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Av goldencloud-s

3.3K 121 18

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Chapter 1 - New Years Eve Surprises
Chapter 2 - The Greek God
Chapter 3 - Everyone has to kiss someone
Chapter 4 - The difference between us
Chapter 5 - Friends are important too
Chapter 6 - I'll always be there for you
Chapter 7 - Cielo
Chapter 8 - Numb.
Chapter 9 - broken
Chapter 10 - Apologies
Chapter 11 - supercars and surprises
Chapter 12 - down on one knee
character list
Chapter 13 - fifth avenue
Chapter 14 - drunk.
Chapter 15 - caught
Chapter 16 - Proud.
Chapter 17 - knight in shining armour
Chapter 18 - nice to meet you
Chapter 19 - evil smiles
Chapter 20 - Suite 307
Chapter 21 - prototypes
Chapter 22 - angel
Chapter 24 - land of light and darkness
Chapter 25 - home.
Chapter 26 - you're worth a thousand 'thank yous'
Chapter 27 - storms end.

Chapter 23 - baby names

58 1 0
Av goldencloud-s

Peter's POV

I'm going to tell you a story. Perhaps it might clear up the whole 'I'm being targeted where ever I go' thing.

So here goes.

I was twenty years old, still in college, still young, still naive. But then I met her.


I ran down the hall in record time and finally made it to the door when it swung open, by the professor. He looked at me disapprovingly and then walked back inside, with me trailing behind him.

"We could hear you running from a mile away Mr Argent." A few people laughed and I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment.

The professor came up to me and said softly, "that is the second time you're late Peter, is there something I should know about?"

I gulped and shook my head no, he sighed and motioned for me to go back to my seat so I headed there when I noticed someone had taken it. I looked around and the only empty seat was in the front, so I forced myself to walk all the way back to the front and sat there.

I could hear the professor babble away about god knows what but I wasn't listening.

"Mr Argent, maybe you can tell us?" I heard him say.

I looked up in a panic, what was the question?

"The third kings code." I heard the person next to me say.

So I answered the question, the professor looked a bit skeptical, but he just carried on talking.

"You're my savior." I said and I smiled at her.

"You're welcome." She said and laughed, then got back to her note taking. I should ask her about those later.

I left class a little later than everyone else since the professor wanted to speak with me, again. As I was walking down the hallway, I saw the girl who had come to my rescue earlier. I ran to catch up with her and almost tripped on my own feet.

"Woah. Careful there." She said and laughed at me.

"Well if it isn't my knight in shining armor. Or cashmere? Love the sweater by the way." I said and grinned at her.

"Why thank you."

"So, I didn't catch your name earlier." I stopped and rubbed the back of my neck; a nervous habit.

"Oh it's just Isabella." She replied.

I offered my hand to her and introduced my self, "pleasure to meet you just Isabella, my name is Peter Argent."

She took my hand and laughed, "Isabella Cavanaugh."

"I'll try to remember that. I'd better be going now, don't want to be late for my next class." I chuckled.

"And what time would that class be?"

"Uhh, three hours from now?"

"Well then I think you better run or you're going to be late." She said and laughed.

I laughed with her and turned to walk away, "I'll see you around Isabella."

"See you around Peter." She replied.


*three months later*

"So how well do you think I'll do if I don't study this chapter?" I asked.

"I guess we'll never find out." Then the book was shoved into my hands.

"This is so not fair, how is it that I have to study for this stupid exam and you get to skip it? I asked and yawned.

"Well, because I got all A's this semester and was allowed to skip the exam."

"Smartie pants." I said and frowned.

"Wipe that frown off of your face and focus Peter." She laughed.

"Yes mom." I rolled my eyes.

"Did you just-?" She asked with mock terror.

"Nooo." I said and carried on studying.

"Peter Argent."

"Isabella Cavanaugh."

She shook her head and laughed, "just carry on studying."


After I had met her, we carried on bumping into each other until I finally asked her out for coffee, she said yes and here we are, three months later, and really good friends. I liked her though, I wanted to be more, but every time I hinted towards something more, she always brushed it off. It didn't matter, I was still falling for her smile, the way she twirled with her hair when she was focused, the way she played with her fingers when she was nervous. I was falling for all of her and she wasn't even thinking about me in that way.

I thought about all of this as I sat with her and watched a movie.

"You think she's going to die?" She asked me and ate some more popcorn.

"I guess we'll have to see." I said and looked at her.

She smiled back at me and our eyes met, I started inching towards her and she leaned forward slightly. Our lips met and we kissed for 0.2 seconds when she pushed me back.

"I don't think that-" she started.

"I'm so sorry, I thought that there was something there, I guess I was wrong. Ahh I'm such an idiot, I hope this doesn't ruin anything. How can I be so stupid. I really am sorry, I must've misread the situation. I don't really know what I was-" I started, frantically.


"No I don't know what happened, we should just forget this."

"Peter," she said and touched my arm. "No."

"No?" I asked her.

She slowly moved her face closer to mine and kissed me softly.

"I don't want to forget this." She said and pressed her forehead against mine.

*four months later*

"Good morning love." I said and kissed her.

She mumbled something and buried her head in my chest. I wrapped my arm around her and fell back to sleep.

I woke up a little while later and she wasn't next to me anymore.

"Bella?" I called out.

That's when I heard sounds coming from the bathroom. I ran there and slowly opened the door. I saw her on the floor, hunched over the toilet.

"Peter?" She croaked and then threw up again.

I held her hair back and rubbed her back for the duration of her time in the bathroom.

We were finally out of the bathroom after we'd both brushed our teeth and showered. I was making breakfast when she came down from the bedroom.

"Hey baby." I said and smiled at her.

She smiled weakly at me and seated her self on one of the barstools in the kitchen.

"How are you feeling?" I said as I pushed a plate of pancakes towards her.

"I've been better." She grabbed the maple syrup and sniffed it, then gagged and placed it far away from her.

"No maple syrup?" I asked and raised my eyebrow.

"Not today I guess."

So we sat and ate breakfast, in silence.

*two weeks later*

"Peter?" I heard Bella call out.

"Over here."

She walked into the kitchen and sat down and motioned for me to sit down as well.

"I need to tell you something, now I need you to not freak out or get mad, okay?"

"Okay?" I replied.

"I- I'm pregnant." She said and touched her stomach.

I sat there in shock for a few seconds before the news actually kicked in. I was going to be a father!

I ran to her and picked her up and spun her around, "I'm so excited!"

She laughed and I put her down.

"Really? You're not mad?" She asked me.

"Mad? Why would I be mad? This is the best news I've ever gotten! I love you!"

"I love you too." She said and hugged me.

I smiled and laughed as I danced around the kitchen celebrating.

I am going to be a dad.

*one month later*

I was at the pub with Aiden and a couple of other mates when some guy came up to me and started talking.

"You're Peter, right?"

"Correct." I replied and sipped on my beer.

"Hey man, I'm really sorry about Isabella."

"Don't be?" I was confused.

"I still am though. I mean things seemed like they were going so well with you guys and now she's pregnant with his baby."

"I'm sorry what, who?" My attention was only focused on him now.

"Damien? Damien Foreman. The guy Isabella is with now. I heard she cheated on you with him as well." That's when he noticed the anger on my face. "I'm sure that part isn't true though."

"How do you know she's with him now?" I asked him.

He pulled out his phone and showed me pictures of Isabella and the guy who I assumed was Damien. They were all dated around a month or two ago and he was kissing her in a few of them.

"I need to go get some fresh air, but thank you for telling me, uhh."

"Blake, Blake Archer."

"Well thank you Blake." I said and smiled weakly at him, and then I left.

The cold air hit my face as I exited the pub. I was there for maybe three seconds when Aiden came bounding out.


"She cheated on me." I said and turned to him.


"No shit."

"With who?" He asked and came to stand next to me.

"Some kid named Damien Foreman."

"I'm really sorry dude." He said and patted my shoulder.

I nodded my head and looked at my shoes.

"Come back inside?" He asked and pointed towards the entrance of the pub.

"Nah, I've got to go and take care of a few things."

"Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow then?"

I nodded and walked to my car.

I finally arrived home after fifteen minutes and noticed that an unknown number had messaged me. I opened the messages and it was the pictures of Isabella and the guy. Under the pictures was a message from Blake, telling me that it was him and that Aiden told him to send them to me.

I walked inside the house and Isabella was there, watching TV.

"Hey." I said and sat next to her.

"Hey baby." She said and kissed me, but I turned my head so she kissed my cheek.

"What's wrong?"

"You know I was thinking about baby names." I said and turned to face her fully.

"Oh yeah? Have any good ones."

"I was thinking Danielle for a girl, or Damien for a boy." I said and her face turned white.

"Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." I asked her.

"I'm fine." She replied.

"I don't know, I was thinking about it and I just really like those names. Especially Damien for a boy, Danielle for a girl could be negotiated into something else." I said.

She nodded her head and looked like she was about to throw up.

"Wait, I just had a thought. We can't name him Damien."

"Why not? You know a Damien? I'm betting you don't like Damiens very much." She frantically questioned.

"I just don't like the one you're cheating on me with." I replied.

Her face fell and she sat up straight. "You know."

"I do."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sure." I said and stood up from the sofa, "Is the baby?"


My face hardened and I started walking away from her.


"I want all your stuff out by the end of next week. I don't want to talk to you or see you ever again."


"You still have your apartment?"


"Good, tell Damien that's where you'll be."


"Great, now that we have that sorted I'm leaving."

"Wait, Peter." I stopped and turned around to face her, tears were streaming down her face and her cheeks were red.

"Please, don't tell anyone. About this. About Damien."


"Sit down please." She said, so I went to her and we sat down.

And she told me everything. She told me about how her family was apart of the Italian mafia. About how she had come to Paris as a once in a life time chance to study and make something of herself. And about how she would face very serious consequences if she went back home pregnant with her story. She told me about how the don effectively decided whether she lives or dies and this would most definitely make his decision very easy to make and put her to death. And in that moment, all I saw was the woman I was in love with, scared out of her mind and asking me for help.

"Here's what going to happen. I love you, and I don't want you to die. If doing this means you and the baby will be safe, then so be it."

"Doing what?" She asked me.

"You're going to tell your family that you were with me, me only. I got you pregnant, then when I found out, I left you. You were all alone with a baby and, if you choose to keep Damien in your life, Damien was there for you during the pregnancy."

She burst out crying and thanked me profusely.

A week later, she had packed her stuff, booked her flight back home and left.

She left safe and happy about the baby. She left with Damien.

But she'd also left me with a shattered heart and a million questions.


So here we are, the mafia is after me because of what she told them, our perfect cover story, her easy way out.

So now I'm twenty four, running my own company, still young, still naive and I had lost her.


a/n - yikes.
don't forget to vote, comment and share ! 💗
- j x

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