the front door holding an letter written by Yuki*.....
Hana: A letter?! *Reaches down and grabs it* Thank you! ^_^ *Opens it*

Haru: "you're welcome" *comes in*. *Hana reads it as it says "Dear mom, I'm having a blast exploring the mountains and areas it is surprising how much I missed out on that Ame experienced!X3...Please don't tell Ame I said that , your daughter Yuki Okami!" With a Paw Print on it the letter!*

Hana: Aww, I'm just so glad she is doing fine and is having fun along the way! X3 Did she make any friends? *Looks at Haru* ....Well, not like you can understand me!😅
Haru: *nods* "yeah I can understand you, but you don't understand me!XD"
*Hana reads "P.S Haru is gonna stay here since he shown me everything and he wants to stick by your side!X3"*
Hana: Hhmm... *Pets Haru's head* I think we will get along nicely! ^_^

*Cut to Risako stops right off the road in the middle of the woods and smokes his cigarette*

Risako: What a nice morning *listening to the radio news for the countryside* should I tell Yuki?....nah too complicated I'll wait for a while....*an frog appears before him*...hey there *the frog ribbits* you saw an girl in the rain? *frog ribbits again* and she is in bad condition?...I will keep an eye out for her, depending if i can find her...*walks to her truck and about to enter till her under his truck footprints*....what the? Barefoot prints....*he follows them and walk past the frog and follows it to the grassy fields*

*risako follows to the empty field*
Risako: *saws her* huh?....*saws an nude girl with loose hair flowing the air*.......*Walks to her* hey you okay? *she turns to him but she fainted immediately as Risako catches her!* whoa whoa!0-0....
Frog: *ribbits*. *an grown Tsushima cat comes out after Risako picks up the naked unconscious girl unknowingly runs passed him* *the Tsushima cat hisses as climbs back into the forest* *Risako puts her in her truck and hops into the driver's seat and drives off* *Risako feels her neck for pulse and sees she's alive* okay good pulse, don't worry I'm gonna patch you up I hope Hana doesn't freak out for an additional visitor😅

*cut to Haru eating his breakfast*

*and Hana planting the crops this time carrots but then she sees Risako driving in as Hana smiles as she get to see her friend but find it weird that he ain't exiting out his truck*

Risako: How should I say it? "Hana I got an almost dead girl in truck I need your table again" no no too straight "Hana remember when I play operation on your son well let's do it with this girl I found and you can be my nurse this time!😁".....too silly!😅
Hana: Oh Risako! *Waves* Is something a matter?XD
Risako: What should I say?, "Hana I'm sorry that I have to do this but I need your table?" No no no too straight-*hana knocks on her windshield* Hana: Hey! Risako! *He gets startled* Is something wrong?
Risako: *lowers windshield*....*faces her*....I need your table again😅

*cut to him cleaning off the table and placing the unconscious girl on the table and Hana comes in with his tools*

Risako:thanks for this, I found her like this in the empty fields!.
Hana: Really? What was she doing in the fields? Risako: I have no idea we could ask when we save her life *puts gloves on and mask on and a hat on* let's get to work!.
Hana: I see you got the uniform this timeXP. Risako: learn from last time to wear them next time this happens!. *examines her hand* ooh this definitely needs some cleaning, Hana clean your hands *they did so as he pulls out an bottle* *checks her damaged ankle* it's like she came from an car accident and try to walk it off...definitely a cleaning and bandages on both of the wound now for her torso *sees her bare torso and sees windshields shards on her chest* Yup definitely needs some shard removal treatment around here none of these are critical or at risk but an immediate stitch and cleaning!.

Hana: Let me get some tweezers and some antibiotics, wait here! *Runs off*
Hana: *Runs back in* Oh! Forgot to ask, do you think she'll need stitches or staples?
Risako: definitely stapling on the torso after I removed those shards, I focus on that while you treat the ankle and hand with this bottle disinfect it *place the bottle next to her*

Hana: Alright, let's hope you're right and she doesn't have any serious injuries... *Sits at the seat on the edge of the table then takes out a napkin and poors the liquid onto the napkin as she rubs her ankle*
????: *groans in pain* *moves her mouth as if she's whispering something*....
Risako: *pulls all the shards out* what are you saying? *listens as she whispers something*

?????: 'Wolf mother where have you been?, you look so worn, so thin'.

Risako:.....*retreats and continues cleaning her wounds and started to stapled her wounds shut* Hana: ......You'll be alright okay? You'll make it! *Finishes cleaning her hand as puts the napkin in the trash* I cleaned her foot and hand.
Risako: and the procedure was a success!X3....she's gonna need a hand and foot cast to recover quicker and be in bed for a bit...

Hana: *Sighs of relief* Thank goodness! I would hate to be a bearer of bad news!😅

?????: 'Crimson Paw.....'.....

Risako: Don't talk just rest *picks her up carefully* it's gonna be okay *hana opens the door to the guest room setting up the bed for her* *places her carefully on the bed and tuck her in* im so sorry for bringing her here it just I couldn't leave her out there like that hope she won't be a burden.
Hana: No! No! It's okay! I would have done the same if I was in your shoes, so don't worry about it!😁
Risako: *smiles* I'm happy you feel the same helping people!X3. How about I help plant the crops since I was actually plan to help!X3

Hana: Hmmm.... You sure we can leave her without anyone watching her?
Risako: Haru could do that for us, now can you do that for us.
Haru: "yes I can do that!XD" *jumps excitedly*. Hana: Hehehe, if you say so!X3 Alright, let's plant and manage some crops! *Puts her hat on* Risako: *puts on his sunhat* Gotcha!. *cut to them managing the crops* "Pick up some talk with her, man!" How you think Ame is handling Middle school?.
Hana: ....I have confidence in him, I think he can blend in well enough! X3

Risako: yeah he has friends looking out for him, not to tease him but I see him eying nice Yomishi😏
Hana: Eying her? What do you mean?
Risako: Oh just me being a teaser, I had friends I tease around with!XD...I even tease my brother on his love life with this one girl!XP

Hana: Oh, you have a brother? Never really hear you mention your family much!XD
Risako: I hardly got along with most of them but my sister and one of my brothers treat me with respect!X3 London was an nice place to live in. Hana: I remember you mentioning that you grew up in London, so how was your family anyways?

Risako: I don't even know right now I know they're still around but well I stay disconnected from the family because well Most of them don't see me as their own especially after father's passing step mother would be harsh on me till I moved out the house and out the country to Japan where I got my degree to become an doctor which I'm doing right now I do have my inheritance but I didn't want to touch it I made a vow to not use my family's help to support my goals to become a doctor I worked hard for it going to job to job to pay off my intuition and then I bump into your job and met you. Hana: Hehehe! Wow you got quite a history! Sorry to hear about your family problems though...
Risako:....*smiles* it's okay!X3, I could see them one if I want to but not now, I'm busy with medical school and holding onto that job and well you!XP.

Hana: Ha! Just as long as you don't involve me into any trouble!XD
Risako: I won't, promise!, there's more to me than just my looks!X3.
Hana: Oh really? I wonder how good you are with children!XD.
Risako: Good with them that they get along with me, especially ones with elementary kids, I tried daycare role for a good while and I care for them and I taught them about nature that I grow an flower pot there I wonder if it still there!X3.

Hana: Daycare does help with experience... Okay, how about you babysit my kids in case I ever get busy with something! XD

Hana: Hehehe! Well glad you would do that! XD Anyways... What made you settle with the nature observation job even with the low payroll?

Risako:It feels more at home, gives me a chance at learning about nature and wilderness, that and life is precious outside of human society, I actually live up the mountains I have a small house with fewer neighbors, and I approach animals at times, that and well unlike my other jobs I made friends there than my other jobs, and well I did plan to leave 3 months later was gonna leave a letter which is my leave letter and pack up my box of belongings but then I decided to stay...totally wasn't because of you!😅

Risako:...."way to make it obvious!😖" Hana:......Hmhmhmhm! Glad you at least found one reason to stay eh Risako?XD
Risako: Yeah good thing I did otherwise you'll be a memory from yesterday!X3.
Hana: Hey... Risako... I want to know how are you not well... Freaking out about knowing what Ame and Yuki really are? Seems like a big thing for anyone else to keep a secret... Risako:....*looks at her for a bit before responding* Ain't the first time I seen anything mythical like this, I'm one of those cryptic/mythical creatures believers, heck if you're interested I study possible sightings of werewolves in America!X3

Hana: Really? Please share! That sounds interesting! X3
Risako: Well this is secret tribe code so you must be quiet about them when I tell you it^_^.
Hana: Tribe code? That sounds exciting!XD.
Risako:Alright after this I'll show you, be prepared to blown away by wolf facts after we're done here!X3
Hana: Hehehe! Alright! Alright! Don't disappoint me!XD

*20 minutes later*

*shows them at the table*

Risako: *drinks his coffee* *gets the paper flipbook and draws out the lore and stuff* In most Native cultures, Wolf is considered a medicine being associated with courage, strength, loyalty, and success at hunting, wolves are considered closely related to humans by many North American tribes, and the origin stories of some Northwest Coast tribes, such as the Quileute and the Kwakiutl, tell of their first ancestors being transformed from wolves into men. In Shoshone mythology, Wolf plays the role of the noble Creator god, while in Anishinabe mythology a wolf character is the brother and true best friend of the culture hero. Among the Pueblo tribes, wolves are considered one of the six directional guardians, associated with the east and the color white. The Zunis carve stone wolf fetishes for protection, ascribing to them both healing and hunting powers, and I ain't gonna lie, Their healing methods works got hurt once when I bumped into one of the tribe , and they told me to Observe the wolves for a few days and I did and my wounds were gone, they see me as a friend for a while and I play around with their "Wolf Children" children that are trained to be wolf handlers!X3....Wolves in America is very common over there especially in Canada, to wolves Canada is mostly a snowy wonderland!😛

Hana: Huh, all of that is very interesting! Did you hear about that stuff or read books or internet articles?XP
Risako: I do till I get to feel the real experience of the wolf pack, their wolf pack turns into actual wolves in front of me and they run off to the forest to wonder and learn about the wildlife!.
Hana: Huh! Well good that they don't attack anybody then!XP.
Risako: No but they do act like real wolves in nature to know what it's like to be one and how beautiful the forest is, the lesson is to show what their ancestors became and what they accomplished in their life time and that is a bond with the wolves!X3.
Hana: Huh, that's all pretty amazing to hear...Does make me think of a few things.... Risako: and there could be more Japanese mystical wo-.
Haru: *comes in excited* "She's awake!, she's awake!".
Risako: She's awake? *haru nods* alright let's see her then. *shows The girls covering herself in the sheets to hide her nude and on her knees in bed looking at the room for bit*

????: 'This room looks amazing'
Risako: *behind the door entrance to the room with Hana* 'you wanna greet her or should I?' Hana: 'You saved her, I feel like that honor should be yours'

Risako: 'alright alright, here I go' *comes in* hey. *she got startled by him* no no it's okay I'm good, I am the person that saved you, I'm Risako *got closer as she edges away from Risako*....*looks back to see if hana is watching*....*opens his shirt to reveal an pendant wolf necklace but it's not exactly native as She sees it by surprise as he nods to trust him as he puts it away* you don't need to speak but be assured I'm a good person and I ain't gonna hurt you *She crawls to him in curiosity*
?????:...Hi I don't know if I wanna be honest about my name....
Risako: it's okay you can tell me it when you're ready...You're Native American?.
?????: yes i am...
Risako: What are you doing all the way here in Japan?.
????: I wanted to find an man...
Hana: "....A man? Who could she be looking for?"

Risako: I say you should hold that search till you can heal up.
?????: Wait what you mean-*placed an foot* argh!. *sees her leg is clean and bandage up and looks at her hand*...0-0....you're an doctor?. Risako: Well undertrained one but I'm top student in my course and they envy me!XD.
????: Usually we mix herbs to heal and drink but this will do for now...*does an Japanese hand gesture* Thank you, Doctor.
Risako:hey I ain't a Doctor yet, just call me RisakoX3.
????: okay.
Risako:Look I'll be back I'm gonna go clothing shopping for you.
????: oh can you get me denim jeans?.
Risako: of course *walks out and talks to hana* 'hey I'll be right back, gonna do some quick shopping, keep her company!X3'

Hana: 'Okay, just make sure you have the right sizes figured out!'XD
Risako: 'Don't worry I have it all figured out, see you in a bit" *walks off*
????: *looks around still using the covers to hide her bare body as she limbs a bit as Hana then realized she's dirty especially from being out at night!*
Hana: *Slowly comes in* Hello there, I wanted to introduce myself! ^_^
?????: Hi there I'm.....well....I don't know if I want to share my native name. ...you won't laugh at it...

Hana: I won't, I promise! ^_^
???????: Blood Fangs, because when I was born, my father had made an necklace with fangs from his wolf companion that passed away and still blood stains on it and mother decided to call me Blood fangs!....but ironically....I was squeamish around blood😥
Hana: Oooh! That sounds like a sad story, but don't worry! There are other people that can be squeamish too! X3

*cuts to them in the baths*

????: I don't wanna be called that though not yet...since I'm in Japan you think I could stick to a new name *she scrub herself*
Hana: Let me scrub your back for you! X3 *She nods as Hana starts to scrub her back* So what name do you have in mind?
?????: I ain't sure exactly...there's plenty of Beautiful Japanese name to adopt.
Hana: Lucky for you, I have a book filled with names you can use! X3

*cut to little Haru trying to push the book to her as Hana gets it but appreciate trying to retrieve it*

Hana: Hehehe! *Sees Haru struggling as she picks up the book* Thanks for the help Haru! XD *Hands the girl, the book* You can pick what you like! ^_^
????:.....*reading for a bit*....Oh oh I found one!X3....Ketsuki....I love this Name!XD
Hana: Isn't that a way of saying blood though? XD
Ketsuki: Exactly!^_^.
Hana: Hehehe, and here I thought you wouldn't want a name like that!XD
Hana: Okay, Any last names you want?
Ketsuki: *reads through the book*oh!, Hidoi!XD
Hana: Hmmm....Ketsuki Hidoi, sounds frightening!

Ketsuki: Not to be threatening, I don't really like to inflict pain on others, I like being around nature and the feeling of it especially if you stand in it and lay in it you feel the comfort of the grass, and even be in close contact with the animals! Hana: But... Do you ever pray on animals? I heard Native Americans always pray after killing an animal...
Ketsuki:....Yes I do, but prayers doesn't necessarily mean we do that after killing an animal, we use it for other like funerals or blessings

Hana: Oh! I wasn't you pray ONLY for that! I was just asking is all!😅

Ketsuki: *bangs table* Maybe you should be more specific next time than saying like that!😡...*shows her angry face with her teeth out breifly shown but stops and regret her outburst immediately*.....I'm so sorry sorry for that It just....I get picked on for what I am and what I believe from where I come from.....
*shows an flashback of a little girl stumbling up to an roadkilled Raccoon*

*flashes back to the present*

Hana: It's okay, my comment wasn't meant to insult you at all! And well... You aren't the first kid that got picked on for being different..... Ketsuki: It's a good thing I ain't the only one....I can relate....I didn't drop out of school because of that I still kept going despite being picked on...are the people here nice especially in Tokyo as I read and saw in the brochures?
Hana: Oh yes, we here value respect Ketsuki!^_^ But.... Just don't expect that kind of behavior from everyone is all I have to say

Ketsuki: Got it and also umm what's your name I never got it?
Hana: My name is Hana, I was named after the Cosmos Flowers my father spotted my father spotted on the day of my birth! ^_^
Ketsuki: Thanks for sharing that Hana^_^, and I must thank your husband for saving my life

Hana: *Her eyes widens as she blushes* Oh well... Uh... He isn't my husband, he's more like my friend!😣
Ketsuki:could've sworn I have that feeling you two are together...
Hana: Well... I was with someone before and when we met.... I was very young!, Maybe I should show you what he looked like! *Gets up and walks to the shrine as she notices the license is missing* .....Wait..... No, no, where did it go?! *Lifts the cloth to see if it is therr then runs to a cabinet and opens it to dig for it* Where is it?! Ketsuki: You lost something?.

*Hana goes to the landline and calls dormitory operator*

Operator: Hello there how can I help you today. Hana: I want to see if you can put me through Ame Okami's room please? *Taps her finger on the desk rapidly*

Operator: Putting you through now.
*the landline in Ame's room rings as Ame picks up*
Ame: Hello? *as the screen splits to show Ame and Hana*
Hana: Hey Ame, I need to ask you something! Ame:...0-0......*hangs phone immediately as the split screen erases to Hana*
Hana: What the?! Ame?! Ame! *Looks at the phone* ....... *Sighs*
*hana calls operator again*
Operator: Hey there?, how can I help you?. Hana: May I speak with Ame Okami please? ^_^#
Operator: putting you through now. *ame's landline phone rings again*
Ame: you pick it up!>_<.
Daisuke: No you do it I don't want her to call my mom!.
Ame: Dice.
Daisuke: fine *picks up phone* Miss Okami I'm sorry but Ame is...Doing his homework right now, it's a big big big stacks upon stacks of papers!, our room is flooded with them, so have to call you back!😁*sweating so hard shaking as he's holding the phone knowing he's lying*....

Hana: You must be Ame's friend right? Well, I'm not one to be easily fooled! First week of school doesn't start with homework!

Daisuke:*gestures Ame to gets the papers as he did and puts it close to The phone* *ame crumbles the paper * oh no!!!, I'm sinking down!, I'm drowning into the endless pools of paper cuts!😫

Hana: *Sigh* Oh son!XD Ame, all I want to know is if you have your father's license! Just be honest, and there will be no issues!
Ame:.....*gets the phone*....Yes I did...I was shy to ask if I can take it with me to help me get through the school days😅
Hana: You should have just asked Ame, you know how I can be regarding that picture!

Ame: my bad I promise I'll take care of it and hand it back to you when I get the chance to travel back home>_<.
Hana: Okay! Just don't use it to drive a car illegally mister!XD
Ame: I won't, Mom promise😅
Hana: Pinky promise?XP
Ame: I pinky promise mom!XP.
Hana: Okay then Ame! See you later! And always remember mama loves you!XP
Ame: Yes Mama *Hana Hangs up*.

Ketsuki: *hana turns around to see Risako chatting with Ketsuki outside while she's dressing in the room*
Risako: You picked the right name!X3.
Ketsuki: You sure you're Japanese and not well british.
Risako: Oh come on does the name indicate I am Asian.
Ketsuki: Your face doesn't! Especially with the light brown hair.
Risako: Here I thought it's the accent.
Ketsuki: How about you show me your full name. Risako: Risako Lycanieni but everybody calls me Risako.
Ketsuki: Ain't that roman for Lycans?.
Risako: Yes my family is obsessive with canine stuff.

Hana: What are you two chatting about?XD
Risako: Oh just chatting what race I am exactly!XD.
Ketsuki: *comes in with demin jeans and a tank top and a sleeveless vest with boots* Thank you, how can I repay you?.
Risako:...*looks at her smiles and pats her head* Nothing, generosity is my key...but I must ask..you need a haircut?.
Hana: Hmmm..... Still feel like something is missing... I don't know why....

Ketsuki: No poncho?. Risako: No not the ones you would like to wear😅.
Hana: Maybe.... Maybe I can make a little one!X3
Hana: How do you like scarfs like the old western bandits would wear?XP
Ketsuki:I would like that actually😆
Hana: Alright! I'll start making it then! Just draw me any patterns you want!X3

Ketsuki; Alrighty!^_^. *draws it out*...Hmm give me a minute.....here you go *hana sees and sees the Dire wolf face* this is the Dire wolf, I know it wouldn't look any different from a regular but they're big and tough!💪.
Hana: Alright, you got it! Give it sometime and it will be ready in a pinch!😁

Ketsuki: Alright.
Risako: You definitely need a haircut though, looking like rapunzel.
Ketsuki: *stands up* I do not *steps on her own hair and slips*....Okay I do.
Hana: I'll cut it for you! Don't worry! Just tell me the hairstyle you want!😂
Risako: Don't worry I got her, I work at the barbershop for a while and I was good at hair styling, just focus on making the scarf and I got her hairX3.
Ketsuki: You would do that.
Risako: yeah...*pets her head* beside I know an perfect hair style for you!X3.
Ketsuki: what is it?.
Risako: it's a surprise!XP

Hana: Okay Risako! Good luck then! And don't make her bald!XD
Risako: oh HA HA!, I won't!😏
Hana: For her sake!

*soundtrack plays*

Risako: *set her up to a chair covers her with a big cloth around her body as he gets an set of scissors* *starts cutting her long hair* *trims the measuring it making sure it fits on what he wants to do with it* *then sees Yoru chatting with Haru as an lightbulbs lits on top of Risako's head as he lures Yoru to him as he pecks feathers out of him* *then he braids her carefully* *hana carefully sews the wolf patch together and even sees the name "Ketsuki Hidoi" on there*
*cut to Risako finishes her hair* here you go?, what you think?^_^.

Ketsuki: *examines her braid and see it's attached with feathers*....You got my hair style right?.
Risako: Figures you're would like feather on your hair.
Hana: Almost done you two! So Risako, how did it go? *Sees Ketsuki with her new hairstyle* Wow! She's really pretty! 
Ketsuki: Thank you!^_^.
Haru: "Wow who knows Yoru's feathers can used to be hair decoration!"
Yoru: "shut up😒"
Risako: Hey how about I make lunch, Hana while you finish up I'll show you how I cook^_^
Hana: Alright! Just make sure you all make lunch yummy! And give the little guys something too!XD

*shows Risako removes his sunhat and replace it with the hairnet and gets a medium bowl, gets out the ground beef and place it in there and then get out various spices and ingredients such as suet, baking soda, caraway seeds, garlic, salt, pepper and realized one ingredient is missing and whistles to Haru to find this ingredient which Haru runs out as Risako washes his hands and then haru came back with juniper berries as he pats Haru head and gets them as he placed them in and started mixing the bowl for 15 minutes* *then he preheats the grill for high as with wet hands as he forms the meat with into rolls and brush them lightly with oil as he finally grills the meat for 10 to 5 minutes while basting it as Hana smells the deliciousness of what's Risako is cooking as he finished*

Hana: *Walks out* Wow, is that coming from you Risako? That smells so good! XD

Risako: voila!, minced meat rolls or what I called them minci seasoned!
Hana: Wow! Those look really tasty!
Risako: thank youX3.
Ketsuki: *petting the antelope that appears in the farm outside as a bird appears on her shoulder* *hana comes out to tell her lunch is ready but sees Ketsuki with the antelope in beautiful lighting and animation* *hana walks and the antelope stares at Hana*
Ketsuki: It's okay he doesn't bite.
Hana: *Pets the antelope* Hehehe and you a calm one! Well... I see you are busy, but lunch is ready Kess.
Ketsuki: Oh goody!, Time to go my friend *pets him as he runs off into the forest*....I know how to call for animals!
Hana: Oh really? Do you whistle like the princesses from the movies?XD
Ketsuki: Not exactly I howl to do an antelope call!X3

Hana: Hehehe, whenever I did that as a kid I would always get weird looks from cats!XD Ketsuki: hehehehehe I did that to a neighborhood of dogs and they all howl along with me!^_^
Hana: I remember the fire trucks always doing that too!XD
Ketsuki: Oh yeah they would panic right away!XD *they walk in as they're chatting* back in America, my dad taught me how to use the plants to make herbs that would heal wounds and sickness any plant would do I just need an bowl and smushed the ingredients and you're set!X3. *Risako places the plates on the table with a side of rice with sauce on it*
Risako: kiss the cooker as a thank you😏
Hana: Hehehe! I think he is referring to you Kess!XD

Ketsuki: sorry I don't do those type of thank yous!XD.
Risako: No no no I didn't meant ya😅*cartoonishly sweats*
Ketsuki: I know^_^.
Hana: Hehehe, it is all fun and games!XD
Haru: *whimpers like an dog as Risako placed an bowl under the table* "thank you".
Risako: make sure you chew.
Haru: "I will".
Yoru: *Hana straps an envelope around him* "I assure I will give this to Yuki-san".
Ketsuki: Yoru.
Yoru: "Yes *ketsuki throws him a lizard as he catches it* you know my favorite to eat!X3" "tootles, haru" *flies off*
Ketsuki: Owls are surprisingly carnivores!X3 Hana:Yeah... I dissecting an owl pellet once!XD

Ketsuki: Really now?, you think I could enroll in the schools around here.
Hana: Hmmm.... You don't look anywhere around my kid's age...
Ketsuki: I'm well 17 years old almost an adult    Hana: Yeah, you would be a highschool student!Surprised you aren't 18 considering how strict America is with that!😅

Ketsuki: *eats her lunch* I do have my license and-...*realize his bag is gone* oh no my bag you didn't see me with my bag!?.
Risako:....*he and Hana remembering the radio talking about the bag* is it not Japanese?. Ketsuki: no.
Risako:Hmm Yup I know where it is.

Hana: Should we go on a pick it up? Hopefully it isn't known valuable item!XD
Ketsuki: well there's my license my phone, my wallet, my ear rings and brother's necklace😥 Hana: Don't worry! We'll bring them back to you in peace *smiles to her warmly* I promise you. Ketsuki:..okay then^_^....

Haru:"we all lost things too..." *after finish eating and Risako and Hana are alone for a bit as Ketsuki is chatting with haru*
Risako: *looks at her* you don't think she's hiding something do ya?
Hana: If she is hiding something then it just means she is still shy, which is okay!X3

Risako: okay okay, just hope nobody peek in the bag or anything *they went into his truck*. We'll be right back!.
Ketsuki: *petting an stray cat out the front* okay, we'll be right here!X3.
Hana: Take care! And don't make a mess out of things!🤣
Ketsuki: got it, Hana *they drive off*
Risako: don't worry I know the place of the radio station, can you pin it for me on my GPS.
Hana: Sure! *Looks at his GPS only to realize it is more up to date than hers* .....Uuuuhhhh....... Do you press the screen?😅
Risako: Yes actually, ain't that hard although it's not on paper!X3.

Hana: Oh, well.... Okay! *Presses her finger on it as the map moves* Phew! *Moves towards the location* .....So how do I pin point?😅
Risako: Oh boop it like you're booping an puppy's nose.
Hana: Hehehe! Olay! Boop! *Presses it as it pin points the location*
*hana saws an photo of him,his brother and an lady who looks like she's from the 1980s or 90s sticking on top glove box*
Hana: Oh, and who are those two? Is that your brother?.
Risako: Oh that's my brother alright, Ronyn and his Girlfriend Elaine Williams *sees another photo on the glovebox which Risako and a little girl who is ginger and looks 8 years old!*

Hana: Wow, is that your neice? What an adorable girl!XP
Risako:Ooh yes, that's Rosalie, She's My brother's Daughter not Ronyn's kid but my late brother's.
Hana: Ah, what happened to your brother? Risako: he wasn't around to raise Her, so my brothers and I raised her till she became independent, leaving her child like that makes me sick...because an child always need someone to look up to and find answers from someone that will care for her and raised her, we did an good job raising her!X3
Hana: Well, I am happy you all were there for her, but I thought her father died since you said late brother!😅
Risako: Because to Ronyn and Revinus he's dead to them but to me, I really wish he could return and see how grown his child had become it's like he disappeared right after she was born and never came back

Hana: ....Does Rosalie ever want to meet her dad?
Risako: No....she doesn't hate him I mean you couldn't hate someone that you never met or known, but she has his mindset!X3 eventually she wanted us to consider her our sister which we accepted it!X3
Hana: That definitely won't give people the wrong idea!XD
Risako: Oh yes it did, I think she was pregnant last time I saw her I hope I get to see her one day...maybe with a wife of mine but that won't happened not even for a while...
Hana:......Are you trying to be subtle here? XD
Risako: Hehehe maybe!X3...*an minivan passes by them* hey wanna turn the radio on maybe get you up to date on music!X3.
Hana: Hehehe! Oh c'mon! My radio channels aren't that outdated Risako!XD
Risako: Yeah I see your radio every time I visit youX3 I'm messing with ya, and I know the young duo radio station plays the up to date songs!X3.
Hana: okay I think I could do th-

*the song plays in the middle of it*

Hana: *Listens to the song* Hmmm.... *Sways her head side to side lightly as she listens to it* Risako: Oh you like this band musicX3
Hana: Yeah, I think I heard this before when after I helping someone jump their car and we had a conversation!X3
Risako: Yeah I heard the teens loving these girls, people compared them to Queen of this century, I can tell that the person had never touch an Queen record vinyl and listen to itXP
Hana: Hehehe! Can't exactly compare two bands with teo entirely different styles!XD
Risako: Exactly!, but I will admit their songs are good and I know a friend that loves singing 80s and 70s, Queen is his favorite band to listen to, me I love all other genres of music I'll admit I have least favorite there and here...heavy metal I'll never understand😅.
Hana: I had a friend that loved it!😅 She said she likes it because the guitar rifts are violent and can be more catchy than Rock music!XD
Risako:Respect to her!X3, hey how about i show my taste in indie music?
Hana: Sure! Go full out!XP

*risako surfs over Spotify* *plays the song as they listen to it*
Hana: Hmhmhm! You're taste in music is adorable! X3

Risako:Thank you, this band alone reminds me of wilderness and beauty of it especially this one

*switch it to crystals by Of monster and men*

Risako:....*looks at her for a bit then...* Oh!, we're here! *shows the house*....
Hana: .......Hey.... This place looks pretty familiar...

Grandpa Nirasaki: Well ain't this a surprise *an old serious man came out the front door*. Risako: he must be Old man Nirasaki, he's the one that helps you at the beginning? *flashbacks!*

*flashing through the scenes in manga style till it flash back to present*

Hana: I never thought we would meet again after you helped me out!
Grandpa Nirasaki: Me neither so why are you here?, need a hand to remind you again.
Risako: Oh no it's not that at all, you see these two people have something of our friends and we want to retrieve?.
Grandpa Nirasaki: Oh so you listened to my grand kids radio shows?.
Hana: .....Wait, those two are your grandkids?!0-0
Grandpa Nirasaki: Yeah you probably never see them at all when you're here, one was always out writing on his book about the neighbors around us including you she's energetic a lot, while my grandson, he likes to writes reports around him and what's on the news...and this is why I don't allow that much technology in the household, rots the brain and makes you do a messy job at your crop work!😑
Hana: But... Doesn't technology help with crop work a bit though?😅

Grandpa Nirasaki: Yup that's why I have to allow it with my grand children, they have a shack where they do the radio talk right over there *points that it's next to their house* they build it together with my help.
Hana: Oh, good to know you care about your grandkids! XD So how did they get a radio channel?
Grandpa Nirasaki: Beats me, at least they're doing productive in their lives.
Risako: I'm a fan of their work.
Grandpa Nirasaki: Yeah most of the teens kids here.
Risako: It's weird when you see the kids around you grow up aint it?
Grandpa Nirasaki: I seen way too many times some pass me and some stay...anyway let me get them.

*As he walks inside as Risako pulls an cigarette and about to light one till* Hana: Risako! We can't do that near these good folk! Risako: oh, sorry.
Hana: Just look out next time! These things are bad for the environment, throw one down and you won't know what will happen!
Risako: Come on Hana I have my shares of seeing wildfires, besides the only thing that should worried us is me messing my invincible lungs!XD
Hana: Say that when again when you are on your death bed!😅
Risako: Hehehe that is light years away from me I promise you thatX3....my dad loves these bad brands I smoke one for him, my family sees it as a disrespect but I saw it back then as I love you dad...maybe I was an idiot for pulling that move at his funeral.....

*hana flashes back to what wolfman said to her about her family...*
Hana: .....Hmhmhm, You're not an idiot!😁 Risako:...*smiles warmly*....I'm happy to know that!X3
Hana: Yeah, I did something similar... My father, he... He passed away, not too long ago, and I smiled all the way through his funeral... Of course, my relatives really did have a problem with that, but I knew it is what he would have wanted! ^_^
Risako:Of course, If you are doing what he would want you to do, you are already respecting his Memory^_^ *pets her head softly* Hana: ....Hmhmhm.... Same goes for for you!😁*Lightly pulls his cheek*

*cut to Ketsuki eating the leftover food and gave one to haru*

Haru: "you can understand me, do you?"
Ketsuki: *nods to haru* *hears an car coming in the driveway* hmm?.

*cut to shows Michi with her purse and her triplets coming out of her car*

Kaiya: * comes out looks around the field*....whoa mom this is Her land?.
Michi: Well yes she grows crops here.
Kaiya: Do they grow super fast like the ones in animal crossing.
Michi: Not Exactly sweetie😅
Mikio: How long do they actually grow mommy?

Michi: It all depends on what you want to grow!X3....say where's Kenichi.
Kaiya: He fall asleep in the car.
Michi: *sighs* Of course he did=_= *walks to the backseat of the car* wakey wakey Mister *opens the cardoor*.
Kenichi: Ugh do we have to stay with someone you know?.
Michi: Don't worry I assure you, you'll like her. Kenichi: Why can't we be home alone. *gets out the car*
Michi: Well mister Kazunari ain't here to babysit and your school is still going through renovations and they say they need a few more days before you could go in so I thought maybe you three needs something new in your extra spring break days!X3.
Kenichi: and we're staying here???.
Kaiya: ooh it looks nice!X3. *jumps on the grass and rolls around in it* oh Grass angel!
Mikio: Oh! *Looks at flowers and smells them* They smell so nice! 🤩
Kenichi: *hides behind michi* you sure it's safe mama?.
Michi: I assure you, Kenichi *pets her head* I got something that get you through these days-. Mikio:MAMA! MAMA! IT'S THE BIG BAD WOLF!!! 😣
*Points at the wolf he saw in the grassy field* Michi:...You sure it's not just an fox or a dog?. Mikio; No mama! It is WAY bigger than that! *Frantically hops around*

Michi: *looks at the grass* *approaches the grassy field then Haru emerges from it* see it's just an fox.
Mikio: But.... But Mam-
Michi: No buts, Mikio, otherwise I'm leaving you on the road at dark!^_^.
Kaiya: *whispers to Kenichi* 'She wouldn't do it would she?😅'
Kenichi: 'Knowing mom she wouldn't'
Mikio: Yes mama!😣
Michi: Now let's knock on Hana's door and shows her your triplet greetings *shows an big wolf emerging from the grass behind her*
Mikio:You think she is here mama?
Michi:if not she'll be back soon the home is welcoming-.
?????: *growls*
Michi:.......It's standing behind me is he?. Mikio: ........Yes!0-0
Michi:.....*looks behind her and sees the wolf*..........0-0.........*black out*

[to be continued]
Hey I'm back sort of, this chapter was supposed to well upload on April but due to things going on I wanted to get off of writing and play my games and watch Netflix to calm myself and the anxiety inducing world and time we are living in please understand I need to be feel comfortable and feel in a mood to do these stories and write them with my friend but don't worry I'm gonna come out with a second soon enough!😜 see you next time!

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